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Questions tagged [ashkenazi]

Literally "Germany". Questions about the Jews of all the area that was once medieval Germany, more generally of all Catholic and Protestant (and some Eastern Orthodox) lands, and their laws and customs.

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Can an ashkenazi Jew eat on dishes at a sephardi house on Pesach?

If someone follows ashkenazi customs and is invited by a sephardi family to eat at their house, is he allowed to eat off their dishes? In my understanding, sephardim are allowed to kasher the plates ...
Joseph Castillo's user avatar
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Sepharadic Daf Yomi speaker?

I'm looking for a playlist of Daf Yomi from a Sepharadic speaker; I have trouble understanding Ashkanazi Hebrew and I don't want to get my words mixed up.
Buff_Nate's user avatar
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Tefillin -- Chabad for Sephardim

I am a Baal Teshuva who is now working to identify what I need to set as family traditions going forward. My wife and I decided to come into observance in 2016 and since then, I have just accepted the ...
Boaz Aharon's user avatar
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What’s the difference between Litvish and regular Ashkenazi?

I know Litvaks are a group of people who belong to the Ashkenazi nusach, but not all a Ashkenazi, as far as I know, are considered Litvaks. Perhaps there are more differences than just the place where ...
Moshe P's user avatar
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When did they start using the term ashkenazi? [closed]

About what year was the term Ashkenazi first used? Was it first used only for German Jews or also for French Jews?
Sarah's user avatar
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Non-observant father and binding minhagim

A Sephardic Jew cannot wear tefillin following Ashkenazi customs. Does this prohibition apply when the father of this Sephardic Jew was never observant, and this Sephardic Jew in question wants to do ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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2 holes on my tallit katana am I fulfilling the mitzva? [duplicate]

I recently bought a tallit katan but realized the tzitzit are tied over 2 holes instead of the usual 1 hole I'm used to is this just another way of tying? I'm Ashkenazi am I fulfilling the mitzva?
Gabriel's user avatar
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Does anyone actually follow or pasken from the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch? [duplicate]

Given what i've heard that the Kitzur shouldn't be paskened from and or followed halacha lemaaseh, is there anyone who follows the Kitzur practically for halachos? at least for the Yoreh deah, even ...
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Variations between Ashkenazi customs to wrap tefillin in the fingers

When tying tefillin on the fingers, there are two customs among Ashkenazim when saying “verastich li betsedek uvemishpat uvechesed uverachamim”: tying on two fingers (middle and ring) and tying only ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Ashkenazic and Sephardic tefillin

There are tefillin shel yad where the handle is on one side of the box and the knot is on the other, and there are also tefillin shel had where the handle and the knot are on the same side of the box. ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Where to find David Lau’s writings

Does the community here know where one could find any Halacha or responsa writings from Ashkenazi Israeli Chief Rabbi David Baruch Lau?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Ashkenazic Practice of the Chazan saying only certain phrases (rashei perkaim) out loud [duplicate]

What is the source of the Ashkenazic practice of the Chazzan saying only certain words out loud? That is, in your typical Artscroll siddur, there are markings for the Chazzan to raise his voice and ...
josh waxman's user avatar
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Hashkiveinu Avinu Vs Hashkiveinu Hashem Elokeinu

In the bracha of Hashkiveinu, in ma'ariv, Ashkenazim (at least, all Ashkenazi communities and siddurim I've seen) start the bracha with השכיבנו ה' אלוקינו Whereas all Sefardi communities and ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Ashkenazi speed-mumble davening: origins and halachic basis? [duplicate]

What are the origins of the Ashkenazi practice of mumbly-speed-through davening? I refer both to: Shemoneh Esrei where the words are not articulated with the mouth (albeit silently) but rather the ...
Shaine Leah's user avatar
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Wearing teffilin of different minhag

Are Sephardim allowed to wear ashkenazi teffilin or Ashkenazim allowed to wear Sephardic teffilin? If so, would they still make a berakha? Could one purchase kosher teffilin of a different custom if ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Various groups and individuals and their relation to a specific tribe

1.Is there anyone who attributes the tribe/kingdom of Yehudah to Sefardim, and the tribe/kingdom of Yosef to Ashkenazim (at least in the spiritual sense), as per Ovadiah 1:18? are there any pairs of ...
שלום's user avatar
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fringes on sephardic tiztzit

I saw many Ashkenazim have fringes on wool Tzitzit like on a Tallit. I don't see Sephardim having it on tzitzit though. Is this an Ashkenazi Minhag? Basically, fringes look like this
yehoshua nisanov's user avatar
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Was the Nusach Sefaradi used in the Ashkenazi communities?

