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Questions tagged [chulin-tractate]

Tractate of Mishna which deals with non-sacrificial animal laws

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Is a utensil used to pickle meat Ben Yomo for 24 hours

According to the Talmud in Chullin 97b pickling is considered cooking in Halacha. My question is, does this only mean the food has the halachic status of being cooked? Or does this Gemara also mean ...
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Does reishit hagez apply to chutz Laaretz sheep brought to eretz Yisrael

There is a dispute in Tractate Chullin regarding whether Reishit Hagez (the commandment to give the first shearing of the flock to a Kohen) applies in the Diaspora like it does the Land of Israel. My ...
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How big of a cut on skin renders an animal treif

According to Halacha, how big of a cut on an animal’s skin is necessary to render it non kosher (treif)? Not depth, but width/length wise, what is the shiur for it to become prohibited? Is this ...
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What Bugs are common in Wheat & spelt?

BH I know one of the common insects found in lettuce are called aphids although what are the common bugs found in Wheat & Spelt? My teacher told me to watch out for little black dots on them ...
David 's user avatar
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How is Sugar kosher?

BH How is sugar kosher? Someone told me that when they make sugar they use different ingredients to separate the sugar from everything so how is the whole process kosher after getting past all the ...
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Is there a certain size where bugs are not required to be checked?

BH Is there a certain size that bugs don’t have to be checked anymore because they’re too small and if yes what is the size? And what is the source of this size?
David 's user avatar
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Is it true that if you Blend bugs in a mixer Bidieved it’s ok to eat? [duplicate]

BH I heard there is a Halacha if you make a milkshake from fruit and there was a bug inside bidieved than you your allowed to drink from it because a blended bug is not considered a real full bug that’...
David 's user avatar
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Is it permissible to kill an animal and its mother without shechita?

Halacha prohibits slaughtering an animal and its mother on the same day. My question is, does this prohibition apply if you kill those animals without the purpose of eating them and without shechita? ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What’s the process of checking insects when making wine

BH What’s the process checking for insects when making wine? Is there any videos on this and where does it talk about this in Shulchan Aruch And Halacha?
David 's user avatar
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Where does it say in Halacha that you can double wrap with aluminum and put in traif oven

BH I heard bidieved if your in situation where you don’t have lechatchila a Kosher oven you can wrap the object in aluminum once and then after 2 times after and after you can eat the food as long as ...
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Where does it say In Shulchan Aruch That Grains don’t need to be checked so much?

BH I’m trying to check Grains in order to make flour and someone told me that grains them selfs don’t need to be checked so much and could possibly fall into the same category as Oranges which I heard ...
David 's user avatar
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How to Kosher sea water?

BH After you separate the water from the salt if you want to take sea water from the ocean and drink it whats the process of filtering that you have to get to actually drink the water that the water ...
David 's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to Kosher water from the river or the ocean? [duplicate]

BH Hi, recently I heard there was a case that happened in New York where there was a worry of little transparent bugs in the tap water my friend told me that the water essentially comes from the river ...
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Whence Rabbi Yosei Manda'ah?

Shmuel Safrai in his book בימי הבית ובימי המשנה, p. 204, notes: "בכפר זה חי גם אמורא בשם רבי יוסי מנדאה" "In this village (Kfar Mandi) lived another amora by the name of Rabbi Yosei ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Why is the gemara selective about when it presents a mnemonic?

In masechet Chullin, 19b, the gemara introduces an anecdote with the following (10th line down here) statement: (סימן בכ"ד) There is one side note saying that this was (is?) erased but I'm not ...
rosends's user avatar
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Who is "Mar" ("The Master") in the Bavli?

Throughout the Bavli, but (based on a Sefaria search) never in the Mishnah, the Tosefta, or the Yerushalmi, we find the phrase "amar Mar" (אמר מר) without any other identifier (in contrast ...
Benjamin Davidson's user avatar
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Is the partially generated animal dead?

Chulin, chapter 9, mishna 6, is discussing the ritual impurity imparted by a dead sheretz (animal of any of certain types). Note that the impurity is imparted only by a dead animal. The mishna says (...
msh210's user avatar
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כדי ביקור\כדי שחיטה

In Chulin 32a, there is an argument between Tana Kama and Rabbi Shimon regarding what happens if you break in the middle of Shechita. If the break is too long, the Shechita is Pasul. According to Tana ...
Dani's user avatar
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Why is myrrh the allusion to Mordechai?

