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Questions tagged [prayer-book]

Questions about the various prayer books used by Jews, and the prayers contained therein.

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What is so special about "ve'sechezena" that it is the one word in bold in the whole Amida?

Practically every Siddur I've seen puts it in bold along with the first words of every blessing. Is there any reason for this?
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Commentaries relevant to doubled phrases in Aleinu

The Aleinu prayer contains many instances of doubled phrases - where the same idea is expressed twice (or two very similar ideas are expressed) with different language. Here are three in the first ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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What is the History of the books Derech HaChaim and Netiv HaChaim?

BH Hi, In this picture after Shaar Hakollel it says Derech HaChaim is this book by or is was it written lezechut to Yaakov Melisa by Avraham David Lavut? What’s the history behind this? Also is Nervi ...
David 's user avatar
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Why do some Siddurim say mitzvot tluyim ba instead of tluyot?

In the part between Borchi Nafshi and the Tallis blessing there is a kavona part that ends with mitzvot tluyim ba in some siddurim. I first thought this was a mere typo but I've now seen it in quite a ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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If Tzaddikim Generally Pitchfork-Pray, What's the Point of Singling it out in a few Specific Locations?

Sukkah 14a: אָמַר רַבִּי (אֱלִיעֶזֶר): לָמָּה נִמְשְׁלָה תְּפִלָּתָן שֶׁל צַדִּיקִים כְּעֶתֶר — לוֹמַר לָךְ: מָה עֶתֶר זֶה מְהַפֵּךְ אֶת הַתְּבוּאָה בַּגּוֹרֶן מִמָּקוֹם לְמָקוֹם, אַף תְּפִלָּתָן ...
GratefulD's user avatar
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Must "modim anachnu lach" be said in Hebrew?

Prayers can be recited in any language, with a few exceptions. I remember hearing that one these exceptions is the line מוֹדִים אֲנַחְנוּ לָךְ (we are thankful to you) in the Amidah. It must be said ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Authorship / Derivation of the Yehi Ratzon יְהִי רָצוֹן at the End of the Amidah

In Nusach Ashkenaz we say at the end of each Amidah, a three phrase Yehi Ratzon for the rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash (Temple). Can anyone shed light on the authorship or derivation of this Yehi ...
Edward B's user avatar
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Why is there no established prayer for having (or raising) children?

Throughout Tanakh, we find that biblical heroes have specifically prayed to God for having children (such as Yitzhak and Hannah), and it seems like having children is generally considered a valid, ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Why are Sephardic siddurim shorter than Ashkenaz ones?

I can only testify about the communities that I’ve been to but everywhere I go, the standard Ashkenaz siddur tends to be much taller and more rectangular than its Sephardic counterpart, which is ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Is there an online pdf to the Shaar HaKollel of the Alter Rebbes reasoning to his sidur?

BH I heard a book of the Alter Rebbe's reason for his rules and decisions on his sidur was printed called Shaar HaKollel is there a place where you can view it online?
David 's user avatar
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Switching from בוֹ to בָהּ in Shabbat blessing

During Shabbat, it is a common Ashkenazi practice to say three different versions of the Retzei blessing – vah, vo and vam (Magein Avraham to Orach Chayim 268:3 citing Sheyarei Keneset haGedolah). But ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Can Noahides have a prayer book?

I heard somewhere that Noahides are not supposed to have a prayer book while others say it's okay. I'm not sure if having a prayer book that isn't the Jewish siddur permissible?
Simplest's user avatar
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Shva na after dalet prefix

I noticed that in a few siddurim, in Akdamut (line 30), the shva in סִיּוּמָא דִלְעָלַם is marked as a shva na (vocal shva). And I saw in a single siddur (Artscroll) that in Uva letzion, the shva ...
JMS's user avatar
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Why isn't Kiyor reading in Tehillas HaShem? Is it even necessary to recite Kiyor/Terumas hadeshen before Parshas tamid?

OK, so in the Tehillas HaShem siddur in the Korbanos section of Shacharis, there is only Terumas hadeshen before Parshas Tamid. Why is Kiyor not in the korbanos before Terumas hadeshen in that siddur? ...
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Where did Rabbeinu Tam attribute Nishmas to Peter?

Lots of sources (eg this one) say that Rabbeinu Tam attributed the prayer Nishmas Kol Chai to the apostle Peter. But no one seems to give a precise citation of where Rabbeinu Tam said this. Can anyone ...
Zarka's user avatar
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What happens if I forget to say the Pasuk before Shemonah Esrei - "ה" שפתי תפתח ופי יגיד תהלתיך"?

Every Tefilah, before Shemonah Esrei, we say a Pasuk from Tehillim - "ה" שפתי תפתח ופי יגיד תהלתיך" What should I do if I leave out the Pasuk?
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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How to understand the instruction on page 137 of Artscroll Siddur?

