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Questions tagged [children-parenting]

Questions relating to children vis à vis their parents in Jewish law or Jewish thought. Also questions relating to parenting approaches and advice in Jewish thought.

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Sources for Adam being the father of mankind

Adam is the father of all humanity. He was literally the first father, and the measure of how good a father he was has repurcussions for literally every human on earth. Looking for any sources that ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Does teaching a trade/swimming require a Jewish agent to reap the maximum mitzvah

The Gemara describes the father's obligation to circumcise, redeem him, teach him Torah, teach him a trade, teach him swimming. If the father fails to do so, the obligation falls on the person, and ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Who is the father when parents are not married halachically?

According to halacha, a child's father is considered to be the halachic husband of the mother (based on Sota 27a). Now what is the case for single parents?, e.g., a Jewish mother married only through ...
חיים's user avatar
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Why is there no established prayer for having (or raising) children?

Throughout Tanakh, we find that biblical heroes have specifically prayed to God for having children (such as Yitzhak and Hannah), and it seems like having children is generally considered a valid, ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Does a father recite Baruch Shepetarani for an adopted son

According to some Poskim, a father should recite a blessing named Baruch Shepetarani when his son turns bar mitzvah age. My question is, should it be recited if a father adopts a son when that son ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is a parent allowed to take items from children over bar/bat mitzvah age but under their jurisdiction

According to Halacha, is a parent allowed to confiscate property from their children if that child is over bar/bat mitzvah age but the age they would be under the parent’s jurisdiction? So is it ...
Kirk's user avatar
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If I were to clone myself, am I halachically the parent of my clone?

This is because my DNA is replicated to clone myself. Hence, it comes from me, and I am its material originator just like a parent is the originator of the child (materially speaking). So would the ...
setszu's user avatar
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Respecting parents

I believe the two sources for the mitzvah of respecting one's parents stem from these two verses: Honor your father and mother. Shemos 20:12 You should fear your mother and father. Vayikra 19:3 My ...
Shababnik's user avatar
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What should a Jew do if he got a non-Jew pregnant?

This is NOT a situation that I or anyone I know is facing. It is hypothetical. Imagine that a Jewish man impregnates a gentile woman. The woman refuses to convert. Which (if any) of the following ...
user4497063's user avatar
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Difference between positive and negative Mitzvos when it comes to Chinuch

The Mishnah Berurah (343:3) writes that when it comes to positive Mitzvos, Chinuch begins from when the child is able to understand the purpose of that specific Mitzvah, but when it comes to negative ...
שלום's user avatar
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"Eliyahu will return the hearts of fathers to the sons, etc." -- seeking elaboration on this verse

Regarding the passukim at the end of Malachi: "Hinei anochi sholeich lachem es Eliyah hanavi ... v'heishiv lev avos al banim, v'lev banim al avosam." "Behold I shall send to you Eliyah ...
Elyah's user avatar
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Kibud Av va’em & picking sides

In the case where two parents are going through a divorce, and one of the parents is abusive (emotionally), can one side with one parent over the other? Is it better to stay silent, and not take sides,...
Eak2449's user avatar
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How does halacha deal with idolatrous parents?

Query coming from some of the answers to this question: How should one prioritize honoring parents in comparison with other laws? 'Rabbi Eliezer was asked: “How far does the honor of parents [extend]”?...
ANH's user avatar
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How many hours a day should we dedicate to spending time with our children vs. learning?

As far as I can tell from experience, common wisdom, common sense and perhaps my Torah learning, it seems quality time spent talking, playing and generally interacting with one's parents is like ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Father son relationship

Any body heard of a gemorah where a father has a delicacy which he gives to his son and not to his father ie the grandfather The grandfather says that how it works I gave it to my son and not to my ...
Aryeh Furman's user avatar
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Socialising children - what does the Torah say?

