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Limud HaTorah in Mitzrayim

The Satmar Rav in Divrei Yoel (Parshas Vayigash, p. 480; left column) explains how Yaakov Avinu and his family were, halachically, able to leave Eretz Yisroel and settle in Mitzrayim although it is ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Source for One who is occupied with a mitzvah is exempt from [another] mitzvah

A halachic principle is: עוסק במצוה פטור מן המצוה One who is occupied with a mitzvah is exempt from [another] mitzvah. Where in the Sources is this principle expressed in these exact words?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Need the "how" steps to ask legitimate non-judgemental regarding issues needing resolution to inspire peaceful negotiation

Children are expected to ask questions. Jewish people are supposed to answer those who ask regardless of their knowledge/upbringing - i.e., the four sons represented in the Haggadah. In order to ...
A Lehodia's user avatar
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Should Hamas be treated like Amalek?

Do we say that Hamas's behaviour recently is as bad as Amalek, and therefore we have a mitzvah to completely eradicate them? If so, does that stretch to the whole of Gaza's population or even further? ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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The Baal Shem Tov: mitzvos as a gift

I've heard in the name of the Baal Shem Tov, that G-d was wondering what to give the Jewish people in order to perfect themselves. The endresult.... mitzvos, all 613 of them. G-d gave us the Torah and ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Mitzvot that regulate undesirable practices and behaviour, designed to bring a gradual end to them - sources for this general idea?

Slavery is bad, but Hashem didn't ban it, He regulated it (see start of Parshat Mishpatim). Killing our own children is bad, but Hashem didn't ban it, He regulated it (Ben Sorer Umoreh, Ki Tetze). ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Source: Male & Female Mitzvot Quote

I remember a phrase along the lines of "the virtue of a woman comes from her birth and the virtue of a man comes from his actions" in relation to mitzvot, but I cannot recall/determine its ...
אופוסום's user avatar
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Examples of "Mitzvah X was not practiced since the times of Y"

The book of Nehemia states that the Israelis didn't keep Succot from the times of Joshua Binun (about 1000 years, Nehemiah.8.17. וַיַּעֲשׂוּ כָל־הַקָּהָל הַשָּׁבִים מִן־הַשְּׁבִי סֻכּוֹת וַיֵּשְׁבוּ ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Only Kohanim get reward for mitzvos in this world

There's a concept of שכר מצוות בהאי עלמא ליכא, there is no reward for mitzvos in this world (Kiddushin 39b). Much has been written on what this means and why it's true, but I found a innovative idea ...
robev's user avatar
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What is a child held responsible for?

Related is a animal more responsible then a child? if yes why? Tangentially, to a statement made in this question: At what age is a Ben Noach responsible to perform his "mitzvot"? A child ...
rosends's user avatar
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What is the source for non-literal understanding of V'Chai Bahem?

The concept of V'Chai Bahem - "do the mitzvos to live by them" (Vayikra 18:5) - is usually understood to refer to one's physical existence (i.e. the mitzvos should not be performed if they ...
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Were the Mitzvos given because of counting of Bnei Yisrael in Bamidbar?

I was reading a Dvar Torah by a prominent Rosh Yeshiva where he stated that Chazal say that the connection between the end of Sefer Vayikra: אלה המצות אשר צוה יהוה את־משה אל־בני ישראל בהר סיני These ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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What is the mitzvah of tzedakah dependent on?

We learn in the Rambam commentary on Avos (3:19) that it is preferable to give a little bit of tzedakah to many people than a few large amounts to a few people. When does one fulfil the mitzvah of ...
Yaakov's user avatar
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Source for Geonic division of mitzvos

The Rambam and those who follow suit divide the 613 mitzvos into two groups, 248 positive mitzvos and 365 negative mitzvos. This is sourced from Makkos 23b. However, many of the Geonim (for example: ...
robev's user avatar
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Source for: Abstaining from sin being considered a mitzvah in Talmud Bavli

