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Questions tagged [history]

Questions related to how something was in the past, and how it's developed since then.

85 questions from the last 365 days
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Why do we have different names today than in ancient Judaism?

There are definitely exceptions, but for the most part, it seems that from the Beis Hamikdash period up until the era of the Rishonim, the traditional names we use today were relatively uncommon (such ...
Reb Harvey's user avatar
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Did Chazal ever divorce?

I'm wondering, out of pure interest, if we know of any Tannaim, Amoraim, Savoraim, Geonim or Rishonim who divorced their wives?
Gavriel's user avatar
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How was Rabban Gamliel’s successor chosen?

Rabban Gamliel held of office of Nasi (patriarch) and was deposed. His successor was chosen to be Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya (Berachot 27b-28a). R' Elazar was a Kohen and therefore could not have been of ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Is it all Leah's doing?

As we know from the commentaries and midrashim, Leah's eyes were weak from praying to Hashem to not have to marry Esav. If she had, her job would have been to cause him to turn into a "good guy&...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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(Why) are bereitot, especially those not found in the tosefta and midrash halacha considered canonical?

A bereita is a teaching from the time of the Tannaim or before which was not recorded as part of the Mishnah. There are breitot found in the Tosefta and midrash halacha as well as other collections of ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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(How) did Rebbi Eliezer and Rebbi Yehoshua survive the destruction of Jerusalem?

In Gittin 56a we read the story of how Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai escaped the siege of Jerusalem. He was smuggled out in a coffin borne by his two students Rebbi Eliezer and Rebbi Yehoshua. When he ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
4 votes
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How would a person become a rabbi around 1 CE?

Given the general illiteracy, the lack of public libraries, the high cost of Torah copies and writing materials, how would a person become a rabbi in 1 CE? Given the costs and reading/writing ...
Candid Moe's user avatar
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Is Moshe Idel’s scholarship considered kosher by the Orthodox Jewish community [closed]

I’m curious whether the scholarship of Moshe Idel, a contemporary scholar of Kabbalah, is considered kosher (i.e., that his scholarship doesn't contradict the Mesorah) and reliable (i.e., that a ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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What kingdom was Melchizedek the king of?

Practically all commentators learn that Salem was Jerusalem, as it says (Gen 14.18): "And King Melchizedek of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was a priest of God Most High." What do we ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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What is the dating of Herod and Pompey's conquests of Jerusalem and the solemn fast

According to Josephus, Pompey took Jerusalem in the third month (Sivan) of 63 BCE during the solemn fast. He then later states that Herod captured Jerusalem in the third month, on the same day, also ...
Lesley's user avatar
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What happened to Sefer Yechezkel before Chananyah ben Chizkiyah ben Guriyon?

There's a famous Gemara in Shabbos 13b: אמר רב יהודה אמר רב: ברם זכור אותו האיש לטוב וחנניה בן חזקיה שמו, שאלמלא הוא נגנז ספר יחזקאל, שהיו דבריו סותרין דברי תורה. מה עשה? — העלו לו שלש מאות גרבי שמן, ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Question about Binyanim – Hebrew linguistics [closed]

I've looked into lots of linguistic works and found discussion of the 7 Binyanim (verb patterns) in much of modern Hebrew linguistics and even going back before. Obviously verbs in Tanakh (and all of ...
Jonah Frenkel's user avatar
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Why did Tunisian Jews not celebrate Purim for a long time?

From Jewish Virtual Library The Jews of Tunis at that time scrupulously observed most of the festivals but did not celebrate the second day; they entirely ignored the festival of Purim, although they ...
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Are the people and the events in the book of Esther accepted as historically true?

Recently I have revisited the book of Esther and have learned more about the power struggle between Haman and Mordechai and the events that prevented the annihilation of the Jews back then. The ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Ma'agel Tov of the Chida: why was the sefer called "the good circle"?

The book Ma'agal Tov is essentially the personal diary of Rabbi Chida, in which he recorded the events that occurred during his travels to European countries on a mission from the Hebron community. ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Waiting between meat and milk

I once heard that the historical reason of why we wait between meat and milk comes from the rivalry between the Sadducees and Pharisees; In order to separate one group from the other, one of the ...
user844179's user avatar
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Akhenaten, Monotheism, King Paro, and Midrashim

Background and Reason I am Asking I would like to know if there is any reason to believe, or disbelieve, that Akhenaten might have been the Pharaoh that faced the plagues. According to the Midrash, he ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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A Question Concerning Genealogy

Assuming someone who discovers through rigorous genealogical methods, that down their maternal lineage one woman was Jewish. To add to the question, let's assume that this maternal ancestor lived in ...
Marco Antunes's user avatar
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Where does the Medrash quote the Torah differently from the masoretic text?

