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Meaning of "Av Harachamim"

Time-sensitive question (today is 29 Elul..!) Artscroll translates the phrase "Av Harachamim" as "father of mercy". What does this mean exactly? How can G-d be the Father of a ...
Chani's user avatar
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Chassidish (accent) recordings of prayer

Where can one find recordings of prayers (e.g Sheme and Ashrei) said in chassidish style lashon hakodesh. YouTube isn’t great for it.
KiTovHashem's user avatar
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English prayers, mix in hebrew?

Some prayers can be said in any language, and many people use the English translation in siddurim to daven directly, the question is is one allowed to mix in both hebrew and English when first ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Composing your own Tefillah

Is there a source (either for or against) that mentions composing your own Tefillah prayer? Such as a yehi ratzon or the like. Granted, anyone can daven at any moment for anything they want in any ...
yisrael's user avatar
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Praying in English or Hebrew

I have searched and don’t think this is a duplicate and want to explain why this question is different from this one. In the above linked question, the answer clearly states that it’s best to daven in ...
user's user avatar
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Why the change in phrase with the morning blessings?

In the morning blessings, there is a small but seemingly important variation in word usage across three blessings. In the blessing about the distinction between day and night, G-d is described by the ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Is וּכְתַבְתָּ֛ם in Shema with Shva Na or Shva Nach

My daughter goes to a chabad school (nusach ari?) and has been taught in class that וּכְתַבְתָּ֛ם in the shema (end of first paragraph) is with a shvah na on the כְ. She also says it has the asterisk ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Why say bircat hamazon instead of plainly thanking HaShem for the food?

A niece asked me why do we need to say bircat hamazon which is lengthy and with words we don’t understand instead of just saying in English something along the long the lines of “thank you HaShem for ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Use of definite article (ה) in יהי רצון ... מצות התלוים

The paragraph after the ברכה (b'racha) of ציצת (tzitzis) ends with the expression " וְתַרְיַ"ג מִצְות הַתְּלוּיִם בָּהּ". My question is why does the word "התלוים" start with "ה"? It appears like ...
Ben's user avatar
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Which translation is the most accurate for the phrase "העוֹנה לתפלת חסיד ידשׁן בּטוֹב חיינוּ ושׁנה טוֹבה ישׁלח לבית ישׂראל עמנוּ"?

My suggestions: העוֹנה לתפלת חסיד The response/answer to the prayer of a righteous person The return to prayer of a righteous person The season of prayer of a righteous person ידשׁן בּטוֹב חיינוּ is a ...
Meliorate's user avatar
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Help to translate a Prayer into Hebrew [closed]

I am learning Hebrew and I have this prayer which I want to pray: Yehi ratzon milfanecha, shetimaleh retzon'cha, v'lo retzoni, v'she'ehye merkava lirtzonecha. Bifratus, avakesh mimcha emunah ...
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Why do we say מודה אני and not אני מודה?

Why in the morning do we say מודה אני and not אני מודה?
Ben's user avatar
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What different pronunciation should a Kohen give to each letter to be strict in halacha? (SA 128:33)

When Halacha says that a Kohen should distinguish between all the Hebrew letters in Siman 128 Seif 33 from where it says "similar examples": מי שאינו יודע לחתוך האותיות כגון שאומר לאלפי"ן עייני"ן ...
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How do the Israeli Ultra-Yeshivish and Briskers pronounce resh and cholam when they daven and during Torah readings?

I just want to get confirmation if both groups pronounce resh as a velar fricative, uvular fricative, or uvular trill. Also if they pronounce cholam as "oi" for all Hebrew words when they daven and ...
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Yehi Ratzon for a Choleh -- singular or plural

In the Amida, the bracha of Refa'einu, there is an additional supplication one may add and name a sick person. The text is the same as what is on this card. In my siddurim, I have seen the request in ...
rosends's user avatar
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What ancient prayer contains the term "Osem" (אֹסֶם)?

This site claims that Osem (אֹסֶם) is a term taken from an ancient Jewish prayer. What prayer would that be? Anectodote: I had assumed it was a Hebrew transcription of the English word awesome due to ...
Adám's user avatar
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Is there a redundancy in the 1st blessing of Shacharit Shema?

