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Did Yiftach's daughter have to comply with his vow?

In Judges chapter 11 Yiftach vows to dedicate whatever first comes out of the doors of his home to God (perhaps to be sacrificed as an offering) should he be victorious in battle. After his victory he ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Why is garlic forbidden to one who forswore mikpa?

The last mishna of the sixth chapter of N'darim reads, in part: מן המקפה אסור בשום This means that if someone declared that mikpa is forbidden for own his use as sacrificial offerings are, then he ...
msh210's user avatar
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Hataras nedarim judges have to be observant jews?

The halacha says that the "judges" for hataras nedarim need to be 3 Jewish males above the age of 13. However, do they also have to be observant Jews?
aosihdofi's user avatar
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Can a public fast day be used for a Yahrtzeit fast?

Some people have a minhag to fast on a yahrtzeit (see Shulchan Aruch OC 567,7-9). If the day of the yahrtzeit occurs on a public fast day such as 17 Tamuz, can the fasting done then count for the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is it worse to swear by Zeus or by Hakadosh Baruch Hu?

One should not swear by false gods. But also, לא תישא את שם ה׳ לשווא. So is it worse (better) to casually, and without really meaning it, promise something "by G-d" or "By all the gods on Olympus"?
Joshua Fox's user avatar
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Must one fulfill a promise to another? What if circumstances change the initial reasoning behind the proposal?

If one states that they will do something to another person (e.g "I'll give you my favorite necklace"), and then that person no longer wants to fulfil the "promise" due to unforeseen circumstances, is ...
Fei23's user avatar
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Why is Sabbath so important?

In Isaiah 58:13-14 we read: “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on My holy day, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And ...
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Source for taking an oath on beard and payos

I remember seeing in a sefer that when Jews would take an oath they would take one on their beard and payos, this showed how much they valued the mitzvah of beard and payos. Does anyone know where ...
sam's user avatar
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Are there cases where you are allowed to swear to G-d?

Is it always forbidden to swear to G-d, or does it depend on truth? I read somewhere that "in vain" means for something false or obvious. If someone doesn't believe me about something very important ...
Nathan H's user avatar
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Doing something good 3 times is like a neder. Can the 3 times be even in the same day?

An acquaintance told me that the 3 times must occur on 3 separate days but I cannot find a source for this, please let me know if you know of a source either way.
Dovid's user avatar
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Why do we care about a cow loan?

The mishna, N'darim 4:6, in my own, very loose translation: Aaron asks Baruch, "Lend me your cow." Baruch tells him, "It's not available." Aaron says, "My field is forbidden to me like a ...
msh210's user avatar
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If one vowed to fast for a set period of time, would he continue at sunset after Shabbat?

So say someone had vowed to personally fast for a certain amount of time, and a portion of this time overlapped with Shabbat. Now it is known that we are forbidden from fasting during Shabbat, except ...
עמנואל-העבד's user avatar
17 votes
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Promised to name son Shimon - now husband is Shimon?

A woman who desperately wanted to get married traveled to Meron, the burial place of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai, and vowed that if she found her match, she would name her first son Shimon in his merit. ...
sam's user avatar
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Do fathers revoke all their daughters' vows right before they turn 12.5?

Nedarim 10:4, dealing with a case where a father has used his authority to marry off his 12-12.5 year old daughter through eirusin and is now finishing the marriage through nisuin, says: דֶּרֶךְ ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Kavana or Ma’aseh? What Matters?

Ohr Hachaim explains Breishit 50:20 by way of a mashal: someone intended to give his fellow poison but ended up giving him wine. The perpetrator is not deemed to be chayav for what he intended to do. ...
הבלשן's user avatar
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Is a neder against doing a prohibited behavior a neder?

If one makes a neder not to do something issur derabbanan, if they break it, are they liable for the neder?
Richard Franklin's user avatar
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Is one allowed to swear to do something that depends on someone else's approval?

I noticed in parshat Vayechi that Yosef takes an oath that he will bury his father, Yaakov in Cana'an. After Yaakov dies, he asks for Pharaoh's permission to do so, and he grants him permission. In ...
DanF's user avatar
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Tzedakah and tax deduction

In my country of residence there's a possibility to deduct charities from the tax. Since most have a daytime job and the tax is deducted in advance, in practice it means that at the end of the year ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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How did Chana vow that her son should be a Nazir?

