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Questions tagged [chutz-laaretz]

Questions relating to the Diaspora, as in, outside of the land of Israel.

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Does a Pyramid Temple need to be destroyed in Chutz LaAretz or can it be made into a Synagogue

BH Correct me if I'm wrong; I heard that it is forbidden for Avoda Zara temples to exist in Israel. What about in Chutz LaAretz? Must they be destroyed or may one make a synagogue out of it?
David 's user avatar
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Does reishit hagez apply to chutz Laaretz sheep brought to eretz Yisrael

There is a dispute in Tractate Chullin regarding whether Reishit Hagez (the commandment to give the first shearing of the flock to a Kohen) applies in the Diaspora like it does the Land of Israel. My ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Why does chutz laaretz pray for rain when Iraq needs it?

Tain tal is supposed to be a prayer for rain for local areas. However, most of Europe and the U.S. needs it when Israel does. Babylonia needed it for late November because that's when the Tigris and ...
Yankeeranger's user avatar
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Shemini Atzeret coincides with Shabbat, Sukkah farewell and last meal

This year Shemini Azeret and Shabbat coincide. What is the last meal done in the Sukkah? Is Seudah Shelishit in this context has to take place in the Sukkah?
Eli83's user avatar
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לישב בסוכה the second night if you've been in the sukkah continuously

Let's say you were in the sukkah on the first day of Sukkos, outside Israel, and said לישב בסוכה. You have not interrupted your stay in the sukkah. Now it's the second night. Do you say the bracha ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Rabbis from the Ancient Diaspora

I've heard in some places the theory that Greek-speaking Jews in the ancient world practiced a religion that was closer to and evolved into Christianity, and that 'rabbinic' Judaism was a niche ...
Jm Lewin's user avatar
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Hearing Kiddush for Shabbos and Yom Tov when for you it's just Shabbos

An Israeli is visiting the Diaspora for a holiday beginning on Friday. On Friday night a local Diasporan will says kiddush for the holiday and shabbos. Can the Israeli, for whom it's not a holiday, ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Do the current nations also have their own angels like the 70 from in the Torah?

Do the current nations (in 2021) also each have their own angel, like the 70 nations mentioned in the Torah?
huibert d's user avatar
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Why Cyprus Wine?

One of the ingredients in the Ketores is Cypress Wine - יין קפריסין. Although the Gemara (Kerisus 6a) notes that pungency is the reason for using the wine, why does the Almighty specifically want ...
NJM's user avatar
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Israeli on Shabbat-second day Yom Tov fulfilling locals' obligation

I'm having a hard time constructing this hypothetical so I apologize if it feels forced or if the underlying halachic question could be generated more gracefully. If an Israeli woman is being housed ...
rosends's user avatar
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Jeremiah 29:6 - encouragement of intermarriage? [closed]

It is written to take wives and husbands, and then in the next verse to think of the welfare of the city where the Jews reside. Is it possible to see from here an encouragement of mixed marriage? I ...
Ralph Levy's user avatar
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Does the 16th of Shevat have any halachic effects?

For most Torah holidays, we keep two days outside Israel out of doubt. Tu bishvat is a day with Biblical effects (though I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a Biblical "holiday", or a Rabbinic one ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Wheat brought from the Diaspora to Israel: biblical or rabbinic challah-obligation?

Challah 2:1: פֵּרוֹת חוּצָה לָאָרֶץ שֶׁנִּכְנְסוּ לָאָרֶץ, חַיָּבִים בַּחַלָּה.‏ Produce [grown] outside the land [of Israel] that came into the land is subject to challah. What is the ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Would an Israeli staying in Diaspora need to make Eruv Tavshilin?

I understand that if an Israeli is outside of Israel during Yom Tov, he may not perform melachot on the 2nd day of Yom Tov. Does this include hachana (preparing on Yom Tov for the next day or for ...
DanF's user avatar
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Difference of leining between Israel and Chutz Laaretz in 5779 [duplicate]

As anyone may know, because the last day of Pesach in chutz laarets fall out on Shabbat we read the special parsha for the 8th day of Pesach while in Israel since it wasn't Pesach anymore, they read ...
Eli83's user avatar
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Customs for Yom Tov Sheini in Israel [duplicate]

My question concerns the observance of yom tov sheini for a person who is visiting Israel during a chag. If the person is not observing yom tov sheini, are there any different customs they need to ...
D A's user avatar
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How does one travelling from Israel abroad (or vice versa) perform Shnayim Mikra when the parshiyot are out of sync?

