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Questions tagged [grapes-wine]

halachos and customs applicable to grapes & wine

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Is mevushal wine which had non-mevushal wine added to it kosher if handled by gentiles

According to Halacha, if non-pasteurized/non-mevushal wine is added to mevushal wine, is it non-kosher if handled by gentiles? Or no, is it relied on Rov that it is kosher if it is majority ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Old wine for Kiddush!

People go in search for the best a.k.a. oldest wine for Shabbat but is there any halachic basis for it? Other than Oneg Shabbat? In other words, is there any halachic source for using wine that is ...
Rakhem Haokip's user avatar
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Is Kos shel Eliyahu pogum?

Is the Kos shel Eliyahu after he drinks from it considered Pogum, and there fore one would not be allowed to use it until it is rectified?
Moishe's user avatar
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Issues with being a teetotal Baal Teshuva?

I am Baal Teshuva, raised secular and started practicing about 10 years ago. Since then I’ve become significantly more observant, trying to live the best Jewish life I can. I am, however, teetotal- ...
TevyeMikhael's user avatar
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Aerating wine on shabbos

Is it permissible to use an aerator (non battery operated) on shabbos? What about a decanter?
Ben S's user avatar
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May wine be substituted with grape juice for Yom tov

According to the Talmud in Masechet Pesachim, there is a mitzvah to drink wine on Yom Tov for Simchah Yom Tov. My question is, can grape juice substitute for wine on Yom Tov?
Man of faith's user avatar
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If Using *Chamar Medinah* for Dalet Kosos, is an Alcoholic One Preferred?

As discussed previously, the Maharil ("father of Ashkenazic customs") says it's okay to use mead at the Seder if someone has no wine (or presumably is deathly allergic to it), and the Ramah ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Question regarding the laws of Brachos

If one drank half a Revi’is of wine, and then drank a Revi’is of water, and then recited “Borei Nefashos”, with the intention of drinking another half a Revi’is of wine afterwards, should he recite “...
User123's user avatar
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Wine made from fruits other than grapes

Wine can be made out of any fruit. What is the bracha of wine made from fruit other than grapes? May this wine be used for kiddush?
Johood's user avatar
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Nazir benefiting from grapes/wine

If somebody vows to be a Nazir, are they still allowed to benefit from wine and grapes? Like would they be able to sell wine and grapes to non Nazir people? Or is it like milk and meat or chametz on ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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What are the sources and reason for the custom of Blessing Cup (Kos shel Bracha)- drinking a cup of wine after Shabbat morning lunch? [duplicate]

There is a custom that after the end of Birkat Hamazon at Shabbat morning lunch, someone takes cup of wine, bless before Bore Pri Hagefen, and afterwards Me'in Shalosh. What is the origin of this ...
Avi's user avatar
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Wine on Erev Yom Kippur

Are there any sources saying that one should drink wine on Erev Yom Kippur, it being considered a Yom Tov? (I’ve heard in chabad that Chassidim used to show up to Kol Nidrei drunk, as “a drunk cannot ...
Yø-c Ro's user avatar
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Why does the mohel fill his mouth with a small amount of wine during the Metzitzah B’peh of a bris?

While not all Jews practice this aspect of circumcision, some include a ritual known as Metzitzah B’peh (the oral suction of blood from the boy's wound) I'm aware that the Gemara indicates this was ...
Michael's user avatar
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After-blessing for water that was covered by wine that was covered by bread

If one drank wine, and then drank water or juice, and forgot to bentch for what he drank, or if he did not need to bentch for the wine because it was from Kiddush, and then he had a meal right ...
שלום's user avatar
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Is there a problem with crushed grapes?

I'm making my own grape juice with grapes bought from the local supermarket. Every so often I encounter a grape that is partially crushed. Do these crushed grapes present a problem of yayin nesech?
James Read's user avatar
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Whats the reasoning behind יין פגום?

There is an halacha called יין פגום (mentioned in Pesachim 106a and Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Siman 182) where if I drank a cup of wine for Kiddush or Birkat Hamazon and didn't finish all of it, I ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
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Kiddush on Grape Juice Jello

May one use grape juice or wine that was turned into Jello for Kiddush? Does concentration matter, for example, if the cup was already full of wine, and a bit of jello was added? I saw a related ...
Moshe's user avatar
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On the relative densities of liquids

The Mishna, Shabas chapter 19, describes beating wine with oil (to make a healing ointment for a circumcision) as something that can be done a day in advance and therefore may not be done on Shabas. ...
msh210's user avatar
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What steps in the winemaking process must be performed by Jews for the wine to be kosher?

