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Questions pertaining to bread.

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Why must challah be tamai when it is burned?

A Star-K discussion of challah states: If one bakes without using any water, but rather bakes using only fruit juice or vegetable oil, a bracha is not recited and one cannot burn the Challah. Due to ...
Aaron100's user avatar
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Minimum amount before obligation of Challah

How much bread does one have to be baking for it to be obligated in Challah? Does it depend Ashkenazi vs. Sephardic? Sources much appreciated please.
Kirk's user avatar
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What do you do if you make a Mezonos on cake, but then decide to eat a lot more?

For certain types of bread-like foods, one only washes and makes HaMotzi when eating a sufficiently fixed quantity. Suppose you make a Mezonos a small amount of cake, and after finishing it you ...
Jonah Kermaier's user avatar
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Did Avrohom own חמץ on פסח?

In Gensis 18 -6, when Avrohom hosted the angels, he told his wife to מַֽהֲרִ֞י שְׁל֤שׁ סְאִים֙ קֶ֣מַח סֹ֔לֶת ל֖וּשִׁי וַֽעֲשִׂ֥י עֻגֽוֹת: "Hasten three seah of meal [and] fine flour; knead and ...
terryg's user avatar
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Machshirin and being satisfied with wetting

Mishnah Machshirin 3:3 explains that a loaf of bread which is placed over the top of a wine cask and absorbs wine fumes is considered hechsher. But why is this the case, because there is no reason to ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Possuk when washing for bread?

There is a hassidish minhag to say a possuk--between washing the hands and before the brachach--when washing hands for bread. For the life of me I cannot remember which possuk it is, but I remember it ...
Koidesh 's user avatar
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Is Pas Shacharis a Chiyuv or can I skip breakfast?

Is the mitzvah of paas shachris a chiyuv or is it halachically permissable for someone to not eat breakfast every morning? If it is a chiyuv what is the best way and also what is the simplest way to ...
user25895's user avatar
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Bracha for "Zero Net Carb" Bread

A company called "Thin Slim Foods" makes a product called "Zero Net Carb Bread" under the Kosher Miami hechsher. It has the form and texture of bread and is made from ingredients ...
jonaz's user avatar
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Do we withdraw our hands from bread?

The Shulchan Aruch 177:2 rules that one who removes the bread from the table must make a new beracha on whatever he eats for the rest of the meal: ודברים הבאים לאחר סעודה קודם ברכת המזון שהיה מנהג ...
Mordechai's user avatar
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Must a kazayit be eaten immediately?

In order to recite an after-beracha —- take bread, for example —- must the full kazayit be eaten right after making the opening-beracha, or could one taste the bread and wait a period of time before ...
Yaakov's user avatar
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Bread From a Restaurant

It is well known that Jews of all strands are more stringent about Bishul Akum than Pat Akum or Pat Palter. If someone holds that Pat Akum is acceptable, does that mean bread can be bought from a ...
Aaron's user avatar
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May one use bread for havdallah?

One may use bread for Kiddush if wine or grape juice are not available but may one use bread for havdallah when wine or grape juice are not available?
Dude's user avatar
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In modern Judaism, do they still make Menorah Stamps for the purpose of Marking Kosher Bread?

I just found this article, and I thought it was cool: The link says that during the Byzantine Era in Horbat Uza, Jewish bakers of ...
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Why do the “Shtei HaLechem” not play a prominent part in the davenning for Shavuos?

The “Shtei HaLechem” are brought on Shavuos accompanied by 1 bull, 2 ram, 9 sheep and a goat. In the prayers for Shavuos (excluding piyyutim) the only mention of any of that is in the verse ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Throwing out cake or pastry larger than a k'zayis

One is not allowed to throw out pieces of bread larger than a k'zayis. Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (here in footnote 2) says this also applies to pastry and cake, but doesn't provide a source for this. ...
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Hamotzi & Gluten Free

As you may know for the bread to be hamotzi it has to be made of one of the 5 minim (wheat, barley, oat, rye, and spelt). The problem for celiacs like me is that we can't eat 4 of them, the oats being ...
Kobi's user avatar
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Is there anything wrong with not eating bread to avoid reciting Birkat Hamazon?

