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Questions tagged [talmud-bavli]

The Talmud is a commentary on the Mishna (the oral law) written in Babylonia containing discourses of Amoraim spanning the 3th-5th century

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Where can I find the Talmud Bavli in Spanish online?

I have been using to read the Talmud in Spanish online but sadly now their website is down. Does anyone know where else I can find it? Any advice on where to find Jewish texts in Spanish ...
Yerushalma's user avatar
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What is the quote about 13 rivers of aparsemon?

Can some share the quote where this came from: "the righteous will bathe in 13 rivers of aparsemon"? I've seen it paraphrased online a lot but I can't find it in the reference listed (Avodah ...
Yerushalma's user avatar
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The term "divine presence" and "divine spirit" were used interchangeably?

Babylonian Talmud Sotah 11a:5 and Shemot Rabbah 1:28 depicts same scenery where divine wisdom in mishley is identified with Divine Presence. But in Babylonian Talmud Sotah 11a:5, it is written: "...
user190208's user avatar
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Relationship between the imagery of Messiah in Targum Jerusalem Exodus 12:42 and Pirkei De Rabbi Eliezer 30:13

In Targum Jerusalem Exodus 12:42 the Messiah is depicted as coming from midst of Rome. And Pirkei De Rabbi Eliezer 30:13 portrays Messiah as coming from Edom (Isaiah 63:1). Was the imagery of Messiah ...
user190208's user avatar
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Is the Munich Talmud manuscript censored?

I was listening to a presentation about The Munich Talmud, a 1300s handwritten Talmud. My question is: Is that Talmud censored? Wikipedia says it is not censored and that it is a faithful ...
King of Sumer and Akkad's user avatar
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Joint Bavli and Yerushalmi Gemara edition

Is there a Talmud book that has both of the Yerushalmi and Bavli side by side commenting on any given Mishnah? I think this would greatly elucidate the meaning of a Mishnah, which, afterall, is the ...
A s's user avatar
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What three things will be called by the name of The Holy One, Blessed Be He in the future era?

I remember learning this in a gemera in Sanhedrin. Is that right? What page can I find this on? Thanks
Dude's user avatar
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Does anyone know where i can find a gemara menukad that isnt 13” i would like something more condensed like a 6 volume 10” with the vowels

I've been searching all over for a gemara set with the vowels in a small size. All I see are the 13” ones over many volumes. Does any one know of 6-volume fully vowelized set? Or would that have to be ...
Dagaderek's user avatar
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Maror - bitter or sweet?

The Gemara (Pesachim 115b) says that if one swallowed the Maror, he is not Yotze, being that one must taste the bitterness. Question: it says in the Yerushalmi (Pesachim 2:5) that Chazeret is ...
User123's user avatar
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Babylonian pronunciation for Talmud Bavli?

Did certain traits of the Babylonian Masoretic pronunciation, also apply to the aramaic of the Talmud Bavli? For example, in Tanakh, according to the most common tradition, ו is pronounced [v], like ...
Qwertrl's user avatar
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Are non-Jews who are converting to Judaism allowed to read the Talmud?

A general question, I’ve been curious about. Are non-Jews who are converting to Judaism allowed to read the Talmud?
Danny's user avatar
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What is the source from the Gemara that you should kill a roidef before he comes to try to kill you [closed]

BH I heard if a roidef is coming to try to kill you you should kill him first. Where does it talk about this first in the Gemara and Halacha? How does Halacha define a roidef? And what if the Roidef ...
David 's user avatar
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Will the real Shas Kattan please stand up

There is an old tradition commonly referenced in the yeshiva community that Masekhet Ketubot is the "Shas Kattan" of Talmud Bavli, that is, it contains ideas that connect to just about every ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Gezel do indeed encounter an ocasion with bitlu

Shavua tov! On Makkos טז. on the end of the amud, the guemara asks if just the in shiliach haken and ones we encounter “bitlu ve lo bitlu”. And suggests gezel and mashcuno and pea. Gezel, it finishes ...
Rony Hakim's user avatar
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Is it stealing to eavesdrop? [duplicate]

According to bYoma 35b Hillel was denied entrance to a Beit Midrash which required students to pay for admission. Hillel instead climbed to the skylight and listened to the discussion for free. I ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Seeking a cross reference between the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds

The Bavli and Yerushalmi overlap in content (to a large extent), but the pagination of the overlapping content differs. I am seeking a reference work that shows on what page(s) given topics in one ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Gemoro says contents of a verse must be reversed to understand it. So why did the Torah write it 'backwards'?

