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Questions tagged [shemos-sacred-names]

name of God printed in a way that may not be erased

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Mah Tovu And Shem of 42 Letters

Does anyone know a source connecting the common nusach of Mah Tovu, which has 42 words to the Shem of 42 letters? I have searched online, Sefaria, and Otzar HaChochma without success yet.
YSK's user avatar
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What is the correct Avodat Hashem if you are locked in a jail cell extensively?

It is assur to say or think about Hashems name in a place that has a Bathroom. Here I am talking about a small jail cell that has a bathroom. It seems unfair to this kind of person because they cannot ...
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How can the kabbalistic significance of the 42 masaos (desert stops) be known to other Kabbalists in light of it having been unknown to Ramban?

Malbim writes (Bamidbar 33:5) that the Kabbalists say that the 42 stops of Bamidbar 33 correspond to the 42 letter name of HaShem (והמקובלים כתבו שמ״ב מסעות אלה היו מכוונים נגד שם של מ״ב.), see there ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Zohar and the 42 first letters of Torah

Sometimes it is said that 42 is the gematria of אהיה, but it is only 21. What is meant by that statement? I only know about the ana bekhoach prayer.
Diederik Ouwehand's user avatar
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Uttering the name of God to kill people

According to the Midrash Tanchuma (see also see also Shemot Rabbah 1:29, Yalkut Shimoni 167 and Yalkut Reuveni: Parashat Shemot), Moshe killed the Egyptian (Exodus 2:11-12) by uttering a particularly ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Accidentally said אֱלֹהַי וֵאלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתַי instead of אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ וֵֽאלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵֽינוּ (or vice versa) - What to do?

If one mixes up the standard prayer lines brough in the title, should one correct it, or should one continue? If it depends on context, is there a principle to help guide one as to which contexts one ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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The Name "Havaya Tzeva'ot'" in the evening Shema

In the evening prayer for Shema, where we praise Hashem for bringing the night, etc, we then say 'Havaya Tzeva'ot' is your Name. Why is this His Name in this context?
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Free PDF of Moshe Zacutto Shorshei Shemot In English Online?

BH Does anyone know a free PDF of the Book Shorshei HaShemot by Moshe Zaccuto in English?
David 's user avatar
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Is it allowed to say Good Shabbos in the Mikva [duplicate]

One is not allowed to say Hashem's name in a bathroom. Shulchan Aruch OC 84 states one may not say Shalom in a mikva because it is one of Hashem's names. According to the Zohar, "Shabbat" is ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Does Shaimos’s sanctity applied to sculpted names

There is a prohibition in Halacha of erasing one of the Hebrew names of Hashem, known as Shaimos. My question is whether this only applies to normally written or printed names or also names sculpted ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Do we pronounce the name of G-d in Aleinu?

I noticed in Aleinu that at the end, we say "בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִהְיֶה יְהוָה אֶחָד". I was wondering if someone could tell me about the origins of this line. Specifically, when we say יִהְיֶה ...
Yitzchak H's user avatar
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What does "אל" mean?

I am talking about the Lashon Hakodesh appelation, אל, which is often translated as "God". What, precisely does it mean? How do we relate to a God, vs say, a King, or an Eternity, or a Lord ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Can someone have the name Haleluka

Can someone’s Hebrew name be halleluka or would that be problematic? Someone mentioned to me that it would be, but I couldn’t find any source for it.
Eak2449's user avatar
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Sha'arei Orah - Self-Contradictory?

Sha'arei Orah (Gates of Light) is a book by Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla. It is a book of kabbalah and features an in-depth discussions on the attributes of each sefirah. However, many of its statements (at ...
Benyamin's user avatar
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Would using a word replacer extension to replace any instance of the Tetragrammaton with the words Adonai or Elohim be allowed?

I would like to know if this could also apply to other words which can replace the utterance or writing of the Tetragrammaton.
oriihann's user avatar
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Saying shalom as a greeting

Being that the word shalom in the greeting "shalom aleikhem" is G.ods name — can one omit the word aleikhem and just say shalom as a greeting ?
Shababnik's user avatar
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Are these Sheimos Hashem?

