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Do we no longer practice the blessing on virginity and when did it go away?

In the responsa of Rav Hai Gaon (4:8) there is a record of a ceremony conducted after a marriage is consummated wherein the sheet displaying virginal blood is produced and a blessing (or perhaps ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Jewish nachas (satisfaction)

What is the source of the phrase "a sach yiddishe nachas" ? Why specify 'jewish' ?
Shababnik's user avatar
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Making a mistake in Brachot

BH If you say a Bracha and make a mistake on the words Baruch or Ata or Elokeinu or Melech or HaOlam do you have to say the bracha over and if you do is it considered Levatalah because you say the ...
David 's user avatar
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Is there a formal Jewish way of wishing someone a safe journey?

Before someone you know goes on a trip, such as a flight, it is polite to wish them a safe journey. In English, one might use some variation of "safe travels" or "have a safe trip"....
ezra's user avatar
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Prayer before a general anaesthetic

Every night, prior to bed, people recite the Shema. Affixed to that recitation is a variety of psukim and brokhes, requesting of Hashem that He ensure that we will sleep well, without any disturbance, ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Should Baruch Hu Uvaruch Shemo ONLY be recited during blessings?

If one hears their friend reciting Torah verses, and says Hashem's name, should one recite BHUVS? Does this response only apply to brachot?
Dov's user avatar
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Source of wishing "Titchadesh" - תתחדש on new clothes

What is the source for wishing someone "תתחדש" for a new item of clothing? See the Rema OC:224 who brings a minhag to wish someone that bought new clothes "תבלה ותחדש". Literal translation is "You ...
Ben's user avatar
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Should the Torah be covered or uncovered during the Aliyah blessings?

Some feel that if the Torah is not being read, then it should be covered, while some feel that since the blessing is on this Torah, it should be uncovered during the blessings (but not for the call to ...
Dave K's user avatar
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Blessing children via a shaliach

Can blessing the children friday night be done via a shaliach if a child is away from home for Shabbat?
gil's user avatar
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Multiple people saying blessing over candles when one lights

Scenario: Erev Shabbat, the woman of the house lights the candles, and then the husband and children join on the blessing. Is this permissible? Is this a custom? If it is, what is the source of this ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Why is Baruch-Hu-Uvaruch-Shmo answered only in the brachos after the Haftorah, but not in the bracha before?

As far as I recall, the minhag in all Ashkenaz shuls which I have ever attended, was not to answer Baruch-Hu-Uvaruch-Shmo to the name of Hashem in the Bracha which is said before the Haftorah, but in ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Beracha on hallel on in a shul where they dont make a beracha [duplicate]

If an ashkenazi davens in a shul where the minhag is not to make a beracha on half hallel on rosh chodesh or the last 6 days of pesach, should they still make a beracha on hallel?
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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Can minhag hamakom allow you to make what is for you a bracha levatala

I have a question about a specific case but it relates to a broad subject so I'm making the question less narrow. Pesachim 101a presents a minhag they used to have to make Kiddush in synagogue. Even ...
robev's user avatar
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Wearing a tallit when you are bar mitzvahed but not married, when it isn't your minhag

Let's say someone becomes bar mitzvah and decides to wear a tallit everyday, even though this isn't his minhag, because he wants the opportunity to make another brachah. Is this the right thing to do? ...
Ploni Almoni's user avatar
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Chasidic meal seder and bracha on dessert

So apparently -- not sure if this is a retroactive explanation or what -- we eat fish, soup, meat, and "compote," in that order, by all Shabbos and Yom Tov meals in order to symbolize the Four Worlds. ...
SAH's user avatar
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Brachot on Kriat Megilla

Why when the Megillot of Shir Hashirim, Ruth, and Koheleth are read from a klaf are the brachot of al mikra megillah and sheichaynu made before the reading? Reading the megillot on those days is a ...
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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Source for not saying Mazel Tov when pregnant

There seems to be a custom of not saying Mazel Tov on hearing news or observing that someone is pregnant (there are even those that correct others that say Mazel Tov). Instead they say Beshaah Tovah, ...
robev's user avatar
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Sephardim saying Al Mizvas Tefillin beracha?

