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Questions tagged [petur-exemption]

exemption from a requirement

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Are doors to balconies obligated in mezuzot

According to Halacha, does a doorway to a balcony ever need a mezuzah? Or no, is it not considered an obligated dwelling space?
Kirk's user avatar
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Should Jews read the 4 parshiyot in private if they can’t join a minyan

In Halacha, if Jews can’t go to a minyan in person, are they obligated to read 4 parshiyot in private even without a public Torah reading? Or is the obligation to hear them only if you can in a ...
Kirk's user avatar
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How far do Jews have to be so they are Petur from sukkah

According to Halacha, on sukkot Jews should eat whatever food they are going to eat in the sukkah. My question is, is there any length Jews have to be from a sukkah so they are Petur from the ...
Kirk's user avatar
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May Jews have non-Jews/minors make dough with their ingredients to be Petur from challah (if they own the dough)

According to Halacha, is it permissible for a Jew to give their eggs/flour to a gentile or a minor Jew to knead so they are exempt from Terumat Challah (when the jew still owns the dough)? So if a ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can one someone have a roommate light Shabbat candles for them

If a Jewish person shares a dorm or apartment with another Jewish person and the other person lights Shabbat candles, are they covered by that lighting or no? In this case they are not related nor are ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can a court retroactively annul a vow that was already annulled by the father/husband?

If a woman made a vow and violated it, and it was later annulled by her father/husband, can the court now annul the vow retroactively if it finds an opening, thereby exempting her from being liable?
שלום's user avatar
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Is a person obligated in a Mitzvah that he can only fulfill with assistance?

If a person is unable to perform a Mitzvah on his own - like putting on Tefillin, or holding/shaking the Lulav etc. - is there still a full fledged obligation for him to go through every kind of ...
שלום's user avatar
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If one is mentally drained, should a person still daven? Even if that person cannot concentrate?

Is there any point at all in davening in such a situation?
user3316598's user avatar
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Diseases that Halachically exempt one from Torah and Mitzvot?

BS"D I always heard that one who is a שוטה to a certain extent isn't obligated in Torah and Mitzvot. The first time I saw something similar inside is in Rambam Mishneh Torah (Yad Hachazaka) ...
DoreshEmet's user avatar
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Why would becoming king or kohein gadol exempt one from atoning for past sins?

To atone for certain transgressions, the torah (Vayikra 4) mandates different offerings depending on the status of the person who transgressed. Horayot 3:3, talking about the king or the kohein gadol,...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Exempt from mitzvah and do it, have you fulfilled it contradiction

In Hilchos Kriyas Shema, the SA (OC 71:1) says מִי שֶׁמֵּת לוֹ מֵת שֶׁהוּא חַיָּב לְהִתְאַבֵּל עָלָיו, אֲפִלּוּ אֵינוֹ מֻטָּל עָלָיו לְקָבְרוֹ, פָּטוּר מִקְּרִיאַת שְׁמַע וּמִתְּפִלָּה. Someone whose ...
robev's user avatar
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How does a seudat mitzvah exempt you from fasting?

Apparently, you can become exempt from certain fasts (such as the fast of the firstborn) by making a seudat mitzvah, particularly a siyum. Why/how is this possible? If it is because you are eating ...
SAH's user avatar
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Davening Under the Influence

I am standing on the shoulders of the many related "ad d'lo yada" questions but am particularly inspired by this question and a particular comment. "If I'm drunk I'm patur from davening. So what's ...
rosends's user avatar
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Mental Disability and Exemption from Mitzvot

To what extent are the mentally disabled exempt from mitzvot, and what mitzvot are they exempt from? At what level of mental disability does this exemption kick in if it exists, and is it gradual ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
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Are minor fasts obligatory?

Are "minor" fasts such as Taanit Esther ("Fast of Esther"; i.e. the day before Purim) or Tzom Gedaliyah ("Fast of Gedaliyah"; i.e. the day after Rosh Hashanah) optional or obligatory? Under what ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Why does the Haggadah tell us that "Even if they are all Chachmim" they are obligated in Sippur?

Why does the Haggadah tell us that "Even if they are all Chachmim..." they are obligated in Sippur? Are ChaChamim excluded from any other Mitzvot? Do they not have to pick up a Lulav because they are ...
RCW's user avatar
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While sleeping in a sukkah, are you exempt from prayer?

Someone engrossed in one mitzvah is sometimes exempt from certain other mitzvot. So, I wonder, based on a question from Reddit user GutsAndGlory2: While engaged in the mitzvah of sleeping in a ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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what is the source suggesting that blasphemous sentences are exempted in distressing situations?

I read a talmudic source recently suggesting an 'exemption' for 'blasphemous' statements uttered in situations of extreme distress - the source for which was Talmudic, and this was articulated in the ...
buberfanboy's user avatar
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Has anyone since Rashbi been considered so regularly involved in Torah study so as to be exempt from prayer?

In SA OC Siman 106 Sif 2, the Machaber says that someone that for whom "Toraso Umanaso" ("his torah is his occupation", ie a person that is constantly engaged in Torah study) like Rebbe Shimon Bar ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Is a speeding driver who causes damage exempt from paying due to his status as a Roidef?

On this forum they ask a very interesting question. What happens when a person who is driving a car is speeding, at a pace where a fatal accident could easily occur. He then crashes into another ...
Solomon P's user avatar
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UvLechtecha VaDerech? With Kavanah?

How can one maintain Kavanah reciting Keriath Shema' while walking along the way? Or is the requirement waived in this case?
Seth J's user avatar
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Bread between fish and meat requires hamotzi?

Shulchan Aruch, OC 212:1 (with my own loose translation): All that is main, and with it is a subordinate (tafel) thing — one says a benediction on the main thing and exempts the subordinate both from ...
msh210's user avatar
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Bar Mitzva boy taking haircut in Sefira

If a boy becomes Bar Mitzva during Sefira, may he take a haircut for the Simcha - similar to a Bris where the father is allowed to take a haircut in Sefira?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Halachically skipping Purim

There have long been 'legends' of various liberal figures in Judaism, including Yeshayahu Leibovitz (brother of Nechama Leibovitz) that would 'skip' Purim. On the 14th of Adar they would be sure to be ...
ChaimKut's user avatar
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Which mitzvos exempt which mitzvos?

There is a general rule in Halacha that someone occupied with a mitzva isn't obligated to interrupt themselves to do another mitzva. This is known as " עוסק במצוה פטור מן המצוה". My question is, what ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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Petur (exemption) - Does intent matter?

Does one's intent factor into one's ability to rely upon an exemption in Halachah? For example on Sukkoth, if I have no Sukkah and no intention of building a Sukkah (let's say at work, for one ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Why are women exempt from (many) time-bound mitzvot?

Women are generally exempt from time-bound mitzvot (Kiddushin 29a). I have heard two reasons for women being exempt from time-bound mitzvot and both seem problematic, so either there are additional ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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In which cases are you exempt from eating in the sukkah?

Are we required to eat every meal and every food/drink under the sukkah? What if it is raining? Cold? What if there are too many people to all fit under the sukkah (we have lots of guests)? Those ...
Nathan H's user avatar
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birchas hatorah if one isn't going to learn

Does one have a chiyuv to say birchas hatorah if he isn't going to learn anyway that day?
109283874756564883987899257547's user avatar
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Are women exempt from Tachanun and discouraged from saying it?

My brother heard from someone that she heard that women are exempt from saying Tachanun and therefore discouraged from saying it. Is this so? If so, why? Do you know sources for this? UPDATE: I ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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