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Questions tagged [arachin-tractate]

Tractate regarding pledging a person's value to Beth Hamikdash and other Hekdesh laws

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Why does Hizkiya say that old men are a burden while old women are an asset, and would this apply today?

The Gemara in Arakhin 19a quotes Hizkiya, who explains why the value of a man decreases more with age than a woman's value decreases: אמר חזקיה אמרי אינשי סבא בביתא פאחא בביתא סבתא בביתא סימא בביתא ...
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Understanding of Ravina's view on Churban timeline

I came across a Gemara in Arachin 12a מכל מקום תשסרי לרבינא קשיא The Gemara objects: In any case, the assertion of the baraita that the destruction of the Temple occurred in the nineteenth year is ...
koder613's user avatar
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How is a "Goses" (someone who is about to die) defined?

In Erchin 1:3, the Mishna opens with: הגוסס והיוצא להרג לא נדר ולא נערך. The "Goses" (one who is about to die) and someone who is about to be killed are not used as either a measurement of ...
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A shoteh doesn't vow to donate — isn't this obvious?

The Mishna says (Arachin 1:1): חרש שוטה וקטן נידרין ונערכין אבל לא נודרין ולא מעריכין מפני שאין בהם דעת A deaf-mute, an imbecile, and a minor are the object of a vow and are valuated, but neither vow ...
Leopold says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Houseless city?

Meseches Arachin (33b): ואימא בית וחצר אם כן ליכתוב רחמנא חצרים וכי תימא אי כתב רחמנא חצרים חצר בלא בית משמע ההוא קרפף איקרי:‏ The Gemara objects: But you can say that the phrase: Houses of the ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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How does Rambam understand Arachin 8a?

Arachin 8a teaches the rules of what happens when a woman has a flow of blood and is unsure if she is in her days of niddah (days 1 - 7) or days of zivah (days 11 - 18). For simplicity, let’s focus ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why does the mishna in Arachin repeat itself?

Arachin (2:1): אֵין בָּעֲרָכִין פָּחוּת מִסֶּלַע, וְלֹא יָתֵר עַל חֲמִשִּׁים סָלַע. כֵּיצַד, נָתַן סֶלַע וְהֶעֱשִׁיר, אֵינוֹ נוֹתֵן כְּלוּם. פָּחוֹת מִסֶּלַע וְהֶעֱשִׁיר, נוֹתֵן חֲמִשִּׁים סָלַע. ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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How can we say "it would have been enough" when Bnei Yisrael were demanding it?

There are a couple of stichs in Dayeinu which seem to be patently false. We say that it "would have been enough" without them, yet we find Bnei Yisrael demanding that they receive them. How could it ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why is one not obligated to give up his life rather than violate Lashon Hara?

The Gemara in Erchin 15b compares Lashon Hara to the Big Three: תנא דבי רבי ישמעאל כל המספר לשון הרע מגדיל עונות כנגד שלש עבירות עבודת כוכבים וגילוי עריות ושפיכות דמים כתיב הכא לשון מדברת גדולות ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why did it take 7 years to divide the land? [duplicate]

In Arachin daf 13 it says that it took 7 years for the Jews to conquer the land of Israel and 7 years to divide it (in the days of Yehoshua). From what I understand they divided the land through a ...
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In auctions today are you still obligated after being out-bid?

A mishna on Erchin 27a discusses buying land back after it has been consecrated. It says that if one offered ten selas, another twenty, etc. up to one who offered fifty, and then that last guy ...
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