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Were Levites allowed to enter the Holy Place or was it only for priests?

The Bible shows that Aaron and his sons were chosen from the rest of the sons of Levi to officiate as priests, and these "other" Levites had secondary functions in religious service. There ...
jean-luc's user avatar
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Did Avraham derive and keep the oral and written torah some how on his own before the yeshiva of Noach or only after?

BH Hi in this text from sefaria it says that Avrahma even observed the mitzva of eruv tavshilin and even the whole Oral Torah... the Gemara cites that Rav said: Abraham our Patriarch fulfilled the ...
David 's user avatar
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When did daf yomi start in practice?

Aruch Hashulchan YD 246:17 writes וט"ז סעיף קטן א שכתב בשם הדרישה: הבעלי בתים שלומדים רק איזה שעות ביום טוב, יותר שילמדו ספרי פוסקים ולא גמרא, עיין שם. ובוודאי שעל כל איש לידע דיני "אורח ...
mbloch's user avatar
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What was Torah study like before the Mishnah and Talmud were transcribed?

Most of the study time in modern yeshivos seems to be devoted to studying from material which has gained physical/written form over the last 1900 years. (Mishnah, Talmud, Halachah, Mussar, ...
Mike Olivson's user avatar
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Who is the Charadim Commentary on Jerusalem Talmud

Who is the author of this commentary?
David 's user avatar
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2 votes
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Evidence for the divine inspiration of the Torah

What evidence is there that the Torah was divinely inspired? Historical evidence, prophecies, etc, for example. Further reading on this topic would be appreciated.
Bob's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How do we reconcile between genesis and Science about livestock that created after bird [duplicate]

How do we reconcile between genesis and science , I mean those which said livestock created after bird and fish , just completely and blatantly against science , this alone could knock down ...
anti devil's user avatar
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Mediterranean Talmud

When the Gemarra was composed, there were three areas inhabited by significant Jewish populations - Bavel, Eretz Yisrael, and the other Mediterranean countries ruled by the Roman Empire as far as ...
יהושע ק's user avatar
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Did the patriarchs travel at night?

I have heard that Abraham and the other Patriarchs would have travelled during the night and encamp during the daytime. What evidence is there for such a claim?
למה זה תשאל לשמי's user avatar
6 votes
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Was the concept of Godhead (one God in multiple persons) known to Judaism? [closed]

Was the concept of Godhead (one God, but multiple persons) known to Judaism? Were there Jews that held a Binitarian, Trinitarian or similar "Godhead" theology as a result of studying and ...
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-1 votes
2 answers

Any pre 7th century Jewish source, teaches that non-Jewish prophets will never be sent again?

1- were the non-Jewish prophets sent to non-Jewish nations only, and not Jews ? if the answer is Yes Does it mean there is no way a non-Jewish prophet can ever be sent to the Jews? any textual basis ...
capri reds's user avatar
4 votes
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Resources that bring out interesting scientific/historic/academic related discussions from the daf?

I have a relative that invests a few hours a day learning daf yomi, yet he recently admitted that he does this solely because he believes it's a good thing thing to do but not because he actually ...
mix's user avatar
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Are the Torah's 5 Book divisions (Bereshit, etc.) justified by the Hebrew text?

I wonder if the Hebrew text divides the scroll of Moses as clearly into 5 Books/Sections as modern translations do (by adding titles as if they are 5 books of Moses), or whether, for example, the ...
user3776022's user avatar
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Where is the rest of Rabbi Shmuel Belkin's manuscript of The Midrash of Philo?

I am currently researching Philo of Alexandria, also known as Philon (פילון) or Yedidyah HaKohen of Alexandria. There is a book that was prepared in manuscript by Rabbi Shmuel (Samuel) Belkin, z”l, ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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4 answers

Midah Keneged Midah in the Punishment of an Entire Tzibur [i.e, Covid-19]

I was recently reading a controversial article on The Lakewood Scoop claiming that Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a punishment for the fact that we expelled anti-vaxxers from our Yeshivos and Mosdos ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Empirical sources that "Batei Midrash" existed prior to Chanukkah events [closed]

In anticipation of Chanukah, we had a discussion about the impact of the Chashmonayim dynasty on Judaism, and somebody presented an idea that although they did fight for the continuation of the Jewish ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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When, why and who originated Chevruta style studying?

From reading various stories mentioned in the mishnah, it seems that students studied directly from their rav. I assume that they reviewed what they studied, and, perhaps, discussed ideas with each ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is there a definitive diagram showing the relationship between Jewish scriptures?

I am not Jewish, just interested in the culture and history. I was looking for a diagram which shows the relationship between various Jewish texts -- Torah, Midrash, etc. -- everything that is ...
spraff's user avatar
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Any suggestions for documentaries/videos related to the stories of the sages?

I was curious if anyone would know of some good video resources related to learning about the various Jewish sages of our history. They can be biographical or they can be related to the philosophies ...
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Aristotle learning Torah

I have seen from a few places which claim that they have found a letter written from Aristotle to Alexander the great . In the letter Aristotle laments about the fact that he wasted so much time on ...
sam's user avatar
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Source for not putting everyone in a kollel

I heard from a friend a while ago that there are scholars who believe that putting people into kollel, or everyone studying torah all day on general, is something new in Judaism, that it stemmed from ...
147zcbm's user avatar
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Is nechoshet copper, brass or bronze [duplicate]

In the bible the word נחושת means what? I saw a few translations: copper, brass, bronze. What is the definition of the word
hazoriz's user avatar
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What form was the Torah before Sinai

Chazal say the Torah was studied before Sinai. (ex. by Adam and Eve as explained here. Likewise chazal say the Patriarchs studied Torah from Shem ben Noach.) In what form was this pre-Torah? It ...
ray's user avatar
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Derech Halimud of Yeshivas in Istanbul, Salonika and other Sephardic Countries

In classic mainstream Ashkenazi European Yeshivas such as the Mir, Telz, Kletzk or Kaminetz, each yeshiva had their own particular style. The Mir and Kaminetz were heavily influenced by the Brisker ...
Shoel U'Meishiv's user avatar
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History: Prevalence of Torah study

Historically, when has Torah study throughout the world been most prevalent, and when has Torah suffered relatively limited study and knowledge thereof? Are there any sources that break this down? It ...
user6618's user avatar
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How old is Purim Torah?

