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Questions tagged [shulchan-aruch]

A classic work of Jewish Law, compiled and written by R' Yosef Karo.

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ערוך השולחן שולחן ערוך הרב

Does any one know if the aruch hashulhan quotes explicitly the shulchan aruch harav? If yes do you have a reference? I have been told that the Mishna berura was the first one to do so in the litvish ...
Touitou John's user avatar
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Sefer of Talmudic Laws that were omitted by the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch

Not to be confused with the following question, which deals with the obligation to follow laws that are mentioned in the Talmud but are not mentioned in the [Rambam and] Shulchan Aruch. If a law is in ...
IsraelReader's user avatar
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English Mishna Berurah PDF [duplicate]

Does anyone know where I can find a PDF or a different downloadable format of an English translation of the Mishna Berurah? The answers offered at this similar question do not work or are incomplete. ...
dave's user avatar
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"Melody of Kriat Shema'" What does this mean?

The Shulchan 'Aruch (O"Ch 65:2) says the following: קרא ק"ש ונכנס לב"ה ומצא צבור שקורין ק"ש צריך לקרות עמהם פסוק ראשון שלא יראה כאלו אינו רוצה לקבל עול מלכות שמים עם חביריו וה&...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Who were the people who would make hachlatas in their hearts and be careful to keep them

BH Our teacher told us once that there were certain people from the Gemara correct me If I’m wrong that if they made a hachlata (decision) in their minds to do something they would do it. Would this ...
David 's user avatar
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Glatt vs Beit Yosef Glatt [duplicate]

I’m curious what the difference in Halacha is between standard Glatt and “Beit Yosef” Glatt kosher? My understanding is the difference between Glatt and non-Glatt is the lungs, but what makes Beit ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Shulchan Aruch Hebrew-English Sefer [duplicate]

Is there a good Hebrew-English Shulchan Aruch translation for purchase? I haven’t seen one, which is surprising. Note: I’m not looking for Kitzur SA
A s's user avatar
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Halacha super book?

Is there a book of Halacha that presents the Rif, Rambam, and Rosh alongside the conclusions of the Shulchan Aruch for each Halacha? If not, maybe someone should make one.
A s's user avatar
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Who is the author ע״ש quoted by באר היטב?

The באר היטב in חושן משפט quotes a posek ע״ש (not עיין שם). For example, ס׳ מ״ב ס׳ק ז: כגון. כתב הע"ש אבל אם כתב ר"ת כגון י"ב י"ג כשר שא"א לזייף וליכא למיחש שמא הי' כתוב ב' ...
jacob's user avatar
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Conflicting meanings of "Shulchan Aruch"

On the first posuk of Mishpatim, Rashi brings from Mechilta that Torah should not be conveyed as dry information, but it should be taught with its full rationale, like a שלחן ערוך, a "table set ...
shmosel's user avatar
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What’s this concept called?

Looking at Shulchan Aruch earlier surrounding the laws of making tzitzit, who can make them, who can’t make them etc etc One of the points was that a non observant Jew or a non Gd fearing Jew would ...
DanSol613's user avatar
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What chapters are in the Shulchan aruch haRav for Yoreh Deah?

I currently own the Weiss edition S.A haRav (not the all Hebrew one), and I think YD is almost done being translated and published by Kehot. Does anyone know what chapters the Weiss edition Yoreh Deah ...
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Why doesn't the shulchan aruch mention the basic way of lighting Chanuka candles?

The Shulchan Aruch (O"Ch 671:2) says: כמה נרות מדליק בלילה הראשון מדליק אחד מכאן ואילך מוסיף והולך אחד בכל לילה עד שבליל אחרון יהיו שמונה ואפי' אם רבים בני הבית לא ידליקו יותר. הג"ה וי"...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Ben ish chai vs shulchan aruch

Are there any examples of Halachic questions where the Ben ish Chai “disagrees” with the shulchan aruch? Like I would imagine due to time and geography there may have been some questions answered in ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Pulse feeling in ancient times

The Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 195:17 (Harchakos Niddah) rules: אם בעלה רופא אסור למשש לה הדפק: הגה ולפי מה שכתבתי דנוהגין היתר אם צריכה אליו דמשמש לה כ"ש דמותר למשש לה הדפק אם אין רופא אחר וצריכה אליו ...
Yitzy 's user avatar
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Who is בה"י referenced by the Ba'er Hetev on Shulchan Arukh, Yoreh De'ah?