Does the Torah have anything to say on socialising children? There are many relevant points. I would like to know at what age and in what method should one do so. Included in these points: At what ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Torah on how fathers can give advice to children

In my life experience, both as being a child and a parent, and having spoke to my Rabbis, it seems that fathers have a need to pass on their advice to children, and yet children have a need to prove ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Corona "parties" for children

Background Particularly throughout this present omicron wave, people have floated the idea of having childrens' "corona parties". In such a 'party' parents invite previously uninfected ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Why do we not say a bracha before sex? [duplicate]

There is a mitzvah to populate the world, pru urvu. For most mitzvot, there is a bracha we say before we do it. So why do we not say a bracha before sex? Also, whenever one benefits from anything, he ...
yogazefish's user avatar
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Consequence of filial mitzvot with parents and children both converting

A person who converts loses his halachic connections to his family (see the gemara at the bottom of Yevamot 48b as well as Yevamot 98a). What happens to "filial mitzvot" (e.g., filial ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Does a parent carry a child's sins beyond the age of Bar/Bat Mitzvah if they were irresponsible in how they raised their child?

Parents own the responsibility of the sins of their children until the child has reached their age of Bar/Bat mitzvah. There is even a blessing Baruch Shepetarani the father makes which thanks Hashem ...
Michael's user avatar
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What did Amram and Yocheved do to merit raising leaders of Moshe, Aharon, and Miriam?

Although Amram and Yocheved were influential leaders in their own right (seen in Sotah 12a where Klal Yisroel followed their lead in divorcing from their spouses), do any Chazal or Torah commentators ...
NJM's user avatar
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Statistical Report(s) on Children of ConvertForMarriage+Born-Jewish Parents

Does anyone have/know where to find statistical reports on children of (1 Jewish Spouse + 1 Converted-to-Judaism-Mostly-For-Marriage Spouse) and their maintaining a Jewish connection? I am having a ...
Unknown Questions's user avatar
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How should I start to talk to my kids about G-d? [duplicate]

How should I start to talk to my kids about G-d? How do I explain that there is a G-d in the first place, what or whom G-d is, the importance of having Him in their lives etc. The importance or ...
Levi's user avatar
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מורה vs. הורה - Implication in difference of the word

It seems that the hebrew words for Teacher and Parent are the same root which means to teach. I am looking for what the מ (מורה) and (הורה) ה do to the words that help define their roles. Update: (...
Gre''i's user avatar
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Is self-sacrifice acceptable to save one's child? [duplicate]

Generally speaking, Judaism doesn't take the same mindset for self-sacrifice as modern society. While we can have great respect for individuals who have given up their lives to save others, Jewish ...
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What is the best haggadah to prepare/use in a Seder with 6-12 year old kids?

There are a literally a million Hagaddos out there, but i need something that helps me explain Magid to young kids in a way that gives over sipur yetzias mitzayim, not nice vertilach. The past couple ...
Yisroel A's user avatar
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What specifically was the ancient Jewish practice of rubbing an infant's throat?

The Jewish Encyclopedia article on "Consecration" says that the later "rubbing on" of oil aka "anointing" has roots in the practice of rubbing an infant's throat in preparation for receiving a mother'...
Ruminator's user avatar
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Which parent names the first child?

Which parent names the first child according to current custom?
LN6595's user avatar
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How can I redeem a wasted youth?

I wasted my youth. I am 35 years old. I had a toxic relationship with my parents, especially my mother. My career never started, and I am still looking for a fresh start and finding it humiliating at ...
Reeel's user avatar
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What does it mean "a man leaves his father and mother"?

Please help me understand the meaning of this phrase (Gen 2.24: עַל־כֵּן יַעֲזָב־אִישׁ אֶת־אָבִיו וְאֶת־אִמּוֹ וְדָבַק בְּאִשְׁתּוֹ וְהָיוּ לְבָשָׂר אֶחָד׃ Hence a man leaves his father and ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Crying when reading about Aaron's sons' deaths

The machzor (prayer book) that I used this Yom Kippur has this to say immediately before the morning Torah reading: עֶס שְׁטֵייט גֶעשְׁרִיבֶּן װֶער עֶס לָאזט טְרֶערִין מִיט דֶעם גַאנְצֶן הַארְץ ...
msh210's user avatar
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Can a father transfer rights to his daughter for gain?

