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Questions tagged [sexuality]

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How are the ages of three for girls and nine for boys determined in practice? [duplicate]

IIRC, 3yo is the age for a girl to make the man lying with her liable for punishment (or fines), and 9yo is the age for boys. I also recall that sexual maturity is determined practically by physical ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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If sexual intimacy can create life, then It is melakha forbidden on Shabbat [duplicate]

Sexual intimacy can lead to creating a life. We are not supposed to create anything on shabbat. Sexual intimacy considered to be a melakha. We have to make shabbat holy to God.
Victor Allen's user avatar
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Is there a blessing upon betrothal through intimacy?

Based on the understanding that marriage is a mitzvah for a man, are there any sources which indicate a blessing should be said either before or after a husband engages in intercourse to betroth his (...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Vasectomy reversal

A Jew had a vasectomy before he was aware of the severity of the sin. Is he obligated to undergo a reversal?
sinfulyid's user avatar
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If a woman converts to Judaism, is she niddah the first time she has sex

The Halacha is that when a Jewish woman who is a virgin has sex for the first time, she becomes niddah whether or not there’s blood stains. If a woman converts to Judaism, and she had sex prior to ...
Kirk's user avatar
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May Jews benefit from non Jewish prostitution

To my understanding of Halacha, Jews are prohibited against prostitution/harlotry, but gentiles are not, as the noahide laws don’t have the same prohibition against pre marital sex. However, may Jews ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is cyber sex forbidden? How is it forbidden, what are the punishments, and rectifications? [duplicate]

As I've been advised, cyber sex (with a jew or goy) is forbidden, but I'm unsure as to what specifically causes it to be forbidden, what the punishments are for performing it, and what rectifications ...
hopingitsokay's user avatar
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Are relations with spouse on demand generally required

According to Halacha, is one generally obligated to have intimate relations with your spouse if they ask for it? A man is obligated to have it generally, but my question is, even if a man fulfills ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is lesbianism prohibited for gentiles [duplicate]

According to Halacha, Jews are prohibited from gay female (lesbian) relationships. My question is, does this prohibition apply to Bnei Noach, or merely the prohibition against male homosexual ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is it permissible for a Noahide to become transgender?

In Judaism, there seem to be several prohibitions regarding transgenderism: The removal of genital organs is forbidden on the basis of the prohibition against "anything which is mauled, crushed, ...
setszu's user avatar
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Can lustful desires be expressed appropriately? [closed]

Can lustful desires be expressed in a kosher way? I would like some clarity on this issue.
Miguel's user avatar
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Does the prohibition of bestiality apply to fish

Does the Halacha’s prohibition of bestiality apply to fish? The reason I ask is because Halacha distinguishes between fish and non fish animals for other aspects of Halacha, such as the need for ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Does a kohen have to marry a convert or divorcee he rapes

According to Halacha, if a kohen rapes a convert or divorcee must he marry her? Or is he Petur from this law since he is otherwise prohibited from marrying a divorcee or a convert?
Kirk's user avatar
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Relationships and Intimacy [closed]

A girl (21) recently confessed her love for me, and she’s a nice girl, but she’s not a virgin. I approach all possible romantic relationships very seriously with the intent of marriage, and I don’t ...
Ben Avraham's user avatar
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What should a Jew do if he got a non-Jew pregnant?

This is NOT a situation that I or anyone I know is facing. It is hypothetical. Imagine that a Jewish man impregnates a gentile woman. The woman refuses to convert. Which (if any) of the following ...
user4497063's user avatar
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Would the dispensation of Yefat Toar apply to homosexual men?

My understanding is that one of the reasons for the permissibility of a man to sleep with a woman who is part of an enemy nation during war is because the Torah is "speaking against the man's ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Conversion therapy and Halacha

I wanted to know what the Halacha is of conversion therapy being necessary. In the Torah, the biblical prohibition is “Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is an abhorrence.” Leviticus ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Did early biblical figures like Isaac abstain from intimate relations until marriage?