How did Chana vow that her son (Shmuel hanavi) should be a Nazir, when the (Gemara Sotah 23a) says a woman can't impose Nezirut on her son?
yosef lavi's user avatar
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What's so moving about Kol Nidrei

Wikipedia describes Kol Nidrei: Though not a prayer, this dry legal formula and its ceremonial accompaniment have been charged with emotional undertones since the medieval period, creating a dramatic ...
Michoel's user avatar
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Why the Minimum Nazirship Length?

In Nazir 2:10, the Mishna states: :אֵין תִּגְלַחַת פָּחוֹת מִשְּׁלשִׁים יוֹם There can be no shaving for a period of less than thirty days. Meaning, if you were in the middle of one nazirship when ...
Checkmate's user avatar
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Does texting count as speech?

For instance, say that I text someone "I promise I'll do X." Does that have the same status as if I said out loud the same thing? The same question can be asked with respect to Shevuos (as ...
DonielF's user avatar
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What's the story with nezirut Shimshon in hatarat nedarim?

In the standard text of hatarat nedarim, Artscroll has וכל מיני נזירות שקבלתי עלי חוץ מנזירות שמשון Koren has ואפילו נזירות שמשון There are three types of nezirut (maseches Nazir 1,2): nezirut ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Why list קונם and קונס explicitly in Kol Nidrei but not other Kinuyim?

Nedarim 1:2 lists several kinnuyim, alternate expressions you can use for making a neder. In the Ashkenazi version of Kol Nidrei that I'm familiar with as well as the Nusach Sefarad one I found on ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Is one obligated in a promise to do an issur made pekuach nefesh?

Chaim has an exotic disease for which the only possible cure is an experimental drug. The drug company will permit him to enter the study as long as he agrees that if he dies, he releases his body for ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Promise on a death bed

I once read that if a person makes a promise on their death bed to another person that they would come back to them in a dream and tell them whatever they wanted to know, then this is considered a ...
Daniel Ross's user avatar
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Can a husband forbid his wife from doing something (which will not hurt her)

A husband cannot make his wife do something using a vow (Helckas Mehokek 74.17 end, Bais Shmuel 74.12 end). אם מדיר אותה דבר שהוא לטובתה כגון שהדיר קונם הנאת תשמישך עלי אם לא תתקשט והיא אינה רוצה א"...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Why is "any promise I will promise" where it is in N'darim chapter 3?

The start of the third chapter of N'darim lists four categories of promise that are always null and void: promises meant to urge, promises of exaggeration, promises with an accident, and promises of ...
msh210's user avatar
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Bli Neder Loophole

Who came up with the Bli Neder loophole of: Bli neder I will help you do X Or Bli neder I will etc... And the list can go on and on. Who came up with addingBli Neder which basically means "...
Naftali's user avatar
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Can G-d be put in Charem

I came across this article: The Time Has Come for God to Reveal the Messiah, Says Jerusalem’s Chief Rabbi. The jist of the article that Chief Rabbi Amar and two other Rabbis announced as a ruling ...
Daniel Ross's user avatar
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Don't have to articulate hataras nedarim?

I recently made a hataras nedarim in which two of the three dayanim were not articulating a single word, but simply intoning something like a low hum, during the part that is supposed to be said ...
SAH's user avatar
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If one is noder hana'ah from something which sometimes is obligatory and sometimes is not, is the neder binding?

Let's say I make a neder not to benefit from the five grains - wheat, barley, rye, oat(?), and spelt. These are the only grains which can be used for Matzah on Pesach (Pesachim 35b). Assuming that a ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Neder not specified

What is if someone took a neder on himself, and said eg. "i will not eat potatos anymore," but his intention was only for a certain Kind of potatos. Are now all potatos forbidden to him (as the person ...
yosef's user avatar
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Is a neder about something compulsory valid?