Is there anything wrong with not eating bread during the weekdays to avoid reciting Birkat Hamazon?
Nosson's user avatar
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What is the blessing on cricket bread?

This recent article speaks of commercially available bread made from ground crickets. To clarify, crickets are ground into flour and used in some combination with wheat flour. Now, to the best of my ...
Galastel supports GoFundMonica's user avatar
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Psalm 41:10 Who is King David's friend who lifted his heel against him?

Do we know who is the friend King David is speaking of who lifted his heel against him? If it was Johnathan, how do we determine this? Psalms 41:9 (Hebrew v. 10) Even my close friend in whom I ...
user13890's user avatar
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Bread machine for mixing Challah/Recipe for bread machine mixed Challah

The last time I tried to make challah I failed, because it wouldn't rise in the bread machine and just stayed kind of watery. Before I ask this, is Challah allowed to be mixed in a bread machine? If ...
Untitled's user avatar
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Putting breadcrumbs in the toilet

Mishnah Berurah writes in 180:10 that while throwing crumbs onto the ground where they will be stepped on is kasha l'aninus, God forbid, this does not apply when the crumbs are thrown into water. ...
simmonskorfen's user avatar
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Eating leavened bread on Passover [closed]

The Rambam says, "Anyone who eats an olive's volume of leavened bread on Passover beginning on the night of the 15th until the end of the 21st of Nissan intentionally is obligated to [a punishment of] ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Are chemically leavened crackers kosher for Passover? [duplicate]

I’ve been invited to a home Seder this month, and would like to bring something. Someone suggested I bring some unleavened crackers. I was raised Jewish, but never kept kosher, or even observed the ...
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Mezonot rolls for Se'udah Shlishit

I've been reading several articles that dsicuss the vague definition and debate on the exact definition of the term pat haba bekisnin, and how this affects, specifically what are called "mezonot ...
DanF's user avatar
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What is the bracha for a deli roll?

A deli roll is a puff pastry dough rubbed with mustard and filled with assorted deli meats (usually pastrami and turkey.) Is this considered pas haba bekisnin? (one definition of this term is: ...
DanF's user avatar
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Waiting for the host to recite Hamotzi to have me in mind

When washing for bread and waiting for the host to recite Hamotzi to have me in mind, after how long would my washing and hearing the brocha become a hefsek?
Michael hahn's user avatar
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Koshering the celim that milchig bread was baked in

In Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Siman 97 it says that it's ossur to bake "milchig bread" -- lest you come to eat it with meat (although if it's made in a small amount or with a change in it's look from ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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If one is allergic to bread, what should he do for Challah and Matzah? [duplicate]

Let's say that someone is allergic to bread. All five grains. Not fatally, but enough that it causes a serious allergic reaction (say, to a degree that he would be allowed to take medicine on Shabbos)....
DonielF's user avatar
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What is the halachic definition of "tzurat hapat" in terms of requiring birkat hamotzi?

A comment below this M.Y. answer says that one of the requirements to make a blessing of "Hamotzi" is that the item must have "tzurat hapat" (the form / shape of bread.) I am unclear as to what the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is there such a thing as פת מדינה?

In Bereishit, Hashem said to Adam בזעת אפך תאכל לחם This would seem to imply that bread is universal to all people. We also know that bread has a particular definition: it has to be made from one ...
Heshy's user avatar
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What is technically required for shalosh seudas?

To meet the minimum halachic requirements for the mitzvah of shalosh seudas on Shabbos or Yom Tov, must you have: (1) Bread? (I see discussion of lechem mishneh here. Must a k'zayis be eaten by each ...
SAH's user avatar
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Do you have to eat bread meal(s) on every day of Chol HaMoed?

Many say there is an obligation to eat meals with bread as part of simchas Yom Tov. Is there a similar obligation to eat bread during Chol HaMoed? If so, how often? For example, during Chol HaMoed ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why "Hamotzi Lechem" instead of "Hamotzi Chitah"?

