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Questions tagged [sin]

Relating to the categorization of a sinful act in Jewish Law, the examination of a sin recorded in Jewish texts, or the nature of sin in Jewish thought.

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2 answers

Advice how to prevent sin

I would like to ask for advice when in the following situation: Being in a cycle of having a habit to certain things that are forbidden, without the motivation to work on getting better. Basically, ...
SoulPaul's user avatar
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Saving a life when the other person is putting himself at risk

Shalom, I was looking for some sources who could help answer a somewhat polemic questions: Is it still a commandment to save a person who purposely endangers himself because of an ilegal action. ...
Andres Bruck's user avatar
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Contradiction between the book of Exodus and the book of Ezekiel

In Exodus 34:7, it says that the consequences of sin can be passed down to the third and fourth generations, but in Ezekiel 18:20, it states that each person is responsible only for their own sins. ...
sharon ariey's user avatar
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Are soldiers sinning when they kill enemy in a war? [closed]

Soldiers are like slaves to their commanders and have to do whatever they are told to do. If not, in war war-like situation, they can be punished by their commanders. So will the soldiers be ...
Shafeek's user avatar
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Repenting cannot forgive certain sin? [closed]

Isn’t it true that King David suffered a lot! Losing a child, his sons rebelling against him, he speak of having a lot of joint pain and being sick. Even such a righteous person who was so close to ...
Danny's user avatar
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How many times did Moses strike the rock?

In the Bemidbar story of Moses and Aaron striking the rock to provide water for the Israelites (Numbers 20) it is said the Moses struck the rock twice. However the Hebrew word used in my interlinear ...
Lisa Cremer's user avatar
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Female physiology before and after Eve's sin (Eruvin 100b)

The Gemmorah in Eruvin 100b lists various physiological and Halachic outcomes of the Curse of Eve (Gen 3.16) : "... Rav Yitzḥak bar Avdimi says: Eve was cursed with ten curses... [the Gemmorah ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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The direct consequences for Adam & Eve due to the fall

I was going through Genesis and taking note of the direct consequences for Adam and Eve in the narrative. Fittingly, I identified 7 - which I list below. I'm curious how my interpretation compares ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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Why is the Transgression of Temurah mentioned twice?

We find the transgression of Temura - תמורה mentioned twice in פרשת בחוקותי In פרק כ”ז פסוק י לֹ֣א יַחֲלִיפֶ֗נּוּ וְלֹֽא־יָמִ֥יר אֹת֛וֹ ט֥וֹב בְּרָ֖ע אוֹ־רַ֣ע בְּט֑וֹב וְאִם־הָמֵ֨ר יָמִ֤יר בְּהֵמָה֙ ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Does Lying, Except in Court Testimony, Violate the Ninth Commandment?

Am I transgressing the ninth of the 10 Commandments of Moses if I lie, except when giving testimony in court? In Exodus 20:13 it reads You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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Is drunk driving an aveirah in the absence of secular laws against it and with no damages?

For the vast majority of the world, drunk driving (also known as drink driving, Driving Under the Influence (DUI), or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)) is forbidden under dina d'malchuta dina since DUI ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Can you do an Aveira when someone is taking away all of your money, and what do poskim say on the matter

The Pasuk says that we should live by the Mitzvos, which teaches us that we can do an Aveira to save our, or someone else's life. The Midrash says that people who have nothing are like dead people, so ...
aroller's user avatar
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Sin & punishment (or consequence)

חג שמח לכולם I missed the exact quote, though I already read some hebrew motto which states in a short phrase that when someone sins, the Divine reward (punishment or consequence) for the sin is ...
Marcio Guerra's user avatar
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Vasectomy reversal

A Jew had a vasectomy before he was aware of the severity of the sin. Is he obligated to undergo a reversal?
sinfulyid's user avatar
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Which steps of Tshuva must be said out loud?

There are multiple stages to Tshuva. Unfortunately we make many small mistakes every day. It becomes cumbersome to do Tshuva for all of them and say them all out loud (all stages). Which ones must be ...
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Are there any Rabbis who require a DNA test for every child born as a means of preventing infidelity?