The Ba'er Hetev on Shulchan Arukh, Yoreh De'ah refers to an authority named בה"י: לפרקים. וזהו ל' יום. בה''י ועיין בבאר הגולה מה שהביא בשם מהרי''ל Who is that? Thanks.
jacob's user avatar
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What's the source of Gerut Lechumra and what is it

BH I heard there is a concept called Gerut Lechumra. What does this mean and what are the sources of this in Shulchan Aruch, Rambam and Gemara?
David 's user avatar
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Ein Mishpat in opposite direction

The Ein Mishpat commentary notes where the topic in Mishna or Gemara is referenced in the Rambam or Tur/Shulchan Aruch (other relevant question here). Is there a work that reverses the order with the ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Different Shulchan Aruchs? [duplicate]

What are the differences between: Rabbi Yosef Karo’s Shulchan Aruch Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried’s Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Rabbi Shneur Zalman’s Shulchan Aruch HaRav And Aruch HaShulchan I assumed them to ...
Jewish Context's user avatar
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Saying berachot "in your heart"?

It seems that l'chatchila one should say berachot out loud to fulfill one's obligation (see for example Shulchan Aruch here). The stipulation of the SA is that if the blessing is inaudible, one is ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Which Talmud-edition to buy?

What Talmud-edition is advisable for a simple baalbayit, who is trying to make his way through the Gemara. I am aware of the Schottenstein-edition and its adavantages, but I mean an edition without ...
Dov miZutphen's user avatar
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When can you make a bracha mentally?

The Taz to SA Orach Chaim 62:4 says in exigent cirumstances you can make a bracha mentally instead of verbalizing it: מזה יש ללמוד במי שצמא בלילה במטתו שא"א לו ליטול ידיו ולברך יהרהר הברכה בלבו ...
shmosel's user avatar
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Baalei Batim and Daf Yomi versus Learning Halachah

Today, many baalei batim center their learning around gemara bavli, for example through programs like daf yomi. But the Drisha and Shach write that for those who aren't learning all day it's more ...
Meir Luria's user avatar
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Shulchan Aruch - Advice?

I have heard quoted in the name of a gadol that the first 8 simanim of SA are advice ( הנהגות טובות) as opposed to actual halacha. I am looking for some sort of source either backing this or debunking ...
Asher's user avatar
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What Is the "Standard" Shulchan Aruch Page Based On? How Many Dapim Are There?

There are many editions of the Shulchan Aruch and they do not all follow the same pagination. However, many editions I have seen call themselves "tzurat hadaf" and appear to have a similar ...
Avraham's user avatar
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What is chiltis?

Something "sharp" for the purpose of reawakening taste in vessels which are "eino ben yomo" (ones that haven't been used for 24 hours), is a subject of dispute. According to the ...
Dude's user avatar
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Gerusha who marries a Kohen

I’m currently learning the Halachos of Aveilus with a Chavrusah and we discussed the following question if a gerusha who marries a Kohen and he dies, does she sit shiva and observe the mourning period ...
Daniel Ross's user avatar
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I can't find where Shulchan Aruch is in Tur v'Shulcahn Aruch HaBahir

Through this site, I knew that there are the Seforim including Tur and Shulchan Aruch, so I am considering purchasing them. But I'm not sure if Shulchan Aruch is in the book just by looking at the ...
Eli Yashir's user avatar
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Meaning of this passage from the Shulchan Arukh

"With sex, how? He said to her before two witnesses: "Behold you are married to me with this sex," and he secludes himself with her before two witnesses, behold she is betrothed (even ...
Ootsutsuki's user avatar
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Why is a potato cooked in issur not chanan according to the Rema?

If a potato or any parve permissible food item is cooked in liquid with a forbidden substance why does it take on the identity of just taste (tam k'ikker) rather than becoming a new entity which is ...
Dude's user avatar
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Why can't vessels become "chanan"?

The basic defnition of chanan/chatika nases nevela is when something becomes like a nevela through becoming mixed in a way that is forbidden. According to the Mechaber this only applies to basar b'...
Dude's user avatar
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How do poskim in shulchan aruch disagree about the existence of a rabbinical decree?

There are times when Chazal says something and the meaning is debated and there are other times when whether an entire category even exists. How is this so? To give specific examples of what I'm ...
Dude's user avatar
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If a law is in the talmud, and not in the shulchan aruch, then is it followed, or not followed?