In most western democracies a parent has obligations to the care of their children; they are not property in that their care cannot be transferred for personal gain, a child cannot be rented, sold, or ...
Nephilim's user avatar
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Naming your baby - does the name influence the child?

Inspired by this question: Is there any significance to the name you choose to give your child? Does the name have any influence over the child? Is there any reason to choose to name your son after ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Transmitting bad traits

IIRC, there was a statement made that a person who fixes their bad trait before their child is born, will not pass that trait along to their child. I'm trying to locate this, but I'm not having any ...
user6591's user avatar
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Child of a Levi and an Egyptian convert

From my comment here If a Levi illegally marries an Egyptian or Edomi convert, what's the status of their children? They're second generation Egyptians, so they can't marry most Jews. (But their ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Do fathers revoke all their daughters' vows right before they turn 12.5?

Nedarim 10:4, dealing with a case where a father has used his authority to marry off his 12-12.5 year old daughter through eirusin and is now finishing the marriage through nisuin, says: דֶּרֶךְ ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Is there anything in the Tanakh or Talmud about co-wives helping raise the child of other co-wives upon widowhood (or absence of husband)?

I just met an Israeli woman, who said that she became a widow when her first and only child was five years old. She said that if it wasn't for her husband having more than one wife, with whom she ...
ninamag's user avatar
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List of people who lose a child in תנ"ך

Full list of people, based on pshat who lost a child in תנ"ך?
Josh Silverblatt's user avatar
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Are there situations where a child is permitted to refer to their parent by their first name?

(This question addresses the prohibition of referring to your parents by their first name) Other than emergency situations (medical, hospital etc) are there instances where a child is permitted to ...
alicht's user avatar
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Why are future generations still paying for the sin of the Golden Calf?

Parshas Ki Tisa recounts the episode of the golden calf, and the immediate punishment that was meted out for the sin. In addition to this, Rashi on Shemos 32:34 (quoting Sanhedrin 102a ) writes: ...
alicht's user avatar
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Choosing name for our children

Is there a comprehensive list which we can pick names from? I’m looking for all traditional names, not names that are modern creations or not Jewish originally.
E. Rosen's user avatar
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Enforcing halacha on children

People are not required to observe commandments until they become bar/bat mitzvah. But to what extent should the parents enforce halacha on them? If they write on Shabbat, stop them? If they scream ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Could there be a Halachik issue with using a DNA kit such as 23andMe?

Besides learning fun facts about one's DNA and ancestry, there's a lot of good that can come out of using one. For example: people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent can learn if they're predisposed to BRCA1 ...
alicht's user avatar
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Halachic status of ישמך אלקים כאפרים וכמנשה

Yaakov blessed Ephraim and Menashe by stating that future generations would bless their children by saying "ישמך אלקים כאפרים וכמנשה" - "God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh" (Gen. 48:20). Was this ...
Heshy's user avatar
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How Jewish Sex Education is done?

What are the Jewish customs on sex education of children or teens? How is it done, and at what age? Or is it completely avoided until marriage? Are they taught what it means for example a man can ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Why are there no "deRabanan regulations" on the Ben Sorer uMoreh Mitzvah?

This is the first question in a series on Ben SU"M. Let me recap on this Mitzvah (Rambam Mamrim 7): A 13 to 13 and 3 months old boy that disobeys his father and mother in a very specific way of ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Halachot of Naming (kids)

Has naming children ever formed systematized Halachot? Or is it left as a sort of a prophecy to the parents?
Al Berko's user avatar
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Stealing in the House of your parents?

If a child lives in his parent’s home, and uses the stuff in the house, eats the food in the house, etc, what can be used to say that he is not stealing? For example, how can a child live in his ...
Anonymous111122's user avatar
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How a father is allowed to cause embarrassment to his underage daughter?

In Ketubot 40b the Gemara says that we see that the father gets his daughters (child) embarrassment and degradation payments from the fact that he can marry off his daughter to someone horrible, ...
Orion's user avatar
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