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Are Rabbi Akiva's opinions disproportionately followed? [closed]

I understand that Rabbi Akiva was the foremost rabbinic leader of his time, and after the Bar Kochba revolt his students were the primary Tanaaim, and they also were responsible for organizing the ...
A L's user avatar
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Where in Shas was the psak din of Rabbi Meir vs. Rabbi Yehuda accepted?

I think I remember that, in disputes between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda, we follow Rabbi Yehuda except in two occasions. Is this correct and where are these two instances?
Stanley Cohen's user avatar
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How could Rav be disproved?

Frequently, when the Gemara tries to disprove Rav from a Mishna, it answers that he's considered a Tanna and can argue on a Mishna. But there's this case in Berachos 37a, where Rav and Shmuel both ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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How come Bais Hillel is usually lenient and Bais Shammai usually stringent?

It seems like the Bais Hillel had a tendency to be lenient in Halachic matters vs the Bais Shammai, it was a sort of a presumption to them in which they were almost always successful to back up with ...
Bach's user avatar
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Game theory in the Tanaim

I read an article a while back (maybe over a year ago?) in the Mishpacha English Magazine (I'm pretty sure, although it may have been in the Ami) that discussed a certain machlokes Tanaim about how to ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Mekor for R' Haim on Tannaim vs Amoraim

I've heard that R' Haim Soloveitchik said that although there is no law stating that Amoraim may not argue with Tannaim, nevertheless it isn't customary for an Amora to contradict a Tanna. Does ...
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Tannaim vs Amoiraim

Can an Amora argue with a Tanna? From the Talmud it would seem that an Amora cannot argue with a Tanna and that is why it tries to fit in all Amoraic statements into the words of the Tannaim.
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Who was the "Tana Dvei Rabbi Yishmael"?

What are the teachings labeled "Tana Dvei Rabbi Ishmael"? Are they Braisos or Amoraic teachings? On one hand, on Shabbos 26b we find it arguing on Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar (a Tana). On the other ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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