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Questions tagged [politics-government]

Questions relating to politics or government

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Is listening to political news considered lashon hara?

"The sin of one who listened to evil gossip is more severe, and it is punished more, than the sin of the one who tells it." Rambam, laws of personality development 7:3. For example, one ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Is it permissible to have multiple kings at the same time

According to Halacha, is it permissible to have multiple kings govern over Israel at the same time? Like could you have different kings each governing but all accountable to say a greater king or ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Translation help: powers of the seven great men of the city

I'm struggling with a particular part of the reasoning of the Mahari ben-Lev in responsum 2:72, in which he addresses whether or not the טובי העיר have the power to make a rule banning townsfolk from ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Are there any sources that discuss political activism?

Are there any Jewish sources (halachic) that explicitly discuss political activism, or being involved with secular governments. The older and more primary the source(s), the better.
WhoKnows's user avatar
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Halakha and practicality of a halachic state

Is there a practical issue with trying to govern a state in a theocracy by Halakha without divine revelation? Even believing it’s okay to have a Jewish state exist before moshiach, would it still be ...
Kirk's user avatar
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"And this nation will arise and stray after idols" - the Ohel Moshe's story about Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz

I came across a Ohel Moshe on parashas Shemos, where he cites the sefer Bimechitzatam Shel Gedolei HaTorah. The explanation in both seforim, deals with the posuk in Devarim (31:16) where it says: And ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Meaning of a Talmud statement about acceptable casualties of war

The Talmud says: Shmuel... said: A government that allows one-sixth to die [by going to war] is not punished. [Shevuot 35b] I don't understand what this means. That a ruler is allowed to risk the ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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King David vs King Shaul - did King Shaul do anything wrong?

When Shaul would scold his enemies e.g. the Plishtim, he would shout at them for “defying Israel” (as his men did in Shmuel 1:17:25), but David would shout at them for "defying God" (ibid 26)...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What is "the Halachic State"?

There is a term called מְדִינַת הֲלָכָה - Halachic State. On Wikipedia (not a reliable source, but could not find anything else), it says: A Halachic State is a Jewish state that endorses Judaism in ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Which political system is the one most promoted/considered generally "correct"/optimal in the Torah & Jewish sources? [duplicate]

The Torah discusses kingship and G-d, blessed be He, and the problems that it could lead to. There is of course the infamous kritarchy (rule by Judges) and the results it produced. However, I've seen ...
setszu's user avatar
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Proto-Libertarian ideas in rabbinic literature

Is there any source in Chazal on the principles that formed the modern thought of Libertarianism? I'm trying to gather sources of some of the key concepts of Libertarianism in Chazal, such as: (1) ...
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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Does Jews for Judaism have disputed ideas or could it be distributed to christians to enrich their knowledge? [closed]

Does Jews for Judaism have disputed ideas or could it be distributed to christians to increase their knowledge?
Chana Bela's user avatar
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What changed in the later First Temple period that increased interaction with further kingdoms?

If you read the Book of Kings, the nations with which Israel (or later, Judah and Israel) was always either warring or allying themselves are basically its neighbors: Egypt, Lebanon ("Tyre"),...
Shalom's user avatar
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Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's trip to Moscow on Shabbat to meet Putin

I am an Italian ben Noach. We have all seen that Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett went to Moscow on Shabbat to meet Putin. I believe that, since this trip has been functional to find a solution ...
Amos74's user avatar
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To what extent did Jewish tradition of debate influence the development of Classical Liberalism in Europe? [closed]

Judaism has a long tradition of valuing debate. My sense is that it is somewhat singular in this regard. Certainly there is debate within Islam or Christianity, but if I understand correctly, Judaism ...
Diogenes Creosote's user avatar
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Time ticking bomb scenario [duplicate]

Suppose that a person with knowledge of an imminent terrorist attack, that will kill many people, is in the hands of the authorities and that he will disclose the information needed to prevent the ...
yogazefish's user avatar
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Are there potential Ribbis issues with applying for PPP loans?

