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Questions tagged [kiddush]

Sanctification of Shabbat or Holidays said over a cup of wine at the inception in the night. During the day Kidusha Rabba is recited which one only needs a Brocho on a cup of wine.

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Must I follow suit and stand for Kiddush?

There are different customs whether to stand or sit during Kiddush. Even those who stand for all/part of Friday Night Kiddush, many sit for the Shabbos Day Kiddush. I have observed a common trend to ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Is one ever ALLOWED to make Kidush before Shacharis?

I know that he doesn't NEED to make Kidush, but if one must eat before Shacharis, is he ALLOWED to make Kiddush?
User123's user avatar
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Drinking water before Shacharis when one did not make Kidush the night before

If one did not make Kidush by night, can he drink water the next morning before Shacharis without making Kidush first?
User123's user avatar
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Using leftover etrogim to make kiddush/havdalah wine

The Talmud/Gemara in Shabbat 117b records a principle of using a mitzvah object for another mitzvah. Would using a leftover etrog or etrogim from Sukkot to make wine for kiddush/havdalah for Shabbat ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Kiddush without a se'udah

If one makes kiddush and its not followed by a meal the Michaber (Siman 273:3) rules that he is not yotzie kiddush. My question is; does he mean that he is not yotzie even on a biblical level? Or that ...
moshechaim's user avatar
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Old wine for Kiddush!

People go in search for the best a.k.a. oldest wine for Shabbat but is there any halachic basis for it? Other than Oneg Shabbat? In other words, is there any halachic source for using wine that is ...
Rakhem Haokip's user avatar
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A Plastic inside a silver cup of Kiddush and Havdalah

Is it permissible to put a plastic cup (disposable) inside a silver cup in Kiddush and Havdalah? The disposable cup is filled with the amount of the appropriate shiur (amount). However, it protrudes ...
Avi's user avatar
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Kiddish in the place where one eats on Pesach for those that don't eat “gebrockts”

Halachipedia says In order to have Kiddish in the place where one eats and that the Kiddish is considered a proper Kiddish, one must eat at least a kezayit of mezonot, bread, or a reviyit of wine. ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How come Yom Tov Kiddush can postpone having food on Yom Tov, specifically on Pesach?

What source in the Torah forbids a person from eating any food before Kiddush, specifically on Pesach and Chol Ha'Moed Pesach?
David 's user avatar
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Why do some Kiddush cups have golden dome accents on them?

When shopping for Kiddush cups, I find a lot of them have golden domes on them, such as this one from a popular Judaica store: I am confused by the golden dome accents in the cups artwork. As far as ...
Justin L's user avatar
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On Yom Tov, if you didn't say Kiddush at night, what should you now say before lunch?

This question discusses the case of someone who missed saying Kiddush on Friday night. The answer says to say the nighttime Kiddush the next day; see there for details. I'm interested in the analogous ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Inconsistency in adding Gen 1:31 to Gen 2:1-3 on Friday Nights

We say Gen 2:1-3 three times each Friday evening, once in the Amida, once after the Amida and once in the Fri Night Kiddush (Vayachulu hashamaim vehaaretz vechol tzvaam). Only one time do we preface ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Are women obligated in kiddush on Yom tov

Women, despite being exempt from certain time bound positive commandments, are obligated to make kiddush on Shabbat. My question is, are women also obligated to make kiddush on Yom Tov or no? And ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Wine made from fruits other than grapes

Wine can be made out of any fruit. What is the bracha of wine made from fruit other than grapes? May this wine be used for kiddush?
Matt's user avatar
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Looking at Shabbat candles during Kiddush - why?

I've seen in the past that it is proper to look at the candles when saying "yom hashishi" during Friday night Kiddush. I think it is a Sefardi thing, but I can't find any reference to it in ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Looking at bottom of Kiddush cup - why?

I've seen in the past that it is proper to look into the Kiddush cup (iirc looking to the bottom of the cup) before making the blessing of boreh peri hagefen, i.e. when saying "savri...". I ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why do we shake our tzitzit after kiddush levana? [duplicate]

I have just said Kiddush Levanah and was told that i should shake my Tzitzit immediately afterwards...are there any specific Kabbalistic reasons for this?
JEREMY COLEMAN's user avatar
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Friday night kiddush in shule - is this a bracha l'vatalla?