If a law is in the talmud, and not in the shulchan aruch, then is it followed, or not followed? Can you give any examples to show one way or the other e.g. a law in the talmud not in the shulchan ...
barlop's user avatar
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Whose publisher's Tur and Shulchan Aruch should I get? [duplicate]

Looking for something with clear printing and that has the mishna brurah in it also.
Alter Klausner's user avatar
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What is the translation and meaning of the Mordekhai HaArokh on Shulchan Aruch O"C 155?

On SAOC 155:2 – what is the meaning and translation of the Mordekhai haArokh here, particularly the bolded part? Would the following be correct?
Nissim Nanach's user avatar
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Lashon Hara in Shulchan Aruch?

Why aren't the laws of lashon hara in the shulchan aruch? The Rambam talks about them in Hilchos De'os, but as far as I'm aware the shulchan aruch does not.
Yosef's user avatar
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What is the Sefer Darchei Teshuvah about?

I heard about a sefer (book) called Darchei Teshuvah by Rabbi Tsvi Hersh Shapiro. What is the purpose of the Sefer? What is the story behind the author? There’s not much about it on Google.
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Number of times Rosh, Rif, Rambam are quoted in Shulchan Aruch

It is known that the author of the Beis Yosef and Shulchan Aruch based his codes on the rulings of the Rosh, Rif and Rambam, and ruled according to the majority of the three. I was wondering to what ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Does shaming architecture or talking badly about a home for sale online through online images cause hezek re’iya?

Shulchan Aruch – It is forbidden to stare at another’s property in a case where this could damage it. Does online images count?
Jewish Art's user avatar
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Rumor of New Edition of Friedman Shulchan Aruch

I heard that a smaller and more user-friendly edition of Mechon Yerushalaim's Friedman Shulchan Aruch is going to be released. Does anyone know if this is true?
Bs234570's user avatar
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What was "the day" Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai disagreed?

The Shulchan Aruch OC (580:2) codifies the list of sad days some have the custom to fast for, which includes at the end: בט' בו נחלקו בית שמאי ובית הלל - The ninth of Adar is when Beis Shammai and ...
NJM's user avatar
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Hilchos Barech Aleinu in the Summer

Where does the Shulchan Aruch discuss if someone mistakenly asked for rain in in Barech Aleinu instead of saying "Vesein Beracha" and what is his ruling?
YAK 's user avatar
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Different se'ifim of the Tur

I've noticed that there are two different se'if numbering systems in the Tur. In the Shiras Devorah, one is in bold, and the other is in script in parentheses: It seems like one might refer to the ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Shach's understanding of significance of Shulchan Aruch writing "there are some who require"

Hope this isn't too nuanced. There's a pretty established rule in the Shulchan Aruch that when he writes a law, and then writes "some say" (ויש אומרים) something else, he's ruling like the ...
robev's user avatar
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Where does Taz say I should feel bad if I cannot learn because Hashem gave me a different mitzvah?

Where does Taz say I should feel bad if I cannot learn because Hashem gave me a different mitzvah that only I can do? Meaning, that Hashem is not pleased with my Torah right now. I think it is in ...
yishairasowsky's user avatar
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Is there a table of contents out there for the seifim of the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berura?

The idea of an index to the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berura is quite common. I'm interested in a table of contents that goes through each siman of Shulchan Aruch and identifies the topic of each se'...
Danny's user avatar
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English translation of Even HaEzer

I need to do some research relating to Jewish women and read Joseph Caro’s Shulchan Aruch. It is really difficult for me to read Hebrew. Does Even HaEzer have an English translation? Or are there any ...
Wong's user avatar
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Pushing off a Hefsek Tahara

The Rama in Yoreh Deah 197:2 writes that in some places the practice is that a woman who can go to mikva on Thursday night (or earlier) may not choose to go on Friday night without a valid reason. ...
Moz's user avatar
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Shiurim in depth on Basar VeChalav and Ta'aruvos

Does anyone have any recommendations for in depth Shiurim on Hilchos Basar VeChalav and Ta'aruvos in Shulchan Aruch. I am looking for a shiur which will go through the Shluchan Aruch, Shach, Taz and ...
Moz's user avatar
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Does a beis din have reshus to punish a nochri?

According to Shulchan Aruch EH P22S2 ושמאי והלל גזרו על ייחוד כותית נמצא כל המתייחד עם אשה שאסור להתייחד עמה בין ישראלית בין כותית מכין את שניהם מכת מרדות This seems to suggest that the beis din ...
Avi Mosseri's user avatar

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