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0 votes
2 answers

What bracha to make if ate mezonos and grapes but only bentched for mezonos?

Do we say Al Hamichiya again for the grapes or because sofek bracha lehakel, we omit the one for the grapes?
13 votes
4 answers

Upon whom would one make this blessing?

Upon whom today would you make the bracha - Baruch Attah Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam She’chalak Mei’chochmaso Li’rei’av, that He bestowed of His wisdom to those who fear Him (Gemara Brachos 58a)? I'...
3 votes
2 answers

Bracha on Dead Sea

According to Halacha (Shulchan Oruch, Orach Chaim 228:1) one says עושה מעשה בראשית on seeing the sea. Does one make a Bracha on seeing the Dead Sea? Is it a proper sea? If so, what is the correct ...
8 votes
4 answers

Should one say a bracha upon seeing a person with albinism?

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 60:13-14 states that one should say the bracha of Mishaneh Habrios when seeing, among other things, an exceptionally dark-skinned or light-skinned person. The notes in the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Non Kohen Blessing a Kohen

Is it permissible for a non Kohen such as an Israelite or a Levi to give any type of blessing to a Kohen?
4 votes
0 answers

What has 7 Brachos before the act [closed]

What has 7 Brachos before the act? Examples I can think of are; Matza, Nesuin... Is there anything else that we make 7 Brachos on before we do it? Ps: This question will help me resolve a Mahril ...
3 votes
2 answers

May a non-Jew count the Omer?

May a non-Jew count the Omer? May he count if he is in the process of converting? If he may, does he count with a blessing or without?
10 votes
4 answers

Shehecheyanu on sefiras haomer

Why don't we make a shehecheyanu blessing on counting the Omer? It is a mitzvah which we get to do after a very long break (more than 300 days)? Some arguments I have heard: In a similar situation ...
1 vote
1 answer

If I make a bracha on food and it falls out of my hand, do I need a new bracha on the rest of the food?

Let's say I am planning on eating some nuts. I hold one in my hand and make the bracha. Then, before I can eat it, it falls out of my hand and gets ruined. If I right away take another nut from the ...
7 votes
2 answers

Continuing a meal once chametz is prohibited

One starts a bread meal on the morning of erev pesach. One finishes eating all of the bread (and removes all crumbs etc.) before the end of the day's fourth hour, but wants to continue the meal by ...
11 votes
2 answers

If you take a COVID "smell test" every day, do you say a blessing on the scent?

Background Some experts recommend that everyone test their own sense of smell once daily. This can help to screen for the novel coronavirus disease. This is because COVID often (but not always) ...
19 votes
3 answers

Polyphasic Sleep and Halacha

I recently read an article on polyphasic sleep and I'm quite interested in experimenting with it. The article advises the Uberman approach which advocates 20-30 minute naps every four hours, meaning ...
9 votes
1 answer

Is a bracha said when eating non-food items (e.g. paper)?

If someone wants to eat something that is not considered food (e.g. paper), is a bracha required? Obviously if one is, it would be shehacol.
9 votes
1 answer

When to say shehecheyanu on a new fruit?

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 225:3 records that the custom is to recite the shehecheyanu blessing on a new fruit when one eats it. At what point precisely does one say shehecheyanu? Before reciting ...
7 votes
1 answer

Blessing over a wine-water mix

Someone I know likes to mix (commercial) grape juice or wine with water or seltzer and drink the result. Of course, the first of those two ingredients normally requires "hagafen" and "al hagefen", ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why won't a wrongful blessing be void?

In Parashat Toldot, Isaac wrongfully blesses Yaakov instead of Esav. In the Halachah IIRC, most things made wrongfully are illegal and are void, like monetary contracts or marriages. I don't really ...
2 votes
0 answers

A beracha on the "Great conjunction"?

