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the prayer service and ceremony surrounding communal reading from the Torah scroll

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Torah service on shabbat with no kohanim and not enough yisraelim

If there are no kohanim in shul on shabbat, Ashkenazi practice is to give the first aliyah to a levi or yisrael, and the subsequent six aliyot to yisraelim. (See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 135:6,9,10.)...
Joel K's user avatar
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what is the basis that there is no olah and fire burning on the altar any more?

BH Hi so I heard that the fire had to be constantly on and was even on during the time in the desert and eventually on the 17th of Tamuz during the times of the Romans, the perpetual fire and the ...
David 's user avatar
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Minhag to say ”emet toratenu hakedosha” before torah blessing

Ive heard people at my shul saying the words “emet toratenu hakedosha” before saying the bracha after the torah reading. What is the source for this minhag? Would this pose a halachic issue, as it is ...
Matt's user avatar
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Corfu Jews Service chanting: help in identifying Scripture Portion

I recently viewed Lanzmann's "Shoah" documentary and I'm and I'm curious about which passage of the Scriptures the Corfu Jews are chanting in the following segment: Minute 02.22 Clip FV3409 ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Minimum observance for Aliyah/leading prayer

I’m curious, according to Halacha, what is the minimum level of observance to be called to the Torah of act as shaliach Tzibbur. Relevant questions about specific Issurim have been asked here before, ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is it true that the wealthier we become the more we forget about God? [closed]

I've never been wealthy or part of the upper class so I cannot confirm whether this is true or not (although I'de love to be given the chance!) but, Chaim Kramer in his book Earning A Living Earning A ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Blind man opening the ark/taking out the Torah

Is there anything problematic in Halacha with a blind man opening up the Ark (Aron Kodesh) and taking out the Torah during the Torah service? Does it depend if one is doing one but not the other?
Kirk's user avatar
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How would a Gabbai call up his firstborn son, who is a Rabbi, for an Aliyah

Torah Service, Gabbai duties, Hebrew names and titles, honors due relatives
Hillel Schonhaut's user avatar
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Kohanim on Rosh Hashanah [closed]

Is it permissible to have the same kohen have a Torah Aliyah in two different rooms? Is it permissible to have the same kohen duchen in two different rooms?
Adam Raclaw's user avatar
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How is a baby girl with a non-Jewish Father given a name?

What is the process for naming a baby girl with a Jewish mother and a non Jewish father? Typically the father is given an aliyah and the name is given as part of a mishebarach. Does the mother's ...
DavefromBaltimore's user avatar
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Why this specific pasuk when returning the Torah to the Ahron?

Why was " Yehallulu es shaym hashem ..." specifically chosen to be said when we put the Torah back in the Ahron? And why does the shliach tzibur not complete the whole pasuk as is generally ...
Zev's user avatar
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Grammar and word choice of the Mi Shebeirach for Yom Tov

On Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot, the phrase "ויזכה לעלות לרגל" - "he should merit to go up [to the Beit Hamikdash]" is added to the end of the Mi Shebeirach after each aliyah. I've ...
Moshe Katz's user avatar
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For how many years, aggregate, were the requiremenst of the Law actually carried out?

I am certainly no expert on Hebrew history so pls be patient with me :). I do read a bit and have not been able to put together an answer on my own - maybe because there are too many nuances, and too ...
Richard7's user avatar
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Who Gets Shlishi when Gabai makes a mistake and thinks there is no Levi in shul

The Gabai was not aware that there was a Levi in the congregation and gave the second Aliyah to the original Kohen (as per Halacha). The Gabai was then made aware there was a Levi present. Question: ...
Abie Ross's user avatar
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Is it sufficient to start Torah reading after only 2.5 verses in a parasha?

In Torah reading, we don't start reading in the middle of a parasha when there are fewer than three verses preceding in the parasha, and similarly we don't stop reading in the middle of a parasha ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Having a descendant read about Aharon's death on its anniversary

This week is the somewhat rare Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Av. When that happens, we always read the section containing Numbers 33:38 about Aharon's death on Rosh Chodesh Av. In most communities this week a ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Following a sefer Torah

In a minyan I participate in, the one doing hachnasas sefer torah has to return the torah immediately to an aron kodesh in another room. I see people walk out the door to follow the Torah outside of ...
Dovmo's user avatar
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Does one call up to the Torah someone already "up"?