The Gemara Chullin (139b) writes מרדכי מן התורה מנין דכתיב (שמות ל, כג) מר דרור ומתרגמינן מירא דכיא - Where is Mordechai in the Torah? It says myrrh, which is translated as 'mira dachya'. ...
NJM's user avatar
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Slaughtering with a non-kosher knife לכתחילה (Rashi, חולין דף ח ע״ב)

Rashi to Chulin 8 amud 2 takes the unusual step of mentioning the practical halacha that he derived from the g'mara. He says that, because the g'mara came to no conclusion about what to do with an ...
msh210's user avatar
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Why does Rashi explain "למאי נפקא מינה" on חולין דף ח ע״א?

The Bavli, Chulin 8 amud 1: איבעיא להו ליבן שפוד והכה בו משום שחין נדון או משום מכוה נדון As explained by Rashi, the g'mara is asking as follows: Suppose someone heated a spit and hit someone with ...
msh210's user avatar
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Brisker seforim on chullin

I want to learn the style of brisker lomdus in conjunction with chullin. What are some good seforim for this? I asking specifically an analysis connected to the daf
Richard Franklin's user avatar
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Why are Tzaddikim protected from improper foods?

Tosfos on Chullin 5b explains that Tzaddikim get a special protection from eating improper foods: צדיקים עצמן לא כ"ש - תימה דהא אשכחן יהודה בן טבאי שהרג עד זומם בפ"ק דמכות (דף ה:) ור' ישמעאל שקרא ...
Bochur613's user avatar
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How can ancestors leave a makom l'hisgader?

The gemara in חולין on 6b / 7a (apologies, on mobile so can't provide link) discusses how the copper snake of Moshe should have been destroyed by earlier Kings (specifically referring to those kings ...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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Is there ever a rule not to place certain words on separate lines in a Sefer Torah?

The Gemara in Chulin 64b - 65 discusses the Bas Hayaana bird, and explains that although that is indeed the name of the bird, the fact that it is two separate words allows us to also interpret them ...
HaLeiVi's user avatar
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To shake milk that fell in a meat pot

In the Mishna Chullin 8.3 there are two versions. The issue is about a drop of milk that fell on a pot of meat on the fire. First version: טיפת חלב שנפלה על החתיכה, אם יש בה בנותן טעם באותה חתיכה, ...
kouty's user avatar
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How to understand Chullin 127a: "All found on land is found also in the sea?" [duplicate]

(saw a similar question suggested) How are we to understand the gemara from Chullin 127a which states: "כל שיש ביבשה יש בים" all that exists on land there is an equivalent animal in the sea ...
alicht's user avatar
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Question on discrepancy between Rambam and Gemara

If someone separated the first shearings of wool from his sheep to give to a Kohen, and he loses it, he is responsible to replace it (Rambam, Bikkurim 10,8).  Doesn't that contradict the Gemara in ...
Yaakov Pinchas's user avatar
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What is the etymological definition of הגיס?

What is the etymology and definition of הגיס? (Reference Rashi in Chulin 108A ד״ה טיפת חלב שנפלה על החתיכה and ד״ה ניער את הקדרה)
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What does איברא mean?

The word איברא only appears a handful of times in the Talmud. (E.g. Pesachim 104a; Chulin 59b, 60a) it means something like its true, you’re right etc. What is the true meaning of this word, it’s ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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How to kill Kosher grasshoppers

In Chulin 65a+b there is a discussion of which grasshoppers are kosher, originating from the Mishnah on 59a. The question arises, what is the kosher way of killing a grasshopper, that there shouldn’t ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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How many righteous men are in each generation?

I have been reading questions about the lamed-vav, the 36 righteous people who exist in each generation. But Rashi, in Zecharia 11:12 cites the gemara in Chullin 92a which has an opinion that there ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why is melika - not shechita - done on the bird korban?