If your wife commits infidelity, you are required to divorce her. This is taken from Mishneh Torah, Divorce 11. וּבִכְלַל לָאו זֶה שֶׁכָּל אִשָּׁה שֶׁזִּנְּתָה תַּחַת בַּעְלָהּ נֶאֶסְרָה עָלָיו ...
Michael's user avatar
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Are there exceptions to pass exams during Passover?

Context: in France, access to some elite schools is done through an extremely competitive exam that takes place nationally for everyone at the same time. To take part, students go through two years of ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Is listening to political news considered lashon hara?

"The sin of one who listened to evil gossip is more severe, and it is punished more, than the sin of the one who tells it." Rambam, laws of personality development 7:3. For example, one ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Sons of a cursed man

Even if a man is cursed like Cain or Canaan, can he have righteous sons? Did Cain have righteous sons?
Zinc's user avatar
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how can Adam Harishon be a tanya tsadik?

the Alter Rebbe teaches in the Tanya that the true tzadik does not commit averot (sin) it is explained (in chapter 10 it seems to me) that the beinoni does not commit any avera then a fortiori the ...
L770's user avatar
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Is there any opinion suggesting Jews returning from warfare should cleanse themselves in the mikvah to purify from combat?

We are taught that because King David had spilled the blood of the Canaanites in his conquest of Haaretz Yisrael, he was forbidden from building the Beit Hamikdash. This responsibility fell unto ...
Michael's user avatar
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Are there some humans in history who are an exception to the idea of free will?

We all talk about the idea that God has an ultimate plan and that we are all existing within that plan. That said, humans have free will as we are judged by our actions due to this free will. My ...
Michael's user avatar
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Does someone get punished for unknowingly committing a sin or unknowingly hurting a person?

Does someone get punished for unknowingly committing a sin or unknowingly hurting a person? Please provide sources, thanks.
ddas91600's user avatar
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Is one punished for sinful thoughts? [duplicate]

Is one punished for sinful thoughts brought upon by one's yetzer hara? Please give sources, thanks in advance.
ddas91600's user avatar
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Eisav Harasha having good kibbud av vaem?

Is there a way to make sense of Eisav Harasha knowing he did 5 big aveiros in one day (including murder) and wanting to kill his brother Yackov, and also exhibiting very good kibbud av vaem? How do ...
pine5900's user avatar
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Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Hoffmann: The tree of knowledge of good and evil and morallity

Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Hoffmann in his commentary to Bereishis 2:7 explains (thanks to AlHaTorah for making this available) that originally, it was the will of Hashem that man was going to learn knowledge ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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(Why) did God take away free will from the sons of Eli?

In 1 Shmuel 2:25 it indicates that the sons of Eli don't repent for their sins because God wanted to kill them וְלֹ֤א יִשְׁמְעוּ֙ לְק֣וֹל אֲבִיהֶ֔ם כִּֽי־חָפֵ֥ץ ה' לַהֲמִיתָֽם But [the sons of Eli] ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Source for a Chatat offering on behalf of deceased father and alive son

I think this is a gemara, but I'm not sure where. I heard that you can still bring a chatat that had been separated already on behalf of a father and son who both did the same sin, but then the father ...
Alter Klausner's user avatar
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Adultery in Gentile Marriage

Rambam says that gentile woman are liable for adultery ONLY when they are married and commit sex with another man in a NATURAL WAY (vaginal). So if a gentile husband allows his wife to have sex in a ...
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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Can gentile couples be forgiven for adultery?

Are noahide couple partners allowed to "forgive" adultery (as a consumated act described by rambam for noahides)?
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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If we Jews don’t believe that we do not suffer from the sins of our fathers

I’m going to preface this first by writing a question: The Christians believe that Jesus died for our sins of the world- to which i personally do not believe that at all- the Christians believe that ...
TheTribeOfJudah's user avatar
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Differences between the mysticism of Rav Kook and the Sabbatean heretic Nathan of Gaza

As I am not a Kabbalist I may be misunderstanding some of the terminologies but having recently read a work by Rav Kook zt"l regarding the Souls of the World of Chaos I noted that the overall ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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(Re)Sources on regaining spirituality and comprehension of Torah after sin

The Ramak writes that when one sins, the sin will serve as a shell (kelipah) that will prevent one from comprehending the esoteric part of Torah. In the book of Tikkunim they stated explicitly that ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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sex with jewish girlfriend... what are the ways to atone? [closed]

If a Jewish man and his Jewish girlfriend have sex regularly, what is the best way to atone for this? I know that it's kares, but is there any way to atone ?
Nossiee's user avatar
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Do the Jews still send a scapegoat once a year to the wilderness?

