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Questions tagged [tannaim]

the Rabbinic sages (10-220 CE) whose views are recorded in the Mishnah

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Who were some of the "sages" referred to in the Mishnah?

When the Mishnah uses the term חכמים אומרים, as in the first Mishnah in Tractate Brachot, approximately how many comprised this group? Who were in this group of people? (doesn't need to be a complete ...
DanF's user avatar
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Linking two sources on Ben Zoma and richness

I recently came across a report of Ben Zoma being rich, and it made me wonder whether there's any relationship between that and his famous definition of "richness" in Avot. A baraita quoted ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Why do we still not mention Rebbi Meir's name?

According to the gemarah in Horiyot 13b-14a statements made by Rebbi Meir were dubbed 'acherim' and those of Rebbi Natan were changed to 'yeish omrim'. This was done as a punishment for an attempt ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Why did the R' Akiva marry the wife of Tyrannus Rufus?

The gemara in Avodah zara 20a brings a Baraisa that says, ואף רבי עקיבא ראה אשת טורנוסרופוס הרשע רק שחק ובכה רק שהיתה באה מטיפה סרוחה שחק דעתידה דמגיירא ונסיב לה בכה דהאי שופרא בלי עפרא We know that ...
Bach's user avatar
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Why is R' Tzadok greater than Yosef?

This is part of a series of questions regarding the Braisa in Avos d'Rebbi Nassan 16:2 that lists how Yosef HaTzaddik, R' Tzadok, R' Akiva, and R' Eliezer HaGadol were able to overcome their ...
DonielF's user avatar
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How come Bais Hillel is usually lenient and Bais Shammai usually stringent?

It seems like the Bais Hillel had a tendency to be lenient in Halachic matters vs the Bais Shammai, it was a sort of a presumption to them in which they were almost always successful to back up with ...
Bach's user avatar
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Were there any Tanaim in Bavel?

In the time of the Gemara (since at least the time of Rav), there were famous Rabbis in Bavel (and, at least in the early years, there were also famous Rabbis in Israel). But before that time, you ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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When exactly did Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus die?

In Moed Qatan 27a, a difference of opinion is brought between Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua as regards the point at which mourners need to overturn their beds. The case is brought of Rabban Gamliel ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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What Brachah did the Tannaim Make on Pretzels?

The Mishnah (Brachos 6:1) says that anything that comes from the ground gets a Ha'adamah, except for bread, which gets a Hamotzi. Well, what about non-bread foods from the Five Grains? The Gemara (36b)...
DonielF's user avatar
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When reading the megillah why do we pasken like Rebbi Meir?

In Megillah 19a there is an argument as to how much of the actual text of the megillah one needs to read in order to fulfill the obligation. Rebbi Meir says you need to read the whole things and the ...
eman's user avatar
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Which Raban Gamliel was in the first mishnah of masechet berakhot?

Who was this Raban Gamliel in the first mishnah of masechet berakhot? Raban Gamliel I? Raban Gamliel II? Raban Gamliel III? Are there some books who could help me to find the historic part of the ...
Ysrrael Maimon Ben Yosef's user avatar
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Numbers of Tannaim and Amoraim

How many names of Tannaim do we know? How many names of Ammoraim do we know? (I am asking about the names and not simply asking "how many were there" because I don't know if there were people that ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Which Rabbi Chanina is stam Rabbi Chanina?

In the Talmud when it says, "Rabbi Chanina says ...", which Rabbi Chanina is it referring to, Rabbi Chanina Ben Dosa, Rabbi Chanina ben Hama, etc..
jj2's user avatar
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Rabbis and Politics

Why do some of the Israeli Left (politically) argue that they believe in the teachings of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai over the teachings of Rabbi Akiva?
Vered Sharon's user avatar
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Game theory in the Tanaim

I read an article a while back (maybe over a year ago?) in the Mishpacha English Magazine (I'm pretty sure, although it may have been in the Ami) that discussed a certain machlokes Tanaim about how to ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Why the need to mention the place that certain rabbis came from in Pirkei Avot?

In Pirkei Avot, a few rabbis are mentioned along with their place of residence (or is it their birth place?) Specifically: Antignos from Socho (ch 1 mishna 3) Yose ben Yo'ezer from Tzreida & Yose ...
DanF's user avatar
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The Tannaim and Amoraim's Intelligence

1- Do we know if any of the Tannaim or Amoraim had below average intelligence? 2- Were all of the Tannaim/Amoraim highly intelligent? My question has to do with something I'm trying to figure out. ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Was Rabbi Yehoshoua ben Hanania a member of Beth Shammai?

