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Source for quote from Rebbe Nachman zy"a

Does anyone know where the source is for the quote, "Remember: Things can go from the very worst to the very best in just the blink of an eye", I don't think this is an exact quote but if ...
Moshe Nachbar's user avatar
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How did the Briskers, or the Soloveitchiks, acquire the reputation for exactingness in quotation?

I recently came across a story about the Vilna Ga’on in Halachic Man (on p.30 in the 1984 English edition). I had various doubts about the authenticity of the story, and in the course of discussing my ...
Chaim's user avatar
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What is the quote about 13 rivers of aparsemon?

Can some share the quote where this came from: "the righteous will bathe in 13 rivers of aparsemon"? I've seen it paraphrased online a lot but I can't find it in the reference listed (Avodah ...
Yerushalma's user avatar
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Is the quotation “The true shekinah is man” from the Talmud?

One of the quotes on the wall of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. is, “The true shekinah is man.” I was curious about the origin of that quote, but when I googled it, I found that it was ...
adam.baker's user avatar
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Where is this quote from? "you are master of your words until you say them"?

It was quoted to me years ago from mishnah brura, but I cannot find it there now. I am familiar with the line in Avot "no better guard for wisdom than silence" // that is not exact. Guidance ...
Jonesome Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Source for quote from Hagaon Hagadol Rabbi Mordechai Gifter T'zl

"These days, bachurim are learning more and more about less and less. Eventually they will know everything about nothing". Where is the source that he said this, and what did he mean? I saw ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Who said this quote?

Does anyone know who said the following quote: “what is forbidden is forbidden, and what is permissible is not necessarily to be done.” I think it may be from a modern rabbi but I don’t recall who ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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The Rokeach and the Chanukah candle

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein (The Light And The Splendor, p. 336-337) quotes the Rokeach, Rabbi Elazar Rokeach of Worms and mentions the following parable: When a new building is complete, the first ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Where did Samson Raphael Hirsch write "the catechism of the Jew is his calendar"?

There are lots of articles and books that say "Samson Raphael Hirsch famously wrote 'the catechism of the Jew is his calendar'" - but what is the mareh makom?
Simcha Daniel Burstyn's user avatar
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Source of teaching

I read that “the works of the righteous are their offspring" is a "rabbinic teaching". Is there a source, other than Chacham Tzvi 93?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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How do you interpret the expression עול בחיקו?

This is a metaphor used sometimes, such as in ואם הנהגה של רשע תהיה עול בחיקו של הצדיק למטה (R' Natan Nata Spira, 1585-1633, Megaleh Amukot al Iyov 34). I also read this expression in the R' Salman ...
SimpleYid's user avatar
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A word in print, is for generations after generations. - source of the Rebbe Rayatz

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, in one of his letters (letter no. 184, dated from 7 Shvat, 5705), cites the Rebbe Rayatz (The Tzemach Tzedek) and says: A word spoken is public knowledge; in writing, it is for ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Ariza"l and Seer (Chozeh) of Lublin on Korach

This fascinating article says: The Seer of Lublin said: “Were I alive at the time, I would have supported Korah” … Rabbi Yitzhak Luria Ashkenazi, the Ari, writes: “In the future, Korah will be shown ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Baal Shem Tov on the words b'simcha and machshava

Baal Shem Tov says: The letters of the Hebrew word b'simcha (happy) can be rearranged to spell machshava (thought), emphasizing that happiness depends not on your situation, but upon your view of it. ...
Knowledge Seeker's user avatar
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Trying to track down the textual source of a Jewish quote about a Rabbi Neskizh

I found the below quote in a a book called Spiritual Midwifery. I would love to know if the quote is real, and where it comes from. Thanks! The Quote: Rabbi Mordecai of Neskizh said to his son, the ...
Yoela's user avatar
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Source of "You can educate a fool but you can't make him think."