Is there any sephardim that say the "Al Mitzvas Tefillin" beracha for the Tefillin shel Rosh? Are they allowed to say a beracha for it? I am asking because in this video, which demonstrates how to ...
user13450's user avatar
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Are we required to use the Hebrew pronunciation of our minhag?

Are we required to use the Hebrew pronunciation of our minhag in tefilah and for brachot? What is the source for this? I'm of Yekke Ashkenazi background but as a baal teshuva learnt Hebrew with a ...
Jakub's user avatar
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Making a Berachah on minhag prohibited foods

Related: Making a Berachah on rabbinically prohibited foods, Bentching after accidentally eating prohibited foods Can you say a bracha on something that you don't eat because of minhag? This is ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Lighting from a pre-existing flame on 1st night Yom Tov if saying brachos first?

Some have the custom to say the bracha before kindling lights on (erev) Yom Tov. The linked page claims in one place that this is allowed because we don't receive Yom Tov with the bracha, and in ...
SAH's user avatar
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Standard response to "Amen"?

Is there some sort of standard response to "Amen"? That is, if another says Amen in response to one's blessing.
SAH's user avatar
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Is there any source to the idea that one should not make some bracha with a knife in one's hand?

Is this situation arises on Shabbos by Hamotzi over a challah?
user12881's user avatar
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What happened to the Mugmar?

In Brochos Perek 6, Mishna 6 the Mugmar is mentioned in the context of who makes the Brocha for it. Commentaries explain that it is some sort of incense that was smelled after a meal. It would ...
Tzuriel's user avatar
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"Hamakom" after shiv'a

In my experience, for the most part, "‏המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים" is said to a mourner specifically during shiv'a. However, I've heard some people say it after shiv'a, particularly ...
msh210's user avatar
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When to say brocha when making a L'chaim

I have always been confused about l'chaims (toasts). At what point does one make the blessing on the drink? Which part--the "l'chaim" or the blessing--immediately precedes taking a sip? Usually when ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why has it not become customary for people to wish each other "Good Yontiff" on Purim?

I can't recall people wishing each other "Gut Yuntiff" (or similar, like "Good Yom Tov") or any reference to Yom Tov on Purim. (Maybe someone does, but I'm unaware of this.) Why don't people do this ...
DanF's user avatar
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How do you know when to make Chacham Harazim if you can't count Jews?

As I understand it, "Chacham harazim" is the bracha we make upon seeing an assembly of more than 600,000 Jews. I'm not clear on the exact detail of this law/tradition, but I also know we are not ...
SAH's user avatar
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Can someone follow the opposite minhag on the bracha for matza during the year?

The Ashkenazic custom is to wash and say hamotzi on matza all year round. The Sephardi custom is to make mezonot when it's not Pesach. Is someone allowed to follow the opposite minhag? I have heard ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Blessings on Birthdays

There is apparently a practice among contemporary Jews of giving out blessings on one's birthday. Is there any source for this in the Jewish tradition?
wfb's user avatar
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Giving Blessings at a Wedding

I have noticed a custom among wedding-goers to receive blessings from the bride and the groom at weddings, usually when they come over to the new couple's table for well-wishing during the meal. Why ...
Baby Seal's user avatar
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Brocho BEFORE going to the bathroom

I've heard from some lecture that some keep a minhag to have a special prayer before going to the bathroom. If there is such a thing - what is it and where to find it?
Roman Kagan's user avatar
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Who says צִוָּה vs. צַוֵּה at a b'ris?

The passage "על כן בשכר זאת קל חי חלקנו צורנו צוה להציל ידידות שארנו משחת" is part of one of the blessings recited at a b'ris mila. Pische S'shuva (Yore Dea 265:4) cites a difference of opinion as to ...
5 votes
1 answer

Order of blessing children on Erev Shabbos

When blessing children on erev Shabbos, is there a correct or preferred order (oldest to youngest, boys first or girls), or may parents decide however they like? If there is not a correct order, can ...
Premundane's user avatar
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Should I wait for the prayer leader to say “Yishtabach” after “Pesukei dezimrah”?

