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Questions tagged [health-safety-shmira]

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Interpretation of Amulet from Moroccan Rabbi

Rabbi Rafael Ochana (1850-1906), born in Morocco, wrote a book called Mareh HaYeladim (1899?) that has the following design for an amulet, as protection from demons (on p.50, kaf-hey in book): Can ...
user99658's user avatar
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Is a person's environment a factor is the laws of Shomer Ptayim?

There is a מחלוקת in the Poskim as to whether or not Smoking is included in the leniency of שומר פתאים. The way the sources describe the context is that certain things are allowed "if many do ...
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Does halacha strongly encourage the use of aggressive medical interventions?

It seems from what I've read in books: Jewish law encourages the uptake of aggressive medical interventions. Some examples include CPR, ventilators, chemotherapy, and intensive care unit (ICU) care. ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Are Dr. Barilan's bioethical writings consistent with Orthodox Jewish law? [closed]

Background In general, it's better not to read Torah books by non-frum authors. (Source.) Occasionally, you might stumble across an author you've never heard of. Maybe they're frum; but you don't ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Does anybody know which Rabbi wrote ,something along lines of, "It's more important to be healthy than do a Mitzva"?

I know that the Rambam writes its a Positive Commandment to take care of your health etc. I'm not referring to that. This seems to go above that saying that it is more important to take care of your ...
Sochacz's user avatar
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May Jews apply hand sanitizer on Shabbat

In halacha, is there anything issur/prohibited for Jews to apply hand sanitizer on Shabbat? Or no, is it Muttar/permitted and not an issue of smearing?
Kirk's user avatar
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Does the Torah specify which foods are recommended for weight loss?

We know that kosher foods are good for spiritual health, but does the Torah discuss which foods are good for our physical health (especially for weight loss)?
Miguel's user avatar
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A few days before Shabbat, you folded up some pre-cut waxed floss and stuck it to itself. Can you unstick it during Shabbat?

Background Flossing is okay on Shabbat, if and only if: you don't usually bleed, and the floss is pre-cut before Shabbat. (Source.) Please imagine: Several days before Shabbat began, you pre-cut a ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Yichud with a bedridden person

According to Halacha, can the prohibition of Yichud be suspended for taking care of someone who’s bedridden for health issues? In general, Gilui Arayot can’t be violated for health or Pikuach Nefesh. ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What system do the Rabbi's use when determining if an elective surgery is allowable?

People get surgeries all the time for a variety of reasons. That being said, we now live in a world where surgeries are becoming elective. Meaning the surgery is not necessarily a direct matter of ...
Michael's user avatar
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Mesirah for serious crimes and abuses

I’m curious whether Halacha permits certain leniences for Mesirah for serious crimes based on pikuach nefesh or related similar reasoning. For example, cases of sexual abuse of minors, battery etc. ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Does Ramban say anything about eating and nutrition?

BH Does Ramban say anything about nutrition and health? Heard he was a doctor, what to eat or not?
David 's user avatar
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If you're not overweight, can you still weigh yourself during Chol Ha'moed?

Background On Chol Ha'moed, melacha is sometimes, but not always, permitted. During Chol Ha'moed, more food may be available than usual. The research literature suggests that, when there's a lot of ...
tealhill supports Monica's user avatar
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Using pre-cut floss on Shabbos, if the floss is likely to shred

Please imagine: You floss daily, and your gums never bleed. You've pre-cut a good length of floss before Shabbos. However: Every time you floss, the floss shreds. In such a case, are you allowed ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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How does one remove a curse and/or a magical spell that's been placed upon a person/land/lineage/etc? What is the process like?

The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch in סימן קסו - שלא לנחש לעונן ולכשף says that one can go to a non-Jew if they are suffering from an ailment caused by magic, which means that there must be a way to rid ...
setszu's user avatar
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613 Mitzvot corresponding to the 248 and 365 body parts [duplicate]

Where can I find a chart or list in English of each mitzvah and which body part the mitzvah corresponds to including bones and organs?
Jonathan Eshaghian's user avatar
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Are we forbidden from striving to develop biotech that can make us immortal since that would essentially be like biting off from the Tree of Life?