The internet is full of this "quote", attributing it to "The Talmud". Is this really to be found in Mishnah or Gemara? If so, what is the source reference?
David H's user avatar
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Rabbits in the Torah

Are there are quotes about Rabbits in Tanach, Midrash, Gemara etc.. I am looking for somewhere which speaks about them.
Moz's user avatar
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Need source of a quote

"In this world, we suffer because we are Jewish. In the World to Come, we will suffer because we are not Jewish enough."
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Is this quote really from the Rambam?

Some non-Jewish sources on the internet (eg here) attribute the following quote to the Rambam: Teach thy tongue to say, “I do not know,” and thou shalt progress Does anyone have a source for this?
DankMasterDan's user avatar
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Source in Darash Moshe on own understanding

It is said that in Darash Mose דרש משה Parashas Korach, the following quote can be found from Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt'l Korach thought that every Jew is entitled to fulfill the laws of the Torah in ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Where is this quote from?

This is consistent with the dictum that a person should earn a living by “the labor of [his] hands,” rather than accepting a scholar’s stipend. It is from (here) but where did it find the ...
Yosef's user avatar
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The Maggid of Mezeritch on jewels and straw

In his sermon on the ethics of controversy, R Norman Lamm says: The great Maggid of Mezeritch, the leading theoretician of Hasidism and one who knew only too well the life of controversy, told us ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Who made this claim about the author of Sefer Habahir?

Asking for someone else: "I remember a quote of some medieval or later rabbi disputing the claim that Rabbi Nechunya [ben Hakanah] wrote the Sefer HaBahir, saying something like god forbid that a ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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What's a good quote from Chazal to use as a constant reminder? [closed]

I am looking for some of Mi Yodeya's favorite quotes from Mishna, Gemara, works of Chazal, etc. that can be used as constant reminders to always be doing the right thing and trying to grow. I am aware ...
yisrael's user avatar
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Source for a quotation from a Rabbi (or Jewish story)

My apologies if this question isn't within the typical scope of this site. I'm trying to locate the source of a quotation I saved long ago, it was from I believe an academic text collecting various ...
NotSoAbel's user avatar
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'Just because I think doesn't mean I know how to think'- Rambam quote?

A few years ago I heard Rabbi Joseph Dweck give a lecture on Kabalah and he mentioned this quotation attributed to Rambam: "Just because I think doesn't mean I know how to think." But I ...
Sam's user avatar
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Do you have the source for the quote about not trusting liars

Does anyone remember a quote about how once someone is a confirmed liar nothing they say or said can be trusted and should be questioned? I cannot find the exact words.
Adam49's user avatar
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Seeking the source for a Baal Shem Tov quote

“Let me fall if I must fall. The one I am becoming will catch me.” I often see this quote online, but I can't find the original source. I want to know if the Baal Shem Tov actually said this and in ...
Simcha Herlitz's user avatar
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Did Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson say that the souls of non-Jews are from the Satan?

According to the book "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" by Israel Shahak the Lubavitcher Rebbe allegedly said in the 1965 book "Gatherings of Conversations" (Probably mean "...
עדין חייקין's user avatar
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Source for Rabbi Meir Shapira's statement about Daf Yomi

In numerous locations in print and online, the following idea is told over in the name of Rabbi Meir Shapira, the founder of the Daf Yomi learning program. The quote is almost identical in every place ...
Chaim's user avatar
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What is "okinta"?

A friend of mine, a professional translator and interpreter, was stymied in her work by a word that some rabbis keep using when quoting Talmud, baraitot, Rambam, even Rav Kook. To her ear (she is a ...
Ted Hopp's user avatar
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Source for "the land of Israel makes its inhabitants wise"

I would like to know the source of the quotation: "Eretz yisrael m'chakim es yoshvehah"? My translation: The land of Israel makes its inhabitants wise.
Phil Freedenberg's user avatar
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Where do we learn that students are like offspring?

Is there a quote in the Talmud that says something like "anyone who teaches a child Torah is like he is his parent?"
Jeremy's user avatar
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Source of "God could not be everywhere, so He created mothers"?

