When eating a bread meal one makes the decision to end the meal, clears the table but then decides to continue eating. Question: Does this constitute Hesech HaDaas?
And if so, when saying a bracha rishona on this assumedly new meal, does it require a separate bracha acharona, or would it be covered by the Birkas HaMazon of the previous meal?
sefaria.org/Kitzur_Shulchan_Aruch.42.23?with=all&lang=bi– Salmononius2Commented Feb 17, 2020 at 2:49
Thank you. It shall be a lesson for the future.– YohananCommented Feb 17, 2020 at 3:03
Berachot 42a; Shulchan Aruch O.C. 179.– AlexCommented Feb 17, 2020 at 3:04
Thank you Alex for these sources. The bracha rishona was shehakol on crackers which were not part of the bread meal. So it seems that everything settled appropriately.– YohananCommented Feb 17, 2020 at 3:24
2Welcome to MiYodeya Yohanan and thanks for this first question. Can I recommend you take the tour to get a sense of how the site works? Great to have you learn with us!– mblochCommented Feb 17, 2020 at 4:56
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