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Blessing on drinks made from the 7 species

According to Halacha, do drinks, such as for example pomegranate juice, made from the 7 species have the same Berakha of when you eat the 7 species or no? The reason I ask is because for example you ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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How does timing work for shechiyanu on fruits?

For purposes of reciting shechiyanu, how do we determine if I am having a fruit for the first time "this season"? Do I need to have gone a whole year (or some other period of time) without ...
Avraham's user avatar
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What bracha to make if ate mezonos and grapes but only bentched for mezonos?

Do we say Al Hamichiya again for the grapes or because sofek bracha lehakel, we omit the one for the grapes?
Kenny Xiong's user avatar
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When to say shehecheyanu on a new fruit?

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 225:3 records that the custom is to recite the shehecheyanu blessing on a new fruit when one eats it. At what point precisely does one say shehecheyanu? Before reciting ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Eating bread with jam, then eats only jam, would he recite a shehakol?

If one is spreading jam on bread and eating it, and then eats only jam, without bread, would he make a shehakol on the jam, or would this be covered by the hamotzi?
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Sucking a citrus fruit: Kaf Hachayim

The Kaf Hachayim, OC 202:63: ומיהו המוצץ משקה מן הפרי חשוב אוכל ומברך ברכתו הראויה לו ושיעורו בכזית לברך ברכה אחרונה. פר״ח בספרו מים חיים סימן ז׳ חס״ל אות י״ד. והיינו דוקא במוצצם ע״י לעיסה שנותנם ...
msh210's user avatar
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Shiur Brocha Achrona 2 different foods

If I eat less than a k’zayis of cake; and less than a k’zayis of grapes; do I make a brocha Achrona? And if I do; is it Borei Nefushois, or Ahl Hamichya V’ahl hu’aitz?
Lages's user avatar
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What brachot on date honey?

What bracha rishona and bracha acharona should be said on date honey?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Bracha on Coconut Wraps

What bracha would these be? The first ingredient is coconut meat. These are all of the ingredients: Organic Coconut Meat, Organic Coconut Water, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.
user15604's user avatar
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Blessing on Star Anise

Star anise is technically the fruit of the evergreen tree Illicium verum. However, this fruit is not used as an edible fruit, only as a spice. What blessing do the authorities determine is the right ...
Adám's user avatar
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Is the bracha for blueberries ha'etz or ha'adamah?

I am basing my question on what I infer from this answer. Excerpt: Tosefos there (Brachot 40a) actually suggests that all berries should be borei pri ha'etz based on that standard, however he ...
DanF's user avatar
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Bracha on avocado / sashimi "boat"

A take-out place near where I work makes an "avocado boat". A whole avocado is peeled, pitted and cut in half. One half is placed on the bottom of a tray and filled with brown rice and assorted ...
DanF's user avatar
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Beracha acharona on a mixture of two of the seven species of Israel [duplicate]

If one eats a mixture of two of the 7 species of Israel where one is the ikar and the other a tofel (for example, Wheaties with grapes used as toppings). Using the principal of ikar and tofel, only a ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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What Berachah do you make on a kiwi berry?

What Berachah does one make on a kiwi berry? It grows on a perennial vine, which can climb very high (ha'etz) or snake along the ground (ha'adamah).
Seth J's user avatar
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What Bracha do we say on bread baked with evaporated mei peiros?

If one bakes bread made out of flour and pure fruit juice, it becomes pas haba bekisnin and the bracha is (at times) mezonos. What if one distilled fruit juice (to produce water) and baked bread out ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Bracha for fruit that is part of the meal

Does fruit eaten as part of a bread meal (rather than as dessert) require its own bracha?
Daniel's user avatar
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Papaya - Ha'Etz or Ha'Adama?

I have heard that there is a dispute as to which Bracha you should make on papaya, Ha'Etz or Ha'Adama? Why? (sources)
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Birchas Ilanos on Fig Trees

Can one say Birchas Ilanos on a fig tree?
Yahu's user avatar
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Blessing on Mixed Fruit Salad

Does the rule of eker and tafall apply to a fruit salad with fruits and vegtables when their was grapes and other fruits and vegtables inside? Do you have to make a haetz because grapes are one of the ...
cookie monster's user avatar