As a followup to this question, the pandemic has created some interesting situations. In one shul in which I daven, on a Monday/Thursday the one who reads the Torah also receives all the aliyot. As ...
rosends's user avatar
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At which point during the Torah reading on Shabbat is it appropriate to recite the prayer for the sick (מי שברך לחולים)?

Is there a correct or preferred point (aliyah) during the Shabbat Torah reading at which the traditional "mi shebeirach lecholim" prayer for the sick should be recited by the gabbai? If such ...
LawrenceN's user avatar
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Would it be a lack in כבוד to close the Aron while being the one holding the תורה?

In today's day and age with COVID, many synagogues are streamlining the process for safety reasons. One of the things is to have the same person who opens the Aron, take out the Torah and then close ...
RCW's user avatar
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What did it use to mean for a kohen to get a second aliyah?

If there is no levi present in the synagogue, the second aliyah is given to the kohen who received the first aliyah. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 135:8) Now, originally only the first and last olim ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Must someone be called to the Torah at all?

A followup to this question. One of the practices I have seen in this pandemic age is that one individual gets all the aliyot (often the one doing the laining). In that case, not only is there no ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why is it neccessary to call up multiple people to read the Torah in synogogue?

Wouldn't it make sense for one reader to do the whole thing?
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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Fast days and אל ארך אפים

I have heard various opinions about saying Keil erekh apayim before the Torah reading on fast days.* Most say that we should only do that if the public fast day falls on Monday or Thursday. What are ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Is a new blessing required when taking off and putting back on your tallit?

You remove your tallit while services are ongoing (say, to go to the bathroom). When you put it back on, do you have to say the blessing on the tallit again?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Streaming services on Shabbat and holy days [duplicate]

More and more non-traditional congregations stream their Shabbat and Yom Tov services, for the benefit of hospital patients and shut-ins. If done automatically, or managed by Gentiles, or started ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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What is the best route for going up to the bimah?

When we go up for an aliyah then back to our seat in synagogue, we are supposed to go up from the right side of the bimah (as you face it) and back to our seat from the left side. This was how Jews ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Ein Kamocha on Shabbat

Before the Ark is opened on Shabbat, we don't just say "veyahi b'n'so'a ha'aron" as we would on a weekday. We begin with Ein Kamocha. The Artscroll siddur (I don't have the page number handy) explains ...
rosends's user avatar
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Is a shul allowed to refuse an aliyah to an "improperly dressed" Cohen or Levi?

Some shuls have a "dress code" requirement in order to receive an aliya. For example, I know of a shul that requires wearing both a button-down (dress) shirt and tie to receive an aliyah. Suppose ...
DanF's user avatar
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Women standing for their husbands when called up for an Aliyah

I have noticed women in several sefardic communities to stand while their husbands are called up to the synagogue. Yalkut Yosef in Hilkhot Shavuot brings down the halakha of a child or a student ...
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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What are the knowledge requirements for an aliyah?

In Midrash Tanhuma Yitro 15, we read that Rabbi Akiva was called to "read the Torah" (לִקְרוֹת בְּסֵפֶר תּוֹרָה) before the congregation, but refused "because I have not reviewed the chapter two or ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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"Importance" of certain aliyot

I occasionally schmooze with a Bucharian guy at work. He tells me that in his shul, certain aliyot are considered "more important" or "prized aliyot" than others. All the aliyot are sold each week (he ...
DanF's user avatar
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Questions about Mi Sheberach L'olim

It is fairly common minhag to recite a blessing for the person receiving an aliyah for the Torah reading. The blessing requests that G-d protect the person from misfortune and troubles and make him ...
DanF's user avatar
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Congregational standing during Torah reading

In a number of shuls that I have attended, I have noticed that the congregation stands for certain sections of Torah readings. Specifically: Aseret Hadvarim - The 10 Commandments Az Yashir (song at ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can One Give Away an Aliya?