How old is the tradition of Purim Torah? The Wikipedia article linked from our PT policy notes a disputed claim of Purim Torah in the talmud (Hulin 139b), with some saying that while the talmud ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Sefardim starting to study the Talmud with Rashi and Tosfot

When did the sefardim start to study the Talmud with Rashi and Tosfot? And which books did they use before knowing about Rashi and Tosfot?
far22's user avatar
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Is history Torah?

Does studying Jewish history count as Torah? For example, could one study it on Tish'a B'av or in an unclean place or before saying Birkas HaTorah? It seems clear that the stories included in the ...
Ypnypn's user avatar
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Morning seder as the "main" seder

In most Yeshivas with which I am familiar, morning seder, the regimen of learning before lunch, is the more in-depth and intense learning seder, while afternoon seder (session) is generally less in-...
Y     e     z's user avatar
13 votes
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What are the "Mishnah" and "Gemara" referenced in Pirkei Avot 5?

At the end of Pirkei Avot 5, we have a statement (of either Ben Hei Hei or R. Yehuda ben Tema --- I have two siddurim with slightly different texts): He used to say: at five years of age, the study ...
Shivaram Lingamneni's user avatar
8 votes
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Why were there no Jewish philosophy tracts until the Rasag?

Jews had their first bump into philosophy when Alexander the Great conquered Israel (in the early Tanaic period). Since then, we lived under the Greeks and Romans for a few hundred years. Both of ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Saying Rishonim or Achronim were "wrong"

People are very careful (and rightfully so) to say when they don't understand the words of the Achronim or Rishonim to not say they are/were "wrong". But rather to say "I don't understand what he ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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What are the earliest sources of Oral Law irrespective of Jewish denomination like Kariate Samaritan etc

I read Oral laws were forbidden to be written down by MOses and then due to a threat people started to write it down , Hence curious to know which is the first manuscript on Oral law , most probably ...
knowit's user avatar
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How were girls educated during the Talmudic era?

According to the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society's article on Judaism: Owing to the primacy of ritual in traditional Judaism, instruction of children focused on the ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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"Rabbi, teach me something new"

Throughout the Talmud* there are launch-pad stories of sages being asked by their students and even their peers to teach them something they've never been taught before or else something that was ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Has anyone since Rashbi been considered so regularly involved in Torah study so as to be exempt from prayer?

In SA OC Siman 106 Sif 2, the Machaber says that someone that for whom "Toraso Umanaso" ("his torah is his occupation", ie a person that is constantly engaged in Torah study) like Rebbe Shimon Bar ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Was the Chasam Sofer known for having an interesting way of learning?

I have a lot of experience learning Gemara and find myself oft dealing with the views of the Achronim to understand the Pshat in Rishonim. Unfortunately, I have inside me a slight aversion to the ...
Truth Seeker's user avatar
8 votes
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The value of the daily study of Chitas (Chumash, Tehilim, Tanya)?

What's the value of learning "Chitas" compared to any other daily Torah study? Side question: If it's so important, why was it introduced only recently?
negul vaser's user avatar
9 votes
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Up part of the night on Shavuos

As described by Stephanie Hegarty for the BBC, Roger Ekirch, an historian, has evidence — and is convinced — that people used to have a first sleep which began about two hours after dusk, followed ...
msh210's user avatar
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How was the Volozhin Yeshiva special?

The Volozhin Yeshiva is known as the "first yeshiva". What was the system of Torah learning in Europe before Volozhin and in what way did Volozhin change the system?
Am Haaretz Gamur Mideoraysa's user avatar
14 votes
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Sh'kalim, Kinim, Midos in daf yomi

Why are Sh'kalim (Y'rushalmi) and Kinim and Midos (mishnayos) learned as part of the standard daf yomi cycle for Talmud Bavli? And if the answer relies on some fact of publication, then (a) why ...
msh210's user avatar
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31 votes
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What happened to the Yeshivas Shem v'Aiver?

What happened to the Yeshiva of Shem v'Aiver and all who learnt there?
Raffy Van der Vaart's user avatar
4 votes
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What was the earliest use of the Rambam's language in Shmita V'Yovel in support of kollel study?

Here's the Rambam, waxing poetic at the end of Laws of Shmita and Yovel (and his entire volume of Zeraim): ולא שבט לוי בלבד, אלא כל איש ואיש מכל באי העולם אשר נדבה רוחו אותו והבינו מדעו להיבדל לעמוד ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Did the Jews in the Midbar know the entire Torah?

The G'mara in Y'vamos (ד) and B'rachos (כא) records a dispute over whether laws can be deduced from the fact of two p'sukim appearing adjacent to one another in the Torah. The Mahara"tz Chayos (...
WAF's user avatar
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Why is learning Torah today harder than 1000 years ago? [closed]

Why did Hashem make it harder for this generation to learn Torah, rather than making it equal for every generation? We have all these distractions like tv or games.
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