It is my understanding that Kosher Wine has to be made by Jews. Fair enough, but what steps/stages must specifically be performed by Jews? Is the vineyard required to be owned by one of the faith? ...
tekiegreg's user avatar
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How much are we allowed to dilute wine?

We must drink wine for kiddush, even four cups for Pessah. The Sages said "En simchah ella bebassar ve-yayin -- There is no rejoicing except with meat and wine". But there are plenty of ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Blessing on wine in "sheva brachos" without minyan at chuppah

In the absence of a minyan at the wedding (chuppah), some poskim offer to read from all 7 "Sheva Brachos" only the last one - "Asher Bara". However, isn't it necessary in this case ...
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Machshirin and being satisfied with wetting

Mishnah Machshirin 3:3 explains that a loaf of bread which is placed over the top of a wine cask and absorbs wine fumes is considered hechsher. But why is this the case, because there is no reason to ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Diagram showing the place where the wine offerings of the whole year collected and its relationship to the altar in the Temple

Gemoro Sukkah 49a refers to the “shittin”. In the Temple, there was a a narrow shaft that was formed on the west side of the gap between the ramp and the altar. Rashi on 'בין כבש למזבח' says: אויר יש ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Where are the regions Kerutim & Hatoulim, mentioned in the Mishna as having the best wine grapes, located on a map?

I have not been able to find these locations that are mentioned in the Mishna. I came across this quote: The Mishna also (Menahot, 8, 6) points to the regions where the best wine-making grapes were ...
Jess's user avatar
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Why does the Jerusalem Talmud speak of only white wine grapes being offered at the temple?

According to Asaph Goor, the Jerusalem Talmud, Bikkurim, chapter 1, Halacha 3, contains a discussion on the question of the propriety of vine offerings to the Temple. It strictly enjoins that only ...
Jess's user avatar
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Why is red wine prescribed for Seder, and what does it represent?

I have not seen specific references describing what the red wine represent in the Seder, and why the red wine is preferred. I know Moses did not write about it, but the tradition of the cup developed ...
Michael16's user avatar
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Ice in kiddush wine/grape juice to cool it. What halachic issues would be involved and what are the views?

On a hot shabbos, I would like to put some ice into my kiddush wine/grape juice to cool it. What halachic issues would be involved and what are the views? 1] Does the solid ice contribute to the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Grape juice vs. Diluted Wine

Here it mentions that it is better to mix wine and grape juice than to have plain grape juice. How about mixing water with wine; is the diluted wine still more preferable for kiddush and havdalah? (...
user6781's user avatar
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R’ Hurewitz’s response to prof. Louis Ginzburg about grape juice [closed]

Does anybody know where I can find R’ Hurewitz’s response to prof. Louis Ginzburg about grape juice? Thanks!
Jmill388's user avatar
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Today's reason of wine prohibition

I can understand that in the old days non-Jewish people used to make wine for worshipping or that wine was the main alcoholic beverage and drinking a wine made by non-jews would require some ...
juanora's user avatar
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When it comes to the handling of (non-Mevushal) Kosher wine, what defines "handling" by a non-observant Jew in the prohibition? [closed]

We are warned that when handling a non-Mevushal Kosher wine that it must only be handled by shabbat observant Jews. My question relates to the halachic definition of "handling" and what that ...
Michael's user avatar
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Best raisins to make raisin wine for kiddush?

Raisin wine. SO O Ch 272 (6) quotes the Tur to say יין צמוקים מקדשים עליו (והוא שיש בהן לחלוחית קצת בלא שרייה) (טור): Kiddush may be recited over raisin wine (provided some moisture can be squeezed ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why Cyprus Wine?

One of the ingredients in the Ketores is Cypress Wine - יין קפריסין. Although the Gemara (Kerisus 6a) notes that pungency is the reason for using the wine, why does the Almighty specifically want ...
NJM's user avatar
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Pouring wine into a pagum/used cup in order to reuse the wine inside

I heard that after drinking from the kiddish cup, in order to reuse the wine left over which is pagum, we pour some wine into the cup from the bottle it before pouring the wine in the cup back into ...
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Is there a distinction between משתה and משתה יין?