As far as we know, the Nusach Sefaradi penetrated the Ashkenazi through the Hasidim, among whom it became Sefard. Although, in fact, most of its varieties are 80% identical to Sefardai, and its ...
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Missing Traditional Half-Kaddish Melodies

In his article "How Music Articulates Liturgical Structure, Meaning, and Perception: The Kaddish" published in the recent volume of the Journal of Synagogue Music (vol. 47 no. 1), Dr. Boaz ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Is there an Ashkenazi equivalent to the Rambam's introduction to the MT?

In the Rambam's introduction to the Mishneh Torah, he claims he received a direct transmission of the true rabbinic tradition from the academies of Babylonia to him and traces it. For Ashkenazim, is ...
Daniel Romero's user avatar
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If bagels are an Ashkenazi Jewish food, why didn't it reach South America with it's Jewish immigration? [closed]

I've been to the US lately and discovered bagels, to find out later that it's considered a typical Jewish food. I'm Ashkenazi myself and I've been living in the Jewish community of Buenos Aires my ...
Eze Livinsky's user avatar
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Are there any corrections one might suggest to this table of different Hebrew pronounciations? [closed]

Sound Modern Israeli (Based on Sephardic pronounciation) Ashkenazi Chabad (inc. other non-Oberland / Unterland Chassidim. Ashkenazi Chassidic (Oberlander, Unterlander and Galitzer, e.g. Satmar) ...
bobsmith's user avatar
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Is the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the kamatz "aw" or "uh"?

I have seen sources, for example the Artscroll transliterated siddur, that say that the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the kamatz vowel is "aw," as in the first syllable of "often," ...
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At a seder, If each kos has its own pri hagafen bracha, why does the afikoman not have its own al achilat matza bracha? [duplicate]

At an Ashkenazi seder, If each kos has its own pri hagafen bracha, why does the afikoman not have its own al achilat matza bracha?
Steven 's user avatar
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Did Ashkenazi Yiddish-speaking (not Crimean Turkic!) Karaites exist?

From the book by Murad El-Kodsi "The Karaite Communities in Poland, Lithuania, Russia and Crimea": Actually, there were two groups, the Ashkenazi Karaites and the Karaylar [Crimean Karaites]...
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Help identify my Hungarian minhagim

My paternal grandfather was from a little mountain town in Czechoslovakia called Giraltovce. As far as I know, their minhagim were basically just Hungarian (as opposed to Chassidish or Oberlander). I ...
Eli's user avatar
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Did Ashkenazi Karaites exist?

Did Ashkenazi (or Yiddish-speaking) Karaites exist? Theoretically, such communities could exist in Ukraine and Lithuania. Are there any examples of the same communities?
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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With what Halachic work should an Ashkenaz start his learning?

If an Ashkenaz Jew wanted to start diving into the learning halacha are there any sources on which halachic work might be recommended to him to start with?
Dov's user avatar
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קָמָץ vs. קָמַץ in Ashkenazi pronunciation

All Ashkenazi readers/minhagim/etc. I've seen call this vowel קָמַץ, while there is considerable variation on whether the second syllables of the other vowel names (except for סֶגּוֹל, though there is ...
user17584's user avatar
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Shacharit on י"א תשרי

I have heard that there is a minhag in ashkenazi communities to daven shacharit on the morning after yom hakippurim a bit earlier than the time that one would normally daven shacharit. Anyone have the ...
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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List of establishing rabbis for each set of minhagim [closed]

I am a baal teshuva who is becoming orthodox and wondering what customs to hold. Is there a list of important rabbis who set minhagim (ie ashkenazi, sephardi yekki, chabad, notable subgroups, etc) and ...
jbingham's user avatar
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Is switching customs allowed?

To what extent are, say, Ashkenazic Jews halachically obligated to follow Ashkenazic customs by, say, refraining from eating kitniyot on Pessah? Chullin 110a-b says: Follow the restrictions of the ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Birkat kohanim at shacharit and ne'ilah of Yom Kippur

Rema Orach Chayyim 128:44 notes that some Ashkenazi communities recite birkat kohanim at ne'ilah of Yom Kippur, and some even at shacharit. Every Ashkenazi synagogue (outside of Israel) that I've ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Shabbat clothing on shabbat chazon

The rema writes in סימן תקנ"א that on shabbat chazon one does not wear shabbat clothing and instead one wears weekday clothing. אפי' בשבת של חזון אין מחליפין ללבוש בגדי שבת כי אם הכתונת לבד (מרדכי ...
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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Differences in Tznius between Sefaradim and Ashkenazim?

