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What is the dating of Herod and Pompey's conquests of Jerusalem and the solemn fast

According to Josephus, Pompey took Jerusalem in the third month (Sivan) of 63 BCE during the solemn fast. He then later states that Herod captured Jerusalem in the third month, on the same day, also ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Did the Arizal's daughter marry the son of R' Yosef Karo?

Is there any source [historical, academic, mystical] that the Arizal's daughter married the son of R' Yosef Karo, author of Shulchan Aruch? I see this mentioned in this article (unsourced), and ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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What happened to the keilim after the destruction of First Beis Hamikdash?

Inspired by this question (about the vessels of the Second Temple): I am looking for sources that discuss what happened to the vessels of the Tabernacle/First Temple. We know from the Talmud (Horiyus ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Ausstritsgemeinde - Opposition of Rabbi Hirsch to the "Geminderabbiner"

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch was vehemently opposed to the rabbis who didn't follow him when he passed the Ausstritsgesetz (Secession Bill) which allowed Orthodox Jews to separate from the general ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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What is this intro to this rendition of Kah Echsof?

My inability to hear lyrics, and my inabilities in Yiddish require me to ask the fine folk here what exactly is being said in the first words that precede Kah Echsof in this rendition. Could someone ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Who is Achashverosh the Mede found in Daniel 9:1?

In Daniel 9:1, Darius the Mede's father is said to be someone called Achashverosh. This is obviously not to be identified with the Achashverosh in Esther, as many meforshim make clear. Is there any ...
Engidu's user avatar
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What's the source for a rabbinic statement that 'when one country expels the Jews, another lets them in'?

I'm very confident that I once saw a statement from a rabbi (probably in the Medieval era, but maybe later) to the effect that "God has ensured that when one country expels its Jewish population, ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Historical references for non-halachic conversion

As of late much ado has been made about in the Torah world about the non-halachic conversion crisis. This is especially controversial in Israel due to halachic problems with gentiles owning land there....
Man of faith's user avatar
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Did Ramban ever cite kabbalah books?

Is there any evidence Ramban (Nachmanides) had access to books of kabbalah and did he ever cite them? I believe he is generally seen as Maimonides’ mystical counterpart. Is there any historical record ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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When did the Zohar become near universally accepted

In Jewish history, when did the Zohar become the near universally accepted Sefer it is today? Was it shortly after it was re circulated by Moshe de Leon? Or was it in a later century? What is the ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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רִבּוֹן כָּל הָעוֹלָמִים אֲדוֹן כָּל הַנְּשָׁמוֹת אֲדוֹן הַשָּׁלוֹם - source of this Shabbat prayer

Here is its entry in the open siddur project. The open siddur project demonstrates that the claim that this was composed by Rabbi Joseph of Rashkow, Posen can't be true as it is found in the siddur ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Rosh Chodesh - importance in history?

In the Wikipedia article on Rosh Chodesh it says that historically it had much more importance, why did it change? Do Rabbinic sources or commentators attest to this? Is there evidence during the ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Are there any historical accounts that help give context to the "sinat chinam" at the time of the destruction of the temple?

I would like to know what exactly this sinat chinam looked like. What did they "hate" about each other? I feel like the answer to this would be better if it gave a full picture of the state ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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When and how did the practice of tsitsit on a small talit originate?

Today, it seems that everybody wears a talit katan. Where does this practice come from and when did it start?
EzrielS's user avatar
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Discrepency of 600 years: Velikovsky's view on Jewish history

There are different sources (for example: Seder Olam Rabbah, chapter 5, which deals with yetzias mitzrayim and the splitting of the sea) that explain when important events took place in our history. ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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What is the earliest use of the term tzaddik? How far back does the concept go?

According to this website, there is a claim that "It is part of our glorious tradition going back thousands of years to seek a blessing from a Tzaddik for a sick relative (see Talmud Bava Basra ...
setszu's user avatar
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Shlomo HaMelech's Throne

Where can I find an accurate depiction (drawing or digital depiction) of Shlomo HaMelech's throne? (Or, an easy to understand description of it.)
The Targum's user avatar
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Do the non-traditional branches of Judaism claim to be rejecting the original foundations and replacing it with something superior?

