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Questions tagged [tallit-gadol]

A Jewish prayer shawl. The tallit is worn over one's clothes during the morning prayers (Shacharit). The tallit has special fringes known as tzitzit attached to its four corners.

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Tips on whitening a Talit [closed]

Talits get yellow over time. Source - go to any shul and look at the old Talits, or if you've had yours for 5-10 years, look at yours and compare to brand new. Also note the stains. Dry cleaners never ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Are tallitot which are rabbinically obligated put on before or after tefillin

The Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 25 rules you should put a Tallit on before tefillin, this is based on the principle of Tadir, mitzvot which are more common take precedence, generally. However, if one ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can Tzitzit be thrown in the trash [duplicate]

According to Halacha, is there any issue with throwing a garment/tallit with Tzitzit out in the trash? Do any laws of Kavod apply to them, or no?
Kirk's user avatar
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Is a non-Jew attending a Jewish school allowed to wear a Tallit during the school morning prayers?

If no, then would that be sufficient reason to tell Jewish students not to wear a Tallis gadol so that the school don’t “discriminate” against him? The Rambam clearly says in Hilchot Melachim 10:10 a ...
Gershom Menachem's user avatar
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Prussian Jews and tallit gadol

The custom of Jews from Prussia (German Poland) was wear tallit gadol from bar mitzvah or from marriage? And the custom of Ashkenazi Jews from Belgium?
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Tallit gadol used since bar mitzvah or since marriage

The custom to use tallit gadol from bar mitzvah is applied to Ashkenazi Jews from all regions were Western Yiddish was traditionally spoken? Or in some these regions (Dutch-speaking areas, Belgium, ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Obligation of Tzitzit with multiple 4 cornered garments

According to Halacha, if one is wearing multiple four cornered garments, is it that each one of them individually is obligated in Tzitzit with a beracha, or is it only one which needs Tzitzit which ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Are there tallit gadol without fringes?

All the traditional tallits I have seen have fringes on the sides. Are there tallits without such fringe? How traditional are they?
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Are there any potential issues with a Chabad tallis?

In an effort to reclaim some of my original minhagim pre-Chabad, I have started wearing a tallis for Shacharis, despite being unmarried. I like the distinct striping pattern on a Chabad tallis, but I’...
ezra's user avatar
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How should a talis godol be folded?

The first fold of a talis godol can be either along the blue or red line in the picture below. Is there any preference as to how to fold it according to the sources?
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Source for tallis vs no tallis for kibbud at Shabbos Mincha

At my shul, which davens Ashkenaz, the Rav of the shul instituted a rule that at Shabbos mincha, only the baal tefila and baal kriah wears a tallis. People getting a kibbud do not. I have previously ...
DavefromBaltimore's user avatar
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Tefilin and other prayer articles in a bathhouse

Is one allowed to bring Tefilin into a bathhouse or dressing room if he isn’t wearing them? If not, what if he entered the dressing room while wearing them (which is allowed - OC 45:2), may he leave ...
שלום's user avatar
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Chabad Method of folding Tallis under instead of over?

So i've been struggling at times during Shacharis trying to prevent my tallis gadol from unraveling and sliding off my shoulder, it oddly mostly seems to happen on the right side and less frequently ...
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Chabad Tallis vs Chabad Munkatch

Hey recently while shopping for a new Chabad Tallis I found a distinction between the normal Chabad Tallis, the Rashab Chabad Tallis, and the Munkatch Chabad Tallis. I heard the Rashab Tallis is ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Sefaradi Tzitzit Minhag

I'm curious about the different minhagim Sefaradi/Mizrahi communities have around tying tzitzit 10/5/6/5 (Yod-Kei-Vav-Kei) vs. 7/8/11/13. From what I already understand, 10/5/6/5 was the "...
Adin's user avatar
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Does one fullfill mitzvah of Tziszis still for the day if he just dons Tallis Gadol for Shacharis?

If a person is hesitant to wear tziszis all day (because, for example they own dogs that will ruin it), and that person only dons the Tallis gadol for Shacharis and then at Mincha time dons a tallis ...
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What is the source of the minhag for a chatan to wear a tallit under the chupah?