The Gemoro quotes Devorim 12 (17) לֹֽא־תוּכַ֞ל לֶאֱכֹ֣ל בִּשְׁעָרֶ֗יךָ מַעְשַׂ֤ר דְּגָֽנְךָ֙ וְתִירֹֽשְׁךָ֣ וְיִצְהָרֶ֔ךָ וּבְכֹרֹ֥ת בְּקָרְךָ֖ וְצֹאנֶ֑ךָ וְכׇל־נְדָרֶ֙יךָ֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּדֹּ֔ר ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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What is the date of the Babylonian Talmud and how is it dated?

A related question once appeared asking about how the Talmud (and related texts) are dated: when were the mishnah, talmud, and tosefta written? But none of the answers given to it actually explained ...
arara's user avatar
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Talmud Yerushalmi vs Bavli

We all know that only a Sanhedrin can vote conclusively on a halakha for the entire nation. Since the Sanhedrin was dismantled, the next best option was to listening to the hachamim of your locale. ...
David 's user avatar
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The search for invariants

In an interview, French Jewish intellectual Jacques Attali claimed that modern science is partly based on Jewish tradition because like talmudic discussions, it is based on the "search for ...
nayriz's user avatar
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Is it "שמן המור", or is it "אנפקינון"?

In Megilah 13a we bring down a פסוק which talks about what the woman did before going to אחשוורוש to try + become king: "For six months, they anointed themselves with "שמן המור" We then ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Why is מרדכי the only one called a "יהודי?"

In Tractate Megilah 13a - it explains that מרדכי was called an איש יהודי, since he went against עבודה זרה. If so - then why is he the only one called a "יהודי?" Why not משה? Or אברהם? Or דוד?...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Why does "שוכו" change into "סוכו?"

In Tracte Megilah 13a - it lists the children of בתיה - the daughter of פרעה. One of the children's names is חבר - father of שוכו. The Gemara then explains that all of these names of the kids - are ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Listing of amount of Blatt per perek of Shas [duplicate]

Where can I get a listing of how many blatt / pages are in each chapter of gemarah talmud bavli? I found a post with a spreadsheet that has the amount of mishnayos per perek and I am looking for the ...
Devpaq's user avatar
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Did the Himyarite Kingdom (Jewish state from c. 380 CE till 530 CE) have the Talmud/Oral Torah? If they converted without it, are they valid converts?

The Himyarite Kingdom became a Jewish kingdom in what is today Yemen, from around 380 CE at the earliest and continued to be Jewish until around 500 CE with the 530 CE date being the very latest date ...
setszu's user avatar
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Rashi, Yebamoth 55b:7

Is my translation of this Rashi on Yevamot correct? It deals with impurity due to contact with a dead body - in case a man has sex with his dead wife it is not impurity because the latter is always ...
Ootsutsuki's user avatar
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When Purim falls out on Shabbos, why are you allowed to give Mishloach Manos?

When Purim falls out on Shabbos, why are you allowed to give Mishloach Manos? Aren't we afraid one might carry it to a friend? Like רבה says in Megilah Daf 4b :(
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Why are דרשות about סוכות allowed on Shabbat?

The Gemara in Megilah 4:1 says that if י"ד אדר falls out on שבת, you should learn about פורים on שבת. The Gemara then asks: "Why do we need to say this if we already know this from having ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Why doesn’t רבי שמעון בר נחמי accept רב שמן בר אבא explanation about בזמניהם?

On מגילה: דף ב:א there's a מחלוקת between רבי שמעון בר נחמי & רב שמן בר אבא about where in the תורה is it hinted that we read the מגילה on י"א י"ב & י"ג. I have thought of a ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Why does the opening משנה in מסכת מגילה have a weird לשון?

The opening Mishna in Masechta Megilla reads as follows: מְגִילָּה נִקְרֵאת בְּאַחַד עָשָׂר, בִּשְׁנֵים עָשָׂר, בִּשְׁלֹשָׁה עָשָׂר, בְּאַרְבָּעָה עָשָׂר, בַּחֲמִשָּׁה עָשָׂר. לֹא פָּחוֹת, וְלֹא ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Where does רבי שמעון בר נחמי learn that different places have different designated times to read the Megilah?

On מגילה: דף ב:א there's a מחלוקת between רבי שמעון בר נחמי & רב שמן בר אבא about where in the תורה is it hinted that we read the מגילה on י"א י"ב & י"ג. I have thought of a ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Hillel's or Shammai's?

In this Talmudic passage, which opinion prevails on the law according to the Talmud, Hillel's or Shammai's? "Rav Ḥisda raised an objection from a mishna (Nidda 64b). With regard to a young girl ...
Ootsutsuki's user avatar
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How were the conclusions of Horayot 13b reached?

