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Where Does Rashi Mention the Streets of Venice?

After some discussion with some chavrusot, someone mentioned that there is a Rashi somewhere in Shas that discusses either the streets of Venice, or at least a city with "dry streets" ...
The Thinking Yid's user avatar
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Will the real Shas Kattan please stand up

There is an old tradition commonly referenced in the yeshiva community that Masekhet Ketubot is the "Shas Kattan" of Talmud Bavli, that is, it contains ideas that connect to just about every ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Daf Yomi and half of Shas

I'm currently learning Daf Yomi and am considering doing a second daf everyday but would like to start at a daf that is half way through Shas from where we are currently holding. So that I could ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Where can I view an online digitized Slavita shas?

Where can I view an online digitized Slavuta Shas? I want to see which commentaries it contained.
Yitzchok's user avatar
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Recommendation for the best Talmud Bavli set [closed]

I want to purchase the best Talmud Bavli set that every Jew would dream to have. I have been using Artscrolls Bavli for many years now. Can you recommend me the best set (price is not an issue)? Make ...
Orecha's user avatar
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Yerushalmi Horoyos in Shas Vilna

The Vilna Shas (Bavli) contains the Yerushalmi Horoyos, without meforshim, following the Bavli version. It does not have this for any other masechta (that I know of). Why is this?
YSR's user avatar
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Who wrote the מתרגם?

At the end of the Gemara masechtas in Shas there is a פירוש called מתרגם. This פירוש translates the French words brought in Rashi into German and sometimes adds more information to such words. The ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Best way to track Torah learning

What is a good method to track your progress in learning all of the Torah. (Tanach, Shas, etc.) I was thinking of an excel template if anyone has one or for other suggestions.
Gre''i's user avatar
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Moznaim Nahardea Edition vs Oz VeHadar

How does the accuracy of the new print Moznaim Nahardea Shas compare to that of the Oz VeHadar Shas?
Bs234570's user avatar
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R' Frand's famous speech from the 11th Siyum Hashas

R' Yissocher Frand gave a famous speech at the 11th Siyum Hashas. He kept repeating the phrase, "it's never too little, it's never too late, it's never enough." Afterwards, he made it into a ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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A place with illustrations of Gemara Sukkah?

The beginning of Sukkah (4a/4b) describes different scenarios where platforms are built alongside the three walls of the Sukkah. I am having a very tough time picturing how they are built and ...
user's user avatar
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Historically, what is the difference between Mishna, Baraisa, and Tosefta [duplicate]

In terms of why they are not all one body of text, what is the difference between Mishna, Baraisa, and Tosefta?
user's user avatar
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Some questions about the Talmud [closed]

I have some questions about the way the Gemara is formulated. Feel free to answer all, some, or just one! What exactly is the Vilna Shas? Is it the only type of Shas used today? I Know there are 2,...
yisrael's user avatar
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Where can I find a relatively inexpensive set of Talmud Bavli?

Product recommendation: looking to buy a small, inexpensive set of Shas (with Gemara) to use on the way to work, on a walk, etc. I would love for the set to be individual gemara's, not just six ...
yisrael's user avatar
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Why is learning “non lmaaseh” Sugyas in shas B’iyun prioritized over learning “Halacha lmaaseh sugyas”

What I mean by “non lmaaseh” are sugyas in shas that most probably will very scarcely be nogeah to our daily life. I understand that to learn these sugyas well will give us a deep understanding of how ...
Mevakeish's user avatar
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Does a list of all perakim in shas with summary of each perek exist?

Is there an existing list of all chapters in shas and include a brief summary of each perek?
sam's user avatar
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