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19 votes
3 answers

What Bracha should you say on a Hurricane?

What Bracha should you say on a hurricane? Oseh Ma'aseh Vereishis? You say Birchas Gomel if you travel over the sea; do you also say it if the sea travels over you?
follick's user avatar
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3 answers

Polyphasic Sleep and Halacha

I recently read an article on polyphasic sleep and I'm quite interested in experimenting with it. The article advises the Uberman approach which advocates 20-30 minute naps every four hours, meaning ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

What Blessing Does One Make on a Solar Eclipse?

What Blessing Does One Make on a Solar Eclipse? I will be in Nevada next week and would like to make a blessing over the May 21 Solar Eclipse. Thanks!
Pesach David's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Who is worthy of reciting the blessing "שנתן מחכמתו לבשר ודם" on?

On whom does one recite the blessing "שנתן מחכמתו לבשר ודם" (the blessing recited on non-Jewish scientists)? Does he have to be a Ph.D? Does he have to have inventions to his name? Did he have to ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Rainbow in water spray

You can often see a rainbow in a spray of water such as from sprinkler irrigation. Is the brocha for a rainbow applicable in that case? Also, does a rainbow that comes from a prism get a brocha too?
Michael Sandler's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

I heard not to say "Good Shabbos" after mincha. Is it true, and what defines mincha?

I heard from somewhere that, on Shabbos, one does not say "Good Shabbos" after mincha. I am not sure whether it's in a halacha sefer somewhere (I tried looking) or just a minhag. First of all, is ...
MosheY's user avatar
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Why don't we say a blessing before giving charity?

Before doing many mitzvos (commandments), we are required derabanan to say a blessing. Why is this not the same for giving tzedakah (charity)?
Shalom Meisels's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

What Bracha do you make on Sushi?

What Bracha do you make on Sushi? Is the rice the main part and therefore a mezonos, or is it just a toful (less-important ingredient) in which case I guess a shehakol?
BFree's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Bringing wallet with benscher into bathroom

If someone has one of the small "pocket benschers" that slide into his wallet, is it a problem for him to walk into the bathroom with his wallet in his pocket?
Daniel's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How long can you say Asher Yotzar if you forgot?

If you forgot to say Asher Yotzar and remember a while later, is there a time limit as to when you are allowed to say it?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

What is the bracha on "cookies and cream" flavor ice cream?

I saw here that Rav Belsky holds the following: One of the flavors of Klein's parve ice cream is "Cookies and Cream" which contains cookie crumbs or bits which are sprinkled through areas of ...
Curiouser's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Does a sotah make a bracha?

Before drinking the sotah water does the woman make a blessing? If so would it be shahakol or something else?
user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Relationship between wearing a kippa and reciting a blessing

Before I started wearing a Kippa all the time, the people around me and I had the reflex to cover our head when saying the name of G-d or when reciting anything holy. Since the mitzvah is to wear it ...
Nathan H's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Where did the "different bracha for mishloach manos" idea come from?

Rambam and Shulchan Aruch say you can send two types of meat as mishloach manos on Purim. Yet somehow I (and many other people, apparently) were taught that the two different items have to be in two ...
Shalom's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Does one make a Bracha when seeing the Pope?

Is he considered either a king or a great non-Jewish scholar?
Aaron Ross's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Hefsek in being yotzei besamim in havdallah

This past motzei Shabbos, in the Shul where I davened, there were a number of young men who were lining up to be included in the communal havdallah done at the end of Maariv. The person making ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Does one make a blessing if preparing to die al kiddush Hashem?

If one is reasonably sure that he is about to die al kiddush Hashem does he make a blessing before fulfilling this mitzvah? What would the nusach (text) of this blessing be? Note: I realize that even ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Bracha on frozen grape juice

For a cold dessert, I often like to freeze a cup of grape juice and then eat it with a spoon like an Italian ice. What is the appropriate bracha to say before and after eating this delicacy?
Sam's user avatar
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Shelo asani goy- converts

When we say shelo asani goy in brachos, we're thanking Hashem for not making us a goy. But what about geirim...are they supposed to say this bracha? Also, what about someone who did a geirus lechumra?...
racheli appelbaum's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Berachos over food mixtures

My breakfast regularly presents me with a beracha conundrum. It usually consists of a bowl of bran flakes (mezonos), often sprinkled with raisins (etz) and/or sunflower seeds (adama), and ...
Shaul Behr's user avatar
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4 answers

Upon whom would one make this blessing?

Upon whom today would you make the bracha - Baruch Attah Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam She’chalak Mei’chochmaso Li’rei’av, that He bestowed of His wisdom to those who fear Him (Gemara Brachos 58a)? I'...
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Bracha after an earthquake

Per the Artscroll Siddur after an earthquake we make a Bracha "Oseh Maaseh Breishis". Up to how long after the earthquake can you make this Bracha? (sources please)
Gershon Gold's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Should I say "amen" to a malformed bracha?

If I hear somebody substantially mispronounce a bracha, should I say amen anyway (recognizing the intent) or remain silent? I'm not talking about nuances like pronouncing 'ayin or distinguishing ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Making a Bracha on disliked foods

If you, for some reason, must eat food you despise and will gain no enjoyment from it do you still need to make a bracha?
morah hochman's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Should one make a bracha on food if only a child is eating?

I think it is common to make a bracha (blessing) when giving a small child food so that they learn the common brachot and learn to say "amen". Is this appropriate to do if you are not eating the food ...
Mike's user avatar
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Sheva Brachos when getting divorced

If for whatever reason it was decided that a couple would get married then right away get divorced after the week of Sheva Brachos (believe it or not this happens!) Can they indeed still make Sheva ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

Why do we say Shelo Asani Goy?

