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Why did Tunisian Jews not celebrate Purim for a long time?

From Jewish Virtual Library The Jews of Tunis at that time scrupulously observed most of the festivals but did not celebrate the second day; they entirely ignored the festival of Purim, although they ...
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Are the people and the events in the book of Esther accepted as historically true?

Recently I have revisited the book of Esther and have learned more about the power struggle between Haman and Mordechai and the events that prevented the annihilation of the Jews back then. The ...
Lesley's user avatar
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What happened to King Achashverosh?

All the main characters in the story of Purim were either killed, or raised to a level of authority. additionally, it is mentioned in the megillah what happened to them (Vashti was killed, Haman and ...
The Targum's user avatar
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The curse of King Darius

In sefer Ezra 6:11 it tells us that King Darius decreed that anyone who attempted to disrupt the resumed construction of the beis hamikdash would have a beam removed from their home and they would be ...
The Targum's user avatar
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Why don't we celebrate Cyrus' edict to grant freedom to the Jews and to erect the Second Temple?

In my understanding of history, Cyrus the Great was the person who saved Judaism from vanishing not only by granting them the freedom of worship and letting them return to the Promised Land but by ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is Purim recorded in Persian/Medean records?

In the book Let My Nation Live, there are sources brought down that one of the reasons Purim was established even in spite of possible tensions with gentiles was that either way it would be recorded ...
yisrael's user avatar
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Has anyone compiled a historical book on Esther?

Megillat Esther leaves numerous questions in my mind, that are unexplained in the Megillah. A lot of it is filled in in the Talmud and various Midrashim. But, one has to sift through numerous pages ...
DanF's user avatar
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Questioning who is the real Achashverosh

So I am doing very much research and I am trying to find out the REAL Achashverosh, so far, there are several possible rulers of Persia that could be the real Achashverosh Can anyone of you guys ...
Avishai EliYahu's user avatar
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When did the custom start to fast Tannis Esther on 13th Addar?

This question is not a duplicate of Tannis Esther reason because it is not a question of the reason just about the time. In Megilat Taanit it is mentioned that people should not fast on the day ...
David Michael Gang's user avatar
8 votes
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Why did it take 2 days in the city of Shushan?

The reason Purim is celebrated for two days in a "walled city" is that the Megilat Esther says the Jews of the city of Shushan (the capital) needed/took an extra day to fight for their survival. My ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Did Aleppo Jews observe Purim on the 14th (regular) or 15th (Shushan Purim)?

Did the Jews of Aleppo, Syria observe Purim on the 14th or 15th of Adar? Was it believed to be old enough for the latter?
Shalom's user avatar
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How old is Purim Torah?

How old is the tradition of Purim Torah? The Wikipedia article linked from our PT policy notes a disputed claim of Purim Torah in the talmud (Hulin 139b), with some saying that while the talmud ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
7 votes
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Parshas Zachor before Purim?

Prior to the story of Purim was there a special yearly reading of Parshas Zachor? At which point in history was it instituted to read Parshas Zachor before Purim?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Halachically skipping Purim

There have long been 'legends' of various liberal figures in Judaism, including Yeshayahu Leibovitz (brother of Nechama Leibovitz) that would 'skip' Purim. On the 14th of Adar they would be sure to be ...
ChaimKut's user avatar
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When did Achashverosh stop rounding up fair maidens?

So first Achashverosh was married to Vashti. Then no more Vashti. Then he's rounding up all the fair maidens in the land to um, "meet" them, one per night, but they're still stuck in one of his royal ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Who wrote Shoshanat Yaakov?

Who was the Author of the Piyut "asher hanee" that ends with Shoshanat Yaakov? Why is it said by Ashkenazim after they read the Meggilah at night?
simchastorah's user avatar
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Why does a hamentash have three sides and filling? [closed]

All Hamentashen that I've seen have three sides and all Hamentashen have filling. Why is that?
Double AA's user avatar
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How big was a traditional hamentash?

When shopping these days, it appears that a "normal hamentash" is about 2 inches or more per side, and "mini hamentashen" are about 1" per side. Is it just me, or did it used to be that the 1" ones ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Tannis Esther reason

Why do we fast on Tannis Esther? In memory of what historical occurrence?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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How did the Sages know that Jerusalem had a wall in the times of Joshua?

The criterion for whether a city celebrates Purim on 14 Adar or Shushan Purim on 15 Adar is whether it was walled in the times of Joshua (about 3300 years ago). (Well, Shushan itself is an exception, ...
Shalom's user avatar
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