R Dovid Gottlieb made the following claim to me: "The non-traditional branches (Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist) of Judaism claim to be rejecting the original foundations and replacing ...
Tzvi K's user avatar
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Non-Jewish Sources about Chanukah [closed]

I was listening to a podcast about Channukah, he was interviewing an Israeli professor on the subject. The professor was very reluctant to give credence to the ‘Jewish sources’ about Chanukah. ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Did ALL the Jews at the time of the closing of the Talmud accept the Talmud as binding?

The Rambam states in his introduction to Mishna Torah that the Talmud Bavli is binding because; כל אותם הדברים שבתלמוד הסכימו עליהם כל ישראל. What is the definition of the word "ישראל" in ...
Tzvi K's user avatar
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If the ENTIRE Egyptian army drowned, why didn't the Babylonians/Hittites invade Egypt?

The following is an excerpt of a critique on "Reason to Believe": Critic: Under these conditions, were the Ten Plagues and a total crush of the Egyptian army in the Red Sea waters to happen,...
Tzvi K's user avatar
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Are there sources that predict a process of redemption?

I have been told that recent history reflects the process of redemption - גאולה. Whether or not this is true, I want to know if there are sources, in Tanakh or later, which predict such a process.
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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What's the first reference in Judaic sources to distilled alcohol products?

I know that ibn Ezra reads the Biblical phrase yayin veshechar as "wine or brandy", which is how R' Aryeh Kaplan translates it. But where/when is the first unambiguous reference to distilled ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Israelite/Jewish flags

Does the Talmud or any other Jewish sources for that matter discuss and/or describe any flags that were associated with ancient Israelite/Jewish kingdoms?
Jmill388's user avatar
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What earliest sources mention reincarnation explicitly? [duplicate]

Where is an explicit reference to reincarnation first mentioned in Jewish literature?
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is acting stringently so that "he shall be blessed" an authentic mechanism?

Many times in Halachic literature I have come across the formula in which one can follow the law more stringently than is necessary, and for that he will be blessed (תבא עליו ברכה). Does this ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Who made this claim about the author of Sefer Habahir?

Asking for someone else: "I remember a quote of some medieval or later rabbi disputing the claim that Rabbi Nechunya [ben Hakanah] wrote the Sefer HaBahir, saying something like god forbid that a ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Where does Jacob Bernays discuss the creation of the Septuagint?

I'm not sure if this question is on-topic. If not, I would be happy for recommendations on which SE site would be more appropriate. On page 285 of the Hebrew translation of Der Chassidmus (The ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Who are the rabbanim of the story of Vehu Rachum?

The Artscroll Siddur records a tradition from the Machzor Kol Bo of three rabbanim who authored the tefillah of Vehu Rachum: Machzor Kol Bo and others record a tradition regarding the authorship of ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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The Identity of R' Elazar ben Chananyah

Recently, I found that there are some academics that identify the Tanna Rabbi Elazar ben Chananyah with Elazar ben Chananyah, one of the rebel leaders during the Great Revolt. Prof. Ephraim Urbach in &...
Harel13's user avatar
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Are there Orthodox sources on alternative estimations of the Exodus?

When discussing the Exodus, some academic scholars try to reconcile the Biblical narrative with empirical findings by lowering the estimates for the number of people involved and the grandiosity of ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Rabbi Saadia Gaon on the 10 Lost Tribes

I have read that Rabbi Saadia Gaon, a great sage who lived from 882 to 942, considered the Assyrian Exile to be in modern day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of Iran. Would anyone be able to confirm ...
Baruch Farbstein's user avatar
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Where is the rest of Rabbi Shmuel Belkin's manuscript of The Midrash of Philo?

I am currently researching Philo of Alexandria, also known as Philon (פילון) or Yedidyah HaKohen of Alexandria. There is a book that was prepared in manuscript by Rabbi Shmuel (Samuel) Belkin, z”l, ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Where did the manuscript for Shoreshei HaMitzvot l’Ramchal come from?