Someone just showed me an "ayin hara necklace" that has the words "אלד" and "סאל" on the charm and asked me to explain what it means. What are those words? (Some websites ...
NJM's user avatar
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Does using different Divine names in prayer have practical consequences and effects?

It is well known that there are different names for G-d, blessed be He, even shown in the Torah itself, where different references to Him emphasize different relations and attributes. Having said that,...
setszu's user avatar
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Name of G-d changing

Is there a Source for the statement that when Mashiach comes the Name of G-d will no longer be יהוה but יהיה ?
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Slicing up a cake with a verse written on it

Is it allowed to write a verse on a cake or slice such cake up? In your answer please bring sources!
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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What is "the twice-uttered (double-spoken) Name of Names"?

In S. Ansky's 1916 play The Dybbuk — or at least in this English translation (from the Yiddish) by Fernando Peñalosa — there are two mentions in Act I of a "twice-uttered name of God": ...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
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Source for story about a Rabbi being happy to bury Sheimot

I heard a story many years ago about a community that was burying Sheimot. Most of the people were sad/crying, but the rabbi was happy and singing. When they asked him why he was happy, he gave them a ...
Moshe Katz's user avatar
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Cursing in G-d’s name

The Gemara (Bava Kamma 93a) says that the reason why Sarah passed away before Avraham was because she told him: “may G-d judge between us”. The Gemara learns from there that it is forbidden to call ...
שלום's user avatar
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Use of the name Yahu

I recently was shared an article about the new "oldest usage" of the tetragrammaton.
Aaron's user avatar
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Erasing shiluv of A-donai H-avai

Some sidurrim (prayer books) have the name of G-d "A-donai" and "Havai" mixed together like this: י א ה ד ו נ ה י Is one allowed to erase such a sequence? or is it forbidden like A-...
user813801's user avatar
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Is one permitted to change one of Hashem’s names to another in writing?

If someone had in mind to write the name א-ל, would he be allowed to turn it afterwards into א-להים?
שלום's user avatar
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How to lovingly refer to Hashem?

Due to the fact that we cannot say His ineffable name, I would like to know what are considered ways of referring to Hashem that are loving, close and personal, rather than respectful (not to say that ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Who, why and when to say the prayer of Rabbi Nechuniyoh ben Hakoneh?

The prayer אָנָּא בְּכֹחַ is ascribed to Rabbi Nechuniyoh ben Hakoneh and appears in the section of the daily sacrifices, before Lecho Dodi in Kabbolas Shabbos and at other points. According to the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why are the Niqqud different for the name of God sometimes? [duplicate]

Through my research of the Tanakh, I have observed that the tetragrammaton appears with varying niqqud in different locations. Additionally, I have noted that the niqqud used may differ but produce a ...
Eliyahu Al-Hazzan's user avatar
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Derivation of 42-Letter Name of G-d

I understand that from the first 42 letters of Breishis, it is possible to derive the 42-letter name of G-d that is indicated within the Ana Bekoach prayer. Where could find out more about the ...
Baruch Farbstein's user avatar
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Spelling "Lord" like "L-rd"?

Is writing "L-rd" with a hyphen, either when reading יהוה or in general, also a Jewish custom? I first saw it it on some messianic website and thought it's rather missing the point and whole ...
max's user avatar
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What does loving/trusting in Hashem’s name mean? [closed]

I read in the siddur it says to love Hashem’s name or to trust in Hashem’s name. Why His name and not Hashem himself?
Mijmij's user avatar
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If you accidentally write the capitalized word "god", ought you delete the `o` and write a `-` in its place? [duplicate]

This question didnt provide a sufficient answer. If I accidentally write Hashem's name, can I fix it? If its true, that he reason you don't write his name is so that nobody can destroy it. and I ...
Anon's user avatar
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Could the word shem (שם) means anything other as ‘name’?

Shemot 6:3 reads: “And I appeared to Avraham, to Yitzchak, and to Ya'akov, by the name of God Almighty (El Shaddai), but by My name, the Lord (the Tetragrammaton/Shem Hameforash) I was not known to ...
Y.Talmid's user avatar
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How to use the Tikkun HaKlali?

Not too long ago I bumped onto a video on YouTube by user Shaarei Binah entitled “Tikkun HaKlali General Rectification of the Soul with Kavvanot”. I was looking at the video itself, in the description ...
Aleph's user avatar
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Can One Say Y-A-H Before Doing Netilat Yadayim?