I am about to get married in Israel and I've heard that an Ashkenazi chatan typically wears a Kittel under a chuppah. However, in the UK my experience is that most wear a tallit. What is the source of ...
Richard Lewis's user avatar
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Were there any instances of Ashkenazim using a tallit with white stripes?

I heard that such tallits were worn by Yekke and Yemey Norayim. Did anyone else use white stripes from Ashkenazim?
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Does a tallith absolutely require eyelets on each of its corners?

Does a tallith absolutely require eyelets—on each of its corners—where the tzitzith are affixed? Or, al pi halachah, may the tzitzith be simply threaded through each corner [with, say, a tapestry ...
Poor Djinno's user avatar
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Hayyim Vital on the tallit katan

Hayyim Vital tells us that his teacher was careful to wear his tallit katan (a four-cornered vest) over his shirt but under his other garments. In his words: הטלית קטן היה לובשו למטה משאר מלבושיו ע&...
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What is the standard, minimum sizing requirement for a tallith gadol?

Al pi halachah, what are the standard, minimum mainstream sizing requirements for fitting a tallith gadol to an individual? For Example: Must the tallith gadol wrap around one's entire head and body, ...
Poor Djinno's user avatar
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Purchasing a replacement Tallis

I am replacing a custom made tallis. What should I look for? What are the dimensions that I need? I do not wear mine covering my head.
Elijah8237's user avatar
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Tallis Gadol during Kabbalas Shabbos (Minhag Ashkenaz?)

What is the Ashkenazi minhag as regards wearing a tallis gadol during Kabbalas Shabbos (i.e. the ceremony/liturgy of welcoming in Shabbos on Friday evening)? Should it be worn, or not? Thanks to ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Tallit on Shabbat which is 9 av

Should one wear tallit gadol during the shachris on Shabbat if it is the 9 av (as in 2022)? On other shabbatot the person does wear a tallit. I know that in this case the observance takes place on the ...
fml2's user avatar
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When to wear Tallit?

Should one only wear a Tallit during the daily main prayers three times a day or can one wear a Tallit whenever they pray to G-d.
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A bracha on a tallit gadol and not kosher T"Katan

Does partially intentionally wrong kavanah make a bracha a bracha levatalah? If I put on my tzitzit and notice that a string is missing (or something else which would invalidate it as proper tzitzit) ...
rosends's user avatar
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Cover the forehead when praying even if the head tefillo cannot be seen?

I observed someone praying shacharis who had covered with his tallis both his head and also his forehead down to his eyes. I thought that the possuk Devorim 28 (10) וראו כל עמי הארץ כי שם ה' נקרא ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Tallit katan instead of tallit gadol when traveling

If you're traveling and trying to pack lightly, can you pack tefillin and "just" a tallit katan? Can you rely on a tallit katan rather than a tallit gadol, even if you'd normally wear tallit ...
Justin's user avatar
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Cleaning Tallis Godol and Tallis Koton

According to Halacha is one allowed to give in his Tallis Godol or Kotton to a cleaners if the actual work will be done by non Jews?
Yhonasan Levinson's user avatar
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Which comes first after picking up shel rosh: talis or tefilin?

If a person picked up his tefilin before his talis, he puts on his tefilin first (Shulchan Orech OC 25:1). Additionally, if a person picked up his shel Rosh before his shel yad (ibid. :6) he puts down ...
Draizy-Levi Pine's user avatar
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Winter Talit - A very cold corona safe minyan

I am currently davening outside with a minyan like most people here in Israel. It is, however, very cold. Is there any reason why there are not talitot are not specially made blankets? I can see as ...
Nathan's user avatar
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When are men supposed to start wearing a tallit?

I am looking for halachic origins. I am also curious about the Sephardic and Ashkenazim halachic justifications for their choice (when to wear it). I learned that Sephardic boys start wearing theirs ...
JewishBeginner1's user avatar
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Wearing Tallit after the morning?

