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Questions tagged [haftarah]

a section from the Prophets read after the Torah reading on Shabbat, holidays and fast days

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Why does the haftorah for Chanukah begin "rani visimchi ", and not "I saw a gold menorah"?

B"H In the haftorah for Chanukah we begin the passage with "Rani visimcha bas Tzion", sing and rejoice, daughter of Tzion Earlier in that same passage it says, "Behold, I saw a ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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If we try to avoid reading the Haftorah for Parshas K'doshim, why was it chosen as the Haftorah?

We go to great lengths to avoid reading the Haftorah for Parshas Kedoshim because of how harsh it is. In years where Eretz Yisrael and Chutz La'aretz are reading different Parshios as a result of a ...
Michael's user avatar
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Haftarot for Acharei Mot and Kedoshim

There seems to a lot of confusion and many different customs surrounding the choice of haftarah for Acharei Mot and Kedoshim, especially in Ashkenazi communities, and especially in a year like this ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What is better about Damascus River than the Jordan River?

Although Naaman was likely arrogantly biased towards his homeland and again Israel, is there a legitimate reason why the general thought the Damascus River would heal his tzara'as more than the Jordan ...
NJM's user avatar
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May women read the haftarah

The accepted orthodox Halacha is that women do not read from the weekly Torah portion publicly, and this is found in tractate Megillah 23a. My question is, would it be permissible for a woman to read ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Maftir aliyoh for one who has Yahrzeit in the coming week – why?

There seems to be a custom in Ashkenazi shuls that someone who has Yahrzeit in the coming week is given maftir and haftorah. I have been told that the 7 other aliyos are more important than the maftir....
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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"Riot Act" Haftarah for Kedoshim -- When Will We Read it Again?

As discussed previously, while we avoid it whenever possible, this year (5784 / 2024) most Ashkenazim will read the actual Haftarah for Kedoshim: Yechezkel Ch. 22, "Inform the bloody city of all ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Do I fulfill the Haftorah if I use the back of a Chumash to lein it? [duplicate]

Let's say I have a Chumash that has Haftarot at the back of the book. Am I yotze reading the Haftorah if I read from that?
Raphael Chilungu's user avatar
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Has there been any modern usage of the haftaros for Matos - Vayeilech? (COVID or other reasons)

Under normal circumstances, Matos (sometimes Pinchas) through Vayeilech (sometimes Haazinu) are read during the weeks before and after Tisha Be'av and Shabbos Shuva. Their haftaros therefore get ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Why are there repeated Haftaras?

Why are there Hafaras associated with more than one Parsha? Were there no other Hafaras related to the Parasha's content in such a way that there would be no need to repeat the same Hafara again ...
Avi's user avatar
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How are *kri uksivs* marked in a Megillah/klaf that has vowels?

Chayei Adam brings down (155:14) that technically yes, one could take a handwritten Megillas Esther, add in the vowels and cantillation marks, and it would still be kosher: ואין לעשות בה נקודות או ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Why is there no mention of Rosh Chodesh after the Haftara?

After the reading of the haftarah, a series of b'rachot is said. The final one, on Shabbat ends, "m'kadesh hashabbat." On the 3 r'galim, "m'kadesh yisra'el v'haz'manim" (and on ...
rosends's user avatar
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Sefer Aftarta: does it need to contain them all?

In Gittin 60a, the Talmud gives permission to write a sefer aftarta, a scroll containing just the haftarot for the year (and not full sifrei nakh). The reason given is עת לעשות לה׳ הפרו תורתך. ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Taz on Sefer Aftarta: why mention that printing is writing?

On the topic of a sefer aftarta (a scroll containing the haftarot of the year), the Taz writes as follows (OḤ 284:2, translation mine): ‮א"כ אפי' אם יהיו נכתבים אין להם דין ספר אלא משום עת לעשות ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Longest interval between readings of haftarah for Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

When Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbat, a special haftarah (Isaiah 66) is read. However, in our fixed calendar certain months can never have Rosh Chodesh fall on Shabbat (Kislev, Sivan). For certain other ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What haftarah is read on Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Av

On the middle shabbat of the ‘Three Weeks’, Ashkenazi and Sefaradi practice is to read a haftarah starting from Jeremiah 2:4. What happens in the (somewhat rare) case that this shabbat is also Rosh ...
Joel K's user avatar
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When is the earliest time one could read the haftarah on Shabbat?