Tonight (or earlier tonight in Israel) the planets Jupiter and Saturn come so close that one might think that they are a single star. Is this occasion to say the beracha of עושה מעשה בראשית? It is not ...
7 votes
2 answers

Secret Ops, The President, and The Blessing On a King

One of the conditions to make the brocha on kings is that they have the power to kill you (see Radvaz 1:296 as well as the Orchot Chaim Brachos 49 that say that this brocha is recited on any monarch ...
5 votes
0 answers

Don't rely on rov for general blessings, but do for tevila

The Mishnah Berurah (215:20) brings from the Chayei Adam (Kelal 5) and Pri Megadim (Pesicha LeHilchos Berachos) that even if there's sfek sfeka (a double doubt) telling you to make a blessing, we don'...
5 votes
0 answers

Who decides whether it's normal to eat something in a certain fashion?

The Shulchan Aruch in several places writes that if something is eaten in an abnormal fashion, it gets a Shehakol rather than its usual bracha.1 What defines whether something is a "normal" way of ...
1 vote
1 answer

Sit for blessings after food?

Someone told me to sit for grace after meals (the series of benedictions recited after eating a bread meal). Is that true? I mean, is there such an halachic obligation? or is it, at least, a nice ...
5 votes
2 answers

Sitting for Al Hamichya

I have noticed that people seem to be particular about sitting for saying Al Hamichya (or Birkas Me'ein Shalosh in general). Is there halachic reason (source and 'svara') to sit for this bracha? If ...
4 votes
2 answers

Tzitzit: new bracha after sport?

If one took off his tzitzis while going for a run, playing football or doing exercise, will he need to make a new bracha when putting it on again?
5 votes
2 answers

Blessing in vain, Torah interdiction?

The Rambam in Mishneh Torah (Brachot, 1:15) write : כָּל הַמְבָרֵךְ בְּרָכָה שֶׁאֵינָהּ צְרִיכָה הֲרֵי זֶה נוֹשֵׂא שֵׁם שָׁמַיִם לַשָּׁוְא וַהֲרֵי הוּא כְּנִשְׁבָּע לַשָּׁוְא וְאָסוּר לַעֲנוֹת ...
4 votes
2 answers

Bracha on tzitzis

Why do we make a bracha on tzitzis that do not have techaylas? Since without techaylas we may not be properly fulfilling the mitzvah according to the Torah, then the rule should be "sofek ...
17 votes
1 answer

Rainbow in water spray

You can often see a rainbow in a spray of water such as from sprinkler irrigation. Is the brocha for a rainbow applicable in that case? Also, does a rainbow that comes from a prism get a brocha too?
0 votes
2 answers

Must a kazayit be eaten immediately?

In order to recite an after-beracha —- take bread, for example —- must the full kazayit be eaten right after making the opening-beracha, or could one taste the bread and wait a period of time before ...
5 votes
1 answer

Include "al hagefen" if just had a sip of grape juice when anyways saying me'ein shalosh

Sorry I don't have all the sources in front of me. The basic rule of blessings is that wine/grape juice, fruits from the seven species, and the five grain products get a special after blessing known ...
1 vote
0 answers

Should one who has become Bar Mitzvah during Sefirah count with a bracha? [duplicate]

My younger brother is turning 13 during Sefirah. I am going to ask my Rabbi, but I am curious about the various opinions of our Gedolim.
2 votes
1 answer

Bracha on one tefillin

Someone who only has one of the two tefillin can still don it even without the other. What Bracha does one make when donning one of the two teffilin? Does it matter which?
3 votes
3 answers

Brachos and Amen "parties"

What is the source for brachos and amen parties wherein a group of people sit together and take turns making various brachot and answering amen? Do these events violate any halachot?
1 vote
0 answers

Halacha of moons disappearance during kiddish levanah?

I thought I’ve read somewhere the moon needs to be visible (although you don’t look up at it) the entirety of kiddish levanah, so when it’s completed and you look up, the moon is still visible. Does ...
9 votes
1 answer

Is there a bracha for blooming non-fruit trees?

I understand that one says Birkat Ha'Ilanot on seeing the blossoms on a fruit tree. Does a tree that blooms but doesn't produce fruit get a bracha? And if so, which one? I'm asking about trees from a ...
9 votes
3 answers

No Blessing on marital relations?

