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Can Pool Water Taken Directly from the Ocean Count for Mikveh בדיעבד? [closed]

I once stayed at hotel directly on the beach and the pool water was taken from the ocean. I was wondering if in hindsight I could count my swims there as מקווה בדיעבד. If the answer is "it ...
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May a husband and wife swim together while the wife is niddah

According to Halacha, is it permitted for a husband and wife to swim together while the wife is niddah, or no? Would it be considered harchakot and rabbinically forbidden or no?
Kirk's user avatar
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Swimming in an enclosed area on Shabbat [duplicate]

From what I understand, the shulchan aruch brings down one is not allowed to swim in an open area like around a beach, but what is the opinion of modern poskim on enclosed areas. The local JCC around ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Men and women swimming together [duplicate]

Is there any issue with men and women swimming togther in the same swimming pool if all people are covered properly with coverups and married womens hair is covered etc? If its not allowed what are ...
pine5900's user avatar
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Government-forced mixed swimming

Mixed swimming is prohibited even for older children. How should we react if the government would try to force such upon us? Would we e.g. have to let ourselves be killed rather than obey? Note: ...
Adám's user avatar
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Woman wearing modest swim clothing [duplicate]

Does a woman going swimming with other women need wear modest swimming clothing or can she wear what she desires?
Real Torah's user avatar
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Davening after swimming

Gross but serious question...... I read that there has been found traces of fecal matter in swimming pools from people not cleaning properly after going to the bathroom, would this cause issue for ...
anonymous's user avatar
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How "separated" must men & women be to avoid the problem of mixed swimming?

Most rabbis that I have spoken to or read their opinion in local newspaper articles have prohibited mixed swimming. My understanding of this prohibition seems to mean that men and women should not be ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can you use a pool for a mens mikvah

Is a pool allowed to be used as a mikvah for keri, for erev shabbos, and Shabbos day? If so does the filter have to be off? Since it is not only made of rain water i am having a doubt. Please answer ...
Dovid Benizri's user avatar
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Why swim fully clothed?

As Mishna B'rura 2:1 notes, one can bathe in a river or go to a bathhouse dressed in whatever clothes are normal for doing so, even if that means no clothes at all, so long as one is clothed until he ...
msh210's user avatar
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Mixed swimming and a 10-year-old boy

What is the Halacha regarding a ten-year-old boy and mixed swimming? May he? This is in a small private pool.
Stan's user avatar
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May a male swim without a head covering?

Having never seen a man cover his hair with a kippah while swimming I always assumed it was permitted to do so. However I am curious if there is any halachic discussion recorded which explicitly ...
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Is the prohibition of swimming during the nine-days because of danger or bathing for pleasure?

Is the prohibition of swimming during the nine days because of an increased danger during the nine days or is it because of the fact that you cant bathe for pleasure during the nine days? Or is it a ...
MosheY's user avatar
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May one allow children to play in water on minor fasts?

May one allow children to play in water on minor fasts? Are the rules the same (depending whom you follow) as for an adult?
Seth J's user avatar
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May one swim on Shiva Asar B'Tamuz?

May one swim on Shiva Asar B"Tamuz? If not, why not? (sources)
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Mixed swimming in a pool?

What are the issues with mixed swimming, from a tzniut point of view? Does it make a difference if the swimmers are or aren't Jewish? For example, are there issues with me swimming with my wife and a ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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Male tzniut: Swimwear

Seeing as summer is coming, I thought I'd clear up a few questions about male tzniut with regards to swimwear. Namely, my real question is: what is required? I live in southern California, so outside ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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Is swimming unclothed ok?

Historically "bathing suits" are a relatively new phenomenon... all swimming / bathing in rivers / lakes / seas was unclothed. Culturally things have changed but does that affect halacha? There seem ...
Desert Star's user avatar
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Hotels in Yam Hamelach with Kosher Swimming

Can I get a list of Hotels in the Yam Hamelach (dead sea) area that feature separate swimming hours for men and women? Are there any? Also looking for specific information on the Le Meridian (here). ...
yydl's user avatar
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Swimming Alone in a Pool

Is it written anywhere in Halacha that one is not allowed to swim alone? I recall once seeing it in the Rambam but can't seem to find it. Thank you
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Pool and Tzitzis

Do I need to make another Bracha on putting on tzitzis after I get out of the pool?
Y.Stahl's user avatar
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Swimming on Shabbos

Is it permitted to go swimming on Shabbos?
cookie monster's user avatar