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Blessing children via a shaliach

Can blessing the children friday night be done via a shaliach if a child is away from home for Shabbat?
gil's user avatar
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Is there any source to the idea that one should not make some bracha with a knife in one's hand?

Is this situation arises on Shabbos by Hamotzi over a challah?
user12881's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

I heard not to say "Good Shabbos" after mincha. Is it true, and what defines mincha?

I heard from somewhere that, on Shabbos, one does not say "Good Shabbos" after mincha. I am not sure whether it's in a halacha sefer somewhere (I tried looking) or just a minhag. First of all, is ...
MosheY's user avatar
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