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Joint Bavli and Yerushalmi Gemara edition

Is there a Talmud book that has both of the Yerushalmi and Bavli side by side commenting on any given Mishnah? I think this would greatly elucidate the meaning of a Mishnah, which, afterall, is the ...
A s's user avatar
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What has the Haredi reception of Gershom Sholem been like?

I once heard that Gershom Scholem's purported rescuing of the Zohar & other works of kabbalah from near extinction was seen as an institutionalized act of thievery by some frum who believed ...
shafranksy's user avatar
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Who are Simon/Sperling/Levertoff the translators of the Soncino Zohar?

I am looking for an English Zohar and found this: It lists the translators - however I could not find anything about these people online. My goal is to ...
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online database containing seforim information

does anyone know of an online database that has seforim information, including author, year of publication, and short description. Thanks in advance
Maslin's user avatar
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Mesillas Yesharim in One Chart?

Years ago, I saw a printed chart hanging in a shul titled "Mesillas Yesharim in One Chart," or something very similar. I have been searching online for this but cannot find anywhere. Is ...
Tzvi's user avatar
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Online access to Otzar Hachaim vol. 14

About a century ago there was a monthly Torah publication called Otzar Hachaim (אוצר החיים) put out by Rabbi Chaim Yehudah Ehrenreich. Most of the volumes can be found on Hebrewbooks, but not the ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Rashi Script in Aruch Hashulchan

In my edition of the Aruch Hashulchan, there is often a paragraph that has Rashi script written inside brackets (see pic). What is the Rashi script? Is it the mechaber or someone/something else? I ...
Bochur613's user avatar
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How does one make In-depth Torah Publications Understandable for People with Less Experience or Skill in Jewish Learning

I'm iy"H making some chiddushim I wrote into an attractive and user friendly booklet to give people in the Jewish community where I live a chance to learn in-depth Torah; especially for people ...
Reuvy 's user avatar
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Where are the best places to post chiddushim?

Over a couple of years I've BH put together a booklet of chiddushim in English on various topics (Lifnei Iver, Bal Tosif, Maris Ayin, Chatzi Shiur, Kavona Lotzeis, Yehoreg V'Al Yaavor, P'sik Reisha by ...
Reuvy 's user avatar
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How to get a self-published sefer into all of the Seforim stores?

Nowadays, there are a variety of very quick, reliable, and cost-effective ways to self-publish a book online. Sites like Lulu made it very easy to create a sefer for under $20. However, they don't ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Rabbi Matis Blum Torah Lodaas Sheets Online?

I've been trying to find copies of Rabbi Blum zatza"l's Torah Lodaas Parsha Sheets online, but I can't seem to find them. Are they documented anywhere, or am I out of luck?
Shimi Kaufman's user avatar
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What are the parameters of a tefillas shov (unnecessary prayer-request)?

What are the parameters of a tefillas shov (unnecessary prayer-request)? Someone is waiting for blood test results. He prays and asks Hashem that the results should indicate good health. Is this a ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Is there is any way to learn the names of people who were working on the preparation of the Vilna Shas? [closed]

A lot of people worked on the Romm's Vilna Talmud published in 1880. Is there is any way to get their names?
user11646's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the logic underlying the Mishna's chapter breaks

The Mishna was separated into chapters by R Yehuda HaNasi. I see that at times there is a chapter break in the middle of a topic (today's example: Menachot chapter 1 & 2 - more examples here). It ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Why do most Chumashim mark the end of a Sidra with 3 parsha markings?

With the exception of the end of Vayigash, every Sidrah (Shabbat weekly Torah reading) ends at a parsha (paragraph end.) When there is a parsha end in the middle of the sidrah, Chumashim use a single ...
DanF's user avatar
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The Rambam' s drawing of the menorah

There is a famous drawing of the menorah by the Rambam in his peirush mishnayos (commentary to the Mishna); this is what it looks like: However in the Rambam's commentary as printed in my gemara (...
sam's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Font size variation within siddurim

People might write this off as a matter of typeface and nothing more, but why do so many siddurim vary the font size within the tefillos? I used to think that they made the more important tefillos ...
ezra's user avatar
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Tehillim "Ohel Yosef Yitzchok"

I have heard many Lubavitchers (generally from the older generation) speak about the importance of the Tehillim "Ohel Yosef Yitzchok" (OYY), the Tehillim printed by Kehot, the central Lubavitch ...
ezra's user avatar
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Chumash that is numbered according to Petuchot and Setumot?