Yebamoth 61b discusses the positive commandment of being fruitful and multiplying. As far as I am aware, one makes no blessing before intercourse. Why not? Please cite sources!
6 votes
2 answers

bracha on unflavoured seltzer if one's not thirsty

It's well known that a bracha isn't made on plain, unflavoured water if one isn't [that] thirsty, the question is: what about plain seltzer (e.g. refreshe from Vons)? Is the addition of the bubbley ...
8 votes
4 answers

Saying Baruch Shepatrani for a girl

Do you say Boruch Shepatrani for a girl at her Bas Mitzva? If not, why not?
6 votes
2 answers

What to do if I start saying the wrong berakha?

Sometimes, if I'm not paying too much attention to what I'm doing, I accidentally say asher yatzar when I'm commencing a berakha over food. Obviously, I should pay more attention to what I'm doing but,...
5 votes
1 answer

Why not fulfill the birchat hashachar with the leader?

In many Shuls, the Shaliach Tzibbur starts the morning service by saying the list of brachot of Birchot hashachar. After that the individuals repeat these brachot to themselves. Why do the ...
5 votes
2 answers

Does one make bracha when tasting food?

Does one make bracha when tasting food? If one were to taste food and immediately spit it out, presumably he wouldn't have to make a bracha. But what if he/she wants to see if it goes down smoothly or ...
1 vote
0 answers

Bracha Acharona after Hesech HaDaas

When eating a bread meal one makes the decision to end the meal, clears the table but then decides to continue eating. Question: Does this constitute Hesech HaDaas? And if so, when saying a bracha ...
4 votes
1 answer

Making the blessing on wine for two people on shabbat morning, but only one needs kiddush

In general, I cannot say borei pri hagafen on behalf of another, if I'm not also drinking wine and making the blessing for myself as well. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 213:2) One exception to this ...
2 votes
1 answer

ברכת אשר יצר repeatedly

Is there a grace period as to how many times a person may relieve himself in an allotted amount of time and the recitation of Asher Yatzar? As in, one using the bathroom say three times in 10 minutes; ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why is asking for a bracha allowed?

It seems that it has become a universal Jewish custom to ask for blessings from tzadikim/talmidei chachamim. So I'm assuming this practice is allowed. There seems to be levels in how people treat ...
0 votes
1 answer

Do the brachas of Al Haeitz and Al Hagafen generally have the same halachos as Al Hamichya [closed]

For example, should one sit for them like they do for AL Hamichya. and etc ...
13 votes
2 answers

Should one make a bracha on food if only a child is eating?

I think it is common to make a bracha (blessing) when giving a small child food so that they learn the common brachot and learn to say "amen". Is this appropriate to do if you are not eating the food ...
4 votes
2 answers

Berachah LeVatalah (blessing in vain) retroactively

Can a Berachah be made LeVatalah retroactively? What if you eat something that is spoiled, not realizing it until a bite or two in? You would not make a Berachah on spoiled food. But if you did, ...
11 votes
2 answers

Bracha levatalah vs waiting between meat and milk

If I make a ברכה on a Hershey bar, and before I eat the food, I realize I am Fleishig, what do I do? (assuming I have no other food around?)
1 vote
1 answer

Can a machsheva be a bracha levatala in specific circumstances?

According to Chacham Ovadia's chiddush, if you already hold liquid in your mouth, and remembered you forgot to say Shehakol, you may "think" the bracha with the liquid in your mouth, and this bracha ...
1 vote
0 answers

If one said shehecheyanu on a fruit, and later reminded himself that he had eaten it previously that seasons, Is his brachah a Brachah L'vatala?

If one said the bracha of shehecheyanu on a fruit, thinking that he had not eaten it that season yet, and afterward reminded himself that he had eaten it previously that seasons, is his brachah a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Brachos on the amount of pizza one doesn't wash for?

Assuming one is eating let pizza than required to wash, what are the bracha rishona and the bracha achrona?

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