“Yishtabach” is the closing blessing of the “Pesukei dezimrah”. If a worshipper has concluded the pesukei dezimrah, should he wait to say Yishtabach with the prayer leader or should he say it ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Can one say "Hazak u'Baruch" to both men and women? If not, is there a female equivalent?

When returning from an Aliyah la'Torah, I am commonly met with "Hazak u'Baruch". I have encountered this saying in other situations when someone does something praiseworthy. Can one say "Hazak u'...
Lee's user avatar
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Bracha on Hallal Chol HaMoed Pesach (in regards to Sephardim)

I know that according to the psak of the Shulchan Aruch the Sephardim (among others -- The Gra, many Kehillas in Yerushalayim including Chassidei Karlin, Chassidei Biyan I think, and Chassidei Chabad (...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Torah personalities chosen for blessings on Friday nights

Why do we bless our children on Friday nights with non-correlated blessings between the boys and the girls? I can understand that we want our daughters to emulate the Matriarchs. Yet we don't bless ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Beracha on lighting yom tov candles : before or after?

There are two minhagim concerning the time the beracha should be said on lighting yom tov candles for a woman, before or after (like shabbos neros). I've read arguments like these : before, because ...
Frank's user avatar
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I heard not to say "Good Shabbos" after mincha. Is it true, and what defines mincha?

I heard from somewhere that, on Shabbos, one does not say "Good Shabbos" after mincha. I am not sure whether it's in a halacha sefer somewhere (I tried looking) or just a minhag. First of all, is ...
MosheY's user avatar
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Text for birchat habayit

I'd like to write a couple birchos habayis and get them illuminated as gifts. Does anyone know of a good existing text? I'm looking for something five or six lines long, preferably not the usual one ...
Yitzchak's user avatar
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Why Say "Ad Meah v'Esrim" ("Until 120") if Moshiach is Coming?

Why do we bless people with "ad meah v'esrim"? Aren't we supposed to believe moshiach will come by then, and there will be eternal life (according to some opinions)? Thus by giving a blessing for a ...
negul vaser's user avatar
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Can you sing during the sheva brachos?

I have been to weddings where, during the recitation of the seventh bracha under the chuppah, the congregation sings "asher bara...". Sometimes it is along with the one reciting the bracha and other ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
9 votes
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Replies to "l'chayim"

The most common responses I've heard to a wish of "l'chayim!" ("life!") is "l'chayim tovim ulshalom" ("a good life and peace!") except from Lubavitch chasidim and "l'chayim v'livracha" ("life and ...
msh210's user avatar
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bracha on tefillin while sitting

The shulchan aruch apparently writes (by hilchos tzitzis) that one should stand while reciting birchas hamitzvah. Tefillin are a mitzvah. So why is the Sfardic minhag to sit while putting them on and ...
rosends's user avatar
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Status of feet while making a bracha or davening

In todays day and age where we no longer have homes with dirt floors: do you still need to cover your feet when making a bracha or davening? If so are socks enough? does it depend on the custom of ...
none's user avatar
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Wishes to a mourner in addition to "Hamokom Yenachem Eschem"

I have heard some people say in Yiddish after "Hamokom Yenachem Eschem B'Soch Shaar Aveilei Tzion V'Yerushalayim" ("May God comfort you alongside the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem"), "Zulst Mer Nisht ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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When do you say a beracha on a minhag?

When lighting Hanukkah candles in the synagogue, we say a beracha "asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav.." on a minhag. Unlike kiddush in shul, and early counting of the omer in shul, nobody would say that one ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Is it inappropriate to say Baruch Dayan Haemes on a Ben Noach? Why or why not?

Is it inappropriate to say Baruch Dayan Haemes on a Ben Noach? What about someone who may have been an oved avoda zarah? Someone who is definitely such? I'm asking because I've seen such discussion ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Why a formulaic greeting on ליל ראש השנה?

On Rosh Hashana night, it is customary to greet one another with "לשנה טובה תכתב (ותחתם)‏" (Rama 582:9, MB). People (in my experience) and machzorim (Rosh Hashana prayer books) treat this as ...
msh210's user avatar
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