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Questions tagged [orthodox]

Questions pertaining to Orthodox Judaism in terms of history and general worldview.

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2 answers

Orthodox recognition of Reform bar mitzvah

Reform conversions and Reform weddings aren’t recognized by Orthodox Judaism. A bar mitzvah in a Reform synagogue is recognized in Orthodox Judaism, if the boy is considered Jewish by Orthodox Judaism?...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Ausstritsgemeinde - Opposition of Rabbi Hirsch to the "Geminderabbiner"

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch was vehemently opposed to the rabbis who didn't follow him when he passed the Ausstritsgesetz (Secession Bill) which allowed Orthodox Jews to separate from the general ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Online orthodox conversion [closed]

Is it acceptable to trust the legitimacy of an online Orthodox conversion program provided by
Alisha's user avatar
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0 votes
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Do all hasidim/some frum follow Shulchan aruch haRav? [duplicate]

Do all hasidim, Satmar/Chabad/Breslov etc follow the Shulchan aruch haRav? is there any hasidic group that mainly uses Mishnah Berurah for halacha lemaaseh primarily? I know frum Ashkenazim mainly use ...
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Conservative converts wanting to marry Orthodox [closed]

If there were an instance where a Conservative convert woman wanted to marry an Orthodox man, would an Orthodox rabbi perform the ceremony?
jessula's user avatar
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Mixed Marriage Question [closed]

So here’s my problem. I’m Baal Teshuva (MO) and my partner is not Jewish. I know, I know! It’s complicated. She has no interest in converting, but totally supports me. As for me, I’m just trying to ...
Dovid Buchenholz's user avatar
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Orthodox Lieberman clause

Have there been any Orthodox Rabbis who recognize the Saul Lieberman clause in a Ketubah or something similar to it? I understand originally there was working together between Joseph B. Soloveitchik ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Have any Orthodox rabbis or rabbinic organizations called for a communal fast on Thursday, October 12, 2023?

In response to the current war in Israel, and the current situation (as I write this: hundreds of Israelis held hostage by terrorists, including children and the elderly), the organization Hadar has ...
mweiss's user avatar
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2 answers

How do members of a given denomination understand what happens on events from other denominations?

I watched a UsefulChart video on Jewish denominations, which I found very educative as an atheist interested in history. It was not clear however whether the various denominations can share/understand ...
WoJ's user avatar
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2 answers

Seeking Sources on Living Piously in a Secular World [closed]

In today's society, where secular influence is prevalent, many individuals are navigating the balance between religious observance and worldly engagements. This leads to the question: How does ...
naarter's user avatar
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What are the spiritual (mental), mystical, practical, realistic, religious and/or social benefits of refraining from all perversions and immodesties?

I should refrain from impure thoughts, licentious ruminations, immodesty and improper sex. I must guard my eyes, tongue and mouth from perversion and sexually improper 'things'. I must not watch porn, ...
naarter's user avatar
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Where can I find polemics between Reform and Orthodoxy?

I am looking for polemics between Reform and Orthodoxy. Surprisingly, despite spending some time searching on Google, I didn't find anything online. (Preferably not a book that I would have to buy in ...
Tzvi K's user avatar
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What is the position of each of these Non-Orthodox groups regarding the Oral Torah presented by Orthodox Judaism?

From my vague general knowledge (without studying this in depth), there are 6 general “mathematical” (potential) positions available for groups regarding the Orthodox Oral Torah; G-d never Gave ANY ...
Tzvi K's user avatar
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Have any rabbinic organizations taken a public position on Rabbi Daniel Landes's Yashrut institute?

Have any mainstream Orthodox rabbis or rabbinical bodies, either in Israel or the United States, expressed an opinion (pro or con) on the Yashrut institute, established by Rabbi Daniel Landes? I am ...
throwaway-account's user avatar
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The 'No True Scotsman' Fallacy and Judaism

I don't know if this has been asked before, perhaps with different terminology. There is a well-known fallacy, that in the realm of religious debates, comes up often especially with regards to "...
Harel13's user avatar
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Does Sefaria, as a resource, conform to Orthodox standards? [closed] has emerged as a very convenient and popular place to find hundreds of important Torah texts in Hebrew and English. Many people rely upon the site for study and for the generation of ...
LFE's user avatar
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Community of R' Menachem Elon

Rabbi Menachem Elon is described all over the web as an "Orthodox Rabbi." However, while he seems to be very respected in the academic world, I have been unable to find a single record of R' ...
YSR's user avatar
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Is a child born to a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother, considered a non-Jew in the same regard as a child born to two non-Jewish parents?