Shulchan Aruch 285 codifies the obligation for each individual to read that week's parshah, the text twice and the (Aramaic) translation once. In some years (e.g. this year, 5779) the parshiyot read ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why couldn't the Sefira have been corrected?

I read the discussion to Counting the omer with doubt before the fixed calendar. A comment by user ID "Shmuel" says: "Rav Soloveitchik said this is a very nice reason, but he disagreed with it. ...
DanF's user avatar
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Someone from Chutz Laaretz cooking for Israeli on the second day of Yom Tov

When I was writing this (PTIJ) answer, I assumed that someone from outside Israel can't cook for someone from Israel on the second day of Yom Tov. I didn't realize until afterwards that I couldn't ...
Heshy's user avatar
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On which evening should we start saying "V'tein tal u'matar li'vrachah"? (The ArtScroll siddur disagrees with The Book of Our Heritage.) [duplicate]

If a Jew lives outside of Israel, they should start saying "וְתֵן טַל וּמָטָר לִבְרָכָה" ("And give dew and rain for a blessing") during evening prayers on a certain evening in December. Various ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Do contemporary non-Ashkenazim give challah to a kohen in chutz la’aretz?

Rambam Hilchot Bikkurim 5:8 and 5:10 and Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah 322:4-5 rule that in chutz la’aretz one can either: separate two challot, burn one and give the other to be eaten by any kohen ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Torah reading for foreigners in Israel on Chol HaMoed Sukkot

The Torah reading on Chol HaMoed Sukkot is different in Israel (each day’s mussaf sacrifice is read four times) and the Diaspora (more than one day’s portion is read to take account of sfeika d’yoma (...
Joel K's user avatar
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Rain on Sukkos a bad sign outside the land of Israel

The Mishnah (Taanis 1:1) says: ...אֵין הַגְּשָׁמִים אֶלָּא סִימַן קְלָלָה בֶּחָג‏ ...the descent of rain on the festival of tabernacles is to be considered an unpropitious event The ...
robev's user avatar
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why no sfeika deyoma for sfiras haomer? [duplicate]

Most or all Jewish holidays have an extra day in the Diaspora, to accomodate for sfeike deyoma, so why do we not count two numbers each day of sfira?
Hershy S.'s user avatar
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Havdoloh made by Israeli for chutznik after Thurs. Fri. (Yom Tov) and Shabbos - effective?

Reuven from outside Israel spends Yom Tov (Thursday, Friday [for him]) followed by Shabbos with Shimon, an Israeli. I was told that Shimon cannot make havdoloh for Reuven after Shabbos because Reuven ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why do we start requesting rain on the 59th day after tekufas Tishri?

What is the reason that in the diaspora, we start requesting rain in the Amidah on the 59th day after תקופת תשרי and what is the significance of 59 days in particular?
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Can an Israeli and and American fulfill havdalah after Shabbos the first day of Yom Tov together?

Inspired by this answer and the comments following. If the first day of Yom Tov (not Rosh Hashana) is Shabbos, an Israeli will make a normal havdalah המבדיל בין קדש לחול, while someone from outside ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Birkat Kohanim in entirely Israeli minyan in chutz laaretz

According to the book Hilchot Tzava by Harav Zecharya Ben Shlomo a minyan of entirely Israeli soldiers in chutz laaretz should have the kohanim go up and duchan. What is the halachic rationale for ...
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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Why not cease מוריד הגשם at שחרית according to רמ״א?

The rabbi spoke today during prayer services and made the following points (inter alia; and I've no citations for most of them): The time to cease saying "מוריד הגשם" and start saying "מוריד הטל" is ...
msh210's user avatar
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Melacha for people observing Yom Tov Sheni in Israel

Can a non-resident of Israel keeping 2 days or 1.5 days of yom tov benefit from melacha (forbidden-type labor) done for him by an Israeli on the second day?
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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Birkat Kohanim in Chutz Laaretz

Why is the Eastern Ashkenazi minhag in Chutz Laaretz to only do Birkat Kohanim at Mussaf of Yom Tov and not at shacharit or neila on Yom Kuppur? Presumably if it is a time that we feel is worthy of ...
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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Rav Moshe Feinstein and chodosh in the Diaspora

I'm searching for some clarification regarding what Rav Moshe Feinstein, z"l, held with regard to chodosh in chutz la'aretz. My father-in-law recently attended a lecture of a student of Rav Reuven ...
Loewian's user avatar
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When would a convert affix the Mezuzah in the diaspora?