I desire to know how the conclusions of Horayot 13b were reached. For example, why does “eating from that which a mouse eats and from that which a cat eats” cause one to forget his Torah study?
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What is the proof and reasoning that Rabbi Yitzchak and Rabbi Elazar are NOT arguing in Megillah 29a

B"H In a kuntress that the Rebbe gave out towards mid 5752 about the "house of our Rebbe in Bavel", it starts out with a chidush in Megillah 29a that Rabbi Yitzchak and Rabbi Elazar are ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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What influence was present to convince Israel to accept the Babylonian Talmud as the basis to Halacha?

In the times of the Gaonim, Yehudai Gaon and Pirqoi ben Baboi seem to have tried to convince Israel to follow the Babylonian Talmud in the wake of earliest codified halachic works. What other ...
Elie's user avatar
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Genesis 32:33 a law or a custom?

It is mentioned in The Tanach that Jacob fought with an angel who could not beat him. At the end of the fight, the angel strikes a nerve in Jacob's leg, causing him to limp. The verse then states: &...
Ariel55's user avatar
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Recommendation for the best Talmud Bavli set [closed]

I want to purchase the best Talmud Bavli set that every Jew would dream to have. I have been using Artscrolls Bavli for many years now. Can you recommend me the best set (price is not an issue)? Make ...
Orecha's user avatar
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What is the SOURCE of the rules/protocols [for dealing with machlokes] within the Oral Law?

As far as I am aware, there are 3 major categories of Torah She’baal peh; a) Known via direct Mesorah. b) Known via interpretation (following the RULES of interpretation [eg hermeneutic laws and s’...
Tzvi K's user avatar
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Where is Shabbat 116b in the Munich Manuscript?

Can someone please tell me on which folio to find Shabbat 116b in the Munich Manuscript? My Hebrew is weak, and the numbering is different in the Munich Talmud:
Jake Wilson's user avatar
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End of Redaction of the Mishnah and the Gemara

The Talmud has three layers, the Mishnah, the Gemara and the comments (mainly Rashi for Bavli and others for Yerushalmi, who are well known). What is the estimate timeline for the end of redaction of ...
Jeschu's user avatar
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Who is "Mar" ("The Master") in the Bavli?

Throughout the Bavli, but (based on a Sefaria search) never in the Mishnah, the Tosefta, or the Yerushalmi, we find the phrase "amar Mar" (אמר מר) without any other identifier (in contrast ...
Benjamin Davidson's user avatar
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Agadah / Talmud Bavli Map

Is there a spreadsheet or list available, linking the אגדתא of shas with the standard pagination? I.e., flagging daf כ ע"א, כב ע"ב, כה ע"א as having אגדתא. (Anything in עין יעקב, but in ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Yerushalmi Horoyos in Shas Vilna

The Vilna Shas (Bavli) contains the Yerushalmi Horoyos, without meforshim, following the Bavli version. It does not have this for any other masechta (that I know of). Why is this?
YSR's user avatar
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Why does Sanhedrin 95a not list the Kefitzas HaDerech example of the 10 spies in Shelach

Question inspired by R. Elchanan Shoff Oneg Shelach 2019 p.6 Rashi on Bamidbar 13:25 states "They returned from scouting the Land at the end of forty days: But does not the Land measure four ...
Daniel Yaacov's user avatar
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English translation of Rashi Talmud Commentary

Are there any Rashi commentaries in English on Moed Katan? If not, does anyone know where I can find an accurate (non-Google translate) rendition of this: אפילו בספר עזרא - ספר תורה של עזרא ואני שמעתי ...
SarcasticAquarius's user avatar
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Question on the connection of the braitot in Sanhedrin 32b

In Bavli Sanhedrin 32b it says: "The Sages taught: The verse states: “Justice, justice, shall you follow.” This teaches that one should follow the best, most prestigious, court of the generation....
Harel13's user avatar
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Jewish View on "Runes" [closed]

How does the Torah and Talmud view (viking and non viking) runes? Letters written on swords and such. Stones with a letters. What is the view on them? To clarify: There is a game(s) where it is ...
Israel B.'s user avatar
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Jewish Babylonian Aramaic - Flashcards

Does anyone know if vocabulary flashcards are available for students of the Aramaic of the Bavli?
Bs234570's user avatar
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Where did Maimonides learn specific Issurey Biah from?

In the Mishnneh Torah, Issurei Biah 1:13 there is a law that does not punish a man who has had forbidden sexual relations with a girl who is under three years of age: "כָּל אִשָּׁה אֲסוּרָה ...
Ootsutsuki's user avatar
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טירטוריו"ש in Rashi

In his commentary to Nazir 49b (heading קנטרנין), Rashi gives one word: טירטוריו"ש What does this word mean please?
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