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Questions tagged [bentching]

Questions about the the blessings of thanks recited after eating bread products. Hebrew: Bircat Hamazon. Also known as Grace After Meals.

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Difference between Birkas haMazon and Amidah with the Sequence of Blessings

When we say Birkas haMazon (blessing after meals), the second blessing contains thanksgiving Node L'kha with the addition for Chanukah and Purim and the third blessing of Yerushalaim contains request ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Reading tefilas Amidah vs. Birkas haMazon

What reason makes it preferable to read Birkas haMazon (blessing after meals) from a booklet, but tefilas Amidah with one's eyes closed? Also what specific reason makes us say Shemoneh Esreh standing, ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Forgot yaleh viyavo at melavuh malka bentching?

B"H Generally if one forgets yaleh viyavo in bentching, one only needs to return and say it again if it was in an obligatory meal (like any of the 3 meals of shabbbos), as mentioned in the ...
Core of reality's user avatar
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Which Tehila is said before Bentching on minor holidays like Yom Yerushalayim or Pesach Sheini?

Most bentchers and siddurim talk about Shabbos, festivals, weddings, bris, pidyon ha-ben. In this context festivals usually mean Yom Tov but do they really mean "any day or occasion where you don'...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Does anyone know of any sources on the evolution of the four p'sukim added onto the end of Shir Ha'ma'alos before bentshing (Tehilas, etc.)? [duplicate]

Does anyone know of any sources on the evolution of the four p'sukim added onto the end of Shir Ha'ma'alos before bentshing (Tehilas, etc.)? The 4 verses seem to come from completely different areas ...
David Beryl Phillips's user avatar
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After eating parve food cooked in a meat pot, and before eating dairy — must you bentsch?

First, you ate some bread. Next, you ate some pareve chili which was cooked in a meat pot. You haven't said the Blessing after Meals yet. Now you'd like to eat some dairy food. A.) Must you say Grace ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Bracha for guests- who should be saying it?

In the bencher I use it has some instructions, which I don't understand or know where they come from. Are all the cases listed supposed to be done? A wife for her husband? A husband for his wife? Are ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Dagesh in שישלם

In Tehillim קלז, should I read the Yud in שישלם with or without a dagesh? I’ve seen it both ways. The “without” option makes sense according to an exception in the grammatical rules of Dagesh ...
QwertyCTRL.'s user avatar
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A recent siddur that includes an abbreviated birchas hamazon text

Magen Avraham in OC 192 brings attention to the existence of an abbreviated birchas hamazon נוסח ב"ה הקצר להרב מהר"ר נפתלי בהסכמ' הרבה גדולי חכמים ברכה ראשונ' כולה כתיקונה ואח"כ יאמר ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Can you mezamen with people who aren’t bentching?

If you’re sitting 3 people and you all ate bread, you have to do zimun. Does it matter though if the other 2 people won’t be bentching (in other words they’re not so frum and don’t care about berachot)...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Asking for a zimmun

Why are there various different ways of reciting zimmun before birkat hamazon — why isn't there one set formula?
Shababnik's user avatar
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I'm looking for a very specific Birkat Hamazon tune

As the title says, I'm looking for a Birkat Hamazon tune that I know through my family but have never heard from anyone else. I've heard it on a record from the Brandeis-Bardin Institute from the ...
ashkjew's user avatar
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Birkat hamazon for chametz on Passover

On Passover, if a Jew consumes Chametz because they have to for Pikuach Nefesh, do they recite Birkat Hamazon afterwards? Of course this would be more than the minimum amount to be liable on Pesach, (...
Kirk's user avatar
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Standing for Grace after Meals to concentrate better?

I have seen someone choose to learn standing up rather than sitting because he was tired. He felt he could stay awake better in a standing position. When it comes to Grace after Meals, the SO O.Ch. ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Explanation of this verse in Psalm 137

אַשְׁרֵ֤י שֶׁיֹּאחֵ֓ז וְנִפֵּ֬ץ אֶֽת־עֹ֝לָלַ֗יִךְ אֶל־הַסָּֽלַע׃ A blessing on him who seizes your babies and dashes them against the rocks! Psalms 137:9 This verse doesn't sit well with me... It ...
Shababnik's user avatar
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After-blessing for water that was covered by wine that was covered by bread

If one drank wine, and then drank water or juice, and forgot to bentch for what he drank, or if he did not need to bentch for the wine because it was from Kiddush, and then he had a meal right ...
שלום's user avatar
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After-blessing upon drinking during a meal, when no longer feeling satiated but thirst is still quenched

If one is no longer feeling satiated from the meal he had, for which he can no longer recite Birkas Hamazon, would he still need to recite Al Hagefen or Borei Nefashos for what he drank during his ...
שלום's user avatar
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Date rebuilding Jerusalem appeared in birkas hamazon and me'en shalosh?