There is a newly printed book entitled שורשי המצות לרמח׳ל claiming to be from a never before published manuscript from Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato. Does anyone know more about the discovery of this lost ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Source for story about a murdering son-in-law whose family was swallowed alive

I stumbled upon a really random story in the middle of a sefer on the Azharos of Rav Shlomo ibn Gabirol. The author says he heard it from his father. Since he was discussing the prohibition of murder, ...
robev's user avatar
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Source for R' Shimshon of Sens's views on Rambam

While reading the wiki bio of R' Shimshon of Sens, a few statement there caught my eye. The Rash sided with the opponents of the Rambam in their disputes. condemned Rambams' rationalistic views on ...
user6591's user avatar
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Who was the Megilat Esther?

As in the commentary on the Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvot. Do we know this person’s identity? Or even when this person lived?
Eman's user avatar
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Why is the name "Tre Asar" in Aramaic?

All the books of Tanach are either named after a person, or are given a Hebrew name, except for Tre Asar, which is Aramaic. One would have expected the Hebrew title Shinem Asar, and indeed it is ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Jewish life during the times of the Black Death [closed]

I'm looking for any sources (if possible maybe even first-hand written accounts) of how Jews who lived in Western Europe at that time handled this particular period. Anything goes, matter of fact ...
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Why did the Tos'fos Yom Tov compose his Mi Sheberach?

It is well known that R. Yom Tov Heller, author of the Tos'fos Yom Tov and other works, wrote a prayer to be recited for the benefit of those who don't speak in the synagogue (or: during prayer). I'm ...
msh210's user avatar
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Day of Yosef’s Sale

I saw in a medrash - but can’t recall where - that the brothers sold Yosef on the tenth of Teveis. Does any which medrash I could find this in?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Source of opinion that Talmud Yerushalmi was corrupted by Karaites

In the entry for Talmud Bavli/Yerushalmi in Chida's Shem Hagedolim Hashalem (c.1800, the older versions do not have this paragraph), he references a theory from maskilim of his time that the Rabbis ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Was Hakhel performed in separation of men and women?

Mitzvat Hakhel requires the presence of men, women, and children in the Azara (135x135 Ama incl. 4 Lishachot), with a tremendous density (for 600K grown-up men it's around 4M people per 4,000 sq.m.), ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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"Hanukkah 8th day/Tevet 3/New Years Day" triple coincidences - What makes them so Rare?

I very recently became aware that Hanukkah 8th day sometimes (but rarely) falls on Tevet 3. What causes this to happen? At the same time, I also noticed that when Hanukkah 8th day/Tevet 3 happen ...
user22542's user avatar
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Has the age of accountability always been 13 for boys and 12 for girls?

When was the bar-bas-bat-mitzvah celebration at that age recognised, or was it historically older, such as at age 20? I understand that a boy is a minor (katan-child) before his 13th birthday, and a ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Earliest source for question on timing of birth control?

I am aware of discussions in the Gemara and Rishonim of the permissibility of various methods of birth control. What I am looking for is the earliest mention of the modern day practice in which a ...
Oketz's user avatar
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In what order were the works of the Rashba written?

Rabbi Shlomo Ibn Aderet wrote a huge number of responsa, as well as a commentary on much of the Talmud, and a couple of Halachic works. I would assume that the responsa were written over a long ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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"Children Of Miracles" quote

UPDATE: I reached out to one of the ministries listed below and was told that this was said by RABBI SCHNEERSON. So if anyone knows of a message, whether printed/published or audio/video, of Rabbi ...
Tom Steele's user avatar
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"The Torah shall be my profession" or "my faith"?

Following Modeh Ani in the Siddur, some recite a number of sentences (some of which are verses from the Torah): תּורָה צִוָּה לָנוּ משֶׁה מורָשָׁה קְהִלַּת יַעֲקב. שְׁמַע בְּנִי מוּסַר אָבִיךָ ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Chayav Inish - Source of Tune?

What is the origin of this classic melody for the popular Purim song "Chayav Inish Lebasumei"?
רבות מחשבות's user avatar