I thought to myself it must be, in general, considered differently in Judaism, but I haven't found written sources for that yet. Is the first considered differently in the Torah than the second?
A-F1222's user avatar
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Has the majority of Jews followed the decrees of the sages by the 7th century? [closed]

Can we say that the majority of Jews followed the decrees of the sages by the 7th century? Maybe earlier? Any proofs?
capri reds's user avatar
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Usage of honorifics for non-Orthodox authorities

When speaking or when referring to a non-Orthodox Jewish authority, for example, a Reform rabbi (whether male or female), should one use their title of "rabbi" - maybe for דרכי שלום or ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Are there Orthodox Jews who do not consider the Zohar’s validity?

Knowing that the Kabbalistic movement started among the Sephardic Jews it spread to the Ashkenazim much later. Although the Hasidic movement is very Kabbalah oriented. Many important rabbis especially ...
Yehoshua Shalom Halevi Segal's user avatar
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Practical Issues with a Shulchan Aruch style conversion

Assuming a proselyte in the US is sincere and already identifies with the Jewish people and already keeps the main lifestyle mitzvot (kashrut, 3 daily prayers, tallit gadol, tefillin, Hebrew and Torah ...
יהושע ק's user avatar
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Is there an authoritative source on the similarities and differences of the denominations? [closed]

Background After asking a similar question on Christianity.SE, I was curious about the equivalent phenomenon in Judaism. Question Is there a chart, or graph, or other resource that accurately ...
isakbob's user avatar
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Why are women not allowed to read from the Torah in conservative Judaism? [duplicate]

I'm not Jewish myself, but my wife is and per my understanding of Jewish tradition, this means our children are as well. My wife's preference is for either Reconstructionist or Reform denomination ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
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4 answers

Can a person still be an Orthodox Jew and believe that the Torah contains narratives that are not scientifically correct?

I am taking the position that perhaps the Torah does contain narratives that are not scientifically correct, such as the creation and early human history narratives found in the first 11 chapters of ...
user19166's user avatar
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Where to convert? Please help [closed]

My name is Caleb and I am a former Celtic Pagan who wishes to convert to Orthodox Judaism. I want to convert more than anything. My soul yearns for it. I'm not content being a Noahide, and even though ...
Mac An Mhaoir's user avatar
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How do Haredim view Modern Orthodoxy?

I am curious if there is any documented opinion piece by any universally recognized Haredi gadol (universally recognized as being Haredi or right wing), about modern orthodoxy as an ideology. Also is ...
veAnx's user avatar
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Is it true that Yerushalmi Briskers pronounce Ayin as a velar nasal when they daven?

I read a post in a forum that Briskers, apart from following the conventional Yeshivish pronunciation of Hebrew including oy for cholam, pronounce Ayin as a velar nasal. I just want to get this ...
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Sects within Judaism [closed]

I have seen several different categorical terms to describe Jewish people, but I'm unclear of the distinctions. Most notably, are there differences in theory and practice between Chasidic and ...
Stu W's user avatar
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Who authored the Tanach?

According to traditional Jewish thought, who authored the twenty-four books of the Tanach?
user50746's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

What do Orthodox communities do for profoundly-disabled 13-year-olds (bar mitzvah or similar)?

I occasionally hear (in the US) about a community celebrating a bar mitzvah for a child with profound cognitive disabilities (cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, etc). All such cases I've heard about ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
10 votes
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What do I do if I do not have nice clothes to wear when visiting an Orthodox synagogue?

I would like to visit an Orthodox synagogue in my neighborhood. Unfortunately, I do not really have any "nice" clothes to wear or even a kippah, nor do I really have the money to purchase such ...
ag415's user avatar
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Different siddur?

I tried to follow a service with my orthodox Portuguese siddur at a conservative congregation service and I couldn't. What is the difference between a conservative and an orthodox Sidur?
Ariel J Grazky's user avatar
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Can one attend a wedding ceremony where one partner had a non-Orthodox conversion? [duplicate]

I am unfamiliar with the nuances of what occurs in a non-Orthodox conversion. However, I have heard from a few Orthodox rabbis and friends that a non-Orthodox conversion is "invalid" and the convert ...
DanF's user avatar
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Are there any living mainstream orthodox Rabbonim today that permit abortion for Tay Sachs etc

Are there any orthodox rabbis alive today that allow one to abort a fetus that has been diagnosed with a life threatening illness such as Tay Sachs? I have read the related posts that discuss the For ...
Avrohom's user avatar
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If one converts to Orthodox Judaism, will he or she be required to marry and have children?

I have recently spoken with a local rabbi, who happened to be sent from Chabad-Lubavitch, and he told me that one of the requirements of my life post-conversion would be to marry and have children. If ...
Words_of_Wisdom's user avatar
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Are all conversions to Orthodox Judaism (Haredi, Hasidic and Modern) recognized in Israel?

I am ready to convert to Judaism, but I am curious about how conversions performed under Orthodox auspices are perceived in Israel. For example, I understand that the current Israeli government is run ...
Words_of_Wisdom's user avatar
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Is doctrinal unity enforced in Judaism and if so, How?

In Catholicism we have the concept of the Magisterium. The Magisterium is the official teaching office of the Church and consists of all the bishops who are united to the Pope. The Magisterium is ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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Do some ultra-Orthodox Jews avoid handshaking all together - even one male to another?

It appears to me that some Jews try to avoid shaking hands (same gender handshake) and I vaguely remember hearing that some Hassidic sects frown upon the concept of shaking hands as a form of greeting....
Mark A.'s user avatar
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Dressing immodestly versus Violating Shabbos

Is it a greater sin for an orthodox Jewish woman to dress immodestly or violate Shabbos? From a halacha perspective, which one is more severe?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Birkat Hamazon: Chaverai vs Rabotai

When chanting Birkat Hamazon, I always thought it started Chaverai n'varech, but I have recently attended a Conservadox Bar Mitzvah, where they used Rabotai n'varech. Here are some images; I found the ...
AAM111's user avatar
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12 answers

Is there such a thing as "too Orthodox"?

When my family started attending the local synagogue we stuck out like a sore thumb. We moved from a Jewish area of Toronto to a small town with one Synagogue. I cover Everything, my husband was the ...
Rebecca Burns's user avatar
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How does one interested in converting to Orthodox Judaism connect with an Orthodox community and find a conversion Rabbi?

I know that one needs to be in an Orthodox community in order to be immersed in the culture, practice and devotion of Jewish life. How does one connect with such a community? Does one find a ...
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-9 votes
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Are the Conservatives and all who practice it considered non-Jews in the eyes of Orthodoxy

From what I understand, the Orthodox declared all within the German Reform movement as karet, cut off, non-Jews, and they don't recognize any Reform Jew as Jewish to this day. However, some of these ...
eternalsquire's user avatar
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Is Tanach Simanim reliable from an Orthodox point of view?

I know that Judaism (or at least Orthodox Judaism) relies on the Masoretic Text. I saw that the publisher of the Tanach Simanim is Feldheim. I don't know if it is from an Orthodox point of view and if ...
mil's user avatar
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Is the Book of Enoch part of Judaism?

The Book (or Books) of Enoch is a collection of works purportedly made by Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noach, before the flood. I read that they are not part of the Tanach, even though they contain ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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What does it mean to qualify Judaism with the term "Orthodox"?

I notice that quite a few questions include "Orthodox" in the title. I wonder if people could clarify what it means to be an "Orthodox" Jew relative to another Jew that is not considered "Orthodox". (...
Jay's user avatar
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Conversion to Orthodox Judaism

I am a Catholic interested in converting to Judaism. I was told online by a Rabbi that Orthodox is the only true way to convert. Is that true? I am looking for advice and guidance. Thank you
user11338's user avatar
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How widespread was the practice of Judaism in pre-WW2 Europe? [closed]

Leading up to World War 2 (1930s etc.), what percentage of European Jews practiced "Orthodox" Judaism?
jj2's user avatar
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Are Orthodox Jews opposed to women singing in public, particularly if the woman is singing to a fussy baby in an attempt to soothe it?

My sister lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York City, and the neighborhood has a large population of Orthodox Jews and, I think, Hassidim (I don't really understand the difference, but that is a ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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