I guess this questions has two components to it: (1) Are PPP loans different than other types of loans because of the way it's structured with the government guaranteeing the loans or something to ...
J G's user avatar
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Where do Israeli nationalist Orthodox movements derive their Halacha?

This isn't a question regarding Israeli politics or issues like that. This question is purely about where these groups (Groups which followed Meir Kahane or similar voices) developed or derived their ...
Michael's user avatar
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Seeking advice from our Sages and Tanach about the dangers of 'national polarity'

Regardless of where you sit on the political divide regarding the situation in the United States it seems as if the country is being devoured by polarity. I am searching for advice from chazal ...
chanina Yaacov's user avatar
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Can someone help translate this Trumas HaDeshen?

I am looking for any sources that give a reason why we should stay away from politics on shabbos or yomtov. I found this from the Trumas HaDeshen 61, but I am having a tough time understanding. Would ...
Dov's user avatar
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is it forbidden to vote for a non-Jewish president (or other government figure)?

it says in the Torah (I'm quoting from Gentiles in Halacha btw): it is written in the Torah (Deuteronomy 17:15): “Then you shall appoint a king over you, whom the Lord your G-d will choose: one ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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What's with the food ministers?

The United States has Secretaries for foreign affairs (called the Secretary of State), defense, agriculture, the treasury, commerce, education, and more. Similarly, Israel has ministers for foreign ...
msh210's user avatar
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Would the President of the United States have to put mezuzot on the doors of the White House?

If a Jew were elected president of the United States, would he/she be required to put a mezuzah on all of the doors of the White House? I can think of many arguments for each side. The house does not ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Is a Jew allowed to be the President of the United States?

Ben Shapiro is an American conservative political commentator, in addition to being an author and a lawyer. More importantly for the purposes of this question, he's an Orthodox Jew. Some of his fans ...
ezra's user avatar
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Why was a king necessary in the first place?

When Moshe led the Jewish people, there came a time where he spoke with Hashem and asked for him to relieve his burden. He needed help with the responsibility that had been placed upon him. This led ...
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The Four Authorities of a theoretical Halachic Jewish State

I have found traditionally four types of authorities for the governing/ruling of the Jewish nation: A Prophet (like Moses or Shmuel) A Kohen Gadol (Pinchas) Sanhedrin with Nessi A King (Saul, David) (...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Justification for a Religious Party to Participate in a Secular Government

I can think of quite a few refrains that I have heard or read from anti-Zionist camps saying that joining the (secular) Israeli government which has a hand in certain aveiros is prohibited due to ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Does the Torah support a more Socialist or Capitalist form of government?

There is, of course, a spectrum between fully socialist to fully capitalist, however, I'm wondering what type of government the Torah supports and where it would fall on the spectrum?
Gavriel's user avatar
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Can a Jew work for a gentile government?

Is it permissible for a Jew to perform work for a gentile government? I've heard that the Lubavitcher Rebbe z'tl helped the US Navy with his knowledge of electrical engineering during WW2, but perhaps ...
Fei23's user avatar
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Charlie Gard's parents from a Halachic Perspective

As this question is somewhat extensive, I have divided the post into headers in order to make it easier to read and follow. Background Charlie Gard is a British baby who has a rare genetic disorder ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why, how, and when the switch from "הנותן תשועה למלכים" to "אבינו שבשמים"?

Most נוסח אשכנז prayer books I've seen, published in the mid twentieth century, had a prayer for the welfare of the national government and governors that began "הנותן תשועה למלכים". It's also found ...
msh210's user avatar
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Can a female convert hold a position of communal authority over women?

"A convert may not hold a position of Jewish communal authority." (Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 1:4) In light of the Rambam above and the answers here, which discuss the prohibition on ...
SAH's user avatar
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Would an observant Jew be able to fulfill the obligations of serving an office of government?

This question may seem strange but it more ties into the nature of politics in non-Jewish parts of the world. Obviously, in a country like Israel we have built around these issues as to prevent ...
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May one protest on Shabbat?