Do the references to rebuilding Jerusalem indicate when the birkas hamazon and me'en shalosh were first written, or were these references added at some point to existing brachot? Do we know when the ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Whats the reasoning behind יין פגום?

There is an halacha called יין פגום (mentioned in Pesachim 106a and Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Siman 182) where if I drank a cup of wine for Kiddush or Birkat Hamazon and didn't finish all of it, I ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
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What is the history of “Poseach et Yadecha” in birkas HaMazon?

When it comes to the history of the nusach of the first Bracha of Birkas Hamazon, where do we find the first source of this pasuk being within it? Are there earlier sources that don’t mention it? I am ...
yisrael's user avatar
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Why is “נא” in parenthesis in birkas hamazon?

I bentch using a regular Ashkenaz bentcher. In most of them, the word after “Rachem” is Na but it’s in parenthesis. I think I’ve also seen the word omitted occasionally. I see the Shulchan Aruch 188:4 ...
yisrael's user avatar
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Al hamichya in different location when continued eating rice but started with cake

If someone start eating cake in one location he/she can make על המחיה in a totally different location (from which the first cannot be seen) if one continues eating there. Does the food that is ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Birkas Hamazon if I left the place I ate in

If a person washed and ate bread without the intention of completing the meal elsewhere and then left his house and cannot return, is that person allowed to say the grace after meal at his new ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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How can I understand the idea that “Pirsumei nisa is as much to oneself as it is to others.”

The THE BENJAMIN AND ROSE BERGER TORAH TO-GO Chanukah 5782 p 14 contains an article from Rabbi Ezra Schwartz entitled “ Al Hanisim in Birkat Hamazon”. It says Tosafot, Shabbat 24a, s.v. Mahu, offer a ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How specific is "the place where one ate"?

One is supposed to say birkat hamazon "in the place where he ate." How specific is this? (the same building, the same room, the same table, or the same seat)
treenuts15's user avatar
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If one mistakenly said רצה during a weekday ברכת המזון must he then repeat ברכת המזון?

I believe the halacha regarding someone who mistakenly started to say shmona esrei for Shabbos during the week and remembered before רצה is that he can continue with atah chonen and it is not ...
Dovid's user avatar
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Should we say Al naharos bavel during Nissan?

There is a popular idea to not say Al Naharos Bavel before Birtkat HaMazon on days when tachnun is not said (see here). Does that apply to all of Nissan?
Mordechai's user avatar
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Why don't we make a bracha on bentching?

Bircas Hamazon is a mitzva from the Torah, so why don't we make a bracha on this mitzva?
user6781's user avatar
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What is the reason al pi sod for saying migdol in bentching on Chol HaMoed?

The Ben Ish Chai Chukas (1:19) writes בארבע סעודות שבת וכן ביום טוב וחול המועד וראש חודש אומרים מגדול בו"ו, וכתב בחסד לאלפים בשם הרב רבי דוד פאדרו ז"ל שגם בסעודת מילה ראוי לומר מגדול בוא&...
NJM's user avatar
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Why say bircat hamazon instead of plainly thanking HaShem for the food?

A niece asked me why do we need to say bircat hamazon which is lengthy and with words we don’t understand instead of just saying in English something along the long the lines of “thank you HaShem for ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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We don't read "kisvei kodesh" on Shabbos?

The Sefer HaMatamim (Shabbos 1) explains the reason we say Migdol instead of Magdil in bentching is because מגדיל היא בכתובים בתהלים ואין קורין בכתבי הקודש בשבת - Magdil is part of Kesuvim in ...
NJM's user avatar
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Why do we recite Zimmun after Al Naharos Bavel; Shir Hamaalos?

Zimmun is the introduction to Birkas Hamazon. We invite those present to join in the bentching (ex. “Rabosai mir velen bentchen”). Why do we do this after we have already begun the recitation of ...
ezra's user avatar
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Sit for blessings after food?

Someone told me to sit for grace after meals (the series of benedictions recited after eating a bread meal). Is that true? I mean, is there such an halachic obligation? or is it, at least, a nice ...
msh210's user avatar
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Why Shir HaMaalos on Erev Tisha B'Av?