A bread question in time for Pesach! The words to the blessing over bread are: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלֹקינוּ מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, הַמּוֹצִיא לֶחֶם מִן הָאָרֶץ which ends with "...who brings forth ...
Jake's user avatar
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Pas (Pat) vs Lechem

In Tanach/Mishna/Gemara sometimes the word Pas is used, and sometimes Lechem. Do Chazal say anything about when and why one is used vs the other? Edit I was asked for an example: In Mishna Brachos ...
Ask613's user avatar
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What to do when uncertain regarding a Bracha on dessert during a bread meal?

If you are having a bread-meal and you have dessert in front of you, but you are uncertain if the homotzie covered it - what do you do? Don't eat it? Eat it without a Bracha? Say shehakol (in the ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Define pas for pas yisroel

There is the whole discussion of pas with regard to whether it needs to be baked by a Jew... Yoreh deah siman 112. How do we define bread? I know it must contain one of the 5 grains(sif aleph). Does ...
mroll's user avatar
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Brachos on the amount of pizza one doesn't wash for?

Assuming one is eating let pizza than required to wash, what are the bracha rishona and the bracha achrona?
Dude's user avatar
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Honey on Hallah for Newlyweds?

A friend stumped me with this question: What is the earliest reference to the custom of having newlyweds dip their hallah in honey? My guess is that it's an extension from the custom of honey on Rosh ...
Noam Sienna's user avatar
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What's the difference between יאכלו נקודים and יתחלקו לעסות (in תרומות פ״ה)?

A few משניות in chapter 5 of מסכת תרומות discuss טמא wheat kernels that got mixed with טהור ones that never became מוכשרים לקבל טומאה. They say that, to avoid making the טהור ones טמא, we do one of ...
msh210's user avatar
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What blessing to make on a cronut?

The local kosher DD is now stocking their imitation of the famous cronut. According to the teudah on the wall, pas Yisrael isn't an issue with donuts since they are fried, croissants require washing ...
Isaac Kotlicky's user avatar
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taking off a band-aid for washing of hands for bread?

when one needs to wash his hands for bread, and he currently has a band-aid on his hand, to keep a cut covered to avoid infection, does he need to remove the band-aid for the washing process?
trying's user avatar
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Do you need to make an additional blessing on yogurt eaten at the end of a bread meal?

If you washed and had bread, is yogurt eaten in the end of the meal covered by the homotzi? Is there a distinction if is flavored (and usually with sugar) or plain (no sugar)? Is there a distinction ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Does the proximity rule for hand washing water extend to b'racha precedence?

Assuming that one must wash one's hands before eating bread unless the water is very far away, and assuming one is near water, and assuming that the highest precedence b'racha is the b'racha for bread ...
WAF's user avatar
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Why is Birkat Hamazon said after eating just a small piece of bread?

Berachos 21a: Whence is it that Grace after meals is ordained by the Torah? As it is said, "And thou shalt eat and be satisfied and bless the Lord thy God" (Deut. viii. 10). The verse ...
DanF's user avatar
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Should you say al netilat yadaim if you're not sure how much bread you will be eating? According to Sephardim, if one ate less than a kezayit of bread there's no obligation to wash, if one ate one kezayit one should wash without a Bracha of Al ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Can non-bread combine with bread towards making one satisfied for bentching?

According to the halachic sources one may bentch once a kezayis of bread has been eaten within 3,4 or 9 minutes. Source: Time Limit (min) – How much time does one have to consume the kazayis ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Eating bread/pastries from a non-Jewish baker

There are various commentaries that allow eating pat paltar, see here and here for a more extensive discussion. Going with the opinion that pat paltar is allowed what questions would one have to ask ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Throwing out bagged bread vs. feeding to ducks?

There is a prohibition of throwing out bread in larger quantities than a k'zayit (olive-size) if it is still fit for human consumption (see Orach Chayim 180:3; Regarding if it is no longer fit for ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Fill up kezayis of bread requirement with mezonos?

If you eat a kezayis of bread you bentch. If you eat a seduah of pas haba bikisnin you also bentch. If you ate slightly shy of a kezayis of bread and have only mezonos available, can you fill up the ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Throwing Out Bread

What is the nature of the prohibition to destroy bread? Why is it commonly presented differently from other destruction (bal tashchit)?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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