He was a student of Yochanan Ben Zakkai. According to Bava Batra 134a, Yochanan Ben Zakkai was a Talmid of Beth Hillel but also a Talmid of Beth Shammai. This is why I wonder which House follow Rabbi ...
far22's user avatar
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Who was the son of Rabi Meir's father-in-law?

The gemara in Chulin 6b mentions Rabi Yehoshua ben Zeruz, the son of the father-in-law of Rabi Meir as having given testimony about a certain practice of Rabi Meir. The way the relationship is ...
user6591's user avatar
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Was Yehoshua Ben Karcha a member of Beth Hillel or Beth Shammai?

Was Yehoshua Ben Karcha a member of Beth Hillel or Beth Shammai? I am talking about the Yehoshua Ben Karcha of Mishna Berachot 2:2.
far22's user avatar
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How did they ask both Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Yehuda Ben Beseira?

The Gemara (Yevamos 108b) says: אמר רב יהודה אמר רב מאי דכתיב מימינו בכסף שתינו עצינו במחיר יבאו בשעת הסכנה נתבקשה הלכה זו הרי שיצאה מראשון בגט ומשני במיאון מהו שתחזור לראשון שכרו אדם אחד בארבע מאות ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Was Rabbi Yossei a member of Beth Shammai?

Was Rabbi Yossei a member of Beth Shammai? I am talking about the Rabbi Yossei of Berakhot Perek 2 Mishna 3. He is opposed in this Mishna to Rabbi Yehuda, a member of Beth Hillel.
far22's user avatar
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Losing your portion in the world to come and Elisha ben Avuha

I don't remember which mishna it is, however there is a mishna that lists certain ways a person loses their portion in the world to come. However in the case of Elisha ben Avuha, he thought he lost ...
David Feigen's user avatar
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Mekor for R' Haim on Tannaim vs Amoraim

I've heard that R' Haim Soloveitchik said that although there is no law stating that Amoraim may not argue with Tannaim, nevertheless it isn't customary for an Amora to contradict a Tanna. Does ...
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Tannaim vs Amoiraim

Can an Amora argue with a Tanna? From the Talmud it would seem that an Amora cannot argue with a Tanna and that is why it tries to fit in all Amoraic statements into the words of the Tannaim.
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Q on Men of the Great Assembly [duplicate]

When did the Men of the Great Assembly start and cease to function and why? What was their relationship to the Sanhedrin and to beit Hillel and Shammai?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Did Rebbi arrange the Mishna at the end of his life?

There's a famous line in the Gemara "וכי רבי לא שנאה ר' חייא מנין לו". It means that if Rebbi didn't teach a concept in a Mishna, Rabbi Chiya can't know it. Let's assume here it means that if it's ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Why do we reject Rabbi Chiya's opinion?

The Gemara says (in Yevamos 42b-43a as well as other places) that "וכי רבי לא שנאה ר' חייא מנין לו". In context of Yevamos, it means that if there is an argument in a Mishna and a Stam in a Braisa, we ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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How can the Gemara bring a proof supporting רבינו from רבי אבא?

In Brachot 49a, it talks about what people must say in birkat hamazon. The top of the page is part of a braita, which quotes רבי אבא as saying that to fulfill their obligation, one must mention, ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Why entrap B'rurya? [duplicate]

Rashi, Avoda Zara 18 amud 2, in my own translation: One time, [B'rurya] belittled the sages' having said that women's knowledge is light on them. [Her husband, Rabi Meir,] told her, "By your life, ...
msh210's user avatar
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Rabi Yochanan Ben Zakai, or Josephus?

Josephus in The War of the Jews (Book 3 - 8:9) records a story of how he meets Vespasian, tells him that he will become ruler, and Titus will take over his position. Vespasian, although sceptical at ...
user6591's user avatar
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Do we know the date of death of Shammai Hazaken?

Do we know the Hebrew date of his death?
mie's user avatar
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Why was שמאי holding a ruler?

The Bavli, Shabas 31 amud 1, has two stories in which a gentile came to Shamay asking to be converted to Judaism, upon which Shamay "pushed him with the construction cubit in his hand". Rashi explains ...
msh210's user avatar
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Why did R' Yochanan ben Zakkai ask for multiple things?