Imagine someone make a neder not to eat pork (this is not a general Neder not to eat meat rather specifically prohibiting pork which is already forbidden). Is that neder valid? If he then eats pork, ...
far22's user avatar
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Are you allowed to recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

Is the US Pledge of Allegiance a form of oath or vow, and if so may one recite it? If one has recited it has one incurred any new halachic obligations?
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Violating a cancelable oath?

If someone made an oath "I'm not going to eat bread for thirty days" and wants to "cancel" it, he goes to three people and tells them "I didn't know that it would be so hard". They say "OK, it's ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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A shoteh doesn't vow to donate — isn't this obvious?

The Mishna says (Arachin 1:1): חרש שוטה וקטן נידרין ונערכין אבל לא נודרין ולא מעריכין מפני שאין בהם דעת A deaf-mute, an imbecile, and a minor are the object of a vow and are valuated, but neither vow ...
Leopold says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Neder vs. Shevua

Inspired by this answer (and more generally its question): What is the difference between a Neder (vow) and a Shevua (oath)? It seems to me that it is generally described as "issur cheftza" (neder) ...
Baal Shemot Tovot's user avatar
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Do vows made in the year after a hatarat nedarim require another hatarat nedarim to annul?

Bracketing out, for a moment, the matter of the hatarot nedarim that everyone makes before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the text of the regular hatarat nedarim (annulment of vows) (http://halachipedia....
SAH's user avatar
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Minhag 3 times, source?

In machzorim there is a nusach for hatarat nedarim, to annulate even "a good minhag that I did 3 times ..." But what is source for this counting like a neder (or other type of engagement)? Shulchan ...
yO_'s user avatar
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Why did Yiftach have to fulfill his oath?

Yiftach swore that the first thing to come out of his house upon his arrival would become a sacrifice. Unfortunately, that was his daughter. Why he didn't get it annulled and why he went through with ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why didn't Yosef's brothers bury him where he asked?

So Joseph made the Israelites swear, saying, “When God comes to you, you shall carry up my bones from here.” (Bereishis 50:25) And Joseph died, being one hundred ten years old; he was embalmed ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why did they need such an elaborate plan after Pilegesh Begiv'ah?

I've been thinking about this for a while, but this question reminded me. After the incident of Pilegesh Begiv'ah, the tribe of Binyamin had been almost wiped out and was down to 600 men. Everyone ...
Heshy's user avatar
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To be Matir Neder or not to be, that is the question

According to those Shitos (such as the Ran) brought in Is a neder about something compulsory valid? that one violates Lo Yachel Devaro if they break a Neder not to do something which is already Assur, ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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What if one swears to do something forbidden?

If one makes a neder or shevu'ah to do something that is forbidden by Torah (or perhaps to abstain from something that is mandatory) what happens? Does his vow have any significance? That is, was it ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why do we say Dayanim Mumhim in Hatarat Nedarim (Canceling vows)?

The text of Hatatarat Nedarim starts like this: שִׁמְעוּ נָא רַבּותַי דַּיָּנִים מֻמְחִים "Please hear, expert Dayanim (court) It's not just that usually we gather three random people to be ...
Alaychem goes to Codidact's user avatar
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Why is "affliction of the soul" interpreted differently in two places?

The Torah (Leviticus 23:32) says regarding Yom Hakippurim וְעִנִּיתֶם אֶת נַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶם "and you shall afflict your souls." The Mishna (Yoma 8:1) gives the prohibitions of Yom Hakippurim as ...
b a's user avatar
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Shalosh Shevuoth (The Three Oaths) - halacha or aggadata

I am aware that there is a long standing argument about whether the Shalosh Shevuot(1) are a Halachic concept to be reckoned with or "just" an aggadata. I'm sure that there are many varied opinions in ...
Mark A.'s user avatar
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If one is noder hana’ah from a smartphone, what is included?

Let’s say someone says he is noder hana’ah from a smartphone. What is included in the Neder? I assume that using the physical object (ex. as a paperweight) would be out. I assume that using the ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Hataras Nedarim for 12 yr old boy

When a boy reaches 12 years old, his nedarim (vows) are considered to be binding. However, I don't believe I've ever seen a 12 year old boy make Hataras Nedarim on Erev Rosh HaShanah. Is there a ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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