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Is there any reason for the ark that holds the Torah to be vertical?

In every synagogue I have have been in the aron kodesh (ark which houses the Torah) stands vertically, with the torah scrolls inside also placed vertically. I would like to know if there is any reason ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Does a Pyramid Temple need to be destroyed in Chutz LaAretz or can it be made into a Synagogue

BH Correct me if I'm wrong; I heard that it is forbidden for Avoda Zara temples to exist in Israel. What about in Chutz LaAretz? Must they be destroyed or may one make a synagogue out of it?
David 's user avatar
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Hordus' (Herod) demolishing of the Bais Hamikdash prior to rebuilding it

In Bava Batra 3b אָמַר רַב חִסְדָּא: לֹא לִיסְתּוֹר אִינִישׁ בֵּי כְנִישְׁתָּא, עַד דְּבָנֵי בֵּי כְנִישְׁתָּא אַחֲרִיתִי § Rav Ḥisda says: A person may not demolish a synagogue until he first builds ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Is Taking Books from a Synagogue Theft? [closed]

If someone works in a Talmud Torah in a shul, would a person be able to take and make use of any of the sefarim (books) or would that be considered stealing? Imagine if the scenario is without prior ...
ESC's user avatar
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Clapping in shul [duplicate]

Can anybody point me to sources (not opinions) which discuss whether or not it is permitted to clap inside the sanctuary of a beit knesseth, leaving aside the issue of clapping on shabbat?
steve nachman's user avatar
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Comprehensive List of Shul Customs and Laws Specific to Nusach Sefard [duplicate]

I'm looking for a comprehensive list of shul customs and laws specific to Nusach Sefard. For example, I would like details on the order of tefillos, when one wears a tallis (shliach tzibur and the ...
E.y.yisroel's user avatar
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Sefardi Tachanun in Ashkenazi Shul (and the converse) - Poresh Min Hatzibbur? If so, what to do?

The title captures the question perfectly. (Many modern*) Sefardi Tachanun procedures are very visibly different from standard Ashkenazi procedures. Ashkenazim fall on their face (Many modern) ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Does the kotel (western wall) have the Kavod of a synagogue

According to Halacha, does the kotel (western wall) have the Kavod of a synagogue? The reason I ask is because it is sort of a designated area for prayer but does this have halachic implications ...
Kirk's user avatar
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May synagogues issue interest bearing bonds

According to Halacha, is it permissible for synagogues to issue interest bearing bonds and sell it to its members to raise money or no? Would this be prohibited as ribbit, or since the synagogue and ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What’s the source of davening twords the wall?

BH What’s the source or is there a source of davening facing towards the wall and not if someone is in front of you? Is the optimum way to daven facing right towards the wall and not behind someone ...
David 's user avatar
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No minyan at shul

If a person goes to shul and there is no minyan (somewhere where there usually is one): Does that person still have the same obligation to find another minyan? Or, are there any opinions that hold ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Minhag hamakom, minhag avot, tefillah in synagogue, minhag at home

We suppose that a Jew lives in a city where there are synagogues that follow his minhag avot, but in that city there are also synagogues that do not follow his minhag avot. Halakhically, can he do the ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Standing positions during Birkhat Kohanim

The Rambam writes (משנה תורה, הלכות תפילה וברכת כהנים ט״ו) that people standing behind the Kohanim during birkhat Kohanim do not receive the beracha (and see Sotah 38b (here)): עַם שֶׁהֵם אֲחוֹרֵי ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Halacha Sefer Quoting Reason for Holocaust [duplicate]

A while ago I saw in a Shailos u'Teshuvos sefer (I think Divrei Yatziv or Be'er Moshe) saying that the Posek saw a woman crying out that this tragedy was happening to Klal Yisroel because of talking ...
NJM's user avatar
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Are any laws of the synagogue D’oraita?

There are certain Halacha parameters for a synagogue (its sanctity, to an extent its design and architecture etc.). I am confused as to whether all of these are Derabbanan, or if any are D’oraita, and ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Rationale of Orthodox groups who remained in the Synagogue Council of America

The opposition many had to Orthodox groups joining the Synagogue Council of America is well known. It remains easy to find articles explaining the opposition that were written back then in Torah or ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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Halachic aspects of relocating an established minyan

Are there any halachic implications of relocating an established minyan? Here is a specific example that might help clarify my question: Suppose there is a small community that normally has Shabbat ...
mweiss's user avatar
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Meaning of inscription in synagogue

On the ceiling of the main synagogue of Florence, Italy, is a Star of David with a Hebrew inscription inside it (below). It looks like mem kaf bet heh. What does it mean and why is it there?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Is it permitted to have an American Flag on a flagpole with an Eagle on top in a Synagogue?