I seek logical explanations of the instruction on page 137 of the ArtScroll Siddur (Ashkenaz) concerning sitting for Shomer Yisrael. It states: On all days, Tachanun continues with 'O Guardian of ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Are all prayers answered?

Please watch this video on YouTube by Rabbi Zamir Cohen regarding prayer. Does Hashem answer ALL our prayers no matter what we ask for? #1."no ...
Miguel's user avatar
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What language should you pray in, if not Hebrew?

If someone were multilingual but could not speak Hebrew, what language would it be preferable for them to pray in? For example, someone who can speak English, Spanish, and Korean only. This is ...
Yitzchak H's user avatar
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A recent siddur that includes an abbreviated birchas hamazon text

Magen Avraham in OC 192 brings attention to the existence of an abbreviated birchas hamazon נוסח ב"ה הקצר להרב מהר"ר נפתלי בהסכמ' הרבה גדולי חכמים ברכה ראשונ' כולה כתיקונה ואח"כ יאמר ...
Nahum's user avatar
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List of “essential prayers”?

If someone is learning how to pray and wants to start with the essentials - to not be overwhelmed by too much at once - or if someone is limited in time available to pray, what are the core (most ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Why is there no prayer for the return of prophecy?

In our prayers we ask for the return of judges, the line of David as king and a return to Jerusalem among many other things. I am not aware of any prayer which asks for a return of prophecy, prophets ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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What is the origin of Al Ha Nissim for Hanukka?

Whence Al Ha Nissim that we say on Hanukka? Who wrote it? When? When did it enter the siddur? Has the wording changed over time?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Why don't we customarily say a Psalm before Birkot ha-Shachar?

It seems like there is a usual practice of saying a psalm or a fragment of a psalm before starting into a set of blessings. I have been taught that this is to mentally prepare yourself before the main ...
Mike's user avatar
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Is there a siddur that has Ta'amei Mikra (trup) in it

I'm looking to buy a siddur that has the Ta'amim (trup) printed in all parts of davening.
Alter Klausner's user avatar
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What is the significance of repeating certain pasukim?

During various parts of davening, we repeat certain pasukim, be it three or more times. What is the explanation for this practice? For example: the beginning of Mincha and Maariv, during Kriyas Shema ...
ezra's user avatar
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Why does כרת וערירי (Excision and Childlessness) come after "death at the hand of Heaven"?

While davening from the Machzor, I noticed this seemingly strange anomaly. At the end in the text of the Al Chet prayer it says, "וְעַל חֲטָאִים שֶׁאָֽנוּ חַיָּבִים עֲלֵיהֶם כָּרֵת וַעֲרִירִי - ...
Shmuel Goldstein's user avatar
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What’s the correct nusach Ari [closed]

BH How come there are so many Nusach Ari’s?? What is the correct one to Daven from? And are all Nusach Ari’s the thirteenth gate where everyone could enter?
David 's user avatar
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שב between the tekiot?

In some machzorim the word "שב" appears in between the sets of tekiot before musaf of Rosh HaShanah. See e.g. here: תקיעה. שברים. תרועה. תקיעה.‏ תקיעה. שברים. תרועה. תקיעה.‏ תקיעה. שברים. ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What’s the source for Kiriyat Shma AlHamita prayers as they are written in the Tehilat Hashem siddur?

BH What’s the source for reciting kiriyat Shma Al Hamita which includes additional prayer besides just the shma as they are laid out in Tehilat Hashem sidur? The prayers being Ribono Shel Olam, ...
David 's user avatar
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Birthday of the world

Why do we say היום הרת עולם on rosh hashana if the world was created five days before on the 25th of elul?
Shababnik's user avatar
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Is there an audio recording for all of Nishmat Kol Chai?

My favourite prayer in the siddur is Nishmat Kol Chai. However, as a non-Hebrew speaker (I can read the letters phonetically), I find the length of the text intimidating. In addition, since it is ...
Avi C's user avatar
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Origin of "Shomer Yisrael"

What is the origin of the prayer Shomer Yisrael? Who wrote it, when and where did it first appear? שׁוֹמֵר יִשְׂרָאֵל! שְׁמֹר שְׁאֵרִית יִשְׂרָאֵל, וְאַל יֹאבַד יִשְׂרָאֵל, הָאוֹמְרִים: שְׁמַע ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Where can I buy the siddur that Toldot Aharon uses?

Hi where can I buy the siddur that toldot Aharon uses? I have been trying to buy it for awhile with no luck.
user5500's user avatar
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Source for Ancient Prohibition against Writing Prayers?