The first blessing of the Shacharit Shema begins: ... יוצר אור ובורא חשך עושה שלום ובורא את הכל Loose translation: "He fashions light and creates darkness. He makes peace and creates ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why do we refer to HaShem as a Rofei Chinam?

Shulchan Aruch (OC 230:4, as explained by Magen Avraham ibid. :6) paskens that when one undergoes a medical procedure he should say the following prayer: יהי רצון מלפניך ה׳ אלקי שיהא עסק זה לי ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Christian praying

According to Jewish law, is it permissible for the Christian to Pray in Hebrew Call on G-d as Hashem, Elokim, Adonai in prayer Who accept Torah/Tanakh as beneficial even when translated Note: I am ...
intruder13's user avatar
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Ma'ariv vs. Arvit - when did these terms first appear?

I have seen two terms used to refer to the evening prayer Ma'ariv and Arvit. If I recall correctly, Arvit seems to be the more common Talmudic term esp. in Talmud Brachot. Ma'ariv is used near the ...
DanF's user avatar
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What is the difference - דעה vs דעת

The words דעה and דעת both seem to come from the same root of לדעת, to know. Is there a difference in meaning between them? The only indication I can think of is the נוסח אשכנז version of the ברכה of ...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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Leshabeichacha and loseis/latet shevach

Towards the beginning of the נוסח אשכנז version of davening, in the section beginning לעולם יהא אדם ירא שמים, we say as follows: לפיכך אנחנו חייבים להודות לך ולשבחך ולפארך ולברך ולקדש ולתת שבח ...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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Why would one paraphrase and not quote a pasuk?

In the second bracha before Shma in the morning, there is a line which is taken from Tehillim 86:11 which reads, "יַחֵד לְבָבִי לְיִרְאָה שְׁמֶךָ". The construction I found in the Artscroll reads (I ...
rosends's user avatar
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Prayer for the Government if the President or VP is female

The prayer Hanosen Teshuah as recited in the US has the line את הנשיא ואת משנהו. To me, these terms sound masculine. If the President and/or Vice President of the United States were female, would this ...
Premundane's user avatar
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What is the hebrew name verse for the name טלי (Tali)

What is the hebrew name verse for the name טלי (Tali), there isn't one in the artscroll
Avital Seifman's user avatar
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Meaning and function of Va'yechulu

What does Va'yechulu mean literally in Hebrew? What is the function of Va'yechulu during worship?
Ray Farrow's user avatar
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Why is כל written with Kamatz?

When praying with the siddur and reading Torah, I've asked myself why is the word כל written with Kamatz if it sounds Kol and not Kal. I've also seen other words like this, but with less frequency. ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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What is the connection between "שיח" as prayer and "שיח" as a bush?

פרשת וירא (כא טו): וַיִּכְלוּ הַמַּיִם מִן הַחֵמֶת וַתַּשְׁלֵךְ אֶת הַיֶּלֶד תַּחַת אַחַד הַשִּׂיחִם Genesis 21:15: And the water in the bottle was spent, and she cast the child under one of the ...
rabbi's user avatar
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What is the source and reason for saying "Yeyasher Kochacha" or "Chazak Ubaruch"?

Follow up to this M.Y. question Why do congregants say to a person who has received an aliyah or was shaliach tzibbur (there may be other situations, but I can't think of any others) either "Yeyasher ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is the word "mitzvos" treated as grammatically masculine in certain prayers?

The prayer accompanying several mitzvos (such as putting on tallis and tefillin) expresses the desire that it be considered that the mitzvah is fulfilled as well as all the "613 mitzvos dependent on ...
Premundane's user avatar
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Are all hiriqs the same or is there a distinction if a yud or other silent letter follows?

For example, what would be the difference in pronunciation of the hiriq in these two words: נִקּוּד and תִּינוֹק? What about רִאשׁוֹן? Is it "Rishon" similar to "pit" or "Reeshon" similar to "pizza"?...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Shva na after meteg on short vowel

When a long vowel has a meteg, there is a difference of opinion if the shva after it is na or nach. What about a short vowel with a meteg? Is it vayihi chen or vayhi chen? Is it tihiyeh or tihyeh? Is ...
natan's user avatar
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Hebrew Text of Petition for Peace

Reading in my Koren Siddur, I am working on the Hebrew words. I noticed that in the petition for peace in the Mincha text for the weekday Amidah (the same is present in the Ma'ariv) the English reads "...
Yochanan Michael's user avatar
8 votes
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How to teach tefilla to small children in a way that makes it meaningful?