If one is offered an Aliya, can he give the honor to someone else? By “offered” I mean the Gabbai issues the Aliyas prior to the Torah service in the form of, say, a card with number of the Aliya ...
JJLL's user avatar
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Carrying the Torah around

When the Torah is taken out and is being carried around songs are being sung. I would like to know which songs exist for this part of the service and where I could find traditional tunes for those ...
Levi's user avatar
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Wearing a Tallis for Aliyah at Chabad

If there is someone who is not married. However, when he gets an Aliyah he usually wears a tallis (follows Ashkenazi Minhagim), should he wear one if called up for an Aliyah at a Chabad where the ...
Yaakov's user avatar
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Is there a minhag of giving tzedakah during the torah service?

My weekday morning minyan recently merged into another one, so we're seeing some minor changes in customs. One that is new to me is: at the end of the torah service, as the torah is being carried ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Does a Ger have a Chiyuv to get an Aliya?

Inspired by the comments to my answer about (pseudo) 2nd Bar Mitzvahs. Both the Magen Avraham in 282:18 and the Biur Halocho in 136:1:1 mention that the reason a Bar Mitzva boy has a high priority to ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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The Aliyot in Parshat Bereisheet

According to the Hertz (Soncino Press) chumash, the aliyot for Bereisheet are (excuse my poor formatting) Aliyah...…. begins at 2...…………..1:14 3...………….1:24 4...…………..2:4 5...…………..3:22 6......
rosends's user avatar
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Torah service on Hoshana Rabba

My old Ashkenazi machzor says that the Torah scroll should be removed from the Ark on Hoshana Rabba just as on the Shabbat. Nevertheless, I find a few points unclear, while I make some reasonable ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Hilchos Pesicha/Pesichas HaAron

I'm having trouble finding the halachos around the kibud of pesicha. I found the Shulchan Aruch contains a section for hagbahah and gelilah, but I don't see any description of pesicha. L'maaseh, here ...
Dovmo's user avatar
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Question about placement of 2nd Shacharit Ashrei in Nusah Ashkenaz [duplicate]

This is what I have seen listed in most Nusach Ashkenaz siddurim / occur in most Nusach Ashkenaz shuls: When the Torah is read during Shacharit: On weekdays - The 2nd Ashrei is said after the Torah ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can a ventriloquist chant the Torah?

A ventriloquist essentially recreates sounds using a different part of the speech system. For example, mouthing the sound ‘B’ would give away the act, so it must be recreated in a different part of ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Meaning of ונתחזק

In the famous phrase: חזק חזק ונתחזק What exactly does the word נתחזק v’nitchazek/v’nitchazak mean? I’ve seen different translations like: “may we be strenghtened” “ let us be strenghtened” “ les ...
Levi's user avatar
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kavod hatorah vs tznius/kol Isha

if one is in a non orthodox synagogue and suddenly has thoughts of repentance as a woman is called up to the torah, what takes precedence? should he walk out because he feels this practice is ...
yonatanhakatan's user avatar
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Qualifications for a man Reading the Torah in public

I have been told that there are conditions that a man must fulfill before he is allowed to read the Torah in public. If so, what is the halacha? What are the disqualifications? [EDITED] Example: I ...
Yerucham David ben Mordecai's user avatar
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Sources prohibiting Mi Sheberachs on Shabbos [duplicate]

There are a couple of potential reasons to perhaps avoid saying Mi Sheberachs for Cholim or people who get Aliyos during Leining on Shabbos (Tircha Detzibura and Pesikas Mammon). However, whether due ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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May one reposition Sifrei Torah on Shabbat?

Scenario / Example: This Shabbat is parshat Sheqalim, the first of 4 special Shabbatot before Pesach. We will take out two Sifrei Torah. Upon returning the Torot to the ark, one would like to shift ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is there no Kaddish after Torah reading at mincha on a fast day?

Every Torah reading is followed by half Kaddish, except for Shabbat and fast day mincha. Mishnah Berurah #4 on O.C. 292:1 says that on Shabbat and fast days we don't say Kaddish after Torah reading ...
DanF's user avatar
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