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Can a husband or father object to a woman becoming a Nazir

According to Halacha, a husband or a father have a right to object to their wife or daughter (if their daughter is still under their father’s authority) taking a vow. My question is, does this apply ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Can a court retroactively annul a vow that was already annulled by the father/husband?

If a woman made a vow and violated it, and it was later annulled by her father/husband, can the court now annul the vow retroactively if it finds an opening, thereby exempting her from being liable?
שלום's user avatar
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Can a man nullify a woman's vow that was made before she became his wife upon hearing it?

In Bemidbar/Numbers 30 a man is allowed to cancel his wife's (and daughter's) vow after it comes to his attention. If the woman made the vow previously (in her father's house or from a previous ...
יהודה's user avatar
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Annulment of women's nedarim

Can vows made by women nowadays still be annulled by father or husband (until sunset of the same day), as described in this week's parshah (mattos), or is this a practice of biblical/talmudic times ...
user16403's user avatar
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Can a woman be one of the three for hatares nedarim?

Can a woman be one of the three witnesses/part of the beis din for hatares nedarim (annulment of vows)?
user13490's user avatar
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arachin: dependance on age and sex

Why is the erech (Vayikra 27:1–8) of a woman less than that of a man? And why does erech depend on age? Sources, please.
msh210's user avatar
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How is hataras nedarim (annullment of vows) done one behalf of one's wife?

I've heard: Just have her in mind State it outright "this is for my wife too" Today I saw someone do the whole thing in the plural -- "any vow that we vowed .. we hereby regret ..." Any input on ...
Shalom's user avatar
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