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Questions tagged [daf-yomi]

Questions about the practice of "Daf Yomi" - a standardized, synchronized program of daily Talmud study

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Sepharadic Daf Yomi speaker?

I'm looking for a playlist of Daf Yomi from a Sepharadic speaker; I have trouble understanding Ashkanazi Hebrew and I don't want to get my words mixed up.
Buff_Nate's user avatar
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Daf Yomi & Mishna Yomi Coinciding

On 18 Kislev 5785 (Thursday Dec 19, 2024), both Daf Yomi & Mishna Yomi will be starting Sanhedrin. Have these two learning programs ever perfectly coincided before? Also wondering the last times ...
user907a's user avatar
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What is the Rebbe and 6th Rebbe's view of daf yomi

B"H I heard that the rabbis who started daf yomi didn't consult the 6th Rebbe before doing so, and therefore Chabad doesn't officially learn daf yomi. Is there a basis for this? What was the ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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When did daf yomi start in practice?

Aruch Hashulchan YD 246:17 writes וט"ז סעיף קטן א שכתב בשם הדרישה: הבעלי בתים שלומדים רק איזה שעות ביום טוב, יותר שילמדו ספרי פוסקים ולא גמרא, עיין שם. ובוודאי שעל כל איש לידע דיני "אורח ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Daf Yomi and half of Shas

I'm currently learning Daf Yomi and am considering doing a second daf everyday but would like to start at a daf that is half way through Shas from where we are currently holding. So that I could ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos Shiurim to Download

Hi I’m a buchor in yeshiva and I want to download shiurim that go in depth including Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos. Does anyone know any shiur I can listen to? Is there anyone that gives daf yomi with ...
Buchor's user avatar
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Baalei Batim and Daf Yomi versus Learning Halachah

Today, many baalei batim center their learning around gemara bavli, for example through programs like daf yomi. But the Drisha and Shach write that for those who aren't learning all day it's more ...
Meir Luria's user avatar
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Where can I find tzuras hadaf of the yerushalmi?

Daf Yomi Yerushalmi starts tomorrow. As I don’t own a set, I would like to find somewhere online I can see the daf (PDF or otherwise) to follow along with a shiur - similar to the Tzuras haDaf you can ...
user's user avatar
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Can you please recommend a Daf Yomi app that reads the full page before commentary? Or Talmud audio app in general

I am not doing a Daf Yomi cycle specifically, but I want to shift my focus more back to Gemara than what I've been studying mostly the last few years. However, I want some audio help this time to ...
ShipBuilding's user avatar
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Getting Masechtos for Daf Yomi

Is there a subscription service (ala Chayenu) for Daf yomi where I can receive an easily transportable Gemara for the upcoming week(s)
Avi Goldstein's user avatar
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Some questions about the Talmud [closed]

I have some questions about the way the Gemara is formulated. Feel free to answer all, some, or just one! What exactly is the Vilna Shas? Is it the only type of Shas used today? I Know there are 2,...
yisrael's user avatar
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Finding the daf for a day in history [duplicate]

Is there any online app (or simple process of calculation) that can indicate which daf was studied for any calendar day in Daf Yomi history?
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Pashut Daf Yomi in 30 minutes [duplicate]

My friend works a 9-5 job (lawyer in New York, New York). He's been through Yeshiva (Mesivta & Beis Medresh) and started off married in Kollel. He now works and has had a hard time learning the ...
TwoOs's user avatar
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Is there any (relatively) simple way to calculate when/how often the Daf Yomi cycle will finish a tractate on Erev Pesach?

Shulchan Aruch O.C. 470:1 codifies that firstborns fast on Erev Pesach. In my experience, the widespread practice is for firstborns to attend a siyum of the completion of a tractate of Talmud, usually ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can one make a siyum on “shas bavli” if he did not also finish the masechtos mishnayos that do not have gemara bavli on them?

I have heard that to make a siyum on shas bavli one must finish shisha sidrei mishna (and all bavli that there is). Is one required to learn the entire shisha sidrei mishna as well as all of the ...
Yid613's user avatar
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Daf Shiur in Far Rockaway / 5T?

I'm looking for a good daf shiur in far rockaway / 5T say anywhere around from 6:30 to 8 AM. What I want in a Shiur is a clear and concise maagid, FYI.
Big Mouth's user avatar
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Source for Rabbi Meir Shapira's statement about Daf Yomi

In numerous locations in print and online, the following idea is told over in the name of Rabbi Meir Shapira, the founder of the Daf Yomi learning program. The quote is almost identical in every place ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Historical Daf Yomi calendar

Is there a website that allows you to find what Daf was studied on the a particular date as part of the Daf Yomi cycle?
Mordechai ben Yosef's user avatar
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Why were masechtot of mishna without gemara included (or not) in Talmud Bavli and daf yomi?