In the recent years, there has been a lot of talk and investment in the biotech space regarding life extension, with some saying that the eventual goal is to make us live forever. However, to strive ...
setszu's user avatar
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Taking care of the body

I heard that the Gaon of Vilna wrote the following: normally, suffering comes to atone for past sins. But, when a person puts himself in a dangerous situation and suffers an accident due to this, this ...
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
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List of resources for halachot concerning celiac disease

A friend has recently been diagnosed with celiac disease. This is where individuals develop intolerance to gluten, present in foods such as wheat, rye and barley. This will impact a number of halachic ...
bondonk's user avatar
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If it is time for set prayer, and one can only either pray or exercise, what comes first?

If one only has the strength or will-power or interest to do one thing, which should it be: Pray (e.g., Shacharis, Mincha or Maariv) or exercise? For instance, say one comes home from work late one ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Donating body parts of a corpse

Is a family member or oneself allowed to donate body parts in case of someone's death? Is this comparable to the donations of kidneys of healthy people, which seems to be allowed? What if the body ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Does using kidney beans in cholent run a risk of toxicity [closed]

I've seen various sources on the internet discuss the toxicity of raw kidney beans and how slow cooking is not sufficient or could even be counter productive. (See
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Why does the Torah explicitly endorse the use of lead, a carcinogenic metal, in regards to Tevilah?

In Parshas מטות, the Torah describes 6 different metals which require Tevilah (Bamidbar 31:22), one of them being lead. (Gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, & lead.) It is learned out that all metals ...
Moshe's user avatar
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May one get an electric tattoo for blood pressure monitoring?

Researchers have recently found a way to measure blood pressure via graphene e-tattoos on the skin. Would one be Halachically allowed to get such a tattoo, or would this fall under the category of ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Hand expressing mother's milk on שבת to upkeep supply

The Shulchan Aruch או"ח סימן שכח סעיף לד ו-לה rules that a woman is not allow to hand express milk into a vessel in order to feed an infant from it. She is allowed to hand express into the ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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How far should we go to accommodate health sensitivities?

This recent article reports about a woman thrown off a flight because she requested that no nuts be served to anybody on the plane, because her severe allergy even to smelling nuts could cause her to ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Corona "parties" for children

Background Particularly throughout this present omicron wave, people have floated the idea of having childrens' "corona parties". In such a 'party' parents invite previously uninfected ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Is there a Halachic book on regular fasting?

I’d like to take on regular fasting for health reasons. My Rav permits this. He also permits it to weaken desire. But there are so many contradictory opinions that are hard to reconcile in the ...
Kenny Xiong's user avatar
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Am I obligated to say "bless you" (or its equivalent) after someone sneezes?

The Midrash Pirkei D'Rebbi Eliezer (54) writes המופת הרביעי, מיום שנברא העולם לא היה אדם חולה, אלא בכל מקום שהיה אדם אם בדרך אם בשוק ועטש היתה נפשו יוצאה מנחיריו ומת, עד שבא יעקב אבינו ובקש רחמים על ...
NJM's user avatar
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Does Judaism say if you are fat you should have a diet?

Does Judaism say if you are fat you should have a diet? Moderator's Note: As with all content on Mi Yodeya, if this question is practically relevant to you, please don't rely directly on any ...
Henda Brahem's user avatar
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Is it a mitzvah to excercise? [duplicate]

Are there any sources that say it's a mitzvah to exercise- i.e., to walk around the block to keep up your health?
Mordechai's user avatar
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Vaccines using aborted fetal cells

A friend of mine informed me that a few coronavirus vaccines might have used aborted fetal cells during development and/or production. What I have found by so far is that these cells were grown in ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Non-medical N95 / KN95 / FFP2 masks, beards, shaving, Chol Ha'moed, and the Omer

