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Questions tagged [sheidim-demons]

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Recommended books on Dybbuks and Shedim?

What books are suggested for studying the Jewish perspective on dybbuks and shedim? I am looking for books by Jewish Kabbalists/sages outside the Talmud/Zohar. Maybe their individual works.
Danny's user avatar
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Minhag to not sleep in socks to show that we aren't shedim?

My wife told me that she heard a shiur that claimed that there was a minhag to not sleep with socks on so that others can see that we don't have chicken feet and aren't a sheid/demon because of this ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Where do Shedim (demons) fit in?

We have discussions regarding Shedim in Jewish history. I believe they're described as having chicken feet in one source. While the topic doesn't really seem to come up much in modern Judaism, the ...
Michael's user avatar
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What is the lifespan of demons?

I tried to Google the answer myself but I can't find one. I tried to find the answer using chatgpt 4 but to no avail.
Miguel's user avatar
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Medium Consultation For Gentiles

Are gentiles allowed to consult mediums or talk to spirits? The prohibition of witchcraft and the like is not explicitly mentioned in the Noahide laws as far as I'm aware, but I could see it going ...
Ben Avraham's user avatar
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How should a Jew deal with a haunting?

I know that the historical view on ghosts in Judaism is mixed. That being said, there does exists a belief in certain types of Ashkenazi folklore regarding a dybbuk. The belief is these being spirits ...
Michael's user avatar
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Washing hands in the morning/Wrapping hand tefilin according to Rambam

I'm curious as to communities (or even individuals) that follow Rambam w/o any zoharic or kabbalistic influence (e.g. R Y. Kapach/Kafih/Qafih's if it isn't already extinct), how do they wash their ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Did demons and other supernatural creatures definitely exist? [duplicate]

There are plenty of stories in various Jewish sources of demons and other supernatural creatures, and I've only ever heard these taken at face value. Does everyone agree that these creatures really ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Why did שדים have to go into Noach's ark? [duplicate]

Do they take up physical space? Aren't they in the spiritual realm?
larry909's user avatar
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Why was it necessary for Sheidim to be on the Teivah?

Noach, Perek 6 [רש"י: (יט) ומכל החי – אפילו [ה] שדים: From Rashi, we learn that demons ('sheidim') were on the teivah of Noach as well as animals and humans. Why was this necessary? If they're ...
flips's user avatar
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If we think of evil as the absence of good, then how should we understand sheidim/evil spirits/demons?

Many Jewish commentators such as Rambam (Moreh Nevuchim 3:10 explains that evil doesn't have a reality of its own, but is merely a privation of good) thought that evil was merely the absence of good ...
setszu's user avatar
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How the Hachamim did not recognize Shalmai

The legend of the Talmud is known that Shalmai replaced Solomon in his kingdom for a period of time. After all, Solomon, by virtue of his position as king, had to pass judgments and discuss with the ...
Avi's user avatar
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Why were demons created at the end of Friday?

Why were demons created at the end of Friday? Seems to me that this time of creation is the most auspicious. Why create something negative then?
Sarah's user avatar
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Do Demons have a physical body?

In Pirkei Avos (5:6) the Mishnah states that 10 things were created erev shabbos on the first Friday of Creation. One of the things that were created were demons. On that the Bartinoro says that ...
Benny Bain's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the story of demon doubles?

Every man and woman that is born has a demonic double also born in the world of hell ruled by Samael, the Evil One. The world of hell is in all respects identical to the world of humanity. If you were ...
Orionixe's user avatar
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Demon reproduction?

How do demons reproduce? "In three ways they are like ministering angels: They have wings like ministering angels; and they fly from one end of the world to the other like ministering angels; ...
Orionixe's user avatar
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Why does the Kabbalah believe that human sin creates demons?

According to this entry in Wikipedia: "In Kabbalah, demons are regarded a necessary part of the divine emanation in the material world and a byproduct of human sin (Qliphoth). After they are ...
Orionixe's user avatar
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Are Shedim demons failed creations?

