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List of Tannaim and Amoraim with overall summary of their approach to Torah

Has anyone put together a list of Tannaim and Amoraim with analysis from their opinions in each place that they are cited to try to build an overall picture of what their approach to Torah is/what ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Why didn't the Tana'im or Amoa'im write a commentary on Tanach?

To the best of my knowledge the first time we have a verse by verse pshat (ie simple or basic authorial intent meaning) commentary on Tanach is from the Geonic period (even if the commentary is not on ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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What is the implication of the question “לימא כתנאי"?

The Gemoro often asks about an argument amongst Amoraim, “לימא כתנאי" Shall we say this is an argument of Tannaim? I see two ways of understanding this statement: 1] These Amoraim are arguing on ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Is Shmuel (Amora) considered a Tanna by the Jerusalem Talmud?

The Jerusalem Talmud Berakhot.9a (similarly Yevamot 9a or Sotah 16a) says it in the name of Tannayim: "תני יצאת בת קול ואמרה אלו ואלו דברי אלהים חיים אבל הלכה כדברי בית הלל. איכן יצאה בת קול רבי ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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What are the specifics of the fake Yerushalmi story?

I heard, long ago, about a mesechta (or entire seder, I can't recall which) of Yerushalmi that was fabricated. It was finally proven to be a fake when a rabbi realized that every mesechta (or seder) ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Does Amorayim read berayta in Gemara rather than recite it

I noticed a very atypical expression on Yevamot 40a: יתיב ר' חנינא קרא קמיה דר' ינאי ויתיב וקאמר הלכה כר' יהודה א"ל פוק קרי קרייך לברא אין הלכה כר' יהודה תני תנא קמיה דרב נחמן אין הלכה כר' יהודה ...
kouty's user avatar
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How was it decided when the period of Tannaim ended and the period of Amoraim began? [duplicate]

The era of the Tannaim was from 10-220 CE The era of the Amoraim was from 200 to 500 CE A couple questions: 1) Who or what flipped the switch to determine that one era was ending and another was ...
alicht's user avatar
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Seeking works by tanaim or amoraim

To the best of my knowledge there is only 1 full work that was authored by a rabbi from the period of the tanaim or amoraim is the work seder olam by r' yose ben chalafta. I would like to know if ...
postinganonymously's user avatar
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Examples of the sages in the Talmud going above and beyond in kindness

What are some examples in the Talmud where it tells a story of one of the sages from the time of the Mishna or Gemara showing exceptional kindness that could be a good example to other people? For ...
Aaliyah's user avatar
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How could Rav be disproved?

Frequently, when the Gemara tries to disprove Rav from a Mishna, it answers that he's considered a Tanna and can argue on a Mishna. But there's this case in Berachos 37a, where Rav and Shmuel both ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Numbers of Tannaim and Amoraim

How many names of Tannaim do we know? How many names of Ammoraim do we know? (I am asking about the names and not simply asking "how many were there" because I don't know if there were people that ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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The Tannaim and Amoraim's Intelligence

1- Do we know if any of the Tannaim or Amoraim had below average intelligence? 2- Were all of the Tannaim/Amoraim highly intelligent? My question has to do with something I'm trying to figure out. ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Mekor for R' Haim on Tannaim vs Amoraim

I've heard that R' Haim Soloveitchik said that although there is no law stating that Amoraim may not argue with Tannaim, nevertheless it isn't customary for an Amora to contradict a Tanna. Does ...
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Tannaim vs Amoiraim

Can an Amora argue with a Tanna? From the Talmud it would seem that an Amora cannot argue with a Tanna and that is why it tries to fit in all Amoraic statements into the words of the Tannaim.
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Why do we reject Rabbi Chiya's opinion?

The Gemara says (in Yevamos 42b-43a as well as other places) that "וכי רבי לא שנאה ר' חייא מנין לו". In context of Yevamos, it means that if there is an argument in a Mishna and a Stam in a Braisa, we ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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How can the Gemara bring a proof supporting רבינו from רבי אבא?

In Brachot 49a, it talks about what people must say in birkat hamazon. The top of the page is part of a braita, which quotes רבי אבא as saying that to fulfill their obligation, one must mention, ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Names of Tanaim and Amoraim

A friend mentioned to me that there are no Tanaim or Amoraim named Avraham, Moshe or Dovid and that there was "some torah" on this fact, but he couldn't remember what it was. Is there any source for ...
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Who was the "Tana Dvei Rabbi Yishmael"?

What are the teachings labeled "Tana Dvei Rabbi Ishmael"? Are they Braisos or Amoraic teachings? On one hand, on Shabbos 26b we find it arguing on Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar (a Tana). On the other ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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11 votes
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R' Yehoshua Ben Levi -- A Tanna or an Amorah?

I had always assumed that R' Yehoshua Ben Levi was an Amorah. However, we know he is quoted in the mishnah in Avos (Perek 6 Mishnah 2. Which is really a braisa, not a mishnah, but still a Tannaic ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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