If someone didn't wear a tallit during morning prayers, when they put it on in the afternoon let's say, do they make a bracha? Based on my searches online the info has been rather conflicting or just ...
Paul H.'s user avatar
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Cleaning a Talis together with silver Atora [closed]

Can I wash my heavy wool talis together with the silver Atora,what happens if I won’t remove the Atora? I will appreciate if anyone can assist me,thank you!
Ychyl's user avatar
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Wearing Tallis Like a Scarf [duplicate]

The Kaf Hachaim (8:9) writes אותם בני אדם שמניחין הטלית כשהוא מקופל ומשלשלים סביב צוארם על כתפיהם בענין שקצה האחד כשהוא מקופל עם ב' ציציות יורד לפניו בצד ימין וקצה השני עם שני ציציות יורד ...
NJM's user avatar
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Is an "Ateret Chatan" only for Chassanim?

I really like the kind of atara for a tallis that has rows of metal squares (like this). On this link, it is called an "Ateret Chatan" and the description says "A popular addition to a tallis for a ...
tallis-man's user avatar
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Why do conservative Jews wear a tallit like a shawl? [duplicate]

I have had the opportunity to pray with conservative men several times both in orthodox and conservative synagogues. Inevitably the conservative men I prayed with wore their tallit like a shawl unlike ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Replace tzitzis on Tallis with no broken strings? just because the new strings are nicer? [closed]

My friend gave me his tallis with a set of new strings to tie. however, I was once told that its better not to remove tzitzis from a garment unless the strings actually need to be replaced. Can I ...
Janos Kralik's user avatar
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What Mitzvah is it to fold one's Tallis?

Many sources bring down an idea from the Maharil that one should fold their Tallis on Motzai Shabbos in order to immediately start the week with 'being involved in a Mitzvah'. (One such source is the ...
Salmononius2's user avatar
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Practical advice for keeping tallis on while waving 4 species

Whenever I wave my four species in shul, I always find that my tallis repeatedly slips off my head and shoulders. I typically have to adjust it every single set of waves, which is rather distracting. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Is a new blessing required when taking off and putting back on your tallit?

You remove your tallit while services are ongoing (say, to go to the bathroom). When you put it back on, do you have to say the blessing on the tallit again?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Wearing or not wearing a tallit gadol

Related to Why do we don the tallit gadol? and Is there any basis for Chabad minhagim regarding tallit gadol? I'm not really clear on the rules of when someone who is called for a function during ...
rosends's user avatar
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Burial with Geniza

I once heard a Rav say that one way in which he disposes of his stash of Geniza is to bury it with the deceased if the family allows. He claimed that it was a segula (I can’t recall his source). I ...
Lee N.'s user avatar
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Said the wrong brocho, now what?

If someone was putting on his tallit and instead of saying the brocho on the talit he said the brocho on teffilin. Then 10 seconds pass What should he do (theoretically)? Possible answers: Take ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Single Guy Wearing a Tallis [duplicate]

Can a single guy who isn't sefardi or yeki (who's minhag is that single men wear talisim) wear a Shuls talis-gadol during davening? And if so, does he have to say a Bracha? How would the process be?
Moshe's user avatar
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Why remove tallis before maariv on motzei Tisha B'av?

There is a widespread practice not to wear tallis and tefillin for the morning prayer on Tisha B'Av, instead putting them on for the afternoon prayer. There is also a prohibition against wearing ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Wearing a Tallis for Aliyah at Chabad

If there is someone who is not married. However, when he gets an Aliyah he usually wears a tallis (follows Ashkenazi Minhagim), should he wear one if called up for an Aliyah at a Chabad where the ...
Yaakov's user avatar
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Why isn't a tallit gadol worn by everyone and at all tefillot? [duplicate]

Follow up to Why do we don the tallit gadol?: Two reasons are given in the answers. One is that when praying, we want to appear presentable before the king. Another reason suggests that it better ...
DanF's user avatar
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Wearing Talit and Tefillin at Mincha

I put on my tallit and my tefillin for Shacharit on each appropriate weekday morning. But I do not wear them when I go back to shul to daven mincha. It is still day, so there would be no issue of ...
rosends's user avatar
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Selichoth with Tallith and Tefillin

Assuming one is saying selichoth during the time of tallith and tefillin (e.g. ~6AM in the greater New York metropolitan area), should one put them on first or wait till after selichoth? Does it make ...
Loewian's user avatar
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