Why are the Shedim described as being mortal? It's said that they reproduce and die like regular humans. Is there a reason behind this? Were they supposed to be in-between humans and angels? "In ...
Orionixe's user avatar
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How is it known that Ben-Temalion was a small shed (שד)?

A follow-up to my first question, which is really what I was going for on that question: How is it known that Ben-Temalion was a small shed (שד)? @Dov sourced Rashi to Rabbeinu Gershom, but that doesn'...
Harel13's user avatar
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How did Rashi know Ben-Temalion was a small shed (שד)?

In Meilah 17b there's a story about a shed (שד) named Ben-Temalion who assisted Rashbi. Rashi there writes: "בן תמליון - שד שקורין נוטיו"ן". Translation: Ben-Temalion - a type of ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Are there daemons in Gehennom?

If one suffers wrath in Gehennom, who carries it out? Is it the souls of the dead, is it strange creatures, daemons? If Gehennom is a real place (on earth) why do we not see daemons and suffering ...
Nephilim's user avatar
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Sources in the Talmud Aggaditah and/or Midrashim on Samal and Lilit?

I know that there are sources in the Gemara Aggaditah on Samal and Lilit (לילית & ס"מ) as well as in the Zohar. I have seen her mentioned in Shabbat, Eruvin, and Niddah. Still, not a clear ...
DoreshEmet's user avatar
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Is there any evidence of a Jewish demon named Khoyzek?

The Yiddish term khoyzek refers a "mockery" of something else. According to Dov Sadan (cited here) this word derives from Khoyzek a demon in Jewish folklore. I looked high and low and could ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
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Eruvin 43a: Who was Yosef the Demon?

The Gemara in Eruvin 43a asks the following: (Sources from Sefaria) ?בָּעֵי רַב חֲנַנְיָא: יֵשׁ תְּחוּמִין לְמַעְלָה מֵעֲשָׂרָה, אוֹ אֵין תְּחוּמִין לְמַעְלָה מֵעֲשָׂרָה Rav Ḥananya raised a dilemma: ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
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Would a conversion witnessed by three Jewish sheidim be approved? [closed]

Would the conversion of a person, (knowledgeable in Halacha, meeting all the criteria for conversion), be halachically approved and functional, if the Beit Din is formed of three observant Jewish ...
Yosef1234's user avatar
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Greys "Aliens" mentioned in Kabala?

I have heard and even read (in Rav Zamir Cohen's book The Coming Revolution) that the most well known Alien phenotype, the "Greys" (who have large heads, large dark eyes, slits for noses, and very ...
KapinKrunch's user avatar
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Misplacing things and Shedim

Are there any sources in Judaism that explain that when you put something down and you lose it straight after, shedim have taken it and misplaced it to mess with you? Not sure if this is a good ...
Demifiend's user avatar
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What are some books on demonology to read from a Jewish perspective?

I have recently developed an interest in demonology and I'm looking to study it from a Jewish perspective. Can anybody recommend books on the topic?
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Is it dangerous to drink water on Tuesday and Friday nights?

The Gemara in Pesachim 112a says A person should not drink water on Tuesday nights or [...] Friday nights. And if he drinks water, his blood is upon his own head, due to the danger. What is this ...
mbloch's user avatar
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How does one perform an exorcism in Judaism

What are the steps one must perform in order to conduct a Jewish exorcism ritual?
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Demon Possession in Judaism

Some religions, particularly Christianity, have a concept in which demons or evil spirits can enter a person's body and take control of them. Does Judaism have a concept similar or like this? The ...
ezra's user avatar
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In which way do demons have an effect on us?

I would like to know how mazikim, sheidim, se'irim and ruchot rah (often translated as demons or evil spirits) are able to effect our lives. That is, broadly, is their effect physical and ...
Levi's user avatar
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Am I allowed to use the word "sheid" (demon)?