Aside from obvious challenges, such as carrying a sign outside an eruv, is it inherently assur to attend a political protest on Shabbat?
Ze'ev's user avatar
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Can you vote for a Jew in non-Israeli politics? [duplicate]

Perhaps I was misinformed, but I've heard that we are not supposed to directly have our hands in the politics of other countries. There's also a difference in overall culture and values of Western ...
Echad-Ani-Yodeya's user avatar
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Government-forced mixed swimming

Mixed swimming is prohibited even for older children. How should we react if the government would try to force such upon us? Would we e.g. have to let ourselves be killed rather than obey? Note: ...
Adám's user avatar
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Does the rule in Pirkei Avot 3:2 apply to evil governments?

In Avot 3:2, Rav Chanania says that we should pray for the welfare of the government. For, if it weren't for the fact that people fear the government (afraid of breaking the law), people would swallow ...
DanF's user avatar
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Does taking money from government programs change the Halachic status of the family structure?

Does taking government subsidies such as Section 8 and Food Stamps in a situation where the government subsidy is specifically providing money for food per child (Food Stamps) or money for an extra ...
Mark A.'s user avatar
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Are there any Talmudic debates about the nature of the socialist idea?

“The Economist”, 23 Jul 16, p 22 contains the sentence, Neither faction is well aligned with Labour voters in cities like Sunderland and dozens of other towns across the north, who are more ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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political assasination and rodefs

The classic example of a roded is a murder chasing you with a knife but sometime politicians can threaten life with bad policy. E.g. Governor of Michigan Wants to use Flint River Eg politician wants ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Rav Moshe Feinstein's opinion on the State of Israel

I was wondering if there is any document which states Rav Moshe's opinion regarding the existence of the state of Israel. Did he consider the state a good thing or bad thing. I ask this because we ...
sam's user avatar
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Who recognizes Yom HaShoah?

It seems that the more religious one is, the less likely one is to commemorate(?) the Holocaust on Yom HaShoah. To what extent is this true? Which groups do and do not observe Yom HaShoah as their ...
SAH's user avatar
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Is one allowed to vote for an election candidate during chol hamoed?

It seems like it goes against the spirit of the holiday to have to go out of one's way to vote. But what if it's for the sake of Heaven (example being a candidate being more pro-israel)?
code613's user avatar
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Prayer for the Government if the President or VP is female

The prayer Hanosen Teshuah as recited in the US has the line את הנשיא ואת משנהו. To me, these terms sound masculine. If the President and/or Vice President of the United States were female, would this ...
Premundane's user avatar
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Why doesn't Chabad say Hanotein Teshua

In many siddurim, particularly those printed for the Ashkenazi or Spanish-Portuguese communities, there is a tefillah for the government, Hanotein Teshuah (the title is based on a passuk in Ps. 144) ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Can Jews be rulers of countries other than Israel?

With the current political mayhem in the US, an interesting question regarding whether a Jew is halachically permitted to accept rulership of a country other than that of Eretz Yisrael has arisen. So ...
Leyzer's user avatar
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Flint, Michigan: Who would be HALACHICALLY Liable?

As a hypothetical scenario, we assume that the events of the Flint water crisis are taking place in a location where Beis Din and Jewish law are ascendant. Here's a quick summary of the facts: The ...
Isaac Kotlicky's user avatar
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How far does dina demalchusa dina go?

Does this apply to laws which are clearly corrupt and based on lies? At what point does a law which solely benefits one political group but harms everyone else stop being legitimate through the lens ...
Dude's user avatar
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Punishment for mesirah

For someone who commits an act of "mesirah" (giving over a Jewish person to law enforcement) What punishment if any does such a person (the "moser") receive? Or could/should he receive? Where is the ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Government subsidies or tzedoko

it is preferable not to take charity from non-Jews (maybe only if it is not in private) Source Yore daiya 254 In a case of need (someone needs money for housing and/or food), which is more ...
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