Are there any schools of thought or practical methodologies for teaching tefilla to children under the age of 10 who are not native hebrew speakers in a way that is fun, engaging and makes the ...
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How do I pronounce "yod" when there is a dot inside of it?

I'm trying to brush up on my Hebrew. As an American Jew, it is still important to me to be able to recite my prayers from the siddur in their original Hebrew. How do I pronounce "yod" when there is a ...
chaya חַיָּה's user avatar
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Solitary Aramaic word in 'Al HaNissim

In the standard Ashkenazi Siddur, why is the Aramaic word פורקן used in the otherwise entirely Hebrew prayer of על הנסים?
Seth J's user avatar
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Does G-d only hear one language?

I'm a little confused by Rambam Hil. Tefilla 1:4. Consequently, when someone would pray, he would be limited in his ability to request his needs or to praise the Holy One, blessed be He, in Hebrew, ...
ironman's user avatar
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Why isn't Half Hallel called "85 percent hallel"?

When we say hallel on days like Rosh chodesh, we don't say parts of two prakim of tehillim. This is often called "chatzi" hallel, or half hallel. In fact, according to
rosends's user avatar
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Aramaic sections of davening in Hebrew

From the answers I received to this question, the reason we still say some sections of davening (prayer) in Aramaic seems to be that it is historically a Jewish language, and using it unifies all Jews....
2345678876543's user avatar
30 votes
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Female praying in masculine language

When women daven (pray), even by ourselves, it is convention to daven with male-gendered words ("modeh" vs "moda" as one of many examples). Why is this; are there sources that say we should be doing ...
morah hochman's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the words כהיום הזה in the prayer על הניסים ?

What is the meaning of the words כהיום הזה in the prayer על הניסים ? Are there options other than the Artscroll interpretation, "unquestionable clarity"?
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
15 votes
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Why "Lach" not "Lecha" in "Modim Anachnu Lach"

Could someone please explain why the "Lach" in Modim Anachnu Lach is not "Lecha"... I guess this is some grammatical point rather than the use of the feminime "you"?
Matti's user avatar
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Ashkenazic vs. Sefardic grammar tendencies

I notice that when referring to God in the second person in a possessive form, Sefardim often use the female form where Ashkenazim use the male form. For example, where Ashkenazim say in kedusha, "...
jake's user avatar
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Father the mercy

Lubavitch prayer books include the words אָב הָרַחֲמִים where other prayer books have אַב הָרַחֲמִים (specifically, in the amida of musaf and mincha of Shabas Shuva, and in a prayer said after ...
msh210's user avatar
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Where can I get the free Hebrew text of the Siddur or Benching?

Where can I get the text of the siddur/prayer book (or at least benching/grace, mincha/afternoon prayer, and/or ma'ariv/evening prayer) in a free computer friendly format? I'd like to be able to make ...
Adam's user avatar
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A Lubavitch custom of reciting zecher and zeicher in "Ashrei"?

My cousin, a Lubavitcher, says both zecher and zeicher (that is, both זֶכֶר with a segol and זֵכֶר with a tzeire) in "Ashrei". I noticed this when I visited him a good few years ago, and assumed it ...
msh210's user avatar
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רָקִיאַע or רָקִיַע

The Minchas Shay at the beginning of B'reshis cites a dispute whether the word 'רָקִיעַ' (and likewise for other words with a furtive patach) is pronounced as רָקִיאַע or as רָקִיַע, that is, with a ...
msh210's user avatar
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Kel (Melech) Chanun V'Rachum -- do you say Melech?

Some siddurs have the phrase "Ki Kel Melech Chanun V'Rachum Ata" at the conclusion of Ya'aleh v'Yavo. Some have Melech in parentheses; some don't have it at all. Can anyone tell me something about ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Davening not in Hebrew

Isn't it better to daven in your first language rather than davening in Hebrew and only knowing part of what you're sayig?
shlomo's user avatar
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Different traditions in Hebrew pronunciation [closed]

The theme of Hebrew pronunciation fascinates me, and I want to get feedback on some issues I've been thinking about for years. I have discussed some of these issues with others, including Rabbis with ...
Seth J's user avatar
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