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Questions tagged [marror-bitter-herbs]

Bitter vegetables eaten at the Passover seder to recall the bondage in Egypt

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Maror - bitter or sweet?

The Gemara (Pesachim 115b) says that if one swallowed the Maror, he is not Yotze, being that one must taste the bitterness. Question: it says in the Yerushalmi (Pesachim 2:5) that Chazeret is ...
User123's user avatar
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Is it possible to say blessings on matzah and maror on Pesach Sheni?

The fact is that some Hasidim spend on Pesach Sheni a meal almost identical to the Seder. In addition, there are a number of people who were not able to have a seder on the night of Nisan 15 and they ...
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Finding Bodek Romaine Lettuce for Seder

I live in Riverdale, NY 10463, just north of Manhattan, south of Westchester. Where is the nearest store in New York City that sells Bodek Romaine Lettuce? Thank you. Chag Sameach.
Levi Langer's user avatar
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If you use horseradish for maror, must it be red (or purple)?

I am somewhat familiar with the arguments about horseradish vs lettuce (or other stalks that leak white fluid) for maror. Disregarding that, assuming you follow the tradition allowing horseradish as ...
Richard Winters's user avatar
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Does the blessing on the karpas cover the pineapple eaten as dessert at the Pesach meal?

At the Pesach Seder, there is a custom to make a blessing “borei pri hoadomoh” on the karpas and have in mind that this will cover the moror when it is eaten later. There is a custom to make a ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Can one eat the marror from the keara over pesach?

Is it okay to eat the marror and chazeret from the keara (seder plate) ?
user5202's user avatar
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Shaking Off Charoses

The Shulchan Aruch (475:1) says ואח"כ יקח כזית מרור וישקענו כולו בחרוסת ולא ישהנו בתוכו שלא יתבטל טעם מרירתו ומטעם זה צריך לנער החרוסת מעליו ויברך על אכילת מרור ויאכלנו בלא הסיבה - take a ...
NJM's user avatar
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How and in what sense can the matzoh and moror nullify the Korban Pesach?

The Oruch HaShulchan in Simon סימן תעה quotes the Rambam (פרק שמיני דין ו:) ואחר כך מברך "על נטילת ידים"... ואחר כך כורך מצה ומרור כאחת, ומטבל בחרוסת ומברך "ברוך... אשר קדשנו במצותיו ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Hefsek between Karpas and maror?

In Shulchan Aruch (O”Ch 475:1): ויברך על אכילת מרור ויאכלנו בלא הסיבה ואח"כ נוטל מצה שלישית ובוצע ממנה וכורכה עם המרור וטובלה בחרוסת: הגה ויש אומרים דאין לטובלו וכן הוא במנהגים וכן ראיתי נוהגין: ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Rabbeinu Nissim's source in Rif Pesochim 23 apparent contradiction?

Rabbeinu Nissim ben Re'uven in Maseches Pesochim (page 23 in the Rif ד''ה דילמא see here) says that, whilst one has to eat the Pesach offering "על השובע" (an eating of satisfaction), when it comes to ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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why does the ma nishtana say we dip 2 times when we actually dip 3 times?

In the current standard text of the ma nishtana it states that at the seder we dip twice. But according to my count we dip three times, Karpas, Marror and Korech (either the whole sandwhich or just ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Maror versus only peeled vegetables

The ideal vegetable for maror is some kind of leaf and/or stalk; roots are distinctly inferior and may not count at all (Shulchan Aruch and commentaries, 473:5). Being extra-strict about, and adding ...
msh210's user avatar
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Why on the pesach seder do we eat the matzo which represents freedom before we eat the maror which represents slavery?

Why on the pesach seder do we eat the matzah which represents freedom before we eat the maror which represents slavery?
Mordechai Nir's user avatar
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Why does the Ezras Torah Luach say horseradish is preferred?

The Ezras Torah Luach (in the obvious place) says that horseradish is the best way to fulfill the mitzva of maror. I've seen answers on this site that say the opposite: horseradish is a very bedieved ...
Heshy's user avatar
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What's the deal with horseradish at the seder?

Every Pesach seder I've been to, including ones run by Chabad and Hillel, has used horseradish root as the maror. But this seems to be controversial -- maybe horseradish isn't ok at all, or maybe ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Bracha of "Borei pri ha'adamah" for horseradish at the seder?