Traditionally, the Torah is divided into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs graphically and is seen as being meaningfully categorized as such. As the Rambam codifies, the validity of a Torah scroll is ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Open submission journals/repositories [closed]

When one is a student at a Jewish school (or, sometimes, one with a Jewish Studies department), if they are working on a research paper about Judaism, they can often publish it for feedback and ...
Arithmomaniac's user avatar
9 votes
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Why is the Frankel Rambam divided unusually? Madda-Ahava and Avoda-Korbanot

The printing of Rambam's Mishneh Torah by Hotza'at Shabsi Frankel was a revolutionary achievement. The publishers searched the globe for the earliest and most authoritative manuscripts and attempted ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Are there two or more editions of the Rambam's Peirush HaMishnayos?

I heard that there are differences between the Rambam's Peirush Hamishnayos found most commonly in the Mishnayos Zecher Chanoch and the version found in Mishnayos which are paired with the Rash. Is ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
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Halacha series publications [closed]

Anyone know of a Halacha mailing besides the RJJ Halacha publication? Weekly would be best, but monthly or quarterly works as well. It can be any area of Halacha, but should be by an esteemed posek/...
G pollack's user avatar
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Is there any known Tanach edition with Yemenite Hebrew "version"?

I know that there is only one Hebrew version of Torah and Tanach in general. What I mean is that is there any known Hebrew Edition for Tanach using yemenite spelling (e.g. Aleph instead of Heh in "...
mil's user avatar
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Is Tanach Simanim reliable from an Orthodox point of view?

I know that Judaism (or at least Orthodox Judaism) relies on the Masoretic Text. I saw that the publisher of the Tanach Simanim is Feldheim. I don't know if it is from an Orthodox point of view and if ...
mil's user avatar
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Is there a guide or publication listing U.S. / Canadian shuls that are handicapped-friendly?

My apologies to any reader that I may inadvertently offend by use of the term "handicap". I am uncertain of another good term to convey my message... Parsha Kedoshim, which addresses not to insult ...
DanF's user avatar
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Chumash with Shoresh highlighted

I remember seeing a Chumash that showed the shoresh highlighted for every word, does anyone know what this Chumash is called (and where it can be purchased)?
pzkd's user avatar
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Looking for an article about eruv

I'm looking for an article, that covers every aspects, bits and pieces about the eruv that lets people carry on Shabbat. Sources, history, contemporary situation, so on.
Ulrikhe Lukoie's user avatar
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What subjects did talmud censoring involve and how far back does it go?

I'm aware of censoring of the name Yeshu, in the soncino printing of the talmud where they replaced it with "sinners of israel" in Gittin 57a. I'm interested what other subjects or names were ...
barlop's user avatar
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Pairs of the Ramchal's works

Machon Ofek has published the Ramchal's Mesillas Yesharim (MY) as well as what they call The Mesillas Yesharim- Seder Vikuach which is essentially the same as the commonly known MY but in dialogue ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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אגרת הרמב״ן versus חרם דרבנו גרשם [duplicate]

Rabbeinu Gershom (also known as Me'or Hagolah, the "Light of the Diaspora" - a Rishon who lived approximately 1000 years ago) issued a Cherem (ban) on unauthorized reading of private letters. This ...
msh210's user avatar
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How early is Torah Or in Gemara?

When was Torah Or compiled/available, and if different, when was it originally copied and/or printed with the Gemara text? To clarify, this is not the chabad sefer Torah Or, but the references to ...
andrewmh20's user avatar
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Which books of the Ramchal did he publish himself?