For those shules that have the minhag to make Kiddush in shule on Friday night - why is this not a bracha l'vatalla? Yes, I am aware that the Gemara mentions this was done in the shules in those days ...
elshpen's user avatar
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What do you do if you didn’t make kiddish Friday night? [duplicate]

Where would it be discussed what to do if someone forgot/fell asleep… to make kiddish Friday night? Do they make kiddish right away in the morning?
mroll's user avatar
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When/where/how did weekly "kiddush" become the norm? [duplicate]

At the typical American synagogue -- and most in Europe as well, at this point I think -- it's expected that after the Shabbos morning prayers, there will be "kiddush", but people don't sit ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Is mezonot jealous of kiddush? [duplicate]

Should we cover plates of crackers and rogelach in a shul kiddush?
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Kiddush as the second meal on Shabbat

It's common in some synagogues I go to to have a large kiddush with mezonot after Musaf, and then a large meal in the early afternoon. My questions are: First, does this fulfill the mitzvah of three ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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Can one recite Kiddush and Havdalah by day on the same cup if he forgot Havdalah by night?

When Yom Tov falls out on Motzaei Shabbos, one recites Kiddush and Havdalah on the same cup of wine at night. If one said Kiddush but forgot until morning to say Havdalah, how should he proceed? Can ...
שלום's user avatar
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Sources that support not taking food from the table before the rabbi makes kiddush?

To me this seems like an obvious sense of basic respect to the community but it doesn't seem like everyone thinks as I do and looking for sources that support that this is a practice that should not ...
Dude's user avatar
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Shabbat Blessings Question

My family is Christian but we are trying to observe Shabbat following the Jewish traditions. I am struggling to get an understanding of exactly how this is done. I know that you have the Kiddush, ...
LukeVenter's user avatar
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Drinking water before nightfall , on pesach evening

Would one be allowed to drink water between shkiah - dusk, and tzais - nightfall, on the first night of Pesach, being that you can’t make Kiddush then anyways, and if yes, what if it fell out on ...
שלום's user avatar
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Whats the reasoning behind יין פגום?

There is an halacha called יין פגום (mentioned in Pesachim 106a and Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Siman 182) where if I drank a cup of wine for Kiddush or Birkat Hamazon and didn't finish all of it, I ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
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Why in Beresheit 2:2 (and Kidush) we switch between מְלַאכְתּ֖וֹ and מִכׇּל־מְלַאכְתּ֖וֹ?

I've always had this question regarding the pasuk in Beresheit 2:2 which which we also say at kidush which says, "וַיְכַ֤ל אֱלֹהִים֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י מְלַאכְתּ֖וֹ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֑ה ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
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Problems with Women Making Kiddush in Public?

I read in Shulchan Aruch that a woman can make kiddush for a man, but it seems to me that there's a kol isha issue with doing so publicly, i.e. at a table at a shul or large gathering. Are there any ...
Dovid's user avatar
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Kiddush on Grape Juice Jello

May one use grape juice or wine that was turned into Jello for Kiddush? Does concentration matter, for example, if the cup was already full of wine, and a bit of jello was added? I saw a related ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Why on Kiddush on Friday night do we switch from third person to second person?

Does anyone know of a source explaining why on קידוש on Friday night we switch from הנחילנו ("He gave us as an inheritance") to הנחלתנו ("You gave us as an inheritance")? I thought ...
Noach Gruen's user avatar
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How much are we allowed to dilute wine?

We must drink wine for kiddush, even four cups for Pessah. The Sages said "En simchah ella bebassar ve-yayin -- There is no rejoicing except with meat and wine". But there are plenty of ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Hearing Kiddush for Shabbos and Yom Tov when for you it's just Shabbos

An Israeli is visiting the Diaspora for a holiday beginning on Friday. On Friday night a local Diasporan will says kiddush for the holiday and shabbos. Can the Israeli, for whom it's not a holiday, ...
Nathan's user avatar
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In what circumstances does the Tetragrammaton occur in non-Biblical literature?