Background information There's no longer a shortage of non-medical N95 / FFP2 masks. Anyone who wants enhanced protection against COVID can now get some. Despite some rumors to the contrary, these ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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How often should one go to the dentist? [closed]

The Ketzos Hashulchan 126:3 discusses issues with teeth becoming a concern of protecting one's health. Do Poskim today suggest the frequency one must visit the dentist to preemptively protect one's ...
NJM's user avatar
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Are there sources that discuss the proper role of mood-‎altering substances?‎

I am curious if there are any sources (halachic or hashkafic) that discuss the use of mood or personality altering substances.‎ From Caffeine or Chamomile tea all the way to psychiatric medication,‎ ...
ak0000's user avatar
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What are usual Jewish practices and doctrine for addictive substances such as alcohol and tobacco?

I live in a community where about a fourth to half of the population is Jewish and I have many friends here that all seem to have different outlooks about addictive substances. Particularly about ...
kewardicle's user avatar
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If you take a COVID "smell test" every day, do you say a blessing on the scent?

Background Some experts recommend that everyone test their own sense of smell once daily. This can help to screen for the novel coronavirus disease. This is because COVID often (but not always) ...
Dani's user avatar
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What physical/health factors disqualify an otherwise qualified bechor from pidyon haben?

If a first-born son meets the qualifications for pidyon ha'ben (first born of his mother, born naturally, parents are both Yisroel), what physical health issues would "disqualify" the bechor ...
Benjamin G's user avatar
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During covid-related social distancing minyan is it better for one person to get all aliyot or multiple people at a distance?

During the current covid-19 outbreak all shuls in the United States have closed and minyanim are for the most part not being conducted. The OU recently released guidance to be used when minyanim in ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Diets promoted by different Rabbis throughout history

I was curious if there was any information about the sages or other known historical Rabbis who promoted diets for physical/spiritual health. Obviously, Kosher is Kosher but did anyone ever suggest ...
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Rain in Iyar - Miracle Cure?

I remember that a few years ago, it was raining in Iyar and someone (who I believe to be a talmid chacham) told me that drinking the rain in Iyar is a powerful segulah for refuahs. Today, Rosh Chodesh ...
JewishMale's user avatar
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If our leadership do not take disease outbreaks seriously, are they considered responsible for deaths that follow?

As of late, there has been a controversy in various Jewish communities around the world. Certain Rabbis and certain individuals have actively circumvented the preventative measures to help stop the ...
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Priestly blessing with split minyan

This morning, a member of our synagogue raised an interesting question. Assume a congregation in Israel, which has to split the minyan in two in order to comply with precautionary measures due to the ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Rabbis giving advice which contradicts expert medical opinion

I have read many stories of great Rabbis, historically and in today's times, who have given people medical advice which was in direct contradiction to the advice given by expert medical professionals. ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Epidemics and public torah study

In the current pandemic, there seem to be diverse opinions, both of medical/government officials and of religious leaders regarding communal gatherings for religious services. For example, some shuls ...
Loewian's user avatar
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R' Akiva Eiger and the epidemic

A rav mentioned it to me that R' Akiva Eiger got an award from the Prussian king, because during an epidemic in Posen he, in accordance with the doctors and the authorities, required the strict ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Who is counted in an "outdoor minyan" defined? How should the minyan be run?

An outdoor minyan is one possible attempt to deal with a public health instruction aimed at preventing spreading infections, such as keeping 6 feet from another person and avoiding indoor gatherings. ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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What is the Torah perspective on our response to coronavirus? [duplicate]

What spiritual response does daas Torah (Rabbonim, Gedolim, etc.) suggest we should utilize in facing coronavirus? For instance, Rav Yisroel Reisman (Ki Sisa 5780) mentioned saying פיטום הקטורת and ...
NJM's user avatar
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How do you write an amulet

The internet has many examples of Jewish amulets. I would like to know how, step by step, amulet is written. I understand there may be different formula for different amulets but I assume the general ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Articles on care of terminally ill patients according to Halacha

Can someone suggest a well-written article on the treatment of terminally ill patients according to Halacha?
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