I remember seeing a passage in Talmud Bavli saying something along the lines of: "every moment that a person sits and does not engage in sin, he is considered to be doing a mitzvah." I'm not able to ...
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What is the source for Beis Din's obligation to enforce mitzvos

The Gemarra in Kesubos 86a and Chullin 132b teaches the following: במצות עשה כגון שאומרין לו עשה סוכה ואינו עושה לולב ואינו עושה מכין אותו עד שתצא נפשו With regard to positive mitzvot, for ...
robev's user avatar
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Source of a quote about the value of mitzvot involving pain

This quote is attributed to the Yerushalmi: One mitzvah involving pain is worth a hundred mitzvot that do not. Do you have the exact reference? Is this the only place this thought is expressed?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Sources for scientific rationale for the 613 Mizvot?

Are there any published works on the scientific rationale for any of the 613 Mizvot? For example: Handwashing: It only took the medical community did not deem it medically relevant until 2 centuries ...
Ray Frank's user avatar
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Source for it being a mitzvah to make fun of Avodah Zarah?

I've heard from multiple Rabbanim that it is a mitzvah to make fun of Avodah Zarah. I have been performing this mitzvah with pleasure for many years and I would like to know the source for it.
Nosson's user avatar
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Does the Torah command only things most people would not do naturally?

I remember a teaching that all the commandments in the Torah are things most people would not do naturally. That's why they needed to be commanded. Is this correct and what is the source?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Mitzvos from the 613 that are not included in the Ten Commandments

The Chasam Sofer to parshas Nasso says (Toras Moshe I, ד"ה ושמו שמי) that it is known that even though the Ten Commandments contain all the 613 mitzvos (see Rashi and here), the three mitzvos that ...
robev's user avatar
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Does חֵטְא וְעָוֹן include violating positive commandments

Do the words commonly mentioned in scripture E.g exedos 34,6 ֶפֶַשע חֵטְא וְעָוֹן specifically refer to negative commandments that one transgresses or do they include not performing positive ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Reversal of the number of positive and negative precepts

The Gemara in Makkos 23b states: דרש רבי שמלאי שש מאות ושלש עשרה מצות נאמרו לו למשה שלש מאות וששים וחמש לאוין כמנין ימות החמה ומאתים וארבעים ושמונה עשה כנגד איבריו של אדם R. Simlai when ...
Alex's user avatar
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what is the minimum requirement of onah (marital obligation) on the husband

(to my poor understanding it seems that usually, mitzovs have specific guidelines, of what is the minimum needed to be done to fulfill them) what is the minimum requirement of onah? (biblical and ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Rebuke for what commandments?

A person is obligated to rebuke a person from sinning Rambam Deot 6.7 It is a mitzvah for a person who sees that his fellow Jew has sinned or is following an improper path [to attempt] to correct his ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Source of phrase "tizkeh l'mitzvos"

I have noticed that when I give money to people who collect in shul, they often respond by saying "tizkeh l'mitzvos." Are there any sources before relatively recently for using this phrase?
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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613 mitzvos in the aseres hadibbros

I once heard that each of the 613 mitzvos can be categorized as being one of the 10 commandments, and was under the impression one of the early commentators did this categorization. I thought it was ...
robev's user avatar
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Hiddur Mitzvah for a la'av - does it exist?

One of the reasons given for people having long peyos is because there is a prohibition to cut them very short and they are beautifying the mitzvah by letting then grow really long. My thinking that ...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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Vilna Gaon - Mitzvah Goreres Mitzvah

I once heard (I do not recall from who or where) that The Vilna Gaon once remarked that the way to determine if one's actions were in fact a good deed, one must look at the after effects. The Gr"a is ...
Shoel U'Meishiv's user avatar
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Is the mitzva to write a Torah scroll for oneself derived from Deuteronomy 31:19?

This site cites (under Torah - 16) Deuteronomy 31:19 for the reason that there is a mitzva to write your own Torah scroll. That every person shall write a scroll of the Torah for himself. Is that ...
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Angels created through the deeds of man?