In biblical accounts, several figures, such as Isaac, are noted to have married at a relatively older age compared to today's standards. Isaac, for instance, married at the age of 40. Given the ...
naarter's user avatar
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Can gentile couples be forgiven for adultery?

Are noahide couple partners allowed to "forgive" adultery (as a consumated act described by rambam for noahides)?
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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Can two people who are asexual get married?

The situation is a couple where both the man and woman are not interested in consummating the marriage, but they want to get married because they are in love and they want the companionship. How would ...
Sheldon's user avatar
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sex with jewish girlfriend... what are the ways to atone? [closed]

If a Jewish man and his Jewish girlfriend have sex regularly, what is the best way to atone for this? I know that it's kares, but is there any way to atone ?
Nossiee's user avatar
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Men's response to women's teshuka - source and explanations

I am looking for what I thought was a gemara I learned a long time ago somewhere in moed but can't find now (I am still fairly sure it is there but it might very well not be). It effectively stated ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Sex with a gentile on her period [closed]

In terms of transgression and/or liability: is there a difference between a Jewish male having sex with a gentile woman who is in the midst of menstruating, and a gentile woman that is not in the ...
Nossiee's user avatar
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'Plonis' in Poskim on Nedarim 20

This page on Nedarim 20 is discussing the stringency of a husband avoiding thinking of other women during sex. When it comes to the Poskim ...
ANH's user avatar
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Eitz Chaim; Shaar Rachel v’Leah / Yahel Ohr / Derech Mitzvotecha

Can anyone point me to an English translation of Eitz Chaim - Specifically Shaar Rachel v’Leah, chapter 2 - please? I've come across a reference to it in relation to Adam and Eve's relationship and ...
ANH's user avatar
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Who says angels have (only) male genitals?

At some point whilst reading up on the imagery of angels, I came across an essay detailing how at least one Rabbi in history claimed (as far as I remember) that angels basically came either with male ...
ANH's user avatar
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marriage halacha between noahide couple [duplicate]

My girlfriend and I are noahide and we live together. We want to get married in December, but currently we refer to ourselves as boyfriend/girlfriend, not as married or engaged. By Jewish law, would ...
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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what is considered sex in halacha?

Does sex is considered to be, on general laws only the penetration (anal or vaginal)? as for example adultery, it is only considered in anal or vaginal, for my research on talmud
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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Prohibited acts with animals

Is sexually stimulating an animal a sin, like having sex with it, as the Torah says, or is it not considered a sin? There are some professionals that must do this to extract their semen, for example, ...
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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'Hole in sheet' myth VS Nedarim 20a,b and Gur accounts

First, sorry to rehash this old canard. Second, I'm aware this topic has been addressed here: Origin of myth about the hole in the sheet? However, that addresses R' Yose ben Chalafta's behaviour, and ...
ANH's user avatar
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Intimacy, עוֹנָה and Narcotics

One is not allowed to be drunk during intimacy with one's spouse. See, for example Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 150:13, Mishneh Torah Issurei Biya 21:12. I saw a comment a long time ago in a halacha sefer ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Can a woman time intercourse to avoid conception?

Can a woman whose husband already has children refuse sex with him on days she may be fertile with the goal of not conceiving?
ninamag's user avatar
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Did any rabbis say that Adam and Eve did not have sexual intercourse in the garden? [closed]

Rashi as well as other rabbis said that Adam and Eve had intercourse in the garden. However, did any rabbis say that they did not have intercourse before they sinned?
Terjij Kassal's user avatar
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Is there a name for the timeframe when a wife is permissible to her husband?

Is there a name for the time when a woman can have sex with her husband? The Torah tells married couples not to have sex during the period of niddah, when she menstruates until right before the moment ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Is it true that yichud is less of an issue with Nachrim since its not relevant to do an issur with them?