I've tried to ask a very general question in the title, but I'll begin with the specific circumstance that gave rise to my question. I was looking at the Maxwell House Haggadah and noticed this prayer ...
adam.baker's user avatar
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What's the difference between "Hinchilanu" and "Hinchaltanu"?

The Kiddush for Friday night contains two verbs, Hinchilanu and Hinchaltanu, that seem to be on one Hebrew root and share the translation "has given us as a heritage." I guess that there ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Kiddush before or after a yahrtziet

I know that there is a custom to get an Aliyah and give kiddush the Shabbat preceding a yaharzeit. Does this apply to the first yarhzeit as well, when the person is still in availus-assuming the ...
Draizy-Levi Pine's user avatar
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Is there any source for Rosh Hashana Evening Kiddush Nusah Melody (Sfard/ Ashkenazi) [duplicate]

Is there any recorded resource for traditional Ashkenazi Rosh Hashana melody for Evening Kiddush Melody (Nusah) (Sfard/ Ashkenazi)?
Avi's user avatar
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Ice in kiddush wine/grape juice to cool it. What halachic issues would be involved and what are the views?

On a hot shabbos, I would like to put some ice into my kiddush wine/grape juice to cool it. What halachic issues would be involved and what are the views? 1] Does the solid ice contribute to the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Is making קידוש Shabbos on schnapps לכתחילה?

Is making קידוש on schnapps Shabbos, לכתחילה?
Yid's user avatar
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Grape juice vs. Diluted Wine

Here it mentions that it is better to mix wine and grape juice than to have plain grape juice. How about mixing water with wine; is the diluted wine still more preferable for kiddush and havdalah? (...
user6781's user avatar
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When it comes to making Kiddush, what's recommended for someone who is allergic to grapes?

I recently was reading about allergies and discovered examples of where individuals could experience anaphylaxis from ingesting grapes and grape derivatives. I was curious as to what the protocol is ...
Michael's user avatar
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Aruch HaShulchan on not having to drink any wine at all and still be yotzei kiddush

It says on that "Several Halachic authorities, including the Aruch Ha’shulhan (Rav Yechiel Michel Epstein of Nevarduk, 1829-1908) and Hacham ...
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Best raisins to make raisin wine for kiddush?

Raisin wine. SO O Ch 272 (6) quotes the Tur to say יין צמוקים מקדשים עליו (והוא שיש בהן לחלוחית קצת בלא שרייה) (טור): Kiddush may be recited over raisin wine (provided some moisture can be squeezed ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Any Reason for Kiddush Cup Plate

Are there any Torah sources which encourage or discourage using plates for kiddush cups or a kos shel beracha?
NJM's user avatar
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The sefer "Radiance of Shabbat" by Simcha Bunim Cohen on whether stam yeinam is ok for kiddush b'dieved

"Stam yeinam, which is wine processed or even possibly touched by a non-Jew or a public desecrator of Shabbat, is forbidden to be benefited from, and thus is obviously inappropriate for kiddush (YD ...
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Pouring wine into a pagum/used cup in order to reuse the wine inside

I heard that after drinking from the kiddish cup, in order to reuse the wine left over which is pagum, we pour some wine into the cup from the bottle it before pouring the wine in the cup back into ...
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Is there a Modern day example of someone Sacrificing their Life to Sanctify HaShem's name?

Are there any recent (post holocaust) stories of a Jew who chose to sacrifice his life in order to be meKadesh HaShem? Are there any modern day Jewish martyrs (not including the many Jews who were ...
Lages's user avatar
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Making the blessing on wine for two people on shabbat morning, but only one needs kiddush

In general, I cannot say borei pri hagafen on behalf of another, if I'm not also drinking wine and making the blessing for myself as well. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 213:2) One exception to this ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why is there no havdallah when going from Yom Tov into Shabbat?

When Yom Tov begins on Motza'ei Shabbat, havdallah is included in the Yom Tov Kiddush. However, when Shabbat follows a Friday Yom Tov, there is no Havdallah included in the Friday night Kiddush. Why ...
DanF's user avatar
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When to make kiddush at a Seder with no wine?

What is one supposed to do on Seder night if he has no wine (nor chamar medinah if that’s relevant) at all? On a regular Friday night one would make kiddush on bread under these circumstances (...
Joel K's user avatar
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