A popular line, usually attributed to the Talmud, is "God could not be everywhere at the same time, so He created mothers." I could not find it anywhere in Jewish sources. Besides, God is Ha-Makom --...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Does anything in the Tanakh resemble the quote "Each shall seek his own kind"?

I just watched "Fiddler on the Roof" and noticed Tevye said the following: Who says he isn't? It's just that he's a different kind of man. As the Good Book says, "Each shall seek his own kind." In ...
user avatar
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Maharam Discussing the Rosh

Is there a list of teshuvot (or other documents) in which the Maharam discusses his student the Rosh?
MiYavin's user avatar
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Which rabbinic or mishnaic source is quoted as having stated that men are to be married at nineteen and fathers at twenty-four?

I've seen someone quote a certain Jewish text here and there in my readings on the internet where it says something along the likes of, 'eight for the Torah, thirteen for the study, nineteen for ...
Uriah Blacke's user avatar
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Idiomatic Serenity Pledge?

There's something called the Serenity Prayer, which is a clever "prayer" often used at addiction support groups, such as AA. I did a little Googling, and it turns out that it may have been composed ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Who says the wicked are full of remorse? Help tracking down a supposed statement of Chazal

One section of the Tanya is called Likutei Amarim. Chapter 11 of this section contains the statement “Concerning such a person, the Rabbis of blessed memory have said, “The wicked are full of remorse.”...
Chaim's user avatar
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Quotation in the name of a student

The Bavli often says "אמר פלוני אמר פלוני" ("So-and-so said that So-and-so said…") or "אמר פלוני משמיה דפלוני" ("So-and-so said in the name of So-and-so…") or "כי אתא פלוני אמר פלוני" ("When So-and-so ...
msh210's user avatar
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How should I understand Rabbeinu Bachya on Numbers 25:13?

ויכפר על בני ישראל, “he obtained atonement for the Children of Israel.” This verse teaches that he who spills the blood of the wicked is considered as if he had offered a sacrifice. The idea is ...
LRCBC's user avatar
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Rebbe Nachman - quote on the power of dancing and clapping

I seem to remember reading somewhere in Chayei Moharan where Rebbe Nachman of Breslov said: "Had I known the power of dancing and clapping, I would not have fasted so much in my youth." Does ...
ezra's user avatar
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looking for quote from tanach about good character [closed]

What is a pasuk from tanach that can be used to describe a person being intelligent and/or possessing positive character traits?
lmf's user avatar
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Source for Chasam Sofer quote about Zohar

What is the source for the Chasam Sofer having said (regarding the Zohar), "If we could sift the book and keep only what R’ Shimon Bar Yochai wrote, it would be a very very thin book. You would only ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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If don't aspire to be a general cannot be a simple soldier

I believe I read this saying (originally said by Napoleon) by one of the Gedolim (Torah leaders) with respect to one's religious service. Could be it was the Chafetz Chaim. Looking for a source. The ...
ray's user avatar
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Source for Expression: "There is No Prophet For His Own Town"

There is an expression: אין נביא לעירו which apparently refers to the lack of control or respect wielded by local authorities over their own populace. The earliest source I know for this is the ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Quotes on Ahavas Yisroeil [closed]

I am looking for good quotes about Ahavas Yisroeil because of a story I am writing. Can anyone provide some nice sayings from Jewish sources?
ezra's user avatar
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the difference between the wise and the clever

Someone, years ago, told me the difference between the chacham (wise) and the pikeach (clever) men; the chacham does not enter, where a pikeach knows how to escape from. (החכם לא נכנס, משם פיקח יודע ...
RonP's user avatar
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Praise for abstract thinking

Where in the Jewish scriptures and law can praise for abstract thinking be found? Presumably this has something to do with why so many Nobel prize winners are Jewish. Thanks.
Jack Maddington's user avatar
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Gematria 515 avodat halev

I read this article: 'ABOUT AND BY THE COMMENTATORS: Why do we Eat Matza on Pesach?' written by Rabbi Amnon Bazak, in which he wrote: Avudraham gives many examples of gematria, the numerical value ...
Levi's user avatar
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