I remember learning that yichud could be potentially more serious when a nachri is involved since they are known to be prutzim. However, recently I saw something (wish i could remember where) about a ...
anon's user avatar
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Is it effective and is it kosher to perform the practice that leads to seed being spilled, but not actually spilling any? [closed]

That was a difficult title to figure out how to write! Well, here is the question. Spilling seed is a sin, but what about doing the same activity but stopping before spilling seed? The deeper reason I ...
ShipBuilding's user avatar
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5 answers

How did people know that Tamar had engaged in prostitution?

ויהי כמשלש חדשים ויגד ליהודה לאמר זנתה תמר כלתך וגם הנה הרה לזנונים About three months later, Judah was told, “Your daughter-in-law Tamar has played the harlot; in fact, she is with child by harlotry.”...
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Sexual Relations with a married woman that's asur to her husband

Is it ok for a man to have relations with a married woman who's already been unfaithful to her husband? Is there still an isur kareth? Or since she's already prohibited from being with her husband and ...
Frumguy's user avatar
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Can Gentiles Work and Consume Pornography?

Would pornographic work be prohibited for Gentiles since casual relationships are not prohibited for them? And would anyone who consumes this being also a Gentile be prohibited since the wasting of ...
Thales's user avatar
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Can Gentiles Perform a Vasectomy?

Can Gentiles perform a vasectomy once there is an understanding that they are not obligated to have children? If it is prohibited, what principle is it linked to? If vasectomy is prohibited, would ...
Thales's user avatar
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Premarital relationships for noahides [duplicate]

Shalom, I am a 16 year old noahide and therefore quite young. I want to ask if it is permissible for a noahide to premarital relationships (of course only with the opposite gender and therefore sexual ...
Kindnoachs 's user avatar
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How did King Solomon and King David keep up his duties to his wives

How did King Solomon and King David keep their marital duties to so many wives? Was there a system of rights the woman of the kings Harem enjoyed?
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Demisexual and the Halachic Ramifications therein

According to the Cleveland Clinic: Demisexuality is a sexual orientation. People who identify as demisexual only feel sexual attraction to someone after they’ve formed a strong emotional bond with ...
Bochur613's user avatar
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The halachic prohibition of sexual promiscuity and adultery in the case of an infertile woman

I am an Italian Noahide. Here in Italy I participate online in a Biblical forum that sees the presence of some Israeli Jews. Well, in the context of a discussion about the prohibition of sexual ...
Amos74's user avatar
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Rape perpetrated by an adult male towards a girl under three years of age: halachic framework

In his Mishneh Torah -Issurei Biah 1:13, Rambam states that if a male copulates with a girl under the age of three,also the male,even if he was an adult, is exempt from liability, for the act is not ...
Amos74's user avatar
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Who discovered Sexual intercourse [closed]

Who discovered sexual intercourse . How did Adam HaRishon know how to procreate with Chava. Did G-d tell him and then it was passed down?
Shlomo's user avatar
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Rambam's Mishneh Torah - Is a female pure after relations with a minor/gentile/animal?

In Rambam's Mishneh Torah, She'ar Avot haTum'ah, 5:19, it is written: "גְּדוֹלָה שֶׁשָּׁכַב אוֹתָהּ קָטָן פָּחוֹת מִבֶּן תֵּשַׁע [אוֹ עַכּוּ''ם אוֹ בְּהֵמָה] הֲרֵי זוֹ טְהוֹרָה שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר [(...
Doron's user avatar
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Is there anything wrong with getting married to have intimacy?

Is it halachically wrong to marry a woman to have a physical outlet and with mutual understanding that this is the purpose until a more suitable candidate arrives? This practice is found in Islamic ...
Yaaqov Yosef's user avatar
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Can intercourse mean marriage even without any actual marriage?

If two people have intercourse, can it sometimes be considered that they are now married on some level, or in any sense? I don't remember the sources, but there is a concept that a man gives a part of ...
ShipBuilding's user avatar
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Sex in the world to come

I was reading Minhat Yehuda. In the book, the Tzadik Rabbi Yehuda Fatiya asks the destroying angels what they are like. The angels mentioned things like how they ate manna, had kids, died, etc. So my ...
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