I've noticed that many of my Sefaradi friends seem to practice Tzenius (laws of Modesty) different than Ashkenazim. Is there actually a difference in halakhot about this? And if there are can someone ...
Bayla G's user avatar
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Which mourning laws does an Ashkenazi son follow after his Sefardi mother's death?

An Ashkenazi son (his father was a Yekke) who mourns after his Sefardi mother - does he follow Ashkenazi Minhagim of Avelut (Kaddish for 11 months exactly for example) of Sefardi?
Al Berko's user avatar
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What is a typical Ashkenazi Seder like?

Inspired by the comments here, I realized how little I know about what other customs' Sedarim are like. As an Ashkenazi, I'd only ever participated in Ashkenazi Sedarim. Surely there are those who ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Reading the megillah without the taamim (cantillation)

The Kesser Shem Tov 2:pg.536 writes that the minhag of London and Amsterdam is to read the Megillah without the taamim (cantillation). This minhag is also found in Alger and Ashkanaz. The reason that ...
sam's user avatar
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Ashkenazi shat”z in a mixed shul?

According to this question and the answer Ashkenazi shat”z? Someone who pronounces an ע and an א the same can be shat”z, as long as everyone in the shul does so too. What if a couple of people ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Ashkenazi shat”z?

In meseches Megillah (daf 24b): אמר רב אסי חיפני (ובשיני) לא ישא את כפיו תניא נמי הכי אין מורידין לפני התיבה לא אנשי בית שאן ולא אנשי בית חיפה ולא אנשי טבעונין מפני שקורין לאלפין עיינין ולעיינין ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Translation (or searchable version) of *Sefer Elim* of Rabbi Joseph Solomon Delmedigo

Does there exist any translation of the Sefer Elim of Rabbi Joseph Solomon Delmedigo into a European language? If not, does there at least exist a text-version of the original Hebrew version (all I ...
guest's user avatar
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Is there a movement to centralize Rabbinical authority through all Jewish communities?

Due to the exile, Jewish civilization ended up splintering off into various sub-groups. Ashkenazim Sephardim/Mizrahim etc. Through this division, Judaism developed a series of "flavors" with ...
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When do ashkenazim follow the shulchan aruch and not the Rama? [duplicate]

When in halacha do Ashkenazim follow the shulchan aruch and not the Rama and in which aspects ?
Avi's user avatar
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Why don't I see the minhag to put grass in shul?

The Rema brings a minhag to put grass and other herbage in shul for Shavuos. I've seen this practiced only once. Why don't more Ashkenazi shuls follow this minhag? I feel some would be tempted to say ...
robev's user avatar
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KfP-for-Ashk'nazim rice cakes… now what if they're soaked?

A rabbi visited a ricecake factory, found that the rice never became wet in the process of manufacture (and was sifted well to be sure it's only rice), and decided that the ricecakes, which are anyway ...
msh210's user avatar
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Pronouncing "O" (Cholam) as "Oy"?

Typically in the Yeshivish world, the "O" sound is pronounced as "Oy" (i.e. "Moydim Anachnu Loch"). Where does this come from?
4skingquestion5's user avatar
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Should an Ashkenazi learn Yalkut Yosef and Kaf HaChaim? [closed]

Should and Ashkenazi such as myself learn Yalkut Yosef and Kaf HaChaim, Sephardi halachic works, or should I not bother as the halacha wouldn't apply to me?
Avi's user avatar
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Did you fulfill your obligation if you pronounced the Name of G-d differently from your custom?

Would you have fulfilled your obligation to recite a blessing if you pronounced the Name of G-d in a way that was against your custom? For example, if an Ashkenazi has the custom to say "Adonoy" and ...
ezra's user avatar
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Why has a single daled knot become the "standard" on tefillin?

It has been brought to my attention that originally, both Ashkenazim and Sephardim used a square knot (also called the "double-daled knot") on the tefillin shel rosh, but when the daled knot was ...
ezra's user avatar
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Beracha on hallel on in a shul where they dont make a beracha [duplicate]

If an ashkenazi davens in a shul where the minhag is not to make a beracha on half hallel on rosh chodesh or the last 6 days of pesach, should they still make a beracha on hallel?
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar

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