I was thinking about the seven weeks of consolation and how we read the seven prophecies of Yeshaya. So, naturally I wondered if it were possible to read the haftarah portion seven hours into Shabbat (...
Kfir's user avatar
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Torah reading cycle, skipped portions

If a Parsha is skipped on Shabbos Yom Tov, will it be repeated the following week and if yes, will there be 14 Alyiot and 2 Maftir in total? Also if a special Haftara is read, what happens to the ...
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Haftarat Shabbat HaGadol

Current Ashkenazi (and I believe Sephardi) practice is to read a special haftarah (Malachi 3:4-24) on the shabbat before pesach. What are the origins of this practice? Where do we first see it ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What will the haftarah reading for Shabbat HaChodesh 5781 be?

What will the various haftarah readings for Shabbat HaChodesh 5781 be according to different minhagim? What are the respective rationales behind them? Presumably it's not possible to enumerate each ...
הראל's user avatar
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What is the "benefit," if any, of having one's spleen removed?

What is the "benefit," if any, of having one's spleen removed? Melachim I - I Kings - Chapter 1:5 "And Adoniahu the son of Haggith exalted himself saying: 'I will be king,' and he made ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Isaiah 40:4 -- is the word pronounced "geh" or "gay"?

כָּל גֶּיא יִנָּשֵׂא (In Isaiah 40:4, and therefore also the Haftarah for Nachamu, just after Tisha B'Av.) It's a segol under the gimmel so I'd say "geh" ... but then there's a yud, but it's ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Kaddish before Haftarah on Tish'ah beAv Morning

R. Akiva Eger (on Shulchan Aruch 559:3) cogently argues that one should never recite kaddish between maftir and haftarah, as such an interruption would mean that one does not fulfill the requirement ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Haftarah for a B'rit Milah?

Rema Orach Chayyim 428:8 mentions a custom to read a special haftarah for a shabbat following a wedding. Was there ever a custom to read a special haftarah for a shabbat on which a b'rit milah took ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Which of Hashem's name is the name upon whom Israel is called?

We read the following (from Chabad Website) in Divrei Hayamim II 7:14: וְיִכָּֽנְע֨וּ עַמִּ֜י אֲשֶׁ֧ר נִֽקְרָא־שְׁמִ֣י עֲלֵיהֶ֗ם וְיִֽתְפַּֽלְלוּ֙ וִֽיבַקְשׁ֣וּ פָנַ֔י וְיָשֻׁ֖בוּ מִדַּרְכֵיהֶ֣ם ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Haftara Without Minyan

When davening alone one should read Kriat HaTorah without the Brachot from a Chumash. When doing the same on a day when the Haftara is read, should one also read the Haftara but omit the Brachot, ...
Ephraim F's user avatar
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Haftorah Parshas Emor

Why would we institute the public haftorah reading for Emor, which includes one of the pesukim in Yechezkel which almost caused that seffer to be hidden away by chazzal? See Shabbos 13b with Rashi. ...
user6591's user avatar
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Yetziv Pisgam and Chabakuk

One common Ashkenazi minhag on Shavuos is to recite the piyut (poem) of Yetziv Pisgam on the second day of Shavuot after the first Passuk of the Haftorah from Chabakuk. The first letter of each line ...
user15464's user avatar
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Why would Ashkenazim read a "double" haftarah for Parshat Pekudei in Israel?

All printed chumashim that I've seen list the following consecutive selections as the Ashkenazi hafatarot for Vayakhel and Pekudei: Vayakhel: Melachim I 7:40-50 Pekudei: Melachim I 7:51-8:21 (And ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Is there any situation when the haftarah of Tetzaveh might be read during a non-leap year?

This past Shabbat, we read the haftarah of Tetzaveh. If I have calculated correctly, I don't think there is any situation where this haftarah would be read during a non-leap year. I think that ...
DanF's user avatar
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Was Haftarah prophesied on Motzei Shabbos?

Shlomo Carlebach, in the YouTube video for his song נחמו נחמו עמי, claims that it is well known that 'according to our tradition', the prophet prophesied the הפטרה for a given week on the Motzei ...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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Why do we change the Haftarah for Simchas Torah?

Megillah 31a says the following regarding the Simchas Torah reading: למחר קורין וזאת הברכה ומפטירין (מלכים א ח, כב) ויעמד שלמה On the next day [after Shmini Atzeres] we read Vezos HaBeracha, ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Zecharia 14:4 vis-a-vis the reality of Har haZeisim being a cemetary?