This short article on the History of the Siddur claims: In ancient times, customary daily prayers were recited by heart, or a reader prayed aloud and the congregation responded to the blessings with “...
David 's user avatar
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Traditional wording for asking for a kind, even quick, death?

This question asks about the wording for prayer(s) for the terminally ill. This posting (Davening for the interminably ill) suggests that it is inappropriate to praying for the recovery of a person ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Where is this Piyut from?

What and Where is the original Hebrew of this piyut from? To the Oriental (Abraham) You revealed the future midnight of Passover. At his door You knocked in the heat of the day on Passover. He ...
The Targum's user avatar
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What is the order of the Great Hallel (Hallel HaGadol)?

Psalm 136, the Great Hallel (Hallel HaGadol), is a series of praises of Hashem. It is ordered starting with the wonders of creation, moving onto taking us out of slavery, followed by the miracles ...
NJM's user avatar
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Sidur de nusaj sefardi occidental - Western Sephardic Nusach Siddur

¿Existe siddur actual de este nusaj solo en hebreo, sin traduccion? O en otro caso el nusaj mas parecido Is there a current siddur of this nusach only in Hebrew, without translation? Or in another ...
MOISÉS LAGO's user avatar
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Who, why and when to say the prayer of Rabbi Nechuniyoh ben Hakoneh?

The prayer אָנָּא בְּכֹחַ is ascribed to Rabbi Nechuniyoh ben Hakoneh and appears in the section of the daily sacrifices, before Lecho Dodi in Kabbolas Shabbos and at other points. According to the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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לְךְ - what is this grammatical form?

Occasionally in a sefardi siddur, I see לְךְ. The first shva is a shva na, and the last is a shva nach. I always thought it was a typo but I keep seeing it now so I thought I'd ask a grammatical ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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שים / תן חלקנו בתורתך

I've noticed that on Yom Tov, sefardi (edot mizrach) machzorim say תן but on Shabbat in siddurim, they say שים in the bracha of Yom Tov/Shabbat respectively (which are parallel). Am I just not widely ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What connection does וְהָיוּ לִמְשסָּה שאסָיִךְ וְרָחֲקוּ כָּל מְבַלְּעָיִךְ have with יָשיש עָלַיִךְ אֱלהָיִךְ כִּמְשוש חָתָן עַל כַּלָּה?

On Friday night we say: וְהָיוּ לִמְשסָּה שאסָיִךְ. וְרָחֲקוּ כָּל מְבַלְּעָיִךְ - And your oppressors will be destroyed. And those who would devour you will be far away. יָשיש עָלַיִךְ אֱלהָיִךְ. ...
TheInquisitiveOne's user avatar
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Shabbos shacharis - Shabbos and the nations

וְלֹא נְתַתּוֹ ה' אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ לְגוֹיֵי הָאֲרָצוֹת וְלֹא הִנְחַלְתּוֹ מַלְכֵּֽנוּ לְעוֹבְדֵי פְסִילִים וְגַם בִּמְנוּחָתוֹ לֹא יִשְׁכְּנוּ עֲרֵלִים כִּי לְיִשְׂרָאֵל עַמְּךָ נְתַתּוֹ בְּאַהֲבָה, לְזֶֽרַע יַעֲקֹב אֲשֶׁר בָּם ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Where can I find Torah, Tanakh, siddur in Arabic?

I'm an Arabic convert and I'm looking for books like the Tanakh or a siddur or anything similar in the Arabic language.
Kunnaffa's user avatar
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Is Megilas Eivah (Scroll of Hostility) available anywhere?

About the Tosafos Yom-Tov, Wikipedia writes: the Megillah that Heller wrote, called Megilat Eivah (Scroll of Hostility), that tells the story of his imprisonment and release, became a tradition for ...
Adám's user avatar
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What am I supposed to be thinking about during Davening?

How am I supposed to be connecting to G-d. I need some sort of mental framework or concept with which to begin approaching Tefila. This could be: I want to come away getting what I want from G-d or it ...
user3316598's user avatar
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Why does Siddur Avodat Yisrael not contain piyutim for a wedding?

Levush HaHur (minhagim) records what seems to have been the widespread ashkenazi practice to recite certain piyutim on the shabbat of a wedding. (I assume this means where the chupah takes place on a ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Bracha on Mechiat Amalek

Is there a bracha to be made over killing Amalekites? If so, what is the nusach of this bracha?
Sammy Nassimi's user avatar
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What does פ׳ ב׳ פ׳ stand for in the context of prayer (specifically related to prayer #8 of the Amidah)?

In the Siddur I am using (Siddurenu, The Prayer Book Press, 1961), there is a supplemental prayer directly below prayer #8 of the Amida (on page 56) that prays for healing of specific individuals. (It ...
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