Pirke Avos 4:11 Rabbi Eliezer the son of Yaakov would say: He who fulfills one mitzvah, acquires for himself one angel-advocate; he who commits one transgression, acquires against himself one ...
Aigle's user avatar
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Adding stones or bricks to the Bais Hamikdash

As a child I was told, and now my children are being told, that when they do a Mitzva a brick gets added to the Bais Hamikdash. As pointed out by DoubleAA, the Rambam says that it is preferable to ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Is every fourth step in EY a mitzvah?

i've heard a rav saying that every fourth step you do in Eretz Yisrael is considered a mitzva. does someone have a sources for this?
yosef's user avatar
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The Chofetz Chaim on a meis mitzvah

In Ginzei Hakodesh on page 333 it says the following: "'The wise man buys mitzvos - particularly when we are speaking of 'meis mitzvah,' one that is neglected as if it were dead. It is well known ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Mitzvah and Connection

Heard from someone that מצוה, commandment, is associated with the Aramaic word צוותא, connection or togetherness. In addition, Rabbi Moshe Zeldman says, "The word Mitzvah is often translated as ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Zoroastrianism v.s. Judaism [closed]

Does anybody think Zoroastrianism inflenuced Judaism, cause online people say Zoroastrianism was the first monotheistic religion, and that Judaism copied it, also that Zoroastrianism ...
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Source for dirt of a mitzvah is good

I heard somewhere that when an object was used for mitzvah purposes and becomes dirty because of it, that the dirt is not something to be ashamed of -- it's even something good! Some examples of this ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Wanting to do a Mitzvah, getting paid for intent AND accomplishent

I heard from someone that whoever wants to do a mitzvah, Hashem gives him reward before he does the mitzvah, and after he does the mitzvah Hashem doubles it. Where is the source for this?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Does learning Torah or doing Mitzvos protect others from enemies?

I know from the gemarah Bava Basra 7b-8a that learning (being a talmid chacham) or doing many mitzvos can protect oneself from enemies (such that when a city is taxed for a wall that was built to ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Talmud's statement concerning people who believe G-d did not command all 613 mitzvos

I recall learning in the Talmud (Kesuvos, I think), that if someone believes that G-d gave all of the commandments in the Torah except one, and that one he thinks is nonsense, that shows that the ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Do a mitzva for mashiach?

I recently saw in The Moshiach Times, a popular Chabad-Lubavitch publication for children, an exhortation to "do a mitzvah for moshiach": to do a mitzva with the specific purpose of hastening the ...
msh210's user avatar
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Meditation before Mitzvah activities

Who invented the meditation that is often printed before such things as counting the 'Omer, inviting the Ushpizin, and other Mitzvoth or Mitzvah-related activities, and what is the basis for it?
Seth J's user avatar
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What is the source for Mesirath Nefesh being a virtue?

Mesirath Nefesh is widely considered a virtue. It is treated by Musar-givers throughout the world as though it is the most important virtue after fear of Heaven. But what is it based on? There are ...
Seth J's user avatar
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What is the source for the mitzvah of kiruv?

Is kiruv a mitzvah? Is it biblical or rabbinic? Is there any reason it should supersede other mitzvot? what are the sources in chazal and halacha relating to kiruv? related: Kiruv and halachik ...
rachav's user avatar
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If masturbation is so bad, why is it not in list of 613 Mitzvos?

If masturbation is, as stated in the Shulchan Oruch (Even HaEzer 23:1), "the worst sin in the Torah", then why is it not listed in any of the various lists of 613 Mitzvos and why is there no verse in ...
Baruch's user avatar
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Matzah the entire week

Is it the Vilna Gaon who maintains that it is a mitzvah to eat matzah (to eat matzah, in addition to abstaining from chametz) every day and night during the week of Passover, or somebody else? The ...
Adam Mosheh's user avatar
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No mitzvah to wear tefillin every day?

I heard that the Bet HaLevi and the Peri Megadim hold that there is no Mitzva for a person to don Tefilin everyday. Can someone source these opinions and explain exactly what they are meaning to say?
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar