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If a woman arrives late, should she skip pesukei d’zimra to daven shemoneh esrei b’tzibbur?

There is a well-established practice for men to skip parts of pesukei d’zimrah to finish in time to daven shemoneh esrei with the tzibur. Should a woman also do this?
Shimshon's user avatar
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Who paid for communal services and how was that managed?

In the times of Chazal (post churban) how were communal good and services handled? Meaning things like the cost of creating a road, establishing and maintaining a jail or any other need a community ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Does a Rabbi have an obligation towards his students

I am looking for sources/responsa that deal with a Rabbi's moral obligation towards his students - eg. a moral imperative for him to stay with his talmidim, or to continue his relationship. ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Public nuisance in Halacha

Does Halacha recognize the notion of someone being liable for “public nuisance”? In secular law, a public nuisance is generally defined as someone who is doing something which is significantly ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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How does a Jewish community recognize a Jewish person they hadn't seen ever before?

Let's say there is a Jewish community where everybody knows each other, for example in a city. Let's say a new Jewish person arrives and manifests their will to get integrated with them. Nobody knows ...
Gasconheart's user avatar
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Can a Frum person attend Limmud

Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ZT”L didn’t attend Limmud Festival. However Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis did attend, unlike R. Sacks who listened to Haredi opposition. The Limmud Festival (formerly known as ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is there any special mitzvah connected with the upcoming “March for Israel” rally on November 14 at the National Mall in Washington DC?

Upon reflection, the last time there was a potentially world altering convergence of Jews in the United States was for the Freedom Sunday for Soviet Jewry Rally on December 6, 1987. It was estimated ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Do Noahides have to accept the minhag/local custom of a particular Jewish community if they join their synagogue and move in there?

Generally, we know that if a Jew were to move into a new Jewish community, they would take on the local customs of the community as told. I am curious as to whether Noahides have the same obligation, ...
setszu's user avatar
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What is a lost Jew to do?

I am a Jew because my parents are Jews and their parents are too. I have recently come to believe in G-d through G-d but I have no communication with my Jewish people. Do the sources require that ...
LostJew's user avatar
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Does contemporary orthodox Judaism teach that "Satan" exists?

The figure of Satan (and not a שטן, which can be used as an adjective or a role) - an opposite counterpart to God, or a rebellious angel who has embraced, and epitomizes evil - is quite prominent in ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Looking for sources that support needing a mechitzah in shul for activities other than davening

What are sources that support having a mechitzah or for gatherings in shul outside of davening such as kiddush, adult education, or other seudas mitzvah? Also helpful are sources that are against not ...
Dude's user avatar
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Kaddish Nusach Ashkenaz person waits for additions of Nusach Edos Hamizrach

A synagogue follows Nusach Ashkenaz (NA). For Kaddish Yosom, there are people who would normally daven Nusach Edos Hamizrach (NEM). The NA people stop their kaddish where necessary to let the NEM ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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RE: Chida prayer for love and unity

From what source is the Chida's prayer for the unity and love of Israel? It's on p 212-213 of the RCA's Siddur Avodat Halev, but it's unsourced besides saying the Chida wrote it. Halp?
SarcasticAquarius's user avatar
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Have Chasidic dynasties ever merged?

Chasidic Judaism is broken up into various communities around the world. I was just curious if any of these communities have ever moved to "consolidate" and absorb into a new larger ...
Michael's user avatar
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Does a Jew who doesn't care about other Jews' problems become a gentile [duplicate]

Under Jewish law, does a Jew who turns his back on other Jews change in his status in any way? Is he, under any law or any religious context, treated like a non-Jew for any practical intents?
Henda Brahem's user avatar
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“Pray at the same time as the community”- refers to the Amidah. Source please

Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 90 prescribes that someone davenning alone should synchronise his prayers with the community: ישתדל אדם להתפלל בב"ה עם הציבור ואם הוא אנוס שאינו יכול לבא לב"ה ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How pro-active must we be tracing (non) Jewishness?

In a "hypothetical" case in which an entire family is declared retroactively not Jewish from 3 generations ago, how active must the community be in tracing all the people who would have, ...
rosends's user avatar
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Chayecha Kodmin - Your own life comes first for countries

Although I am loath to ask a Covid 19 related question, one particular current debate caught my attention. Most readers are probably aware of the gemara in Bava Metzia 62a where we find the rule one ...
user6591's user avatar
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Does Kabbalas Shabbos require a minyan?

Inspired by an answer here: Does the recitation of Kabbalas Shabbos require a minyan? I was always under the impression that we do it together by convention rather than necessity, but one could ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Does a Jew named after a respected historical figure need to hold himself to a higher standard of behavior?

This question may sound strange but it relates to the power of names on Judaism. Typically, when a Jew is named after respected figures from Jewish history, it's done because we hope for our children ...
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13 votes
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Where can I find an online Jewish community?

I've newly created an account on this site as someone who's "lurked" or obtained information here before and found the quality of communication excellent. I moved to Montana from Los Angeles as a ...
David Nazari's user avatar
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4 answers

Who is "us" in sh'mone esre?

Most of the amida requests are said in the plural: "forgive us… heal us…". Who's "us"? I'd think it's Jews generally — but in the final benediction we ask for beneficence for "us and ...
msh210's user avatar
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Sources from Tanach for Praying in Minyan

I’ve got a question about people praying together. Hence from were in the Tanach, from which verse(s) or context, did the idea or concept for group/communal/collective prayer developed from? Or is ...
Levi's user avatar
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Is there a sin associated with driving a Jew away from observance?

I was curious if the topic has ever come up. You typically hear the argument that a Jew's observance is between them and Hashem. If they don't observe, that's obviously a personal choice and thus they ...
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Holding the lulav and esrog while saying hoshanos at home

When one davens at home b’yechidus, assuming he still says the hoshanos prayers every day, including hoshanah rabbah, would he hold the lulav and esrog while saying them?
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If the בעל קורא had in mind a specific person while reading the תוכחה (curses) is that considered מקלל חבירו?

The Ohr Zarua writes: האור זרוע (שו"ת ח"א סי' קיד) כתב, ומורי הר"ר יהודה חסיד אמר לי שצריך הש"ץ [הקורא בתורה בפרשת הקללות בפ' בחוקתי ובפ' כי תבוא] להיות אהוב לציבור, שאם לא כן, כשקוראים התוכחה, ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Is the obligation for Gentiles to establish a system of courts communal or individual?

One of the seven laws of Noah for gentiles is to set up a system of courts. Is the obligation to set up a system of courts a communal obligation on Gentile communities, or does every single Gentile ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Source that the prosperity of a community is based on the merits of the founders of the community

A Devar Torah I was reading stated that it is well known that the prosperity and success of a community is based on the merit of the people who founded that community. This is a fascinating concept. ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Joining in with the few last words read by the Baal Koreh. Why?

I observe people in the synagogue who join in with the few last words read by the Baal Koreh for each section of the reading. Do they achieve anything positive by this? Is this a relic of some ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Did the Tannaim act correctly on “Bo BaYom”?

Berachos 27b-28a records the story of “Bo BaYom,” in which Rabban Gamliel was kicked out from being the Nasi as a result of two separate incidents with Rebbi Yehoshua (Ibid. and RH 24b-25a) and one ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Is one exempt from asking forgiveness for a sin against another if the result of that apology could lead to greater consequences for the community?

To get to the specifics: A Jew sinned against someone but that person may not actually be aware of it. (Lets use the example that you stole from his shop and he never noticed) In the scenario I'm ...
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Who is the Veretzky Rebbe that's been coming up everywhere? [closed]

I've been seeing videos and things everywhere with this rebbe who I've never heard of before named the Veretzky Rebbe. Seems he's been popping up over the past six or so months especially, and I used ...
yyb896's user avatar
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What is the proper procedure for answering parts of Kedusha?

I checked 3 different Siddurim for instructions regarding how to respond to parts of the Kedusha. All are Nusach Ashkenaz Art Scroll has inconsistent rules: Weekday Kedusha Shacharit & Mincha ...
DanF's user avatar
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Open submission journals/repositories [closed]

When one is a student at a Jewish school (or, sometimes, one with a Jewish Studies department), if they are working on a research paper about Judaism, they can often publish it for feedback and ...
Arithmomaniac's user avatar
8 votes
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Can a female convert hold a position of communal authority over women?