Do the Jews still send scapegoats bearing the sins of the Jewish people to the wilderness once a year as commanded in Leviticus 16:22?
Sujin's user avatar
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Temurah and Mitzvah HaBah B'Averirah

Masechet Temurah discusses what happens if one makes a temurah -- attempting to designate a replacement for a dedicated offering. Though this is not allowed, the kedushah of the original does (in many ...
rosends's user avatar
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Jewish status as dependent on righteous behaviour [duplicate]

Are there any sources which suggest that somebody's Jewish status is dependent on their refraining from wrongdoing? Obviously a cherem can limit someone's involvement in the community in response to ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Methods of avoiding unintentionally wasting seed at night

Hi I heard there are methods of avoiding unintentionally wasting seed at night like sleeping on your side specifically that it has to be uncomfortable so your body doesn't sin in the night and then ...
David 's user avatar
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Confused about the proper punishment for lesbianism since num. '40' is often symbolic & the use of the word "brother" (אָחִ֖יךָ) for a woman is odd?

According to Rambam, in H. Issure Biah 21:8, he states that: נָשִׁים הַמְסוֹלָלוֹת זוֹ בָּזוֹ אָסוּר וּמִמַּעֲשֵׂה מִצְרַיִם הוּא שֶׁהֻזְהַרְנוּ עָלָיו שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ויקרא יח ג) "כְּמַעֲשֵׂה ...
setszu's user avatar
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Is it to our credit, or our discredit, if we feel ashamed and in awe of the Greatness of the Divine Presence?

There's a theme that appears a lot in the commentaries that being afraid of holiness, ashamed of nakedness and so on are either good things, or unfortunate results of bad things. For an example of the ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why didn't Hashem warn Adam and Chava about the curses?

Simple question, why did He surprise them with curses? Initially He just said they will surely die if they are the fruit. After they do, He then tells them that not only will they die but lots of ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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A thought is considered a separate sin?

When someone commits a sin, is the thought of that sin considered a separate transgression? If this person, for instance, eats a forbidden food, is the thought of eating this food considered a second ...
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
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When attempting to sin is considered an actual sin?

If someone attempts to sin but, for some reason, is not successful, normally God disregards his attempt and does not punish him (as it is stated in Kiddushin 40a "מַחְשָׁבָה רָעָה אֵין הַקָּדוֹשׁ ...
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
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Informing people of a sin that you made them do

Is there any obligation to inform someone of a sin that came about because of you, which they will never realise unless you reveal it, and it is already too late (and won't be repeated by not ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Soul Fruit - what do we know?

Bereshit 2:9: ויצמח יהוה אלהים מן־האדמה כל־עץ נחמד למראה וטוב למאכל ועץ החיים בתוך הגן ועץ הדעת טוב ורע And from the ground Hashem, God, caused to grow every tree that was pleasing to the sight and ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Does the Shekhinah remove Israel’s sin on the Day Of Atonement?

I have read and heard that the Shekhinah appeared before the High Priest on the Day of Atonement. Did The Shekhinah remove sin?
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Should Genesis 1:4 say that the light "was" or "is" good?

As a non-Jew who has very little knowledge of Hebrew, I'm curious as to the following: Is the Hebrew text clear on this, one way or the other? If so, which is it? If not, are there any Jewish ...
TruthSeeker's user avatar
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Is the use of beads as a meditation tool acceptable if they aren't an item of idolatry?

Beads have a history of use in different religions. They also have a general use in human society as a whole detached from religion. One simple example of the nonreligious version is the Greek ...
Michael's user avatar
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What is the difference between the different Hebrew words for sin? [duplicate]

What is the difference between transgression, iniquity, and sin? Exodus 34:7: נֹשֵׂ֥א עָוֺ֛ן וָפֶ֖שַׁע וְחַטָּאָ֑ה In the Sefaria translation: forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin
1Sam1223's user avatar
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Why does the Kabbalah believe that human sin creates demons?

According to this entry in Wikipedia: "In Kabbalah, demons are regarded a necessary part of the divine emanation in the material world and a byproduct of human sin (Qliphoth). After they are ...
Orionixe's user avatar
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