American Flag on pole, topped with an Eagle. Is this permitted in the Synagogue?
Ezra Hidary's user avatar
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Kohain First Aliya a Requirement?

I daven on Shabbos in a minyan where I am the only kohain and most often there is no Levi. I feel uncomfortable receiving a disproportionate amount of aliyas and feel that it takes away from others. ...
TorahKnowledgeSeeker's user avatar
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When/where/how did weekly "kiddush" become the norm? [duplicate]

At the typical American synagogue -- and most in Europe as well, at this point I think -- it's expected that after the Shabbos morning prayers, there will be "kiddush", but people don't sit ...
Shalom's user avatar
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What is the religious standing of a Gentile attending a Jewish service?

What is the religious standing of a Gentile attending a Jewish service? In other words, why is it allowed? And is it encouraged or discouraged?
Christy Stockman's user avatar
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Source for tallis vs no tallis for kibbud at Shabbos Mincha

At my shul, which davens Ashkenaz, the Rav of the shul instituted a rule that at Shabbos mincha, only the baal tefila and baal kriah wears a tallis. People getting a kibbud do not. I have previously ...
DavefromBaltimore's user avatar
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Mirror in Shul?

Is a mirror allowed in shul if it is hanging on a wall that no one faces when they daven? It feels wrong to me, but I cannot find a source stating that it is explicitly forbidden since no one is ...
Koidesh 's user avatar
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Noise in bet kenesset. Sources in Halakha for stopping this [closed]

If someone is praying in a bet kenesset that let's say is somewhat "chaotic" in its energy... What is the Halakha? People come in with their phones on loud and throughout the whole tefilla ...
J J's user avatar
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Tachanun on a King / President visiting a city

Would Synagogues say Tachanun when a King or President comes to visit a city or perhaps comes to visit a Synagogue? I couldn’t see anything in Orach Chaim dealing with this issue.
Daniel Ross's user avatar
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When saying the shema in a minyan should it be said loudly or quietly

When saying the shema in a minyan should it be said loudly or quietly? I was at the opposite side in the Synagogue and I could hear a lot of the shema someone else was saying...
Emes18's user avatar
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Tefilla b’Tzibur during Bayis HaRishon?

During the תקופתו של בית הראשון and even before, did forms of Tefilla and Limud b’Tzibur/ Basei Knessios exist among people? During my years in Yeshiva, this topic was gently discussed. I remember ...
Adam's user avatar
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can I practice Judaism? [closed]

TL;DR at the bottom I'm Jewish. there is no debate here. My mother is Jewish so I am Jewish. But my father (not Jewish) is an anti-religion Atheist, banned all religious practices in our house (except ...
questions's user avatar
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Using a shtender without permission?

In many shuls people bring their private shtenders to use during davening or learning. Is it permissible to use someone's shtender in their absence without asking permission first?
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Why is this person deserving of death?

הַהוּא גַבְרָא דְּקָא מְצַלֵּי אֲחוֹרֵי בֵּי כְּנִישְׁתָּא, וְלָא מַהְדַּר אַפֵּיהּ לְבֵי כְּנִישְׁתָּא. חֲלַף אֵלִיָּהוּ. חַזְיֵיהּ, אִידְּמִי לֵיהּ כְּטַיָּיעָא, אֲמַר לֵיהּ: כְּדוּ בָר קָיְימַתְּ ...
Dude's user avatar
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Can a synagogue exist without a Torah Scroll?

I met in some literature the term "prayer house" by which is meant a place for tefilah, but without a Scroll. Theoretically, this option is possible when there is no Scroll, but a room for ...
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Are there any sources as to shul members having kedima

I understand the purpose of being a member of a shul outside the scope of halacha but I am wondering if there are sources anywhere that talks about that a shul can/cannot deny a chiyuv (ie for a ...
lotto_guy's user avatar
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Hallel in syngagogue on Pesach night before dark

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 487:4 describes a custom to recite Hallel in the synagogue at the end of Arvit on the first (two) night(s) of Pesach. Some (e.g. Gra) link this custom to the practice found ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Does this prayer "Lord we thank you for your gift of hope" that a British Reform synagogue does on Shabbat morning, exist in Orthodox Siddurim?