If a vegeatble that is normally eaten cooked and normally not eaten raw is eaten in its raw state, one should say shehakol instead of ha'adamah. I don't think raw horseradish is commonly eaten in the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Use Cazeres/romaine lettuce leaves?

I have seen some people use only the stalk and others use the whole leaf of the romaine lettuce for cazeres that they use by the Seder, both for the "plate" and for eating. What is the reason for the ...
mroll's user avatar
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What is the source and reason for the two dipping items at Pesach Seder?

I somewhat understand why many have the custom to dip things in the first place during the Pesach Seder. But, I'm curious about the source and reason for these two specific items, namely: Why ...
DanF's user avatar
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Maror- common lettuce

Rav Dovid Feinstein in Kol Dodi perek 15:18 writes that the common custom is to use romaine lettuce for maror.However, he mentions that he heard that a renowned Gaon of recent times who permitted ...
sam's user avatar
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Can wasabi be used for maror at the seder?

Horseradish is commonly used at the seder. Wikipedia explains that wasabi is a different plant than horseradish, though from the same general family. Can one use wasabi? If so, must it be used only ...
DanF's user avatar
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Rabban Gamliel says we must mention moror at the seder. Is it just a word association?

Mishna Pesochim Perek 10 mishnah 5. Rabban Gamliel requires us to mention three things at the seder and gives the reasons. פסח, על שום שפסח המקום על בתי אבותינו במצרים. מצה, על שום שנגאלו ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why do we make blessings on mitzvot d'rabbanan at the second seder?

As far as I know mitzvot such as eating marror or saying hallel at the Pesach seder are only rabbinic (the marror was biblical previously but I am told that is no longer so). If this is the case and ...
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Must one be able to taste the matzah?

It says in the Gemorah Pesachim Daf 115a: אמר רבינא אמר לי רב משרשיא בריה דרב נתן הכי אמר הלל משמיה דגמרא לא ניכרוך איניש מצה ומרור בהדי הדדי וניכול משום דסבירא לן מצה בזמן הזה דאורייתא ומרור ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Maror and vinegar at the Seder?

May the horseradish used for maror be put in vinegar after grating it on Erev Yom Tov and still be used for the mitzvah? My understanding is that it may not be done. Is that the case? If so, how do ...
andrewmh20's user avatar
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What's the best way to dip maror into charoset if you're using horseradish?

Every seder I've ever been to has used ground horseradish (like this) for maror, and "dipping" it in the charoset ends up being implemented as putting both maror and charoset on a piece of matzah and ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Why do we quote the pasuk from Pesach Sheni for Korech?

At the seder, by Korech (the sandwich) we state So did Hillel do. When the Temple was standing he would bind [meat from the} Pesach [offering] Matzah and Marror and eat them as one. As the verse ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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What is the minimum shiur for dehydrated maror?

Given that you can use dried maror for the seder (Mishna Pesachim 2:6), and assuming that horseradish is actually maror, what is the minimum shiur of dried horseradish (e.g. horseradish powder)? Is it ...
Eli Lansey's user avatar
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Marror and Chazeres on the seder plate

The arrangement of the Seder plate according to the Arizal includes one space for "Marror" and another for "Chazeres" (the latter intended for use in Koreich). Does this reflect a tradition to use ...
Dave's user avatar
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Acceptable marror species

The Mishnah in Pesachim 39a lists five types of vegetables that can be used for marror. Where did the Sages derive this list from? Is it some kind of Halachah L'Moshe MiSinai, or Chazal figured out ...
Dave's user avatar
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What type of Maror?

For Maror there are those that use lettuce, those that use endives, those that use fresh grated horseradish, or maybe something else. Is there a difference in what you use for Maror and what you use ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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How do you obtain Dole/Fresh Express bagged romaine lettuce with a Star-K on it?

I know some stores tend to stock it, some don't. One year before Pesach I tried contacting a produce wholesaler (we were having lots of company) regarding buying a case of it -- they said they ...
Shalom's user avatar
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When do you eat the charoset?

During the seder, are you really not supposed have any charoset left on your maror when you eat it? Why is this? When do people actually get to eat the charoset?
Sam's user avatar
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What's the best thing to use for Marror?

What's the best thing to use for Marror (bitter herbs) for Seder, taking into account Halacha, ease, availability, etc?
Shalom's user avatar
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