I would like to better understand why certain tractates of mishna which don't have gemara were selected or not for inclusion in Talmud Bavli and/or daf yomi? Here is what I understand most tractates ...
mbloch's user avatar
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What were the arguments against the dafyomi cycle?

What were the arguments against the dafyomi cycle proposed by Gedolim when Rabbi Meir Shapiro tried to found it?
ray's user avatar
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Why is Eduyos in the Daf Yomi cycle?

There are several masechtos included in the printed versions of Talmud Bavli that, in fact, don't have any Bavli on them: Yerushalmi Shekalim, Mishnayos Eduyos, Mishnayos Kinnim, Mishnayos Tamid (for ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Are there any good resources that give a general overview of each day's daf?

That's not meant to be a substitute for learning it in depth, but rather for review purposes it would be nice to read a brief synopsis. Any tips would be appreciated.
CoolGuy's user avatar
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what vowels is the gemora trying to replace the word ּיִקְנְוּ with יִקָנו or יַׁקְנו

I was learning with my chavrusa i used the Hebrew artscroll and he used the English version we bumped into this gemora, הכא כתיב (דברים כב, יג) כי יקח בבעל תלה רחמנא התם נמי כתיב (ירמיהו לב, מד) שדות ...
YesItsMe's user avatar
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Looking for the right daf yomi shiur

I'm looking for the right daf yomi shiur that I can download online. I know there's a lot to choose from, so hopefully my criteria are specific enough to lead you in the right direction. I'm looking ...
Leester337's user avatar
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Tractate Shekalim and Daf Yomi [duplicate]

Tractate Shekalim is the only tractate of Yerushalmi included in the Daf Yomi cycle. I assume this is because it was the only lonesome tractate of Seder Moed which did not have Bavli on it, so to ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Why Choose Talmud Bavli For The Daily Study

As we know it is a big custom to learn a daf of Talmud Bavli a day (Dafyomi). My question is why did they choose to pick Talmud Bavli. There are so many other Subjects that could actually affect ...
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Why doesn't Rosh HaShanah precede Yoma in Daf Yomi? [duplicate]

In two sets of Sha"S Bavli that I own, and logically, Rosh HaShanah precedes Yoma. But it doesn't in the Daf Yomi cycle. Why not? My first thought was that, perhaps, my sets deviate from the ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Order of Masechtos in Seder Moed

According to the standard Shas print (Vilna Bavli), the order of Masechtas is Pesachim-Shekalim-Rosh Hashana-Yoma-Sukka-Beitza. This makes (some) sense as this is the order of holidays. However, the ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Why is Maseches Shekalim in Daf Yomi [duplicate]

Why is Maseches Shekalim in Daf Yomi, its from the Yerusahlmi?
termsofservice's user avatar
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Daf yomi on Tisha b'Av

There is a strong tradition (maybe halakha?) to not engage in most learning on Tisha b'Av (with a few exceptions). Many of us learn daily and I understand that we generally suspend our learning for ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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What is the origin of learning Talmud daf yomi?

These days, it is the practice of many to learn a folio of the Vilna printing of the Talmud each day. Where did this custom come from? When?
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Daf Yomi and a half-Daf

What is typically done in the Daf Yomi Shi'ur when a Masechta ends with a half-Daf (ie., an 'Amud, or single-sided page, vs. a full Daf, which is the double-sided page that is studied daily)? Is ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Looking for daf yomi app recommendations

Are there any good daf yomi apps? I saw the video for the artscroll app but it doesn't seem to be out yet. Any recommendations?
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Lubavitch and Daf Yomi

I know that most lubavitchers won't learn Daf Yomi. Is there any Sicha (please bring sources) which says if one should or shouldn't learn it?
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Daf Yomi Scheduling for Shabbos, Yom Tov, and Sundays

With the twelfth Siyum HaShas behind us, I was wondering what is the best way for a person to maintain their Daf Yomi schedule on Shabbos, Yom Tov, and Sundays. Is it best to learn at a different time ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Preparing to learn daf yomi Yerushalmi

I am planning to start learning daf yomi Yerushalmi. I have never learned Yerushalmi before Are there websites the provide the text and audio explanation of the daf akin to those that exist for Bavli?...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Is there a short Daf Yomi shiur online in English?

There is a short, 10-minute daf yomi shiur in Hebrew here : and I was wondering if there is anything comparable in English. I'm looking for a Daf Yomi shiur online that is significantly shorter than ...
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