The Wikipedia page on Midrash says as follows: Although this material treats the biblical texts as the authoritative word of God, it is clear that not all of the Hebrew Bible was fixed in its wording ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Why did the writing of magic bowls stop?

We have the archaeological remains of thousands of "magic bowls" written by Jews from the 3rd - 7th century (source). After that period the existence of these bowls seems to dwindle and soon ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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What is כתיבת מלאכים, what is it for, and where does it derive from? [duplicate]

I have seen various writings called כתיבת מלאכים. In one case, I saw symbols in the end of Sefer Raziel haMalach written in a distinct script. In another case, a while back, I was in a shtieble and ...
Nitay Eshed's user avatar
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Did the Arizal's daughter marry the son of R' Yosef Karo?

Is there any source [historical, academic, mystical] that the Arizal's daughter married the son of R' Yosef Karo, author of Shulchan Aruch? I see this mentioned in this article (unsourced), and ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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What is the context, in Sefer Yossipon, of this? “Because in their fury they killed an Ox” (Gen. 49)

The author is making a list of places where the LXX translators changed the wording and meaning. The sixth, “Because in their fury they killed an Ox” (Gen. 49). That phrase was replaced for, “in their ...
hedgehog ful's user avatar
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Why doesn't Josephus mention the golden calf?

When studying the text of the Jewish Antiquities written by the Roman historian Josephus, I found that events related to Moses and the travels of Hebrews in the wilderness are covered in considerable ...
hedgehog ful's user avatar
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Were Levites allowed to enter the Holy Place or was it only for priests?

The Bible shows that Aaron and his sons were chosen from the rest of the sons of Levi to officiate as priests, and these "other" Levites had secondary functions in religious service. There ...
jean-luc's user avatar
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Origins of the diagrams in Rashi, Rashbam or Tosefos

In Bava Basra 62 there are some diagrams/illustrations in the commentaries Rashbam and Tosefos, related to the topic of borders of fields, as well as in many other places in the Talmud. My question is,...
sam freed's user avatar
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Archeological, geological and astronomical correlations to the flood of Noah

In reviewing tractate Rosh HaShanah 12a in connection with the rules regarding determining halacha between Rabbi Yehosuah and Rabbi Eliezer, I stumbled across an interesting detail concerning them. It ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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how much Jewish DNA does one have to have, to be considered Jewish/decent? [duplicate]

I have Jewish DNA in my bloodline, How much of a percentage is needed to be considered Jewish and I was wondering if anyone knows how to find more information about this or who can I talk to find this ...
April Martinez's user avatar
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Why isn’t ‘Zechor yemot olam…’ a mitzvah?

In Parshas Haazinu (32:7) we are told: זְכֹר יְמוֹת עוֹלָם בִּינוּ שְׁנוֹת דּוֹר־וָדוֹר שְׁאַל אָבִיךָ וְיַגֵּדְךָ זְקֵנֶיךָ וְיֹאמְרוּ לָךְ׃ Remember the days of old consider the years of many ...
Paul Shaviv's user avatar
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What happened to the genealogical records of the tribe of Judah and the house of David after Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D

I realise that the Book of Genealogies was lost a long time ago, perhaps after the Babylonian exile. See this question Another explores the question as to why the tribe of Judah "was not lost&...
Lesley's user avatar
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Did Avraham derive and keep the oral and written torah some how on his own before the yeshiva of Noach or only after?

BH Hi in this text from sefaria it says that Avrahma even observed the mitzva of eruv tavshilin and even the whole Oral Torah... the Gemara cites that Rav said: Abraham our Patriarch fulfilled the ...
David 's user avatar
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Whats the source of saying Al Cheit at night?

BH Whats the source saying al chait every night at kiryat shma al hamita?
David 's user avatar
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Would mixing different purple/blue dyes be the solution to the doubt around tekhelet dye sources?