In Gittin 56b there is a conversation between Vespasian and R' Yochanan ben Zakkai. Vespasian offers to grant a wish of R' Yochanan's אלא בעי מינאי מידי דאתן לך R' Yochanan proceeds to ask for 3 ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Given name of Rabbi Yose

What was the given name of Rabbi Yose? Was it Yosef or Yose? If it was Yose, is that a derivative of Yosef, or a totally different name with some other meaning or significance?
Ish Ploni ViKohen's user avatar
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Was Shimon HaTzaddik the First Tanna?

The Mishna in Avot (1:2) says: שִׁמְעוֹן הַצַּדִּיק הָיָה מִשְּׁיָרֵי כְנֶסֶת הַגְּדוֹלָה. הוּא הָיָה אוֹמֵר: עַל שְׁלשָׁה דְבָרִים הָעוֹלָם עוֹמֵד, עַל הַתּוֹרָה וְעַל הָעֲבוֹדָה וְעַל גְּמִילוּת ...
AKayser's user avatar
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What is known about the Sage מונבז?

מונבז is mentioned in Shabbos 68b. I know there were two Kings of this name. What is known about the Sage of this name?
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Rabbi Shimon without any other qualifiers

When there is a "Rabbi Shimon" without giving his father's name or his town, who is it assumed to be? The specific example I'm looking at is in Yerushalmi Brachot Daf 25.-25:.
PixelArtDragon's user avatar
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Names of Tanaim and Amoraim

A friend mentioned to me that there are no Tanaim or Amoraim named Avraham, Moshe or Dovid and that there was "some torah" on this fact, but he couldn't remember what it was. Is there any source for ...
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Story of Rabbi Who Burned Out His Eyes

I once heard a story about a rabbi who was given a test by God, in which the Satan was sent in the form of a beautiful woman to entice him. He would not look at the Satan, and when pressed, he had one ...
Baby Seal's user avatar
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Is the Story About Members of Beis Shammai Killing Members of Beis Hillel True?

The Yerushalmi Talmud at Shabbos 1:4 has a mysterious passage speaking of a time when Beis Shammai literally violently out-dueled Beis Hillel: Mishna: These are the laws they said in the attic of ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Who were members of Beth Shammai?

I know Rav Eliezer was one, but do we know other members of Beth Shammai?
chadashasurminhatorah's user avatar
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Did Rashbi Write the Zohar?

In my experience, many religious Jews think that Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai wrote the book we have today called the Zohar. The Zohar is a Jewish work of mysticism that was published in the 13th century. ...
avi's user avatar
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Is a mishna or a baraysa more authoritative?

Often, an opinion in a baraysa (by which I mean to include tosefta and any other non-mishna text of tanaim's halachic statements) and an opinion in a mishna differ on a matter of law. Is there any ...
msh210's user avatar
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Who was the "Tana Dvei Rabbi Yishmael"?

What are the teachings labeled "Tana Dvei Rabbi Ishmael"? Are they Braisos or Amoraic teachings? On one hand, on Shabbos 26b we find it arguing on Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar (a Tana). On the other ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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why was R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus excommunicated?

Bava Metzia 59b says that at the end of the episode of the Oven of Akhnai, Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus was excommunicated. (Apparently there's a makhloket about whether this was nidui or cherem.) The ...
Shivaram Lingamneni's user avatar
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R' Yehoshua Ben Levi -- A Tanna or an Amorah?

I had always assumed that R' Yehoshua Ben Levi was an Amorah. However, we know he is quoted in the mishnah in Avos (Perek 6 Mishnah 2. Which is really a braisa, not a mishnah, but still a Tannaic ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Ana B'Koach authorship and the 42 letter name of Hashem

In my Artscroll siddur it tells me that the hymn Ana B'Koach was written by the tanna, Rebbi Nechunia ben HaKana and that the first letter of each word can be used to form the 42 letter name of Hashem....
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Who were Hillel's greatest students and what were they known for?

In Succah 28a, the Gemara tells us that Hillel the Elder had 80 students of whom Yochanan ben Zakai was the "least" and Yonason ben Uziel was the greatest. There, it says of Yonason ben ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Looking for Toldos Yeshu (1705 version). Does anyone have?

I'm researching the story that the Christian Apostle Simon -- later Saint Peter -- was actually a Jewish plant who was instructed by the rabbis to change Christian observances and beliefs to make it ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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