In Birchas HaShachar we thank God for not making us gentiles by saying "shelo asni goi". Why do we use the negative formation instead of thanking God for making us Jews by saying "she-asani Yehudi" ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Mezonos ? Bread

Is there such a thing as Mezonos bread?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Peanut butter Bracha

What Brochah or Blessing is said when eating plain Peanut butter? Does the chunky variety (with pieces) versus regular make a difference? I am referring to a case where it is eaten on a spoon, with ...
yippee's user avatar
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3 answers

Making a bracha on food which is normally assur, but allowed due to pikuach nefesh

In general, one eating forbidden food does not make a bracha. In certain cases, foods which are usually assur are allowed to be eaten out of a concern of pikuach nefesh -- danger to life. For example,...
Scimonster's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

No Bracha on Kibud Av Va'eim?

Why do we not make a Bracha (e.g. every morning) on the mitzvah of honoring one's parents?
yydl's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Why no addition to me'ein shalosh for Purim (and Chanukka)?

We add a paragraph to birkat hamzon for Purim (and for Chanukka). Why is there no phrase added to the me'ein shalosh (the bracha acharona) for Purim (and Chanukka)?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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11 votes
9 answers

When do you say a beracha on a minhag?

When lighting Hanukkah candles in the synagogue, we say a beracha "asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav.." on a minhag. Unlike kiddush in shul, and early counting of the omer in shul, nobody would say that one ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Are there any brachos for "touching" something?

4 of the 5 senses explicitly have berachos: Taste- Shehakol food, blessings on fruits & vegetables etc (see: OC 202-207) Smell- Pleasant fragrances (OC 216) Hearing- Thunder (MB 227:5) Seeing-...
alicht's user avatar
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11 votes
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Saying 100 Berachoth in a day

What is the source for the idea that one should say 100 Berachoth in a day, and how serious of an obligation is this? Is it mandatory, is it laudatory, or is it merely a nice idea?
Seth J's user avatar
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Bracha levatalah vs waiting between meat and milk

If I make a ברכה on a Hershey bar, and before I eat the food, I realize I am Fleishig, what do I do? (assuming I have no other food around?)
Rebwass's user avatar
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Beracha upon seeing a friend on a webcam

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 225:1) rules: שולחן ערוך אורח חיים הלכות ברכת הפירות סימן רכה הרואה את חבירו לאחר שלשים יום, אומר: שהחיינו, ואחר י"ב חדש מברך: מחיה מתים, והוא שחביב עליו הרבה ושמח ...
Baal Shemot Tovot's user avatar
11 votes
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Beracha on Intravenous

There Gemara Berachot 35 says "anyone who enjoys from this world without a Beracha is stealing." Does one make a Beracha on intravenous feeding?
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
11 votes
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Is there an exhaustive list of astronomical/environmental events for which there are blessings?

Inspired by: What Bracha should you say on a Hurricane? What Blessing Does One Make on a Solar Eclipse? Bracha for the transit of Venus? What b'racha do you say on seeing the Aurora Borealis (if ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Bracha for the transit of Venus?

Venus is transiting today for the last time until 2117 (or 5878, if you prefer). Is there a specific bracha that should be made upon witnessing this spectacular event?
SAH's user avatar
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Pool and Tzitzis

Do I need to make another Bracha on putting on tzitzis after I get out of the pool?
Y.Stahl's user avatar
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If you take a COVID "smell test" every day, do you say a blessing on the scent?

Background Some experts recommend that everyone test their own sense of smell once daily. This can help to screen for the novel coronavirus disease. This is because COVID often (but not always) ...
Dani's user avatar
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Shehecheyanu on sefiras haomer

Why don't we make a shehecheyanu blessing on counting the Omer? It is a mitzvah which we get to do after a very long break (more than 300 days)? Some arguments I have heard: In a similar situation ...
gt6989b's user avatar
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Bracha on thunder and lightning - how often?

If you are in a rainstorm with thunder and lightning - you make the Brachos for them. What happens if the storm ends and then a few hours later (same day) it is raining again. Do you make another ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
10 votes
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Minimal Body Covering to say Blessings

Can a man say a brachah with just boxer shorts on, or does he need to be fully dressed, for example with a "double covering" like pants, and/or wearing a shirt, when I wake up and want to wash netilat ...
ALK's user avatar
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How seriously do we take the finger-inspection in Havdala?

After saying the blessing over fire during Havdala, we do something (customs vary) involving looking at our fingers by the light of the Havdala candle. I'm wondering how seriously we take this part of ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Meat right after Milk... make a new bracha?

Suppose someone is planning on having some dairy food just before a meat meal. May the person make a bracha to cover the entire dairy/meat meal, or must he finish his dairy, make a bracha achrona, and ...
Daniel's user avatar
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What Bracha acharona on .5 kezayit of grapes eaten together with .5 kezayit of mezonot crackers?

What Bracha acharona on .5 kezayit of grapes eaten together with .5 kezayit of mezonot crackers? Do you say al hamichya ve'al haetz or is it boreh nefashot since neither is a kezayit? Please provide ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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5 answers

Is olive oil unhealthy?

The Gemara in Brachot 35b says that the proper bracha on pure olive oil is "Borei Peri HaEtz". However, it says that this refers to when you mixed the oil with some אניגרון which Prof Marcus Jastrow ...
Double AA's user avatar
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How come Sepharadim say "Boreh peri haGEFen" but "Shelo Asani AVed"

I think Hacham Ovadia has a footnote in Hazon Ovadia on Pesach (and probably elsewhere) in which he discusses why we don't use the pausal form of gafen instead of gefen. He writes (if i remember ...
Baal Shemot Tovot's user avatar

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