Is one allowed to proclaim the abbreviated form of the name of The Creator “יה” before doing netilat yadayim? Such as saying Hallelu-יה?
Mikayah Yisrael's user avatar
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Changes to the name of Hashem in written texts

I have seen an article which cites a text called Massorah and this text supposedly catalogs 134 instances (referenced here) in which the written text "originally" used the 4 letter name of ...
rosends's user avatar
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According to the Halakhah, does stating that HaShem does not exist constitute a curse or a profanation of God's name?

I am an Italian ben Noach. According to Rambam (Mishneh Torah-Avodat Kokhavim 2: 7;Hilchot Melachim 9:3): a Jew commits the crime of blasphemy if he curses HaShem using God's unique name or one of ...
Amos74's user avatar
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What is the earliest use of Ein Sof as a marker of Hashem?

I was looking at the modern Hebrew word אינסוף (infinite, overwhelming) and wondered about how it was used in earlier times. The gemara has many instances of the words אין סוף but they all seem to be ...
rosends's user avatar
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In what circumstances does the Tetragrammaton occur in non-Biblical literature?

I've tried to ask a very general question in the title, but I'll begin with the specific circumstance that gave rise to my question. I was looking at the Maxwell House Haggadah and noticed this prayer ...
adam.baker's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to utter a verbatim quotation that uses the name of G-d?

If two words have the same meaning, then they refer to the same thing. Linguists (and especially philosophers of language) distinguish between using a word and mentioning a word. If I say 'Fido come ...
Hal's user avatar
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Where is the source of Yeshu (ימח שמו) hearing the Shem Hashem from the Kohen Gadol?

There is a Sefer "תם ומועד" which reportedly says that Yeshu (ימח שמו) was able to perform miracles because he was in the Beis Hamikdash when the Kohen Gadol said the Shem HaMeforash, wrote ...
NJM's user avatar
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What does the introduction of ה' אלהים change in the creation narrative?

The second chapter of Genesis makes consistent use of ה"א, instead of אלהים in the first chapter (see here). The researchers famously attribute the discrepancy to different sources. How is this ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why doesn't Kaddish include Hashem's name?

Why doesn't Kaddish, a prayer for the sanctification of God's name, not include Hashem's name?
zaq's user avatar
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Pronunciation of YHVH in the Pesel Micha story

The Minchas Shai on Shoftim 17:3 quotes the Gemara (Shevuos 35a) and Maseches Sofrim (4:6) regarding if the names יהוה and אלהים in the story of Micha's idol are holy or not. The Tanna Kama says that ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Did אָכִיש actually use Hashem?

וַיִּקְרָ֨א אָכִ֜ישׁ אֶל־דָּוִ֗ד וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֵ֠לָיו חַי־יְהוָ֞ה כִּי־יָשָׁ֣ר אַתָּ֗ה (שמואל א 29:6) This has the פְּלִשְׁתִּי swearing by Hashem.
Perry Webb's user avatar
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The earliest source that states the disappearance of the names of God in the Book of Ester

IIRC, Abraham Ibn Ezrah mentions in his interpretation of the Book of Ester that: "והנה אין במגילה הזאת זכר ה', והיא מספרי הקודש?" (How come that God's name is not mentioned in the Book and ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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List of all un-erasable names in Tanakh

There are certain words in Tanakh that refer to God (shemot or azkarot) that have special rules: they cannot be erased and they require special sanctification before a sofer writes them. These include ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Why is the final Heh in Ha'Shem's name different in K'thav Chabad/Alter-Rebbe?

Now I'm no Sofer by any means, although I do have a strong interest in the different Hebrew calligraphic traditions. All of which I find extremely beautiful in their own way. While studying the style ...
עמנואל-העבד's user avatar
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Does anyone permit writing Shir HaShirim on klaf from a non-kosher species?

A Torah, tefillin, mezuzah, and Esther scroll must be written on klaf that comes from a kosher species. See Shulchan Aruch OH 32:12 (and OH 691:1 and YD 271:1): יהיה הקלף מעור בהמה חיה ועוף ידהטהורים ...
magicker72's user avatar
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