"A convert may not hold a position of Jewish communal authority." (Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 1:4) In light of the Rambam above and the answers here, which discuss the prohibition on ...
SAH's user avatar
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What was a Rabbi Elector in Lithuania?

In doing genealogical research I found records for family members from Lithuania whose profession was listed as "Rabbi Elector". What was this profession? Was it a legitimate part of Judaism, or ...
Ask613's user avatar
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Is there such a thing as "too Orthodox"?

When my family started attending the local synagogue we stuck out like a sore thumb. We moved from a Jewish area of Toronto to a small town with one Synagogue. I cover Everything, my husband was the ...
Rebecca Burns's user avatar
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When to sit down when davening

During Shabbat morning davening, we recite Psalm 136 and my siddur has the following instruction, "Most congregations recite the following psalm while standing". So I make sure to stand and then begin ...
rosends's user avatar
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Can I say the Amidah out loud if it helps my kavanah? [duplicate]

If I am davening at home and it would not be disruptive to others, is there any reason I might be permitted to say the Amidah out loud--for example, if it helped me with my concentration or ...
SAH's user avatar
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How does one interested in converting to Orthodox Judaism connect with an Orthodox community and find a conversion Rabbi?

I know that one needs to be in an Orthodox community in order to be immersed in the culture, practice and devotion of Jewish life. How does one connect with such a community? Does one find a ...
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Answering kedusha differently to the kehilla?

If one is praying a nusach which is different to the nusach that the shul is using, is it wrong to answer according to your own nusach?
Chaimy's user avatar
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Weakened punishment if done for the nation

I'm looking for sources where we see someone had a lesser punishment or no punishment at all because the act the did although punishable, was done for the nation (klal yisroal). I heard a shiur where ...
huddie96's user avatar
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Tichel wearer moves to Sheitel covered community

If a woman who is custom to covering by means of Tichel/Mitpachat moves to a community in which it is custom for women to wear Sheitels, should she switch to Sheitels? If she attends a synagogue in ...
rth116's user avatar
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Should one use the holiday/shabbat greetings that are common in his neighborhood or can he/she stick with his custom?

Sefardim say Shabbat Shallom and Chag Samayach; Ashkenazim say Gut Shabbos and Gut Yontif. May one keep his own greetings when living in a community that is predominately of a different descent (for ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Is every member of the community responsible for making his own eiruv tavshilin?

An eiruv tavshilin is made before Yom Tov in order to allow for cooking for Shabbat on Yom Tov. However, once I told someone I was worried I had not made my eiruv tavshilin correctly, and the person ...
SAH's user avatar
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If you come early to a minyan factory and catch the previous minyan's torah reading, are you yotzeh? [duplicate]

If you come early to your minyan in a minyan factory for shachrit and you're able to hear the entire torah reading from beginning to end, do you have to stick around for YOUR minyan's torah reading ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Shnayim Mikrah V'Echad Targum [duplicate]

If one is behind in his reading of Shnayim Mikrah , but isn't in the middle of a Parsha , may he skip to the current week's to be with the Tzibbur? ( sources are appreciated )
Selef1110's user avatar
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Torah reading on shabbos and going out to finish davening

There have been times on Shabbos that I have been still davening when the tzibbur starts Krias Hatorah. Is it halachically correct to go outside of the place where they're reading to a more quiet ...
Selef1110's user avatar
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Why, in Yom Kippour and RH davening, when we say Tefilas responsively, does sometimes the baal Tefila go first, sometimes the congregation?

Why, in Yom Kippour and RH davening, when we say Tefilas responsively, does sometimes the baal Tefila go first, sometimes the congregation? For example, Shema Koilanu, aveenu Malkainu, the Baal tefila ...
Ed Rosenberg's user avatar
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What do/can/should you do if you daven Succos Hallel slower than the tzibur, and why?

If you daven Hallel on Succos slower than the shaliach tzibur, what do you do when everyone else gets to the parts that involve oral responses and/or shaking the lulav? Is it better to join in with ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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