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Questions tagged [shoteh-mental-incompetent]

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Aspeger Syndrome, ADHD and shoteh [duplicate]

Does Asperger Syndrome make one a halakhic shoteh? And what about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Putting parents with mental issues in nursing homes

Halachically speaking, one is obligated to honor parents. My question is, if a parent happens to have a serious mental health defect (such as say Alzheimer’s syndrome), is it permissible to put them ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Does the Talmud talk about Autism?

BH Does the Talmud Mention anything about Autism or the Spectrum of any of the symptoms of Autism?
David 's user avatar
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Is there a mitzva to redeem a wealthy captive?

Suppose a wealthy man is taken captive, and the ransom set is an amount that he certainly can cover, but for whatever reason (perhaps mental illness) he chooses not to. Is there still a mitzva to pay ...
lgshost's user avatar
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Is a shoteh considered a gadol?

If a katan (minor) is also a shoteh (insane) and then turns thirteen (and is physically mature), does he attain the status of a gadol, and if yes, are there any halachic ramifications?
Yitzy 's user avatar
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Where do the severely depressed and mentally ill fit in within Judaism's view of the world?

Mental illness is a strange topic because I find it creates conflict with a lot of the beliefs I've been taught about sin and free will. The vast majority of the world operates under their own choice. ...
Michael's user avatar
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A shoteh doesn't vow to donate — isn't this obvious?

The Mishna says (Arachin 1:1): חרש שוטה וקטן נידרין ונערכין אבל לא נודרין ולא מעריכין מפני שאין בהם דעת A deaf-mute, an imbecile, and a minor are the object of a vow and are valuated, but neither vow ...
Leopold says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Shoteh in the gemara

The Gemara in many places including Berachot 15b talks about a shoteh(imbecile). What type(characteristics)of people does the gemara refer to as "Shoteh"?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Does a child get reward for Mitzvos performed

It seems non-Jews and women get reward for Mitzvot they do (even the ones they are not obligated to do)* does this apply also to a "deaf-mute, imbecile or child"? sources, please *Sifra Vayikra 18,...
hazoriz's user avatar
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How do we know that Ben Zoma went mentally insane?

In Chagigah 14b it states that after entering pardes, Ben Zoma was injured. Rashi explains, and it is my understanding that this is the accepted reading, that Ben Zoma went crazy. However ...
postinganonymously's user avatar
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The only mitsva is to get better for person in severe psychiatric episode [closed]

Let's say that someone ch''v suffers from a severe psychiatric disorder, which can alter judgment and reality testing, e. g. Schizoaffective disorder (elements of schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder)...
yonatanhakatan's user avatar
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What's the source that a Cheresh, Shoteh and Kattan are free from Mitzvos?

There are three categories of people who are free from doing Mitzvas: Cheresh - a deaf-mute Shoteh - a mentally incompetent person Kattan - a child. How do we know that they aren't liable for doing ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Collecting Tzedakah from someone who may (or may not) be mentally incompetent

I just witnessed something I thought I'd never see. Someone soliciting signatures on the street for whoknowswhat gently turned someone away. The reason? "It's for fundraising." Now I'm sure, like I ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Who is a Shoteh?

In modern day language, what is a Halachic Shoteh? In other words, is someone who is schizophrenic, clinically depressed, OCD, etc. free from Mitzvos?
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Does Down Syndrome make one a Shoteh?

I had a very strange experience and I would like to know what halacha thinks. I was in shul on Shabbos, and an adult with Down Syndrome ripped by opening the box of tissues. I was not going to say ...
Chalutzhanal's user avatar
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