This question has bothered me on and off over the years - typically around this time as we read this perek on the first day of Sukkot as the haftarah: וְעָמְד֣וּ רַגְלָ֣יו בַּיּוֹם־הַ֠הוּא עַל־...
Shmuel Brown's user avatar
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Text of final blessing following haftarah of Yom Kippur

In my (nusach ashkenaz) machzor for Yom Kippur, the final blessing after the haftarah of shacharit concludes: ודברך אמת וקיים לעד. ברוך אתה ה' מלך מוחל וסולח לעוונותינו וכו'‏ And Your word ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Different endings for Haftarat Vayetze and Haftarat Shuvah?

Ashkenazim customarily read as the haftarah of Parshat Vayetze from Hoshea 12:13 until the end of the book. As the ending of Hoshea is somewhat disturbing, Mishnah Berurah 428:22 recommends adding ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Haftarat Shuva - Skipping backwards?

Some communities read selections from three of the Trei Asar - Hoshea, Yoel and Michah - as the haftarah on Shabbat Shuva (the shabbat between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.) (See e.g. Mishnah Berurah ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Who uses which haftarah for Shabbat Shuva?

The shabbat between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur is known as Shabbat Shuva. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 428:8 records two different customs as to what haftarah to read on this shabbat: Shuva Yisrael (...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why is there an apparent "high priority" on reciting all 7 Consolation Haftarot?

Last week, I looked at the back of my shul's Tiqun Kor'im (I forgot which version it is, offhand) and noticed a long paragraphs explaining the different customs of what happens when Shabbat parshat R'...
DanF's user avatar
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Tikkun Sofrim for Nach

Is there a mainstream (or popular) Tikkun Sofrim used for the layout of complete Sifrei Nevi’im (and K’suvim)? Notes: In the recent years, there seems to be a great uniformity in the way sofrim write ...
user17743's user avatar
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Why is Baruch-Hu-Uvaruch-Shmo answered only in the brachos after the Haftorah, but not in the bracha before?

As far as I recall, the minhag in all Ashkenaz shuls which I have ever attended, was not to answer Baruch-Hu-Uvaruch-Shmo to the name of Hashem in the Bracha which is said before the Haftorah, but in ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Remember Balak and Balaam

My people, remember now what Balak king of Moab devised (plotted against you) and what (how) Balaam the son of Beor answered (responded to) him; from Shittim unto Gilgal, that ye may know (will ...
Levi's user avatar
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Chanting Haftarah in English

Must/should the Haftarah be chanted in Hebrew? Can it be chanted in another language such as English in English-speaking countries, Spanish in Spanish-speaking countries, etc.?
Sue A.'s user avatar
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Who organized the Haftarot and when?

If I'm not mistaken, Masechet Megillah mentions a few haftarot, I think, mainly for Yom Tov. I don't recall much mentioned about the weekly Shabbat haftarot. In most Chumashim, I noticed that there ...
DanF's user avatar
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What is the minimum number of lines on a klaf?

I remember hearing once that sifrey Tanach had to have a required minimum number of lines when written on a klaf and that this requirement is often not followed by those writing "parshas ketores" and ...
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Did he want his invitation?

In the Haftorah on Parashas Chayai Sarah,the beginning of Sefer Melochim,the pessukim describe Adoniyohu's failed attempt to get the throne. Nathan Hanovi complains to David Ha'Melech about how all ...
Avraham Yakov Silverstein's user avatar
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Is there a list of the haftorot for the tri-annual torah reading cycle?

Based on the assumption that when the tri-annual cycle for reading the torah was prevalent there were accompanying haftorot I would like to know if a list exists of what those haftorot were. I ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Are any communities reciting Rambam's list of Haftarot for most of the book of Devarim?

Thanks to DoubleAA for introducing me to this list of Haftarot from Ramba"m's Sefer Ahava; Seder Hatefillah #61 (See near bottom of the linked page.) Most congregations have replaced the 7 haftarot ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is public reading of the haftarah not required to be from parchment?

Public Torah reading (Kri'at Hatorah Betzibbur) is always done from a parchment. I have seen some congregations read the Haftarah from a parchment, as well. But, this seems to be a minority. It seems,...
DanF's user avatar
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Haftarah of double parsha

Why when we read a double parsha is the haftarah generally the haftarah of the second parsha?
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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Why do we (not) read Kesubim publicly?

Why are the five megilos read in synagogue on holidays, but not the books of Mishlei, Iyov, Daniel, Ezra/Nechemia, Divrei Hayamim, or Psalms?
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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