Throughout the Megillah, the term משתה is consistently used to refer to feasts (ex. 1:3,5,9; 2:18). Rashi on Esther 5:4 writes: אֶל הַמִּשְׁתֶּה. כָּל סְעוּדָה נִקְרֵאת עַל שֵׁם הַיַּיִן שֶׁהוּא ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Does the Yerushalmi mention drinking wine on Friday after bathing

Related to this question. The Otzar Yad Chaim in the picture below quotes the Bartenura who mentions a minhag to drink until tipsy before going to shul Friday night. The seffer then says the ...
user6591's user avatar
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Did Bartenura really mention this minhag?

There is a quote making the social media rounds which claims the Bartenura mentions a minhag he witnessed on his way to Jerusalem where people would drink wine before going to shul on Friday night. ...
user6591's user avatar
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When to make kiddush at a Seder with no wine?

What is one supposed to do on Seder night if he has no wine (nor chamar medinah if that’s relevant) at all? On a regular Friday night one would make kiddush on bread under these circumstances (...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why can't non-grape fruit juice be a substitute for wine? [duplicate]

We are enjoined to drink wine in many rituals (Kiddush, Pessah, etc.). The Shulchan Aruch says grape juice may be substituted. But, presumably no other fruit juice may be used (unless grapes cannot be ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Does the halacha require that even someone who does not like meat and wine must consume them on Yom Tov?

An often-quoted line, usually preceded by the words "The Sages said", is: "En simchah ella be-bassar ve-yayin -- There is no rejoicing except with meat and wine." I can't find it worded this way in ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Why not say סברי before the blessing on wine at a wedding ceremony?

The Rema in O Ch 174(8) says ויאמר סברי רבותי ר"ל סוברים אתם לצאת בברכה זו ולא יאמר ברשות רבותי (מו) וכן כל מקום שמברכין על היין משום ברכת היין שבתוך הסעודה אין אומרים ברשות אלא סברי מטעם ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Blessing Over Kiddush Covering Future Drinks

This past Shabbat, my Rabbi's father-in-law was over and they disagreed over whether or not to say a blessing. After Shacharit, my Rabbi said kiddush over wine, ate mezonot, and then (as always) ...
D A's user avatar
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Three faceted blessing after public kiddush on Friday night

Fortunately I had the honour on multiple occasions to do public kiddush on Friday nights in different synagogues. A few of them were keen on asking me to recite the three faceted blessing after it, ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Is white wine permitted between 6 and 7 o'clock?

This answer references the possibility that there is a distinction between red and white wine for those that are careful not to make kiddush between 6 and 7 o'clock. Are there any sources that mention ...
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Abstaining from meat and wine until shabbas Nachamu

I remember seeing somewhere that there was a minhag not to eat meat or drink wine until shabbas nachamu. Where can I find this minhag mentioned?
sam's user avatar
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Why does my bottle of Kosher grape juice say that it's 'for sacramental purposes only'?

I recently noticed that the bottle of Kedem Kosher grape juice that I purchased has a notice on the label which reads 'FOR SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES ONLY'. I assume this means that it's being sold to be ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Nozir who completes his vow: why different permissions in written Torah and Mishna.

A nozir is forbidden grape products, haircutting and to become tomei from a dead body. After successful conclusion of his nezirus, he goes through a process ending with the waving of his korban as ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Would one be allowed to suck or squeeze the juice directly out of grapes into his mouth during the 9 days?

The commonly accepted custom is not to drink grape juice during the nine days, like wine. Would one be allowed to suck or squeeze the juice directly out of the grapes into his mouth? Would it make a ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Non-kosher wine and Rabbi Natan Shapiro's Sefer Yayin Ha-Meshumar

In this shiur on Stam Yayin and Yayin Nesech (standard wine of gentiles and idol-worshipper's wine, respectively), the Ben Ish Chai is cited as referring to Rav Natan Shapiro's work "Yayin Ha-Meshumar"...
יהושע ק's user avatar
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Kiddush on grape juice that's pasteurized or has added sulfites

I'm working on a piece for a Sefer my Kollel is putting out on the topic of making Kiddush on grape juice that's pasteurized or has sulfites added (primarily based on שו"ת מנחת שלמה חלק א סימן ד, ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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