The Halacha is (as stated in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch סימן יא - הלכות מזוזה) that when renting a house in the diaspora one is exempt from Mezuza for the first 30 days. For the first 30 days a rental ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Can you vote for a Jew in non-Israeli politics? [duplicate]

Perhaps I was misinformed, but I've heard that we are not supposed to directly have our hands in the politics of other countries. There's also a difference in overall culture and values of Western ...
Echad-Ani-Yodeya's user avatar
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National Character affecting its Jewish Community

In pg. 3 of this interview by R' Hamburger שליט“א, he asserts in the name of the Michtav miEliyohu (Dessler זצ”ל) that the character of each nation's non-Jewish majority affected the temperment and ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Israeli travelling in chutz la'aretz on second day Yom Tov (Hawaii)

Is an Israeli allowed to leave Israel motzei chag and arrive in America on what is second day chag in America? The flight would have a stopover in LAX (which I've read isn't an issue), but arriving ...
Elie Steinbock's user avatar
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Shabbat in Alaska? [duplicate]

How does that work? My husband wants to go to Alaska for at least a few weeks. He even dreams of living there some day. How is Shabbat celebrated in Alaska? Do they have any synagogues there? If so ...
Rebecca Burns's user avatar
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Cohanim in Paris

Purely out of curiosity; Would a Cohen have to be careful when walking around Paris because of the Catacombs (an underground network of tombs where an estimated 6 million people's bones are buried), ...
EliDov 's user avatar
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Which synagogues in the Catskill, NY area are active during Shabbat and High Holidays?

I am looking to spend a Shabbat in one of the historic Catskill mountain, NY area synagogues (i.e. any shul located in Sullivan, Orange, Ulster, Greene and Delaware counties.) during the summer as ...
DanF's user avatar
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Sowing your field with 2 different seeds "kilayim" does this apply to outside of Israel as well? [duplicate]

Today i ran into a relative that was doing this and mentioned the forbidden law of doing this, he then replied to me that outside of Israel it is allowed. Is this true? And if so does all of judaism ...
TheTribeOfJudah's user avatar
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Difference in Torah readings Israel vs. Diaspora and Pesach vs. Succot

This question has a link in one of the comments referring to an article explaining why each day of Pesach has a different Torah reading. During Succot, I notice that the 2nd day of Yom Tov in ...
DanF's user avatar
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Are Jews who live and died in diaspora non-believers?

Our Sages teach (Ketubot 110b) that someone who lives "in diaspora" is compared to a non-believer (someone who does not have a God, God forbid). However we do find many Jews, rabbis and tzadikim, who ...
Yamin's user avatar
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Israeli doing melacha on yom tov sheini outside Israel to avoid loss

I know that the Mishna Berura says that it is Assur for a Ben E"Y to do Melacha even in private, however I was wondering if anyone knows of a source to be meikal in a case where it can damage ...
Sk678's user avatar
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What is mandatory for the second seder?

My mother-in-law heard this: Because the second seder outside Israel is a rabbinic ordinance, we can be more lenient. One can go through the mandatory sections of the seder (such as discussing pesach, ...
Barry Hammer's user avatar
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Joining a synagogue after two generations non-practising

My (Jewish) great-grandparents came to the UK from Poland during the second world war, but due to their experiences of violent anti-semitism, hid their Jewishness from the public in the UK. The result ...
jfhc's user avatar
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Can Jews be rulers of countries other than Israel?

With the current political mayhem in the US, an interesting question regarding whether a Jew is halachically permitted to accept rulership of a country other than that of Eretz Yisrael has arisen. So ...
Leyzer's user avatar
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Davening Riddle [closed]

With variations in the jewish calendar, how is it possible to daven maariv on nine consecutive nights and every shemoneh esrei is different from the other eight? Example: Thurs nite is a weekday, ...
SE is Evil - Support Monica's user avatar
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Can Sefardim carry in Monsey, NY?

Monsey, NY has an eiruv that most Ashkenazim that live in the area hold by. I have heard that sefardim cannot hold by the eiruv in Monsey, NY. Is this true and if so why?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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If you put up a mezuzah before 30 days, can you make a blessing?

I am referring above all to mezuzahs placed on rented spaces in the Diaspora before 30 days have elapsed. In the case of a rented space outside Eretz Yisroel, mezuzah does not become an obligation ...
SAH's user avatar
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Giving handouts/alms to the poor: Which halachos and Jewish ideas are relevant?

I am invoking here the important question of whether and how to respond to a request for money by a beggar on the street. I ask this question from the U.S., where, outside of Jewish neighborhoods, it ...
SAH's user avatar
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