The source of the animal used to produce the dye used for tekhelet is something of a mystery. While many modern scholars suggest it was one of multiple species of ocean mollusk, we don't truly know ...
Michael's user avatar
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What happened to the keilim after the destruction of First Beis Hamikdash?

Inspired by this question (about the vessels of the Second Temple): I am looking for sources that discuss what happened to the vessels of the Tabernacle/First Temple. We know from the Talmud (Horiyus ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Were animal sin offerings common in Torah times?

I guess my question is concerns having to do with the cost of the animals. Of course I’m assuming there were substitutes such as far less expensive offerings.
Mider2009's user avatar
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Who paid for communal services and how was that managed?

In the times of Chazal (post churban) how were communal good and services handled? Meaning things like the cost of creating a road, establishing and maintaining a jail or any other need a community ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Did Orthodox Jews turn on/off lightbulbs etc on Shabbat in the early 20th century?

I’ve heard that before the Halacha was settled by the Poskim like the Chazon Ish, many or most Orthodox Jews used lightbulbs etc on Shabbat. Is there any validity to this? I’m just curious
user avatar
7 votes
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Historical controversy surrounding division of the Tanach into Christian chapters / verses?

What kind of reception did the transition to Christian chapter and verse numbers have within the Jewish world in or around the mid 15th century? Did it stir up any kind of controversy? Background: The ...
Tzivia's user avatar
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Personification of Esav in Western Civilisation - basis for Rabbi Mendel Kessin's teaching

Rabbi Mendel Kessin explains in this shiur (around 15 minutes in) that Christianity is the spiritual inheritor of Esav, and Western Civilisation is broken up into three parts, representing 3 parts of ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Rambam's endorsement of the Aleppo Codex

The wiki article on the Aleppo Codex (here) suggests that the Rambam endorsed its text: "[Rambam] described it as a text trusted by all Jewish scholars". However, following some of the ...
bondonk's user avatar
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When did Negiah become part of Halakha [duplicate]

שלום I am trying to find out around what time Negiah was implemented into Halakha. In no way I am not trying to disrespect Halakha, I am only trying to understand it in a deeper way.
Renzo Cantin's user avatar
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Why do secularists believe Deuteronomy was written during the reign of King Josiah? [closed]

While we're at it, why do they believe it was written by many different sources? I am reading the book JEWS, GOD, AND HISTORY by Max Dimont where he goes into greater detail about this. Also, what are ...
Seeker's user avatar
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How did anyone study the Talmud before Rashi?

Supposedly, the knowledge was transmitted from teacher to student in each generation and so Rashi learned it all from his teacher and wrote it all down. Was it common for people to be familiar with ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Ausstritsgemeinde - Opposition of Rabbi Hirsch to the "Geminderabbiner"

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch was vehemently opposed to the rabbis who didn't follow him when he passed the Ausstritsgesetz (Secession Bill) which allowed Orthodox Jews to separate from the general ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Why didn't they make the Cyrus Proclamation into a holiday?

When Cyrus issued his edict allowing the Jewish people to return to Eretz Yisrael this was a momentous occasion marking the end of the exile (for those who chose to return). I am surprised that such ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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What ultimately happened to the Urim Vetumim?

What ultimately happened to the Urim Vetumim? Will we need it when Moshiach arrives? Was it hidden with the Ark? Will we just make a new one?
Just Wondering's user avatar
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When did daf yomi start in practice?

Aruch Hashulchan YD 246:17 writes וט"ז סעיף קטן א שכתב בשם הדרישה: הבעלי בתים שלומדים רק איזה שעות ביום טוב, יותר שילמדו ספרי פוסקים ולא גמרא, עיין שם. ובוודאי שעל כל איש לידע דיני "אורח ...
mbloch's user avatar
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What is the response to the claim that the Zohar is a medieval document rather than an historical Jewish document?

I'm not trying to be offensive with this question. This isn't my claim. I've recently read some criticism around the Zohar from academic sources which claim that the Zohar has no historical ...
Michael's user avatar
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What were David's reasons for writing Psalms?

BH What were David's reasons for writing the Book of Psalms? Are they in chronological order to the events that happened in his life? Did he write some of the psalms as the event was happening?
David 's user avatar
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What is the "new altar" in musaf for Rosh Hodesh?

To what does this term refer: "mizbeach hadash b-Zion"? It appears in the musaf amida for Rosh Hodesh.
Yehuda W's user avatar
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