The custom is some places seems to be to say Shir Hamaalos before bentching for the seuda mafsekes on Erev Tisha B'Av. Although we normally say Shir Hamaalos for bentching whenever we don't say ...
NJM's user avatar
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Amen in Boneh Yerushalayim

In Birkat HaMazon, the one who is saying Birkat HaMazon answers amen to his own bracha during the third bracha, Boneh Yerushalayim, as required by the text. Why is it that here we say amen to our ...
Dov's user avatar
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Source for Rav Shach story (bentsching from a book from age 100)

In Torah Tidbits, issue 1372, Rabbi Shalom Rosner wrote, in part: When Rav Shach turned 100, he told his students that he was going to accept upon himself a new resolution. The students were ...
msh210's user avatar
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Grace after meals - mentioning one parents/spouse if no longer alive

In the bensching (grace after meals/birkat hamazon) we have the following verse among the הרחמן's: הרחמן הוא יברך את אבי מורי בעל הבית הזה ואת אמי מורתי בעלת הבית הזה אותם ואת ביתם ואת זרעם ואת כל ...
Dov's user avatar
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Does one bentch on an achila gasa?

After eating an excessive amount to a point that would be termed achila gasa which I will leave undefined, does a person have an obligation to recite grace after meals (or another bracha achrona as ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Sinning from Joy

Berachot 46 tells us that the guest blesses his host: "may no thought of sin, iniquity, or transgression stand before him or before us from now and for evermore". I remember seeing that this is ...
Avi M's user avatar
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Zimun over the phone [duplicate]

If one had a group call (perhaps with video) and during that call many participants had bread, could they make a zimun together? I know that you only need to be within earshot to answer for a zimun, ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Birchat hamazon: Thanking Gd for feeding all when there is hunger?

The first bracha of the birchat hamzaon says, in part, "Who nourishes the entire world" ... "He provides food for all flesh" ... "we have never lacked and we will never lack ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Would you say this phrase in bentsching while eating at a gentile’s house?

Someone ate their own kosher meal at a gentile’s house. Would they still say the following phrase? הָרַחֲמָן הוּא יִשְׁלַח לָנוּ בְּרָכָה מְרֻבָּה בַּבַּיִת הַזֶּה, וְעַל שֻׁלְחָן זֶה שֶׁאָכַלְנוּ ...
aosihdofi's user avatar
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Bracha Acharona after Hesech HaDaas

When eating a bread meal one makes the decision to end the meal, clears the table but then decides to continue eating. Question: Does this constitute Hesech HaDaas? And if so, when saying a bracha ...
Yohanan's user avatar
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Why is the Mizbe'ach in Al Hamichya?

Why is the Mizbe'ach specifically mentioned in Me'en Shalosh blessing yet not particularly mentioned in benching which instead discusses the entirety of the Beis HaMikdash?
NJM's user avatar
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Why does the request for sustenance go in the third section of Birkat HaMazon, with building Jerusalem?

Just realized -- the third segment of Birkat HaMazon looks like this: Hashem, please have mercy on Jerusalem and the Temple ... and rebuild Jerusalem speedily please. Fine. But in the middle of ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Forgot if said birkas hamazon [bentching]

I was thinking that you would have to say it, since it's sofek d'oraisah. But then you there is a sofek d'oraisah of bracha l'vatallah and we have a rule of sofek brochos l'kullah. Anyone have ...
benny's user avatar
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Where is Maharshal's commentary on birkat hamazon printed?

I read in an EJ article by Israel Ta-Shma on Maharshal: "Luria wrote a commentary to the Grace after Meals (Venice, 1603; Jerusalem, 1982)." So I understand that Maharshal wrote a commentary ...
Tamar Marvin's user avatar
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Bphi Kol Chai not Bphe

In SA Orach Chaim 187:1 in Mishnah Brurah Sif Beis, he writes that the phrase in Birchas Hamazon should be 'Bphi' kol chai and not 'Bphe'. Anyone have an idea why?
dave fried's user avatar
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Why no singular when referring to one parent in the birchat hamazon?

Near the end of the birchat hamazon there is wording for a sentence for eating at the table of one's parents. (See the left side of the quote below). That sentence refers to "them, their house, ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Why no singular in birchat hamazon for "ours and all that is ours"?

Near the end of the birchat hamazon there is alternate wording for the beginning of a sentence for eating at your own table, or that of another person, but the end of that sentence is always in the ...
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