I have noticed that some people are careful to not say the word "sheid" (demon) and say "shin-daled" instead. What's that all about?
Mark A.'s user avatar
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Checking for sheidim

If I'm concerned about sheidim hanging out in my bedroom is there a procedure for checking to see if there are actually sheidim my vicinity or if it's just my imagination?
Mark A.'s user avatar
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Are there any rabbinic writings which attribute controlling angels and demons to King Solomon?

I saw an article claiming rabbinic literature spoke of Solomon controlling angels and demons. I'm not sure of the truth to the claim and was wanting to know if there are any rabbinic sources which ...
taylor's user avatar
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Can demons have kids with humans?

I heard that some rishonim of blessed memory said demons can have intercourse with humans. So could demons have kids with humans?
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Do Jews believe demons can eat people

Is there any mention in Jewish scripture of demons being capable of eating human beings? I am asking this question because it is found in other religions.
user16841's user avatar
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Do you need a rabbi for exorcism?

Do you need a rabbi for exorcism or could you do it yourself? Like can you "kick out" a demon from yourself? Or do you need a Rabbi or someone else to help you? If you talk to a friend that might ...
Aigle's user avatar
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Exorcism in Judaism

What is the consensus today regarding dybbuks, demons and possession? Do we attribute these things to mental illness or do we acknowledge their existence?
Ephraim's user avatar
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Protection from Mazikim

I am looking for Torah sources discussing protection from mazikim (negative spiritual forces/beings). So if, theoretically, one suspects a room or apartment has these things manifest causing trouble, ...
ray's user avatar
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What does the Rambam say about ghosts?

I simply want to know what the Rambam thinks about ghosts, spirits, demons, and things like that.
Yosef Aryeh's user avatar
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Who is the Serpent in Genesis? [duplicate]

I've read in the book "The Essential Zohar" by Rav Philip Berg that the Serpent was none other than the "Klipah"mentionned by name in Isiaiah 34:14. Yet Rabbi Mordechai Kraft appeared in a youtube ...
mil's user avatar
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Are Synagogues "holy ground," offering protection from evil creatures?

I'm not a Jew, but I'm writing a fantasy novel set in medieval Europe, and one of my characters is a Jew. I've got a group of people with diverse backgrounds who've come together to fight a great evil....
user9844's user avatar
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What is Rambam's opinion on demons?

In Mishne Torah A.Z (11:16) he says that sorcery and mysticism in general does not exist, but he does not refer to demons explicitly. Does the Rambam speak about demons specifically anywhere else?
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Can demons (shedim) masquerade Bas Kols?

Is it possible for Shedim to masquerade Bas Kols to decieve people , like making people feel that it is Bas kohl but in reality is from Shedim?
narnia's user avatar
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Is Bas Kol the heavenly voice always correct and how to identify Bas Kol from evil whispering?

Is Bas Kol the heavenly voice always correct and how to identify Bas Kol from whispering coming from demons or evil spirits? I hear many Rabbonim have heard contradictory Bas kol so what is the ...
narnia's user avatar
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Who are the demons in Deuteronomy 32:17?

They sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known, to new gods that had come recently, whom your fathers had never dreaded. (Deuteronomy 32:17) This 'demons that ...
user4951's user avatar
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What is the Jewish belief regarding evil spirits? [duplicate]

What do Jews believe about ghosts and evil spirits? It seem to me that the Bible gives clear definition about the fact that they are real. What do Jews believe about this?
Evaldas's user avatar
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List of halachot that relate to 'demons' [duplicate]

Are there any practical halachot (not minhagim) that are a direct consequence for our concern for demons or 'evil spirits'?
bondonk's user avatar
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Why does God tolerate demons? What is their purpose?

The Bavli records in many places the existence of demons, and answers to this question cite rishonim and acharonim who take this seriously. Pesachim 112b relates a story in which demons are (...
Monica Cellio's user avatar