I am merely translating the passage quoted by the questioner from the Chelkas Mechokek Shulchan Aruch even hoezer 74,17 which gives us the answers:
אם מדיר אותה דבר שהוא לטובתה כגון שהדיר קונם הנאת תשמישך עלי אם לא תתקשט והיא אינה רוצה א"י לכופה והנדר חל והוא אין לו דין מורד והיא אינה מורדת ולאחר ששה חדשים יוצי' ויתן הכתובה כמ"ש בסי' ע"ז:
If the Husband makes a stipulation that leads to a neder forbidding himself from relations with his wife, even if that stipulation is for her own benefit e.g., "if you don't apply make up (which women generally want to do), then your relations are forbidden to me" - he cannot force her to comply, so if she doesn't apply make up the neder is triggered i.e she is now forbidden for relations to him. He is not a Mored (which would incur a forced divorce straight away and payment of kesuba if husband is mored by making a Neder she cannot live with) and She is not a moredes (which would incur a forced divorce straight away without the payment of the kesuba). So we wait 6 months which is the maximum wait for relations for a woman (e.g if her husband is a sailor) and he should then divorce her with a Kesuba unless she wants to remain married despite being forbidden to her husband as prescribed in Shulchan Aruch Even Haezer 77.
So we see that if she transgresses her husband's stipulation even against her own benefit (e.g., not put make up on), that triggers her husbands neder to forbid her relations. This is in spite of the husband making a positve stipulation that he may think is for her own good.
Stipulating to not let her see her parents for a week while it might not affect her for just 1 week (which is why the husband is not a Mored), is a negative stipulation that encroaches on her freedom. If she can transgress a positive stipulation, how much more so should she be allowed to transgress a negative stipulation to go and see them if she wants to, thus forbiding relations with her husband, remaining married for the next 6 months leading to divorce with kesuba and she is not a Moredes.
Conclusion: A husband that Dominates his wife's normal freedom that the Torah allows, by making stipulations leading to nedarim to disallow her to do something, cannot force the wife to comply.
If she does not keep the stipulation even though the Husband's neder now works that she can no longer have relations with him (if she has relations she transgresses lo yachel devaro), her choice to not keep the tenai (stipulation), enables her to receive a forced divorce after 6 months no relations, and she gets her full kesuba.