I read that the Ramchal published the Mesilas Yesharim but not too many other books. That got me wondering, how many and which books that we have of his did he himself publish and which ones did ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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"Love thy neighbour as thyself" while reviewing academic papers

Academic publications are judged, mainly, on two grounds: correctness and importance. A paper which contains incorrect statements should, unquestionably, be rejected from publication. However, ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
6 votes
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Did the New York Times really testify to the eternity of the Jewish People? [closed]

There's a story I've heard quite a few times that is reprinted all over Jewish sites on the internet. It goes like this: On January 1, 2000, the NY Times ran a Millennium edition. It was a special ...
Hashem Echad's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why did a newspaper edit out, rather than obscure, women from a photo? [duplicate]

When the Israeli newspaper HaMevaser published a photo of world leaders at the Paris Unity Rally, it edited out the women from the photo, so they were entirely absent from the result. The ...
Matthew Cline's user avatar
9 votes
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Why do Jewish funeral homes tend to be the main supplier of Jewish calendars?

Perhaps, this question is too "trivial". It seems that Jewish funeral homes tend to be the primary "printer" and supplier of Jewish calendars. For decades, many yeshivot as well as shuls get the large ...
DanF's user avatar
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Was the second part of the Tanya ("The Gateway of Unity and Belief") initially released together with the first part?

Was the second book in the Tanya, Shaar Yichud vEmunah ("The Gateway of Unity and Belief") originally published alongside the first book?
jj2's user avatar
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Did R. Shlomo Yosef Zevin provide sources for his stories?

In a letter to R' Shlomo Yosef Zevin, the Lubavitcher Rebbe asked Rabbi Zevin to include sources for the stories he compiled in his Sipurei Chassidim. You can see parts of the letter (printed in ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Why no halachos in the Babylonian Talmud like in the Jerusalem Talmud?

Most Jewish texts have a easy way to pin down a citation. Some are numbered. For example, Rambam and Y'rushalmi and Tosefta have chapter and halacha. Some of these have different numberings in ...
msh210's user avatar
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Shulchan Aruch split into 30 portions

Rav Yosef Karo writes in his introduction to the Shulchan Aruch: , בהיותו שגור בפיו ספר זה הבנוי לתלפיות, תל שהכל פונים בו, לחלקו לחלקים שלושים, ללמוד בו בכל יום חלק, ונמצא שבכל חודש הוא חוזר תלמודו, ...
sam's user avatar
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Magazine subscription that doesn't cancel

Many magazines (in the United States, anyway) today find the main profitability is in having higher subscriber numbers to show advertisers and really don't care if the subscriber is paying. The main ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Source of various versions of Haamek Davar [closed]

There are commonly used versions of Chumash Haamek Davar in which the respective Haamek Davar commentaries differ widely from one another. I mean that the differences are not a word here and a letter ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is it forbidden to publish misleading advertising?

May a Jew publish, in print, online, or elsewhere, advertising which they have reason to suspect is not accurate? Not to get bogged down in an example; but let's say the publisher of a Jewish ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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which tanach is the most authoritative

There are many different Tanachs on the market and while the differences are very minute, they are there. I am under the impression that while it used to be that the Koren Tanach was considered the ...
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If a Jewish neighbor becomes the subject of a scandal, is it loshon hara to follow it in the press?

It has happened a few times -- Jewish neighbors or acquaintances, some of them communal leaders and/or public figures -- have been arrested and charged with a crime or crimes of such a nature they are ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Kaarite rebuttal of the new testament

A while ago I was pointed to a Kaarite rebuttal of the New testament from a few centuries ago. I found it online with an interactive chapter by chapter format. Now I can't remember the name or find it ...
user6591's user avatar
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Can a Jewish news-provider purposefully lie to Jews?

Over this summer, I have seen a number of websites claiming to be Jewish newssites disseminating blatantly false information, particularly about Israel. Whether or not these sites represent Israeli ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Editing Torah on Tisha B'av

Is it a violation of the prohibition to learn Torah on Tisha B'av to edit a Torah publication? The intent of the editor is not to learn, but it ends up happening automatically if he is editing ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
17 votes
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The practice of (not) printing pictures of women in magazines and newspapers under religious auspices

I was reading a My Encounter the other week (not available online) which had an interview with the editor of The Moshiach Times. In it he described how the practice of other religious magazines at the ...
Yishai's user avatar
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