The gemara Chullin (42a) lists a severed spine as one of the conditions rendering the animal a treifa. Therefore, what is special about the dove/turtle-dove korban (Vayikra 1:15) which features the ...
NJM's user avatar
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Shiluach HaKan and Megillah Character Sources

The Gemara in Chullin (137b) asks where several characters of the Megillah are found in the Torah: Esther (Devarim 31:18), Mordechai (Shemos 30:23), and Haman (Bereishis 3:11), as well as Moshe (...
DonielF's user avatar
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Where is Moshe in the Torah?

The Gemara in Chullin (137b) asks where several characters of the Megillah are found in the Torah: Esther (Devarim 31:18), Mordechai (Shemos 30:23), and Haman (Bereishis 3:11). Then it throws a ...
DonielF's user avatar
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What exactly is "the salt of sodom"?

One is obligated to wash one's hands after a meal due to danger of "sodom salt" which is said to cause blindness. R. Judah the son of R. Hiyya said: Why did [the Rabbis] say that it was a ...
Yoel Fievel Ben Avram's user avatar
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How do we know that penguins are non-kosher?

Did anyone posek that penguins are (non)kosher? Well, the same question might be regarding the swans. The Sonchino edition Talmud Bavli, Chullin 62B says: "R. Huna said: Bunia is permitted parwa is ...
Ulrikhe Lukoie's user avatar
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Is slaughtering the chick at the same time as removing it from the nest a possible loophole in the law about sending away the mother bird?

I'm learning Chulin 140b and I am having some difficulty understanding R' Hoshia's question near the top of the page. הושיט ידו לקן ושחט מיעוט סימנים מהו מי אמרינן כיון דאילו שביק להו מטרפי בעינן ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa understood "Ain od mivado" to also exclude the powers of cishuf, what is the source of this?

In Chulin 7b, Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa was not concerned with the threats of a sorcereress due to his understanding that "Ain od Milvado (Devarim 4:35)" included even the powers of sorcery. What was his ...
jj2's user avatar
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Eating a fish underwater

Maseches Chullin 27b that fish do not need shechita but they do need asifa (gathering). Does that mean that it is assur to eat a fish underwater (it's dead -to exclude bal tishaktzu problem) without ...
sam's user avatar
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Who was the son of Rabi Meir's father-in-law?

The gemara in Chulin 6b mentions Rabi Yehoshua ben Zeruz, the son of the father-in-law of Rabi Meir as having given testimony about a certain practice of Rabi Meir. The way the relationship is ...
user6591's user avatar
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Understanding the Gemara and Ramban on the four one-siman animals

Vayikra 11:1-8 א וַיְדַבֵּר יְהוָה אֶל-מֹשֶׁה וְאֶל-אַהֲרֹן, לֵאמֹר אֲלֵהֶם. ב דַּבְּרוּ אֶל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, לֵאמֹר: זֹאת הַחַיָּה אֲשֶׁר תֹּאכְלוּ, מִכָּל-הַבְּהֵמָה אֲשֶׁר עַל-הָאָרֶץ. ג ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Tying teffilin knot everyday

What is the "tying" referred to in תוס‘ ד"ה ואידך הני שכיחן in Chullin 9a, in which Rebbeinu Tam seems to hold that tying teffilin every day is not obligatory? (It is not referring to putting on ...
sam's user avatar
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How did the moon shrink?

The Bavli, Chulin 60:2, says (in my own loose translation): Rabbi Shim'on ben Pazi noted a contradiction: [B'reshis 1:16] says, "God made the two big luminaries" and "the big luminary… ...
msh210's user avatar
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Issur Kolel What is it?

What is Issur Kolel in the context of "AIN ISSUR CHAL AL ISSUR" I heard two people talking about the concept please illustrarte with example and explain the illustration of the example? Edit by YDK: ...
Chalutzhanal's user avatar
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What is the practical difference between nebelah and terefah?

The second mishna on Chullin 32a explains that if an animal is rendered invalid by any death which does not occur through proper ritual slaughter it is nebelah while if it is rendered invalid for some ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Why is Chulin in Kodshim

Why is the Gemara (Talmud) Chulin which talks about Ritual slaughter of animals not having to do with sacrifices in the Beis Hamikdash (temple) in the SEDER (order) of Kodshim which is talks about ...
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