What is this prayer "Lord we thank you for your gift of hope, our strength" that a Reform synagogue does first thing on a Shabbat morning? (As in, where is this prayer from. I wonder if I've ...
barlop's user avatar
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Mesillas Yesharim in One Chart?

Years ago, I saw a printed chart hanging in a shul titled "Mesillas Yesharim in One Chart," or something very similar. I have been searching online for this but cannot find anywhere. Is ...
Tzvi's user avatar
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Maftir Yonah riches?

It is common tradition that the one who purchases the rights to Maftir Yonah will be blessed with much wealth the following year. Are there any sources for this?
Nochie Wolf's user avatar
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What is the status of shuls turned into churches

We all know when moshiach arrives all shuls will go to Eretz Yisroel What will be with the many shuls that were confiscated and turned into churches and are still around? What will happen with these ...
user19400's user avatar
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In the morning prayers of Birkhot Hatorah, what does וְהַשְׁכָּמַת בֵּית הַמִּדְרָשׁ שַׁחֲרִית וְעַרְבִית practically mean?

This appears in Birkhot Hatorah, as: אֵֽלּוּ דְבָרִים שֶׁאָדָם אוֹכֵל פֵּרוֹתֵיהֶם בָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה וְהַקֶּֽרֶן קַיֶּֽמֶת לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא... וְהַשְׁכָּמַת בֵּית הַמִּדְרָשׁ שַׁחֲרִית וְעַרְבִית These ...
sig's user avatar
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Acronym with gershayims above letters

In the Alte-Neu (Old-New) Synagogue in Prague, there are several inscriptions on the wall (see here) - for example this (this one is said to be an acronym of: אך טוב לישראל סלה): Is it semantically ...
mykhal's user avatar
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When Did the Burning of the Ner Tamid become Perpetual?

In Parshat Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-21) the first mention of the term "ner tamid" in the Torah appears. I had always thought of the ner tamid as the "eternal" or "perpetual&...
ron's user avatar
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Selling a house after COVID

According to the mishna on 25b of Masechet Megilla, "בני העיר שמכרו רחובה של עיר לוקחין בדמיו בית הכנסת" (if the people of a city sell an open area, the money is used to buy a synagogue). ...
rosends's user avatar
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Would it be forbidden to model a synagogue's design after the Beit Hamikdash?

The Beit Hamikdash has models. You can purchase them online if you so desire. That being said, those are purely models and are not used for anything beyond study/exhibition. My question is whether it ...
Michael's user avatar
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Who are "the Yechidim"?

I'm reading a book called "Publications of The American Jewish Historical Society, no. 21" (which can be found for free on The first part is a collection of records of ...
Harel13's user avatar
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How did they use to sleep in the shul?

In Eruvin 74b.2, the Gemara rejects a proof by saying: לְעוֹלָם אֵימָא לָךְ קַיבְּלַהּ מִינֵּהּ, וְהָכָא חַזָּנָא הוּא דַּהֲוָה אָכֵיל נַהֲמָא בְּבֵיתֵיהּ וְאָתֵי בָּיֵית בְּבֵי כְנִישְׁתָּא The ...
Dani's user avatar
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Legal minyan in Stamford Hill

As of October 2020 the UK government has established strict laws and very specific guidelines for the currently ongoing holiday. It would seem that we have to keep these regulations, especially since ...
Adám's user avatar
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Placement of the Hoshanot service

I’ve noticed that some congregations (generally nusach ashkenaz) recite Hoshanot after Musaf on Sukkot, whereas others (generally edot mizrach, nusach sefard, some Israeli nusach ashkenaz) recite them ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Which officiants wear a kittel on Rosh HaShanah?

In many Ashkenazi congregations, most of the congregants do not wear a kittel on Rosh HaShanah; however, a number of the officiants do wear a kittel. It seems to me to be fairly common that at least ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Is it permitted to have zodiac symbols in a synagogue?

Many shuls in Eastern Europe have painted zodiac symbols (albeit in a rather symbolic manner) on the walls or ceiling. However, it is stated directly in the Mishneh Torah that one may not draw the ...
Ben's user avatar
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How can I practice doing hagba?

Do to its weight, lifting a sefer torah can be challenging without proper technique. Practicing on an actual sefer torah isn't an option for most people due to lack of access. (Most synagogues would ...
H. Eugene Walters's user avatar

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